my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 356 The Seal of the Wheel

Chapter 356 Mark Of Reincarnation
The dark blue plane, the blue pole star.

Chen Mu stood on a high place, overlooking the bottom, where there was a calm sea, looming.

After careful observation, it can be found that it is not a real ocean, but a spiritual and material composition, which gathers but does not disperse, similar to the sea of ​​consciousness of a cultivator.

Chen Mu came to the blue spiritual ocean, he was absorbing the spiritual substance here, the primordial spirit sat cross-legged in the sea of ​​consciousness, exuding divine brilliance.

The scriptures of Immortality Law emerged around Yuanshen. The Immortality Law absorbs and refines special substances into immortal substances. Only immortal souls can truly live forever.

Those supreme beings guarding the ancient fairy city, even if their souls are exhausted, even the heavenly medicines are useless. The Immortal Law can make their souls immortal and last forever.

The sacred golden substance appeared in the primordial spirit, exuding a sacred aura. Chen Mu integrated the immortal law into the primordial spirit, and the immortal substance and the primordial spirit completely merged.

Soon, half a year passed.

The blue ocean completely disappeared, and Chen Mu's primordial spirit exuded divine brilliance, entwined with immortal chains, holy and inviolable.

Chen Mu set foot on the peak, thinking that it would be difficult to break through, but after coming to the dark blue plane, he broke through the limit many times, condensing an immortal body and an immortal soul.

There was still a faint blue light not far away. Chen Mu looked up and saw a blue branch in the gravel, which was about the length of chopsticks.

Chen Mu picked up the blue branch from the air, and could feel the terrifying energy contained in it, and there was a special substance inside it that he had never seen before.

This branch is straight in shape, similar to chopsticks, and feels like jade. The blue spiritual substance around it comes from this mysterious branch.

"This is the key."

Yun Mengchen appeared beside Chen Mu.

Chen Mu looked at the blue transparent branch in his hand, and was a little puzzled, "Senior, what kind of key is this?"

"The key to the void."

"Too empty."

Chen Mu has heard that it is a world that only the spiritual body can go to, and it has many good fortunes.

The corners of Yun Mengchen's mouth rose slightly, "The land of Taixu likes to take in those who are afraid of reality, and there are also many spiritual medicines that are not available in reality."

"Your soul can go to the land of Taixu through this branch. There is no time there. You can realize Taoism and practice there, and pick great medicine."

"How can I get back?"

"This branch will bring you back."

Chen Mu looked at Yun Mengchen, and needed her assistance to go to the land of emptiness. It was very unsafe to leave the soul, let alone in someone else's territory.

Yun Mengchen knew Chen Mu's worry, "If you want to go to the land of emptiness, I can protect you, after all, you are the hope of our plane."

Chen Mu smiled slightly, "Senior, of course I can trust you, senior."

"Hurry up, the time left for you to become stronger is very limited." Yun Mengchen urged.

Chen Mu held the transparent branch, and then his soul was attached to the branch. His body was still in place, and his soul and consciousness went to a distant country.

Yun Mengchen took the transparent branch from Chen Mu, and brought his body back to the water star.


Chen Mu opened his eyes.

He stood in the clear stream.

This is a body condensed by soul, he can feel the stream flowing from his ankles, the breeze is blowing on his face, and he can look up at the blue sky when he looks up. Not far away are lush flowers and plants, green trees and green grass.

Chen Mu soared into the sky, looking at the scene in front of him, it was like a paradise.

"This is the place of emptiness?"

Chen Mu felt like Zhuang Zhou was dreaming of a butterfly, but he couldn't tell what was false and what was real.

The scene in front of him could be touched and felt. He went into the woods to pick the fruit. After taking it, his body felt like a fairy, and his spirit was lifted.

Chen Mu discovered that there are many glowing plants in the mountains and forests. They are all great medicines containing special substances. There are no living creatures nearby, so they can be picked at will.

"Is this the spiritual medicine?"

Not far away, there is a red flower with flames lingering among the flowers, which looks illusory and hazy.

Chen Mu took off the flowers and took them. His body was burning and green smoke was rising from his body. The spiritual medicine had the effect of tempering the soul.

The burning pain of the soul was many times more painful than the tearing of the body, Chen Mu gritted his teeth and persisted, his eyes were glowing with fire.

I don't know how long it took before the flames on Chen Mu's body disappeared, but there were two rays of fire in his eyes, which could see through the emptiness and see the scene in the distance.

Chen Mu continued to move forward, walking all the way, devouring the spiritual medicine all the way, resources were everywhere, but he didn't meet any living creatures.

There is no time here, but there is night and day, and the sky is high and the earth is wide, and all things grow.

For an unknown amount of time, Chen Mu devoured countless spiritual medicines, and his body transformed into a child's appearance with crystal clear skin.

The soul is also transforming and regrowing.

Chen Muhua turned into a golden light and traveled proudly in the land of Taixu. He wanted to find the creatures living here. The creatures here must know many secrets.

