my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 36 New Year's Eve Dinner

Chapter 36 New Year's Eve Dinner

The room was quiet.

Zhao Feiyan looked at Chen Mu in surprise.

Chen Mu blinked, and asked with a puzzled face, "Sister Fairy, what's the matter with you?"

Zhao Feiyan came back to her senses, she regained her cold face, and said calmly: "I'm afraid you will be backlashed by the demon core, so come and see."

"I'm fine, thank you for your concern." Chen Mu smiled back with gratitude in his eyes.

Zhao Feiyan returned to her room.

She sat in front of the window, dragging her cheeks with her slender hands, and murmured: "Since he can easily refine the demon pill of the Frost Wolf King, maybe he can help me."

Master taught her the method of dual cultivation, which must be done by a pure-yang man.

Zhao Feiyan didn't have the idea of ​​dual cultivation before, she didn't like men, but Chen Mu doesn't count, he is still a child now.

"Oh, no, I am the mighty sword king, and I still need the help of the little sword sect?"

Zhao Feiyan dismissed that idea.

Always thought it was weird to do that.


Sunny morning.

Chen Mu carried his younger sister up and down in the courtyard. He was walking like flying now, and he could fly several feet in the air. Chen Ying smiled happily in his arms.

Becoming a third-rank sword sect, Chen Mu's strength has been greatly improved. Although he can't fly with the sword, he can still do it for a short time in the air.

After taking his sister for a few laps, Chen Mu came to the martial arts field to practice swords.

He used the dragon chant sword skill again, the blade seemed to be burning, the broken wings were like a swimming fire dragon, and the burst of sword light could vacate tens of feet.

The four swords of Longyin are so powerful, and the complete thirteen swords must be stronger. Chen Mu checked in the system mall, and if he wants to exchange for the thirteen swords of Longyin, he needs [-] sign-in points.

It would take many years to exchange the Thirteen Swords of Longyin just by signing in every day. He planned to go to Yanwang Capital in the spring season.

Chen Hao and Chen Xi were dumbfounded.

Chen Tiannan was also alarmed. When he came to the martial arts arena, he couldn't help itching his hands and said, "Xiao Mu, grandpa will accompany you to do two tricks."

"Okay." Chen Mu nodded with a smile, he was worried that he couldn't find a suitable opponent.

Chen Hao and Chen Xi's eyes were full of anticipation.

"Xiao Mu, let's make a move." Chen Tiannan looked calm, with a kind smile on his face.

Chen Mu looked serious, he drew his sword and slashed out, the flame and sword light rushed towards Grandpa.

That sword light came menacingly.

Chen Tiannan waved his sword, and the blue sword light swept out.

The two sword lights collided, and a terrifying air wave spread across the martial arts arena. Chen Xi and Chen Hao couldn't help but retreat, leaving two long sword marks on the ground.

Chen Mu used the Dragon Chanting Sword Skill again, and the flaming dragon shadow wrapped around the sword, and then used the sword to come out like a dragon, and the flaming sword light that was more than ten feet long vacated, like a fire dragon roaring out.

Chen Tiannan's expression was shocked, and his sword skills were condensed. This is something that only the top sword masters can do, and they must master the sword skills perfectly.

Facing the oncoming fire dragon, Chen Tiannan also used the dragon chant sword skill, and the blue sword light burst out. The moment the two sword lights collided, the blue light collapsed, and the fire dragon charged at Chen Tiannan.

Both Chen Hao and Chen Xi became nervous.

Chen Tiannan was forced to block with his sword.

The fire dragon bumped into the iron sword.


The iron sword shattered.

Chen Tiannan released a blue light all over his body.

Only then did he barely shake the fire dragon away.

Chen Xi and Chen Hao had shocked expressions on their faces. You looked at me and I looked at you. They couldn't believe that Grandpa would lose.

Chen Mu quickly put away the broken wings, and said worriedly, "Grandpa, are you alright?"

