my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 344 Perfect Frame

Chapter 344 Perfect Frame
West Wilderness Underworld.

Chen Mu looked down at the dark abyss.

The mist vacated from the abyss, and finally condensed a burly figure. The projection of the Underworld Lord looked at Chen Mu, "I didn't expect you to become a supreme existence."

"Where's the devil?"

"Sealed in the depths of the starry sky by me."

Underworld Lord looked a little surprised, and murmured: "The Demon Lord will be sealed by you. You are very strong now, but you are not as good as the God Emperor back then."


Chen Mu is now on the top, mastering the way of the sword, and the blessing of the power of the plane. Although it is not complete, it can be said that he is the strongest creature in the world.

"What are you doing here?"

"Strengthen the seal."

Chen Mu had no expression on his face and his tone was indifferent.

Lord Ming frowned slightly when he heard this, "Fellow Daoist, the Demon Lord wants to destroy the world, and this emperor only wants to lead his people to survive, so why waste your energy to make things difficult for me."

"Back then you and the demon lord caused chaos in the world, and the loss of life was not something that could be simply written off." Chen Mu looked indifferent.

Underworld Lord bowed and saluted, "Fellow Daoist, this emperor is willing to reform his mistakes, so please raise your hands high."

Chen Mu said lightly: "Underworld Lord, I can give you a chance."

"Thank you, fellow daoist, I will listen carefully." Mingzhu smiled when he saw hope.

Chen Mu said solemnly: "The order of heaven and earth will be reestablished. I will build the Underworld here, move the Reincarnation Cave here, and let the Hades guard it."

"Fellow Daoist, this is a dirty and tiring job." Underworld Lord frowned slightly, dealing with dead people is really not a good job.

"you are not willing?"

Chen Mu never thought about negotiating terms.

The Lord of the Underworld looked at Chen Mu, and he knew that if he did not agree, he would be sealed forever, and even if he agreed, he would be confined in the underworld.

"How do you plan to deal with us Hades?"

"The underworld and other forces in the mortal world do not disturb each other, and I will not slaughter them, but the underworld they live in is hopeless."

The underworld is in the dark underground, and the Ming people live in dire straits. The Ming people can sense their call, "This emperor is like reincarnation, can you properly arrange the remaining Ming people?"

Chen Mu nodded, "Yes."

"The emperor agrees to your request."

"We signed the oath."

Chen Mu condensed the golden decree with the power of the plane, "First, without my permission, you can't take half a step out of the Netherworld. Second, you must maintain the stable operation of reincarnation and not slack off. Third, reincarnation is based on karma. , cannot intervene without authorization.”

"Do you accept it?"


The golden decree fell into the dark abyss.

The decree melted into the body of the Lord of the Underworld, the blood path collapsed, the Lord of the Underworld broke the seal, and he appeared in front of Chen Mu, looking much older than the projection, with a bearded face and a fierce look.

"Fellow Daoist, are you the sky now?"


"You are the co-lord of the world?"

"Not at all."

"Then what is your identity now?"

"I am now the leader of the Xiaoyao League."

The Lord of the Underworld laughed, "You are really weird. Without the blessing of the beliefs of all beings, you cannot become the master. Don't you desire power?"

"Longing, truly benefiting all beings, I believe there will be a response." Chen Mu looked calm.

The Lord of the Underworld looked at Chen Mu and said meaningfully: "This plane has not yet been born as a master, so it is easy to be hunted by strong men from other planes. Back then, we were forced to come to the plane of the underworld when we were attacked by the blood master. In this plane, form an alliance with the Demon Lord."

Chen Mu suddenly thought of something, and was a little puzzled, "When I was fighting the demon lord, he also had the power of the plane, which does not belong to this plane."

"The demon master has devoured several miniature planes. His power is second only to the real master. It is really remarkable that you can seal him."

Facing the praise of the underworld lord, Chen Mu didn't dare to take it seriously. He was inseparable from the battle with the devil lord. If it wasn't for Tiantian Yin, it would be difficult to quickly resolve the battle.