After a long time, he saw the incomplete ancient city piled up with bluestones. The ancient city was only half in size, and in the distance was a black curtain that even Chen Mu couldn't peek into.

Even when he came here, Chen Mu did not sense any traces of other beings. When he came to the ancient city, he saw the spotless streets.

The room was much messier. It seemed that there were creatures who lived here, but they left again.

In the middle of the ancient city, there is a stone tablet with ancient patterns engraved on it. Chen Mu doesn't recognize it, but he can guess the general meaning. It should be forbidden to pass.

When he came near the black curtain, Chen Mu's consciousness couldn't penetrate the black curtain. He reached out to touch it, but still couldn't pass through it, like an indestructible wall.

Chen Mu retreated a few feet, and he condensed a golden long sword with his powerful mental power. The sword blasted on the black curtain, and finally dissipated like a stream of light.

The ancient city was shaking.

Chen Mu continued to check in the city, and finally found clues about the land of Taixu in the temple. There was a portrait in the temple, which was a tree.

"This is the place of emptiness."

Chen Mu suddenly realized that the place he was in was also the Land of the Void, but it was not complete, it was just a drop in the bucket of the Land of the Void.

"not good."

Chen Mu had a bad feeling.

Yun Mengchen lied to him that this is the key to the land of emptiness, but this is only a corner of the land of emptiness, she must not be telling the truth.

Chen Mu's soul is trapped here, and Yun Mengchen is the only one who wants to leave.

"Does she want to seize the house?"

Now that Chen Mu's soul is immortal, it is not so easy to seize the house, so he no longer thinks about it, and now he has to find a way to leave here, he left the ancient city.

There are still a lot of spiritual medicines here. While devouring the spiritual medicines, Chen Mu tried to sense the outside world, but all ended in failure.

"Living in the land of emptiness is tantamount to living in a dream. Fate is ultimately controlled by others." Chen Mu murmured softly. He was wondering where the tree where the land of emptiness was located was hidden. If that tree If it is destroyed, will the creatures living in it disappear?
The more spiritual medicine Chen Mu devoured, the more energetic his soul became. With his eyes glowing with fire, he could see all the scenes in this land of emptiness.

All the top-level spiritual medicines were discovered by him, and he couldn't leave. Chen Mu could only keep devouring the spiritual medicines, and spots appeared on his soul.

Chen Mu's soul looked inside, and these spots had a faint golden light. As the spiritual substances absorbed increased, the number continued to increase and gradually spread.

Chen Mu's consciousness came into contact with a spot of light, and then saw a special picture, a strange memory was awakened, and his soul was shaking.

He saw the heavens annihilated, and star fields turned into dust one after another. The process was very short, like a slide, flashing by.

Chen Mu stared at the spots in the depths of the soul, he understood that this was the imprint of reincarnation, and the dust-covered memory in the depths of the soul was about to wake up.

This seal of reincarnation is hidden very deeply, and it has not been completely unlocked. It requires a lot of spiritual substances. Chen Mu is a little hesitant. He is considering whether to unlock the seal of reincarnation. If he completely unlocks the seal of reincarnation, he may no longer be a The original self.

Only immortal kings and above can be reincarnated, leaving a mark of reincarnation, and once awakened, they can obtain a powerful inheritance, but the fragments of the mark of reincarnation appear only when Chen Mu's realm reaches the peak.

If there is no spiritual medicine, he may never be able to awaken his reincarnation imprint.

Chen Mu wasn't investigating those imprint fragments, he was still absorbing spiritual substances, the spots spread, and the fragments of the reincarnation imprint became more and more complete.

He swam proudly in this land of emptiness, walked through nowhere, picked countless spiritual medicines, and finally condensed a complete imprint of reincarnation.

The golden reincarnation imprint is imprinted in the soul, Chen Mu has no intention of unlocking the imprint, if undoing the imprint, he may be dominated by the will of his previous life.

Yun Mengchen hasn't let him out yet, so Chen Mu can only stay here, and he is still devouring spiritual medicine to strengthen his soul.

"This is?"

Chen Mu noticed something strange.

There are golden spots emerging from the depths of the soul, which are completely different from the first reincarnation mark. Chen Mu's eyes were startled, "There is more than one reincarnation mark."

Chen Mu had never heard of someone possessing two reincarnation marks in ancient books. With the increase of golden spots, it was obviously reincarnation fragments.

These reincarnation fragments are enough to prove that there are at least two reincarnation imprints in his soul.

The imprint of reincarnation requires at least the strength of an immortal king to leave it, and there are two in his sea of ​​consciousness. If he releases the powerful inheritance accumulated in the two generations, Chen Mu can hardly imagine how high he can reach.

Chen Mu continued to devour the spiritual medicine, and he swallowed all the spiritual medicine in this land of emptiness, and the second reincarnation imprint had just condensed half.

To awaken the second imprint of reincarnation, you need more spiritual medicine, unless you find a land of emptiness, or get other good luck.

Water Star, Yunmeng Palace.

