my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 347 Difficult Choices

Chapter 347 Difficult Choices
Chen Mu got the Buddhist scriptures, and then took Jiang Fuxian to the deepest part of the underworld, where the Lord of the Underworld sat on the dark throne and was in charge of reincarnation.

"What happened to the Emperor of Heaven?"

"Want to ask about the news about the other side?"

The Lord of the Underworld condensed his face slightly, and said solemnly: "The other shore is boundless, and there are three thousand big worlds. The Nether Plane I am in is only a medium-sized plane. resources, or migrate.”

Jiang Fuxian looked at the Underworld Lord with a calm expression, "Since the Nether Plane is a medium-sized plane, why don't you master the power of the Nether Plane?"

Chen Mu also noticed that the Lord of the Underworld did not have the power of the plane, and the latter shook his head and sighed, "My plane has encountered alien invasions, and the power of the plane has been plundered in large quantities. I use the remaining part to trade with the devil. , so he brought the clansmen to his plane."

The high-level planes will plunder the resources of the low-level planes, and the weak will prey on the strong, which is applicable everywhere.

Chen Mu then asked: "How much do you know about the information on the other side?"

The Underworld Lord couldn't help shaking his head, "It's very limited. After my plane collapsed, it was the Demon Lord who brought me here. He must know more than me."

"Please tell me what you know."

"After leaving the original plane, the outside world is like an ocean. If you cross the void, it is easy to leave space ripples, which is very dangerous."

"There is no absorbable energy outside. Even if you find other planes, it will be difficult to enter because there is a strong barrier, unless you find a plane channel."

"The devil told me that his plane was once very powerful, it was the top ten super plane in the sequence, but it declined for some reason."

This is all the information the Lord of the Underworld knows.

Chen Mu obtained a lot of useful information. He took Jiang Fuxian back to Xiaoyaomeng, and they found Quanhuang, who was once a fierce general under the demon lord.

"Senior Quanhuang, I want to ask if you know the news from the other side?" Chen Mu said respectfully.

Quan Huang replied with a smile: "I know very little. Back then, our Yaozu plane was targeted by the master of the Shura plane and forced to flee. We met the god emperor of this plane on the road. He was looking for something. Then the God Emperor reached an agreement with the Demon Lord."

Now that the demon lord is sealed, it is definitely not possible to find him, but the obsession of the god emperor is at the side of Lei Chi, so maybe you can find useful information from him.

Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian bid farewell to Quanhuang. The two of them appeared on the black Great Wall, the silver-white thunder pool flickered, and there was a black figure not far away.

"I've seen Senior God Emperor!"

Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian bowed at the same time.

The black shadow approached slowly, and he said in a deep voice, "You are here to ask for news about the other shore."

Chen Mu nodded, "That's right, I want to go to the other side, does senior have any information about the other side."

"I haven't seen the other shore, I only see the sea of ​​bitterness. If you want to get useful information, you can go to the realm of reincarnation. There are strong alien races that I have sealed." The god emperor gave Chen Mu a clue.

Chen Mu thought of the Eternal Tribulation Reincarnation Domain, where he once felt the presence of forbidden creatures.

"Why did senior leave the plane before?"

"At the beginning, the world was short of resources. If you want to change this situation, you can only get back the lost power of the plane. You can try to find it."

Chen Mu knew that the God Emperor had failed, and the lost power of the plane was related to the blue jade in Chen Mu's hand, so it was difficult to crack the secret.

Jiang Fuxian understood that they obtained a lot of information, but very little key information.

"Thank you senior."

Chen Mu took Jiang Fuxian back to Xiaoyaomeng. In the palace, the couple read Buddhist scriptures together.

"The other shore is a place of longevity, with inexhaustible energy. The area outside the plane is called the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, and countless planes are scattered in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness."

"There is no record of the other side in the Buddhist scriptures."

Chen Mu took out a green stone, which contained mysterious energy substances, which did not belong to this plane. "The Desolate Lord once went to the other side. Maybe this stone came from the other side. Maybe we can find the other side through this stone."