At this moment, Chen Hao and Chen Xi also rushed over. Chen Xi hurriedly supported Grandpa, and asked with concern: "Grandpa, are you injured?"

Chen Tiannan shook his head slightly, and laughed at himself: "Grandpa is fine and not injured, it's just that grandpa is old and useless."

Chen Mu shook his head, and said seriously with a small face: "Grandpa, your injury has not healed yet, and you are using an iron sword. If you are at your peak, I am definitely not your opponent."

Chen Haohan said with a smile: "Let me just say, how can grandpa lose, it must be a problem with the sword."

Chen Xi followed suit and nodded.

Chen Tiannan laughed out loud. He didn't make excuses, and said in a deep voice, "Even if Grandpa is at his peak state and has the spirit sword, he may not be Xiaomu's opponent. You didn't use your full strength just now, right?"

"Although I didn't use all my strength, I was serious." Chen Mu replied truthfully.

He didn't underestimate Grandpa, otherwise he wouldn't have cut off Chen Tiannan's iron sword.

Chen Xi exclaimed: "Xiao Mu, you have such strength just after joining the Sword Sect. It's amazing!"

Chen Yan stood not far away.

He watched Chen Tiannan lose.

A long time ago, Chen Mu said that he wanted to compete with Chen Yan. At that time, Chen Yan did not agree because he was afraid that this situation would happen.

Chen Tiannan said happily: "It's New Year's Eve today, let's have fun and don't work too hard."


The juniors nodded with a smile.

Today's Black Rock City is very lively, and every household is filled with joy.


The lobby of Chen Jiazu's residence.

Everyone put on new clothes. Chen Mu wore a brand new silver-white wolf fur coat, his eyes were bright, and he exuded domineering aura.

The younger sister, Chen Ying, was wearing a festive red dress and a fluffy hat, like a porcelain doll. Everyone surrounded her. Chen Mu hugged her, Chen Xi hugged her, Chen Xi hugged her, and Chen Hao hugged her.

She laughed happily.

Xu Yan and Tang Wan are preparing the New Year's Eve dinner, while Chen Yan and Chen Wei are helping in the kitchen.

Whenever the Chen family celebrates the new year, they will allow the maids to go home for the new year. They also have family members, and it is a custom in the Northern Wilderness to go home for the new year.

Chen Tiannan was sitting on a chair, stroking his beard, with a kind smile on his face, watching the juniors talking and laughing in front of him, he was very satisfied.

Chen Mu suddenly thought of Zhao Feiyan.

"Zhao Feiyan is protecting me at the Chen family, and she can't go home for the New Year. It's so pitiful. Why not invite her to the New Year's Eve dinner." Chen Mu murmured in his heart.

Chen Mu came to Chen Tiannan's side, and said respectfully with a small face, "Grandpa, can I invite sister Fairy to have the New Year's Eve dinner?"

"of course can."

Chen Tiannan said solemnly: "You go and invite Fairy Zhao right now."

Zhao Feiyan had a cold appearance, and the rest of the Chen family didn't dare to disturb her. Usually, no one had spoken to her, so Chen Mu was the only one who knew her better.

Before dinner was served, Chen Mu came to Zhao Feiyan's room and said crisply, "Sister Fairy, Grandpa invites you to the New Year's Eve dinner."

In the room, Zhao Feiyan said coldly, "Thank you, I don't like to eat."

"What about drinking?"

"You kid want to hurt me?"

Chen Mu said crisply: "Occasionally drink, don't drink too often."

Zhao Feiyan pushed open the door, and the cold air rushed towards her face. She was really "cold".

She has been tortured recently, and now she has a legitimate reason to drink, so naturally she will not refuse.

The two went to the ancestral home together.

Chen Mu asked suspiciously, "Will your family be worried if you don't go home for the New Year?"

"I am an orphan."

Zhao Feiyan said coldly.

