Chapter 341 Maybe
The evening breeze is cool.

Brilliant starlight shines into the bamboo forest.

Jiang Fuxian lay on Chen Mu's arm as they lay in the bamboo forest and chatted.

"The stars are moving away from us."

"The world is returning to its original appearance."

Chen Mu stared at the starry sky. With the disappearance of the restriction, the distance between the fairy world and the mortal world is getting farther and farther, and the stars must return to their original positions.

There must be a new order then.

Now they still have plenty of time.

Jiang Fuxian was a little worried, "It doesn't always feel like a good sign for the return of the star sea."

"My lady, I will protect you."

"Me too."

Jiang Fuxian nodded and smiled.

Chen Mu kissed Jiang Fuxian's forehead lightly, and couldn't put it down for that soft body.

Jiang Fuxian likes to lie in Chen Mu's arms, the gentle arms are warm and comfortable.

early morning.

The morning glow falls into the bamboo forest.

Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian watched the sunrise on the top of the mountain.

They intertwined their fingers and leaned side by side, their faces glowing with red glow and warmth.

"Husband, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, it will be beautiful only if you are by my side."

"My lady, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, it is not as beautiful as yours. What should I do if I want to kiss you?"

"Senior sister allows you to kiss me."


"Senior Sister wants to come back with a kiss."


Their happiness is simple.


Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian are going to leave Lingyunzong to walk around in the mortal world, see the scenery, and live a free life.

Ziyang Peak.

Chen Mu asked Zhao Feiyan for something before he left.

"Feiyan, help me contact all the forces in the mortal world. Three months later, an important meeting will be held in the Southern Wilderness Lingyun Sect. In our name, we must notify all the sect forces."

Zhao Feiyan nodded, "Little Martial Uncle, don't worry, I promise to complete the task."

The order of heaven and earth will change, and Chen Mu now has the ability to formulate new rules.

After handing over the matter to Zhao Feiyan, Chen Mu took Jiang Fuxian to play in the mountains and rivers.

Jiang Fuxian likes to revisit his hometown.

They came to the ten-mile peach forest, where the peach blossoms were withered and there were no tourists nearby. In the past, Chen Mu could only use illusion to send Jiang Fuxian ten-mile peach blossoms.

The crimson peach blossoms sway with the wind, and Jiang Fuxian dances lightly in the sea of ​​flowers. Her dance is peerless, and she only dances for Chen Mu.

"Husband, hold my hand."

"Okay, lady."

Jiang Fuxian taught Chen Mu how to dance, but Chen Mu couldn't let go, "Husband, are you shy?"

"My lady, I just want to hug you." Chen Mu couldn't learn such a beautiful dance, so he hugged Jiang Fuxian's waist and slowly circled in the sea of ​​flowers.

in the evening.

Jiang Fuxian was making peach blossom wine in the peach grove, and Chen Mu was responsible for helping, and soon the aroma of the wine filled the air.

Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian made peach blossom cakes, as well as a few dishes with wine.

In the depths of the peach grove, there was a small table where Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian sat facing each other. On the table, there were wine and vegetables, steaming hot and fragrant.

Chen Mu snapped his fingers.

The stars gather in the depths of the peach forest.

Jiang Fuxian's pretty face reflected a faint starlight, she covered her mouth and smiled lightly, "It's so ritualistic."

The corners of Chen Mu's mouth rose, "Lady, life is about having a sense of ritual."

"Lady, I'll feed you!"

Chen Mu fed the freshest part of the red brocade fish to Jiang Fuxian's mouth, she chewed slowly, her beautiful face was smiling, she couldn't hide her joy.

"My lady, try the boiled tofu I made." Chen Mu scooped up half a spoonful with a spoon and handed it to Jiang Fuxian's mouth, who obediently opened his mouth to taste it.

"Miss, let's have some non-spicy cabbage." Chen Mu picked up the large white tea from the Immortal Medicine Garden. Jiang Fuxian was fed the non-spicy white tea just after eating boiled tofu. It was difficult for her to say a word.

Chen Mu then poured peach blossom wine for Jiang Fuxian.