Chen Mu then took out the blue jade. When the two stones met, the lines inside the jade gradually unfolded, and the golden lines appeared.


Jiang Fuxian had a smile in his eyes.

As long as they can find the other side, they have the opportunity to solve the dilemma of insufficient resources.

The end point of this route is very far away, and it is unclear whether it is the other side. The deserted world is very close to Chen Mu and the others, so they can go to the deserted world to complete the sign-in task first.

The desolate master can reach the end of the route. With Chen Mu's current strength, it should not be a problem to get there. "I will call the strongest creatures in the plane now and discuss with them about going to the other shore."

Chen Mu contacted Zhuzhao and the others with his mind, and asked them to rush to Guangming City immediately.

Jiang Fuxian was a little worried, she was afraid that other strong men would not let them leave.

Taking advantage of the candlelight when they came to Xiaoyao League, Chen Mu came to the place where Lin Wushuang was detained.

In the dark prison cell, there are restrictions all over the place, and Lin Wushuang is imprisoned by chains.

Chen Mu stood outside the prison cell, he was not angry and majestic, Lin Wushuang saw his body trembling unconsciously, and the phantom came out from the dark, "Master Tiandi, this kid has explained many things a long time ago. You were very busy back then. It was not reported to you."

Lin Wushuang knelt on the ground with a desperate voice, "Please forgive me, my lord, I will say anything,"

Chen Mu glanced at what Xuying asked, and said with a light smile, "So you are descendants of the Immortal Lord. I wonder which plane your Immortal Clan comes from?"

"I don't know, I was born on this plane." Lin Wushuang shook his head repeatedly.

Chen Mu said in a deep voice: "Is there any way for you to find the Emperor's Mansion and find traces of the immortal clan?"

Hearing this, Lin Wushuang broke into a cold sweat, he could feel Chen Mu's terror now, "My lord, please spare us, please let us live."

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hunt them down, I'm just worried that the fairy clan will encounter trouble outside, and I'm also afraid of causing trouble to my plane."

"My lord, the compass on my body can track the emperor's mansion." Lin Wushuang quickly took out the golden compass, and the direction of the compass pointed to the direction of the plane passage.

Chen Mu took the compass, looked at Lin Wushuang, and said calmly, "Are you willing to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds?"

"Yes, yes, no matter what your lord asks me to do, I'm willing." Lin Wushuang was overjoyed, as long as he survived.

Chen Mu said indifferently: "Since you are from the emperor's mansion, you should go to the underworld. Anyway, it's almost the same. I'm responsible for sorting out the list of dead souls every day, understand?"


Lin Wushuang knew that it was hard work, but it was infinitely better than being executed, "Thank you sir, I will work hard."

Chen Mu put away the golden compass.

In the courtyard, Chen Ying accompanied Jiang Fuxian.

When Chen Mu came to Dizhou, he wanted to obtain outside information through the forbidden creatures imprisoned by the god emperor.

Ancient fairy city.

When Xiao Luomu saw Chen Mu, he knelt down and bowed down. He forcibly calmed down, still sweating profusely.

Chen Mu ignored him. In the cave deep in the fairy city, the Hundred Wars Supreme was sitting cross-legged on the Taoist platform. He was scarred and scarred. He lived from ancient times to the present. After countless battles, there is not much time left.

"Congratulations, little friend, for becoming the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Senior Bai Zhan, you have helped me before, now is the time for this junior to repay you."

Chen Mu raised his hand. He wanted to help Baizhan Supreme, but the latter shook his head, "No, I've lived enough. I have fought in this life, and I haven't lived a happy life for a moment. I hope to live an ordinary life in the next life."

Hearing what Bai Zhan Zhizun said, Chen Mu bowed to him, full of respect.

Chen Mu appeared in the Eternal Tribulation Reincarnation Domain.