Zhentianyin is a treasure of the plane. When Chen Mu sealed the demon lord, he failed to mobilize all the power of Zhentianyin. If he fully activated Zhentianyin, he could kill the demon lord.

If you want to mobilize the full power of Zhen Tianyin, you need to master the power of the complete plane of this world.

"Is our plane big or small?"

"It's very big. In the eyes of other strong aliens, this is a big piece of fat."

The master of the underworld said in a deep voice: "This face has been sealed, and it may not be noticeable now. I think it will soon attract the attention of the alien master."

The Lord of the Underworld noticed that the original restriction of heaven and earth was disappearing, and the plane was expanding, and it would soon be difficult to hide. "If a foreign race finds that there is no ruler here, you should know the consequences."

After being reminded by the Lord of the Underworld, Chen Mu's back felt chills. There are countless planes outside their plane, as if he was in a dark forest. If he was discovered by other powerful planes, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"The law of the jungle is the law of the jungle."

Chen Mu shook his head slightly. He knew that time was running out, and said in a deep voice, "I will build reincarnation now, and you can arrange the employment of the underworld."

Mingzhu said with a smile: "I haven't gone out to see it for many years, can I go out and have a look."

Chen Mu nodded slightly, "Yes!"

The Lord of the Underworld left the Underworld, he walked in the mortal world, and appeared in the Underworld on the edge of Huangzhou in the blink of an eye.

Chen Mu began to construct reincarnation, and he sent voice transmission to the Buddha and the young monk, asking them to help.

Dizhou, countless burrows disappeared at the same time, and the reincarnation cave buried here also disappeared.

Chen Mu buried the Reincarnation Cave in the underworld with great power, Jin Chan and Jing Chen recited Buddhist scriptures, and countless undead were attracted here, waiting for their reincarnation.

The Lord of the Underworld soon returned to the Underworld with some of the strongest members of the Hades, and they began to transform the Underworld into a Nether Underworld, responsible for the reincarnation of the undead.

After seven days and seven nights.

With the help of Buddha and Buddha's sons, Chen Mu constructed the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and there are six passages for reincarnation, through which the undead can now pass.

In order to ensure the fairness of reincarnation, Chen Mu took out the reincarnation stone, condensed the reincarnation eye with the power of reincarnation, embedded the reincarnation eye on the path that the undead must pass, can see the past life of the undead, and thus determine their fate.

When the reincarnation is completed, the Lord of the Underworld will use his power to stabilize the reincarnation channel. The stability of reincarnation is only the beginning of the reconstruction of the order of heaven and earth, and there is still a lot of work to be prepared.

Chen Mu is ready to return to Guangming City.

"Little monk, do you want to go together?"

Jin Chan shook her head and said respectfully: "Benefactor, I want to walk around the world."

Jingchen also shook his head, "I want to stay here as a monk, to eliminate evil and promote good, and do my part."

Chen Mu thought it was very good, so he agreed to Jing Chen to stay in the underworld to help, and Jin Chan said again, "Benefactor, can I spread Buddhism in the world?"


Chen Mu didn't like Buddhism, but he didn't reject it, because it's a good thing for a hundred schools of thought to contend.

After solving the reincarnation of the underworld, Chen Mu was finally able to return to Guangming City. At noon, Jiang Fuxian and Qin Nishang were handling official business at the Xiaoyao League headquarters.

In the main hall, scrolls were presented for approval from time to time, and Chen Ying helped carry the scrolls.

Chen Mu came to the main hall.

He nodded and smiled at Chen Ying, "Yingying, it's really not easy for you to work here."

"I'm afraid sister Fuxian is working too hard." Chen Ying raised her eyebrows slightly. Now that everyone is concerned about Jiang Fuxian's body, she feels a little embarrassed.

Qin Nishang reminded: "Little brother, the representative of the Protoss has come to Guangming City and is waiting to discuss more detailed cooperation details with you."

"I know."

When Chen Mu came back, he sensed the existence of the Protoss, but what he cared most about was Jiang Fuxian.

"Miss, let me rub your shoulders."

Chen Mu came behind Jiang Fuxian, kneading gently and slowly, skillfully.