The crimson peach blossom wine has a tangy aroma. Chen Mu picked up the wine glass and said softly, "You can't just eat it, lady, let me have a drink with you, please."

Jiang Fuxian picked up the wine glass, smiling all over her face, she drank it down, and the aroma of the wine spread in her mouth.

"Husband, don't bother to feed me, you eat quickly, do you want senior sister to feed you?"

"Of course I feel sorry for my wife. I'd like to feed you to eat more and gain weight."

"Where do you think I'm thin?"

Jiang Fuxian opened her arms. She felt that she was fat where she should be. Chen Mu couldn't help laughing, "My lady, you have a perfect figure."

Chen Mu picked up the Peach Blossom Crisp and handed it to Jiang Fuxian's mouth, "Miss, have a snack."

Jiang Fuxian took a bite, the surface was crispy, and the inside was soft and glutinous. She pursed her lips and blinked, "Husband, the rest is yours."

Chen Mu ate the peach blossom cake that Jiang Fuxian took a small bite of, "It's really delicious."

"Husband, eat more meat."

Jiang Fuxian handed the best goose legs to Chen Mu.

"Well, goose legs are also delicious."

"Everything my wife cooks is delicious."

"Husband, cheers."

late at night.

Chen Mu leaned against the peach tree, Jiang Fuxian leaned against his arms, "Husband, I will sing for you."


Jiang Fuxian sang softly, her voice was melodious, and Chen Mu hummed softly.

Peach blossoms fell on their shoulders.

Fireflies dotted the night.


early morning.

Jiang Fuxian sat on Chen Mu's lap, leaning against Chen Mu's arms, and she slept soundly.

Chen Mu didn't disturb Jiang Fuxian's rest, hugged her tenderly, stared at her fair and smooth jade face, and rubbed her forehead lightly with his chin.

Time passed quietly.

Until noon, Jiang Fuxian's eyelashes trembled slightly, and then slowly opened, she stretched unconsciously, her curves were graceful, and her proud figure was fully revealed.

Jiang Fuxian took off the silver hairpin, and her silver hair was scattered all over her head. She shook gently, looking full of youthful vitality, "Husband, let's go to the beach to play."

"it is good."

Chen Mu got up, reached out and picked the peaches from the tree, then peeled them and handed them to Jiang Fuxian.

They came to Lanhai Sea through the void.

The climate at the seaside is relatively dry, so Jiang Fuxian changed into a blue short skirt swimsuit. Her dress is pure and beautiful, which can make Chen Mu eat two more bowls of rice.

Chen Mu is more casual. He wears shorts and takes Jiang Fuxian surfing in the sea.

The monsters in the sea fled when they saw them, and the couple contracted the entire coastline.

The scorching sun, the cool waves, the two figures had a great time playing in the sea.

There was a lot of food in the sea, and Chen Mu picked up a lot of seafood that no one wanted by the way. After the two of them surfed, they lit a fire on the beach and made a barbecue.

Jiang Fuxian is wearing a sun hat, she can also cook barbecue now, Chen Mu handles the ingredients that can be found everywhere, and soon the beach is filled with fragrance.

Couples match, work is not tired.

In the evening, Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian were sitting on the floor, drinking coconut juice, eating cumin-flavored barbecue, and looking at each other with smiles.

This kind of life is very comfortable. Chen Mu is not interested in power and power. He just wants to live a carefree life with Jiang Fuxian, but the more he wants to live an ordinary life, the more he must obtain absolute power. Only by standing on the top can he live an ordinary life happy life.


The red sun is sinking.

The sun soaks in the sea.

Chen Mu took Jiang Fuxian for a walk by the seaside, the waves rose just above his ankles, and there were hard-to-dispel footprints on the beach, which proved that they had been here.

The cool sea breeze blows.

Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian felt refreshed.

When the sun went down and the stars were swimming in the sea, Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian sat by the seaside, watching the beautiful scenery where the sea and the sky meet, and they cuddled together.

Chen Mu's arms are very gentle, Jiang Fuxian's body is very warm, Chen Mu's right hand and Jiang Fuxian's left hand are intertwined unconsciously.