The demon gods of the sealed land and the powerful immortals all looked at Chen Mu in fear. They understood that the existence in front of them was not something they could provoke.

"I can let you go out, as long as you swear to surrender to me, if you violate it, you will be smashed to pieces, and your soul will be scattered." Chen Mu looked indifferent.

It is very quiet in the sealed field.

A white-haired immortal expert knelt in front of Chen Mu and said respectfully, "I would like to surrender."

Immediately afterwards, the protoss and fairy clan powerhouses bowed down one after another, as well as the immortal cultivator powerhouses. Although their strength was not as strong as the Supreme God, they were still very powerful.

Only the demon god did not surrender.

Chen Mu condensed the golden seal with the power of the plane, and then melted into the body of the strong man who made the oath, and they were sent out of the sealed place one after another.

In the secret realm, these strong men saw the light of day again, their faces were full of joy, but without Chen Mu's order, they did not dare to act rashly.

Ancient Immortal City didn't do anything to them either.

"Senior Qin, I want to invite you out of the mountain!" Chen Mu looked at the old man on the island.

Mr. Qin was sealed here voluntarily. With a smile on his face, he said calmly, "This is a good place to enlighten the Tao, and the old man is still reluctant to leave."

Chen Mu said solemnly: "Senior, I need your help. The new world order has just been established, and there are still many places that need manpower."

"In this case, the old man agrees to my little friend's request and makes some contributions to this world." Elder Qin is willing to help. He is a powerful human being, a strong man in the imperial realm, and has the ability to preside over the overall situation.

Elder Qin was also sent out of the sealed land by Chen Mu.

In the ancient fairy city, the Supreme Lord of Hundred Wars dragged his broken body to greet him, "Meet the Emperor Zhan!"

"No need to be polite."

Old Qin shook his head slightly. He was very warlike many years ago, but suddenly realized in his later years, put down the butcher knife, and sealed himself in the realm of eternal calamity reincarnation, not caring about world affairs.

Inside the Eternal Tribulation Reincarnation Domain, Chen Mu looked at the depths of the darkness, where there were special creatures that were imprisoned, emitting purple light all over their bodies, like amethyst.

Chen Mu raised his hand, and he held the cube-shaped amethyst in his hand, and then exerted a little force, the creature similar to the amethyst began to deform, and then burst into purple light, as if it was suddenly awakened.

"Hey! It hurts!"

A mechanical female voice sounded in Chen Mu's ears.

Amethyst is very different from normal life, even completely different from Underworld Lord and Buddha Clan. Chen Mu let go of his hand, and that piece of amethyst turned into a purple square snake, swimming in the darkness.

Chen Mu looked at the little purple square snake and said calmly, "What plane are you from?"

The purple square snake stared at Chen Mu, then shrank its neck, and replied with a mechanical voice: "I come from a high-level plane in the top [-] of the sequence, and I was looking for endless energy. I came here by accident, and then I was imprisoned." it's here."

"A high-level plane?"

Chen Mu smiled and said, "Tell me what you know, and I'll let you out."

"Okay, but I know a lot of information, and I have a lot of plane knowledge bases." Seeing the hope, the little purple square snake readily agreed.

Chen Mu grabbed the little purple square snake, then condensed a golden ball of light and sealed it inside.

The purple square snake turns into a purple ball. Its body can change at will, similar to a puppet. It has no living matter, but has life energy.

Chen Mu also found a humanoid taboo creature covered in feathers, "Where are you from?"

The forbidden creature did not answer.

The purple creature in Chen Mu's hand replied with a mechanical voice: "It is a creature from a low-level plane, and it will not reveal the plane it is in, so you don't want to get any information from it."

"Then you are not afraid?"

"I am a creature from a high-level plane. There is a master in our plane, and the plane you are in can't threaten the plane I am in."

Chen Mu thought the alien creature in his hand was very interesting, "What's your name?"

"My name is Purple Potato."

"It's an interesting name."

"Among these alien creatures, is your plane the strongest?" Chen Mu asked curiously.