Air stagnates.

Chen Mu was embarrassed on the spot.

However, Zhao Feiyan smiled and said softly: "Master is my family."

"Then is your master celebrating the New Year?"


Zhao Feiyan said softly: "Master's family has long been buried in the loess. She has left the mortal world and lived alone for a long time. Naturally, she will not celebrate the New Year."

Chen Mu said with a serious face when he heard the words: "Sooner or later, I will ask her to come to Chen's house for the New Year."

Zhao Feiyan joked, "Impossible."

"You want to come too."

Chen Mu said confidently with a small face.

Zhao Feiyan just smiled and said nothing. When they came to the lobby, everyone had already sat down. When they saw Zhao Feiyan coming, they got up one after another.

Zhao Feiyan smiled, "Don't be nervous, just pretend I don't exist."

Naturally, everyone would not treat her as non-existent, so Chen Xi poured wine for Zhao Feiyan with a smile.

Chen Tiannan picked up his wine glass and said gratefully, "Thank you Fairy Zhao for saving my life."

Both Chen Wei and Chen Yan raised their wine glasses.

Zhao Feiyan held up her wine glass to return the gift, and nodded slightly, "It's all a matter of little effort."

Can drink.

Zhao Feiyan was very happy.

Chen Yan held up his wine glass and said solemnly: "Thank you Fairy Zhao for taking care of Mu'er during this time."

Zhao Feiyan picked up the wine glass again.

After several rounds of toasting, everyone started chatting about family affairs, Zhao Feiyan didn't speak, she drank alone, she was somewhat envious of Chen Mu, who was born in a happy and harmonious family.

This year is very special. The Chen family has a peerless genius and welcomes new family members. Chen Tiannan asked the juniors to talk about their goals for the coming year.

Chen Xi took the lead and said: "I will try to get into the top ten of the Martial Academy next year, and then I will be eligible to go to the Martial Palace of the Royal Capital."

Chen Tiannan and Chen Wei nodded with a smile.

Wangdu Martial Mansion has produced many strong men, and that is the last way out for the sect's failed practitioners.

Chen Hao continued: "My goal next year is to pass the examination of Xuanjianzong and become a real swordsman."

Chen Wei and his wife were smiling. Relatively speaking, Chen Hao's goal was easier to achieve, but it was very difficult for Chen Xi to enter the Martial Palace of the Royal Capital.

In the end, everyone's eyes were on Chen Mu, he was the pride of the Chen family.

Chen Mu's eyes were bright, and he said crisply: "My goal for next year is to become a Sword Marquis."

Everyone smiled and nodded.

Zhao Feiyan almost spit out the wine.

Three-year-old Jianzong, four-year-old Jianhou?Do you want to go too far?King at the age of five?

Except for Zhao Feiyan, no one questioned it, they believed that Chen Mu could do it.



There are fireworks in the city.

The juniors ran to the courtyard to watch the fireworks.

Chen Ying was in her mother's arms. She stared at the sky, and it was the first time she saw fireworks. She stared intently with a smile in her eyes.

Chen Xi made a wish on the fireworks, hoping that everyone will be safe in the coming year.

Only Zhao Feiyan was still drinking, and she was a little envious. In the sect, there was only competition, so it was difficult to see such a warm scene.

When the New Year's Eve dinner is almost over.

Zhao Feiyan's pretty face flushed red.

She called Chen Mu to a distance with the strength of wine, and said forcefully: "I want you to help me practice."


The air was silent.

Chen Mu stared at Zhao Feiyan with wide eyes, and slowly squeezed out three words, "Are you drunk?"

Zhao Feiyan's slightly drunken eyes seemed to be in a state of half drunk and half awake, her pretty face was about to bleed, and she felt like she would pass out of drunk at any moment.

 I was recommended to be hanged and beaten at the same time, I feel uncomfortable and want to cry 555~


(End of this chapter)

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