Chen Mu was lying on the broad white jade platform, and Yun Mengchen was sitting beside him, the blue transparent branch swaying between her slender fingers.

Yun Mengchen watched as the transparent branches continued to dim, and gave her less and less time.

"I have practiced Taoism for millions of years, and I have seen countless strong winds and waves, but I never thought I would be so nervous."

Yun Mengchen turned her head to look at Chen Mu, not knowing what to do, she did not dare to disobey the order of the Creator God, but she also did not want to take advantage of Chen Mu.

"What am I afraid of?"

Yun Mengchen couldn't help murmuring, she knew in her heart that she was afraid that Chen Mu would reject her request.


Yun Mengchen suddenly crushed the branches.

The crystal streamer was floating in the palace.

Chen Mu watched the land of emptiness completely collapse, his soul returned to the sea of ​​consciousness, his eyes were wide open, and the fire was reflected in his eyes, and he sat up instantly.

Yun Mengchen was sitting beside him, their faces almost bumped into each other, Yun Mengchen's pretty face was fair and smooth, with arrogance in his eyes.

There is no wave in Chen Mu's heart, no matter how beautiful it is, it can't make him tempted. In his eyes, Yun Mengchen sees a lake that is as clear as a mirror.

Yun Mengchen was a little disappointed, she understood that people who devote themselves to cultivating the Tao do not have the seven emotions and six desires.

Chen Mu got up, smiled and said: "Thank you for your help, senior, I have benefited a lot this time."

Chen Mu's soul returned to the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and the primordial spirit released a bright light, as if reborn.

Yun Mengchen tapped the platform with his index finger, and said flatly, "Chen Mu, I want to ask you for a favor."

"I don't know what's the matter?"

Chen Mu was also very curious that Yun Mengchen, as the master of the heavens, still needs his help.

Yun Mengchen looked directly into Chen Mu's eyes, and said proudly, "I want a child."


Chen Mu's eyes widened, and he was terribly frightened. He quickly checked his body and found that he hadn't been touched. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, "Senior, forgive me for being helpless."

Yun Mengchen narrowed her beautiful eyes, guessing that she might be rejected, she said coldly, "Why?"

Chen Mu didn't want to expose the existence of Jiang Fuxian and Doudou, he said in a deep voice, "I'm devoted to cultivating the Tao, and I don't want to be affected by emotions."

"You and I don't need feelings." Yun Mengchen's attitude was cold, she didn't like Chen Mu at all.

Chen Mu didn't know that Yun Mengchen would have such thoughts, he emphasized: "If senior wants to force me, then I can only say sorry."

Yun Mengchen sneered and said, "Do you think if I want to attack you, you have a chance to resist?"

"Why choose me?"

"You are special."

Chen Mu said solemnly, "I'm sorry, but I can't agree to your request."

Yun Mengchen got up, she walked in front of Chen Mu, released the mighty coercion of the ruler, and said indifferently: "Live with me, or die, you choose."

"threaten me?"

"You can kill me now."

Chen Mu ignored Yun Mengchen's threat, he knew his effect on the dark blue plane.

Yun Mengchen slapped out, Chen Mu didn't change his face, and he didn't dodge. He was blasted out of Yunmeng Palace by a terrifying force, but he was not injured at all.

Chen Mu stood up, and he held his chest. The attack just now didn't hurt him, but there was a special energy in his body that couldn't be dispelled.

Yun Mengchen walked out of the palace, and said calmly: "That is the eternal curse of the Creator Goddess, even if it is the master, if you fall into this curse, you will die."

Chen Mu frowned, and he knew that Yun Mengchen would not be so strange. It seemed that it was the idea of ​​the Creator God, and he had to pay a price to gain power.

"I'll give you time to think about it. I suggest you prepare for the plane battle first. If your grades are too poor, you're not qualified to have a baby with me." Yun Mengchen waved his hand, and Chen Mu was photographed as a water star.

Chen Mu was sent back to Blue Pole Star.

He looked calm and showed no displeasure.

Chen Mu still has a lot of time, and he believes that he will be able to break the magic spell.

"Brother Chen."

Ye Cangqiong ran into Chen Mu.

Chen Mu nodded with a smile, and Ye Cangqiong said in a deep voice: "Elder Yuan Ye just informed me that we are going to Yuanhai and are looking for you."


"The Plane War is held in the depths of the Abyss Sea, and the timing of each Plane War will fluctuate, so we have to arrive in the Abyss Sea in advance to prepare."

"I see."

Chen Mu's eyes were burning with flames. He had long been looking forward to the battle between the planes and wanted to become stronger.

"It's not too late, let's set off quickly."

Chen Mu and Ye Cangqiong found Lin Qingdai, and the three of them left Lanjixing and rushed to the star gate of the plane.

ps: Thank you for carrying a bag of rice to the next floor. The recent writing is very bad, and you have been supporting me. Thank you very much. Don’t give me a reward.

 ps: Thank you Dastai, a bag of rice for the tip, thank you Xuanyuan Murder, a bag of rice for the monthly ticket, thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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