A proud expression appeared on Purple Potato's round face, "Of course, I am from a high-level plane of Sequence 79. When I passed by your plane, I thought it was a plane of ruins, but I didn't expect there to be creatures."

"The plane of ruins?"

"The plane that has been plundered or the plane where order has collapsed, your plane is inconspicuous, otherwise I would not rush in."

Chen Mu said lightly: "You are looking for endless energy, why did you come to our plane?"

Purple Potato replied: "I need to replenish energy, I wanted to come here to have a look."

Chen Mu sealed the purple sweet potato in a golden ball to cut off its connection with the outside world, "If I can find the other side, maybe I can help you solve the crisis."

"Do you know the other side?"

The whole purple potato is glowing.

Chen Mu smiled lightly: "If there is really endless energy, I don't mind sharing it with everyone."

"It's a pity, we haven't found any clues after searching for so long, it must be fake." Purple Potato shook his head, it just wanted to return to its own plane now.

Chen Mu was about to leave, he looked at the demon gods around him, "You don't want to be free?"

Jiusi Demon God sneered and said, "Freedom controlled by you is not real freedom. I believe the Demon Lord will give us real freedom."

Three Eight Demon God sneered and said, "I can tell you a secret, the Demon Lord has allies from other planes, and your luck is coming to an end."


Demon God Nine Eight was severely injured by Chen Mu, Demon God Eight Nine and Demon God Nine Two disappeared after him, not avoiding him, but going to other planes to rescue soldiers.

Three Eight Demon God sneered and said, "Chen Mu, you haven't won yet, let's see who has the last laugh."

Chen Mu's eyes narrowed slightly.

Just one look broke the body of the Thirty-eight Demon God. Although it would not die in the realm of eternal reincarnation, this process would make it very painful.

Chen Mu put the purple sweet potato into the Sumeru ring, and then left the sealed land. He took Qin Lao and the gods and immortals who had just been released to Xiaoyaomeng.

Back in Xiaoyaomeng, Chen Mu asked Yu Zixuan to arrange for Mr. Qin and the others to rest first. The work still needs time to be arranged. Zhuzhao and them came one after another.

Happy Building.

Zhuzhao and Shi Qilin were all present, and they were all the strongest fighters in the plane, including Qin Lao, Chen Ying and Qin Nishang were also in the building.

Chen Mu said solemnly: "Everyone, the situation is urgent. Fu Xian and I are going to the outside world."

Chen Ying and Qin Nishang were surprised, and the others frowned slightly. Zhu Zhao said in a deep voice, "How many years can our order last?"

"I have deduced many times, up to 10 years! There is still a bigger crisis right now. The demon lord has allies in other planes. The demon lord's subordinates have left from the plane channel. I have to deal with it." Chen Mu looked dignified , he knew the seriousness of the situation.

Mandala's face was dark when he heard the words, "The devil is really unwilling to give up!"

Hearing this, everyone agreed that Chen Mu went to stop them, Zhu Zhao said in a deep voice, "You can't leave at the same time, if you all leave, who do we listen to?"

Chen Mu said solemnly: "There are still rules of heaven! You should act in accordance with the rules of heaven!"

Shi Qilin shook his head slightly, "Tianguo is dead, and sometimes someone needs to make decisions. I don't think anyone is qualified to do so except you two."

Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian fell into deep thought.

Youying reminded: "One thing is very important. If you leave, you will take away the power of the plane, and the barrier of our plane will become very weak. If we encounter a powerful creature at this time, we can only wait for death."

The plane barrier guards the plane. If someone stronger than the creatures inside the plane appears, it will block the enemy outside. If Chen Mu takes away all the power of the plane, the plane barrier will be as brittle as paper.

Chen Mu looked at Jiang Fuxian, the couple looked at each other, and they had to make a choice.

 ps: Thank you for the monthly ticket voted in the realm of the beginning, thank you for your recommendation tickets and subscriptions, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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