my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 359 Yuanhai Ancient City

Chapter 359 Yuanhai Ancient City
Chen Mu was feeling irritable. He guessed that Jiang Fuxian might be in trouble, and if he wanted to leave now, Yun Mengchen and Minghong would not agree.

Thinking that Jiang Fuxian might be in danger, Chen Mu's heart was shaken, he couldn't calm down to practice, and even thought of a way to leave.

Whether it is the good fortune of Yuanhai or the other shore, to him, it is not as important as his wife.

Chen Mu left the room and came to the deck outside. The divine ship was sailing to the depths of the deep sea, surrounded by brilliant stars.

Lin Qingdai and Ye Cangqiong were retreating in the room, only Chen Mu was outside alone, when Yun Mengchen walked over, her eyes narrowed slightly, "Are you scared?"

"Could it be that they are as scary as you?" Chen Mu joked with a smile, forcing a smile on his face.

Yun Mengchen smiled sweetly, "I have seen too many peaks. Even if they reached the peak, they still couldn't let go of their obsession, and they would never move forward for the rest of their lives."

Chen Mu didn't answer. In his heart, it was his obsession that drove him to become stronger.

"If you have something on your mind, you can talk to me." Yun Mengchen looked at Chen Mu, and she raised her hand to build a barrier, so that others could not hear their conversation.

Chen Mu looked at Yun Mengchen, and suddenly had an idea that with her strength, she might be able to help Jiang Fuxian solve the crisis.

If Yun Mengchen gets the coordinates of the plane, it may also cause a bigger crisis.

"You can't trust me?"

Yun Mengchen stared at Chen Mu's eyes.

Chen Mu looked calm, "I heard that you participated in the Plane War, can we chat?"

Yun Mengchen knew that Chen Mu was changing the subject, and said calmly: "The battle between the planes is held in the lonely place, and I was lucky enough to reach the final."

"The resources obtained in the battle between the planes are the key to my being able to step into the master of the heavens."

It is conceivable that Yun Mengchen will become the ruler of the sky, and the resources of the plane war can be imagined. Although Chen Mu is tempted, he is more worried about Jiang Fuxian.

Now he wants to go back very much, but he can't express his desire to leave.

Yun Mengchen reminded: "The strong in Ruins and Silence are like clouds. There are no eternal friends, nor eternal enemies, only eternal interests."

"You have to pay attention to the Void Plane and the Shadow Plane. The Void Plane plotted against us, and the Shadow Plane also has a grudge against us. They will target you. Other planes also need to pay attention."

Chen Mu nodded, his mind is not here now, but thinking about how to leave.

Yun Mengchen chuckled lightly and said, "After arriving in the ancient city of Yuanhai, there will be a meeting at the peak, and then you can take the opportunity to observe your future opponents."

Chen Mu narrowed his eyes slightly. In the ancient city of Yuanhai, he might have a chance to leave.

Yun Mengchen suddenly said in a cold voice: "You have the eternal curse in your body, don't have other thoughts, it can only be unraveled in a place far away from the control of the Creator God in the Ruins and Silence."

Chen Mu frowned slightly, he did not speak, but returned to the cabin room.

If you want to leave, you must lift the magic spell in your body, and you can only participate in the battle between the planes.

Yun Mengchen's eyes were a little worried, she could see that Chen Mu had something on his mind, "I hope he won't have any problems, the future of the dark blue plane is all on him."


Yuanhai ancient city.

The ancient city floating in the depths of the abyss is huge in scale, only the most powerful can enter it, and the dominant and powerful cannot set foot here.

The divine ship stops outside the ancient city.

Lu Xuan notified Chen Mu to verify his identity.

If you want to participate in the Plane War, you need to register under the sacred tree outside the ancient city.

The old tree was not tall, its whole body glowed with crystal blue light, its branches and leaves were lush, and under the tree was an old man with white hair sitting cross-legged.

Minghong bowed his hands to the old man and said respectfully: "Old Chen, they are the best selected by our ninth plane, Deep Blue."

Chen Lao sat cross-legged on the bluestone, closed his eyes, and with a wave of his hand, three bright lights flew out and landed on Chen Mu and Lin Qingdai.

"Give me your name."

"Lin Qingdai."

"Ye Cangqiong."

"Chen Mu."

Hearing Chen Mu's voice, Chen Lao opened his eyes, those eyes had no light, were hollow and deep, as if they could swallow the soul.

No one dared to look directly at Mr. Chen.

Chen Mu faced Lao Chen's stare directly, and he could feel that the seemingly ordinary old man in front of him had the power to crush Yun Mengchen, even if the God of Creation was in front of him, he would not dare to act presumptuously.

"You look familiar."

Chen Lao said to Chen Mu.

Chen Mu smiled and said, "Maybe they are similar."

There was surprise in Minghong's eyes, and both Lin Qingdai and Ye Cangqiong had shocked expressions on their faces. This is the most mysterious old man in Yuanhai.


Chen Lao closed his eyes again.

The crystal trunk glowed, and then Chen Mu and his names appeared.

There is also a sign of the ninth plane in front, and there are names of other strong people on the trunk. Many strong people have come here.

Three green leaves fell, "This is your key, it will guide you."

Chen Mu and the others took the green leaves, and Master Minghong reminded: "There are your own caves in the ancient city, and the green leaves will guide you."

Master Minghong took them back to the Shenship.

Chen Mu stood alone on the deck, he was worried about Jiang Fuxian, half a month later, a huge fire phoenix passed across the sky.

Chen Mu noticed the familiar fluctuations.

He even sensed Chu Chu's breath.