Jiang Fuxian raised his head, his blue eyes reflected Chen Mu's handsome face, Chen Mu looked down at his beautiful wife in his arms, "My lady, you are so beautiful."


Jiang Fuxian's voice was very soft.

Chen Mu approached Jiang Fuxian's red lips, Jiang Fuxian did not sit still, she took the initiative to meet her, and the two began to exchange ideas at the beach, and the battle was fierce.


Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian lived a shameless life at the beach for three months, surfing, sunbathing, eating barbecue, taking a bath, massaging each other, and sleeping every day. The time passed quickly.

March is over.

Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian returned to Lingyunzong.

All the cultivating forces in the mortal world gathered in the Lingyun Sect, including the ancient clan forces in Xuanzhou, and hundreds of representatives gathered in the entire Lingyun Sect.

Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian presided over the meeting.

The two of them sat on a high place, and the representatives of various forces sat below and didn't dare to raise their heads, and they were timid, and they didn't dare to whisper to each other.

"I have a few things I want to discuss with you. You can make decisions now for your respective forces to avoid unnecessary trouble in the future."

As soon as Chen Mu finished speaking, the power representatives sitting in the audience nodded their heads one after another. They all looked forward to Ling Yunzong's horse and knew how powerful the two were.

The mortal forces are afraid of Jiang Fuxian.

The forces in the fairy world are even more afraid of Chen Mu.

Chen Mu said indifferently: "I founded the Xiaoyao League in the fairy world. Everyone is welcome to join. If you want to join, you can raise your hand now."

Everyone talked a lot, and some ancient powers from Xuanzhou raised their hands first. They had heard of Xiaoyao League, which was the top power in the fairy world, and they had conquered the fairy gate.

Seeing that all the super powers in Xuanzhou raised their hands and decided to join the Xiaoyao League, and other powers raised their hands one after another, Mu Liuying of Fengge got up and asked: "Back then, we had an alliance with many forces in Huangzhou and Hongzhou. I want to ask Sect Master Jiang, Is there any effect?"

Jiang Fuxian shook his head indifferently, "I have no impression, it is a covenant, and there is no conflict with joining the Xiaoyao League. Chen Mu is the leader of the alliance, and I am the wife of the leader."

Chen Mu was amused by her from the bottom of his heart.

Hearing Jiang Fuxian's answer, the forces in Huangzhou and Hongzhou raised their hands one after another. Although they didn't know the benefits, they all rushed to raise their hands.

Chen Mu found that all the mortal forces wanted to join the Xiaoyao League, he nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice: "In the future, I plan to establish a new order. The Shenting established by the Protoss is responsible for the order of the world, and the Xiaoyao League is responsible for supervising the Protoss and protecting the people. .”

Hearing this, many forces became surprised. After all, the gods and cultivators have never cooperated before. Chen Mu said solemnly: "Don't worry, under the new order, all races will coexist harmoniously."

Everyone hopes for peace. Hearing Chen Mu's proposal, all forces applauded.

Chen Mu said in a deep voice: "In two days, I will arrange for a strong man from the Xiaoyao League to come to the Lingyun Sect. At that time, he will tell you the specific rules."

After the conference was over and the forces in the mortal world were dealt with, Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian were preparing to go to the Immortal Realm, and to negotiate with the Protoss.

before leaving.

Take a break at Lingyunzong for a while.

Zhao Feiyan held Jiang Fuxian's arm, and the two women walked in the Lingyunzong Mountain, "Master, your face is much rosier when you come back this time."

"eat well."

"Your little uncle feeds me delicious food every day."

"I see, I want to eat too."

Jiang Fuxian chuckled lightly and said, "In the next year of the Chen family reunion, you will come to have a meal and cook delicious food for you as a teacher."


Zhao Feiyan is not polite.

Jiang Fuxian stopped suddenly, she had an inexplicable feeling, and she covered her abdomen with her slender hands.

"Master, are you uncomfortable?"

Zhao Feiyan looked at Jiang Fuxian with a solemn expression.

Jiang Fuxian smiled and shook his head again and again, "No, let's move on."

When Chen Mu returned to Chen's house, he was going to the fairyland, and he was going to take everyone to the fairyland.