Jiang Fuxian looked back and smiled, "Husband, you are the one who is really working hard, take a break first, there will be a meeting later, you still have a lot to do."

"Not urgent."

"I'll see the baby."

Chen Mu sensed the little life in Jiang Fuxian's belly, and the life fluctuations became stronger and stronger. Because of the absorption of the soul lotus, the little baby's soul became stronger and stronger.

The new life in Jiang Fuxian's belly is still in a hazy state, and the fluctuation of the soul is getting stronger and stronger, but it has not yet formed consciousness, not even a physical body. In this state, it must take a good rest and cannot be injured.

"Husband, you care about the child in my stomach every day, will you love the child more in the future?"

"Of course I love my wife the most, but children also need to be cared about."

After Chen Mu came, he handled the work very quickly. After finishing the work at hand, "Senior Sister, let Zixuan inform the Shenzu."

"it is good."

Qin Nishang went to deal with it immediately.

Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian continued to discuss specific details. Chen Ying couldn't understand, but liked to watch them.

Happy Building.

All the senior officials of the Protoss were present, represented by Zhuzhao, Youying, and Mandala, the three supreme beings of the Protoss, and some God Emperors came.

In the garden downstairs, Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian appeared at the same time, and they walked towards Jiang Donghuang and Ji Xuanyun, "My father-in-law, my mother-in-law."

Chen Mu saluted the two of them.

Dong Huang and Xuan Yun were very happy.

Jiang Yuchen, who was handsome and martial, said respectfully: "I have met my sister and brother-in-law."

Chen Mu quickly explained, "I've been busy with reincarnation in the underworld recently, and I just finished my business."

Empress Xuan Yun smiled and said kindly: "We know you are very busy now, we understand."

Chen Mu immediately bowed his hands to the Qingyue Emperor, "I have seen Senior Qingyue."

The two didn't have much contact, but the Qingyue Emperor helped Chen Mu, and he remembered it in his heart.

Emperor Qingyue nodded slightly, and Lei Huanyin beside her bowed slightly to Chen Mu.

Liu Zhongyuan and Quanhuang came to the garden at the same time, Qi Qi rode on Shi Qilin's neck, all the high-level officials gathered, and they held a formal meeting in Xiaoyao Building.

Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian sat on the east side of the long table, and the Supreme Being of the Protoss and the top powerhouses of the Xiaoyao League sat on both sides. The God Emperor of the Protoss and the high-level officials of the Xiaoyao League knew that they were sitting on the periphery and listening to their discussions.

Those who are qualified to participate in the discussion are all top experts who have participated in the fight against the devil. Chen Mu presented his specific plan, which is a very long scroll.

Zhu Zhao looked at the scroll given by Chen Mu,
Youying handed over the specific plan formulated by the Protoss to Chen Mu, "I also ask the leader to review it, if there is something that is not satisfactory, we can discuss it."

Chen Mu opened the scroll, and he and Jiang Fuxian looked at the plan formulated by the Protoss.

Jiang Fuxian watched silently.

Chen Mu read it quickly. In the plan formulated by the Protoss, the Protoss has a higher status than other races. The most obvious agreement is that the Protoss can live forever, and other races cannot, otherwise it will destroy the balance of heaven and earth.

Jin Chan mentioned to Chen Mu that if everyone can live forever, the energy of the world will be exhausted soon. The power of the protoss is divine power, endowed by the way of heaven, and will not consume the energy of the world.

Immortal cultivators consume the energy of heaven and earth to cultivate immortals, but it is obviously unfair to deprive immortal cultivators of their lifespan.

Zhu Zhao looked at the plan made by Chen Mu, he nodded again and again, thinking that the method was very good, Mandala and Youying were both thinking.

The immortal cultivators and protoss experts sitting on the periphery were all curious about the process of their discussion.

"The immortal system, this is a good idea." Zhuzhao agreed with Chen Mu's framework, and Youying and Mandala nodded slightly.

In the framework constructed by Chen Mu, the Immortal System and the Heavenly Tribulation Mechanism were introduced. The Protoss and Immortal Cultivators are collectively referred to as Immortals, and jointly manage the world.