There are many strong men standing behind Huofeng, among them there is a very special woman in black dress, she also found Chen Mu, twirling the hair beside her ears with her fingers, and slightly raised the corners of her mouth, but she was not Chu Chu.

Chen Mu stared at her, and could feel that it was the breath of the demon god. The loose black dress was embroidered with ancient patterns, and the mark of Jiujiu was obvious.

"Jiujiu Demon God!"

Chen Mu didn't expect to bump into Jiujiu Demon God here, no wonder he didn't find her existence, it turned out that she was hiding in other planes.

If Jiang Fuxian is in trouble, it must be related to the demon god's conspiracy.

Demon God Jiujiu is the devil's backer, she must know all the devil's plans.

"Senior Lu, what plane do these strong men come from?" Chen Mu asked Lu Xuan beside him.

Lu Xuan smiled softly: "This team should be ranked No. 20 in the wild plane, but the members should come from different planes, it is difficult to find out, the planes ranked lower are all teams made up of this kind , its strength should not be underestimated."

Lin Qingdai walked over and said with a smile, "Brother Chen, don't underestimate any plane. Many epochs ago, the Tianhuang plane was also the first plane, but it just declined later."

"They will definitely use all their resources to keep this last spot." Ye Cangqiong said in a deep voice.

Chen Mu was a little puzzled, "There are only twenty planes participating in the battle, how could they be worse?"

Lu Xuan nodded, "Annihilation of the entire army will directly cancel the original ranking."

"In every plane war, only one-third of the strong can survive, which is very cruel." Master Minghong also came over.

The results of the plane battle are related to the luck of the plane, which determines the future of the plane. With a lot of luck blessing, a lot of strong people can be born.

The strong are stronger and the weak are weaker.

Chen Mu looked not far away, the names of the three Juefeng from the Heavenly Desolation Plane were left on the crystal ancient trees, the handsome man in white robes was named Qin Changsheng, the middle-aged man in green with the sword box on his back was named Xiao Wuxian, and the black man in black was named Qin Changsheng. The name of the skirt demon god is Mo Jiuer.

The three peaks of the Tianhuang plane directly entered the ancient city of Yuanhai not far away.

"Let's go into town and have a look."

Chen Mu watched Mo Jiuer walk into the ancient city.

Master Minghong frowned slightly, "It's still early, and it won't be too late."

However, Chen Mu went to the ancient city of Yuanhai alone.

Master Minghong frowned slightly, he was a little upset seeing Chen Mu not being controlled.

Yun Mengchen came outside and said calmly: "Follow up, enter the ancient city of Yuanhai to listen to Chen Mu, don't make decisions on your own."


Lin Qingdai and Ye Cangqiong followed behind Chen Mu, and they came to the ancient city of Yuanhai. There was a stone tablet nearby, on which were written the rules of the city.

Fighting is strictly prohibited in the ancient city.

Walking into the ancient city, Chen Mu felt that his own strength was restrained, and it was difficult to exert all his strength.

There are mountains and valleys inside the ancient city, and there are caves among them. Chen Mu looked at the three people not far away, and there were many pairs of eyes staring at them nearby.

The strong man from the Tianhuang plane didn't go far, as if he was waiting for them here intentionally.

Mo Jiuer looked at Chen Mu, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, her face was charming, but her smile was weird, making people shudder.

Seeing this, Qin Changsheng was a little curious, "Jiu'er, do you know each other?"

Mo Jiu'er said coldly: "I can't say I know him, but I know who he is."

Xiao Wuxian looked serious, "It must not be easy to represent the ninth plane in battle."

"I'm afraid he will threaten us." After Mo Jiu'er finished speaking, she took the initiative to walk to Chen Mu's side.

Chen Mu said lightly: "You go first."

Although Lin Qingdai and Ye Cangqiong were puzzled, they didn't ask any further questions.

"You have a delicate aura about you." Chen Mu stared at Mo Jiu'er and said calmly.

Mo Jiuer raised her eyebrows slightly, "She was swallowed by me, we have merged, she and I are part of the devil."

Chen Mu's expressionless face and sharp eyes, Mo Jiu'er deliberately provocatively said: "The army of the evil lord has entered the eternal plane."

"Although the evil lord is only the ruler of the earth, it is still easy to break through the defense of the eternal plane. If I disclose the coordinates of the eternal plane now, you should know the consequences."

Mo Jiuer deliberately provoked Chen Mu.

Chen Mu maintained his rationality, and said indifferently: "The devil wants to restart the eternal plane, not completely destroy the eternal plane."

"Indeed, it's a pity that when the Evil God Plane captures the Eternal Plane, it will become a purgatory, and everything you know will be destroyed."


"I'll still find you."

Chen Mu followed the hint of the green leaf in his hand to go to the cave, he did not do anything in the ancient city.

The information Mo Jiuer revealed made him understand that Jiang Fuxian was going to face the plane of the evil god, and Chen Mu believed that Jiang Fuxian could defeat the evil lord.

Mo Jiu'er didn't know that Chen Mu left all the power of the plane to Jiang Fuxian, which was enough to fight against the ruler of the earth.

"We seem to be in trouble." Xiao Wuxian frowned slightly. He could see that the killing intent on Chen Mu was more terrifying than ordinary masters.

Qin Changsheng shook his head, smiled wryly and said, "We are already in trouble."

The lower the ranking of the plane, the easier it is to become the prey of other planes.

 ps: Thank you for the big dream, when will I return, Zhao Zhenqing, and Mu for the rewards, thank you for the monthly tickets voted by Bielai Wuyang, Love on the Right, kk, and caijinfeng, thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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