"Father, mother, do you want to go to the fairy world to see the world?" Chen Mu asked with a smile.

"If you don't go, there is no place like home."

"Ask Yingying and them."

Chen Yan and his wife don't like the fairy world, which may be the reason why the forces of the fairy world have hurt Chen Yao.

They didn't go, and Chen Wei and his wife didn't plan to go either. Chen Tong and Chen Su were already tired of playing in the fairy world, and the two of them went to Black Rock City to help the elder sister and Qin Hanlin work.

Chen Hao and Xie Ya didn't have time. In the end, only Chen Han and Chen Xi were willing to go to the fairyland, mainly because the two little guys wanted to go.

"Brother, I want to play too."

Chen Ying likes to join in the fun the most.

Both Qin Yi and Chen Ang followed Chen Ying's side as little tails. She was the most popular among the juniors, and even Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai also joined the team.

"Grandpa, you always go to the sky to have a look." Chen Mu took the initiative to invite Chen Tiannan.

Chen Tiannan shook his head and said, "Xiao Mu, you send me to Lujiazhuang, I want to drink with Lao Lu."

Chen Mu didn't force it, he sent Chen Tiannan to Lujiazhuang. Chen Tiannan didn't have many friends left, so he would go to Lujiazhuang to drink and chat when he was free.

After sending grandpa to Lujiazhuang, Chen Mu returned to Chen's house, and Chen Xi still packed up the change of clothes. She had lived for so long and never left the country of Yan. She never thought that the first time she traveled far would be the fairyland. Compared with Qin Yi And Chen Ang is even more excited.

Seeing the smiling faces of his family, Chen Mu was very satisfied. With a wave of his hand, everyone was taken to Lingyun Sect. Qin Hanlin and Chen Xi's eyes widened. They had a lot of contact with the world and had never seen super powers.

Qin Yi said crisply: "Mother, the Lingyun Sect is the strongest sect in our barren island, and the third uncle is the Lingyun Sect's junior uncle. I also want to join the Lingyun Sect."

"You join the sect, what about my brother?" Chen Xi pinched Qin Yi's face.

Chen Mu asked Qin Yi and Chen Ang to play on Aojian Peak, and Chen Xi and Chen Han couples watched the children in the mountains to prevent them from getting into trouble.

Chen Ying ran to Luoxia Peak to see Qin Nishang.

Qin Nishang was handling official duties in the bamboo house, and Chen Mu tricked her into serving as the elder of the Xiaoyao League. He knew that it was hard work, but he agreed softly.

"Sister Nishang, long time no see."

"Yingying, you are getting more and more beautiful."

"Sister Nishang is the same, my brother asked me to stop by and call you, and I will go to the fairyland later."

"Know it."

Chen Mu went to the mountain to indirect Jiang Fuxian.

"Uncle, you're back so soon."

"Of course, I don't worry about entrusting Senior Sister to your care." Chen Mu joked.

Jiang Fuxian glared at Chen Mu.

Chen Mu put his arms around Jiang Fuxian's shoulders, "We are going to go to the fairy world and come back in a while."

"Come back before the Chinese New Year, I really want to eat."

"Hahaha, no problem."

Zhao Feiyan is now the suzerain of the Lingyun Sect and cannot leave normally, so Chen Mu asked Qin Nishang to go to the Immortal Realm to help with the affairs of the Xiaoyao League.

Chen Mu walked in the mountains with Jiang Fuxian in his arms. They were not in a hurry, so they were very leisurely. Occasionally, they would meet junior disciples. The timid ones would run away when they saw them, and the brave ones would say hello before running away.

Jiang Fuxian peeked at Chen Mu from time to time.

Chen Mu found that Jiang Fuxian's little movements were cute, and asked curiously: "My lady, you are very happy, is there anything happy about it?"

Seeing Chen Mu's puzzled face, Jiang Fuxian said softly, "I might have it."

 ps: Thank you book friend 20211101184241612, thank you Benny0527, enya sweet, don’t ask me I don’t know, book friend 20190614012821985, 1314520, Luoyue Shake love Monthly ticket, thank you for your recommendation and subscription, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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