Immortal cultivators can become gods after crossing the catastrophe and becoming immortals. At this time, they can absorb incense and live longer through incense, and the decay speed of the energy of heaven and earth will also be slowed down.

The existence of the catastrophe will also block the path of most immortal cultivators to become immortals. When the whale falls and all things are born, they will return to the original ecology.

Even gods will have a catastrophe. If the number of incense sticks is not enough and the performance is not good, they will suffer a catastrophe, deprive of the qualifications of the gods, and practice again.

In this system, the protoss will also be robbed, Zhuzhao and the others don't really care about it. At their level, they have no fear even if it is a catastrophe, but other protoss may find it difficult to accept it, and they are still considering it.

Youying smiled and asked: "Leader, isn't it appropriate that the Protoss also have a catastrophe?"

Chen Mu explained with a smile: "You just need to understand that if you serve all living beings well, you can collect enough incense and you won't be robbed."

"That's right, our protoss will decline because of the lack of such rules." Zhu Zhao nodded slightly, Chen Mu's framework is very good.

Mandala shook his head slightly, and said lightly: "The framework is good, but there are big loopholes!"

"In this framework, all living beings can live happily, but they still need immortals? You determine the calamity for the cultivators and the immortals, but you don't determine the calamity for all living beings!"

"There is no catastrophe for all living beings. They will think about praying for the protection of the gods. Can we have incense?"

Chen Mu understood the meaning of Mandala.

Even Liu Zhongyuan and Shi Qilin nodded.

Chen Mu couldn't help looking at Jiang Fuxian, he was a little unsure about paying attention, "Lady, what do you think?"

Jiang Fuxian said softly: "I also hope to have a perfect world, but being too perfect means numbness. I think disaster is necessary."

Chen Mu hopes to build a perfect world. He looked at Zhuzhao, "What parts do you think are inappropriate, can you bring them up for discussion now?"

Zhuzhao said in a deep voice: "In this framework, Shenting and Xiaoyaomeng supervise each other, but we finally chose to abandon the establishment of Shenting, after all, we disagree."

Chen Mu looked at Mandala and the others. They were the supreme beings of the Protoss, and neither of them accepted the other, so the Divine Court fell apart in the end.

If Jiang Fuxian became the Lord of the Divine Court, they would definitely have no objection. Now that the Divine Court has completely disintegrated, Zhu Zhao looked at Chen Mu and said solemnly: "I have discussed with the gods of the Divine Realm after I arrived in Guangming City. Our Divine Race can listen to you temporarily, but there are condition."

"What conditions?"

Chen Mu was a little surprised that the Protoss was willing to surrender.

Zhu Zhao said in a deep voice: "You inherit the power of the plane, you are the sky, we can regard you as the emperor of heaven, but you must hand over the rights to the children of the goddess of light in the future, this is the condition of our gods."

Jiang Fuxian is pregnant, and ordinary strong people can't sense it, but Zhuzhao is the supreme god, and he is keenly aware of it, so he discussed it with the gods.

Jiang Fuxian didn't expect this matter to be made public, she shook her head helplessly, Chen Mu looked serious, he didn't want the child to bear the burden.

It's fine if it's a boy.

"The child is not yet born, so I can't make decisions for the child. If our child is willing in the future, I can agree to your terms." Chen Mu looked at Jiang Fuxian and said.

Chen Mu did not agree to their conditions for the child in Jiang Fuxian's womb.

Zhuzhao got up and said solemnly: "That's for the future, we are now willing to regard you as the Emperor of Heaven and support you in rebuilding order."

Youying and Mandala nodded at the same time.

Seeing the Shenzu nod, Shi Qilin and the senior officials of Xiaoyaomeng showed smiles on their faces.

"The loophole you mentioned, please give me some time to deduce." Chen Mu left Xiaoyao Building, wanting to verify whether a perfect world can be built.

Candlelight they can only continue to wait.

Everyone suddenly felt that the time had become too long.

 ps: Thank you prince for your reward, thank you Avex, and the simple monthly ticket, thank you for your recommendation tickets and subscriptions, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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