Chapter 365

The land of silence, the lake of the sun.

The heat wave rolled over for hundreds of miles, ripples appeared in the space, and there was no grass growing on the ground.

This is the place with the strongest yang energy in the world. Lin Qingdai's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and Ye Cangqiong wiped the sweat from his forehead, "It's such a terrifying yang energy, I feel like the blood in my body is about to burn."

"It is rumored that substances from the other side are sealed in the Ruins of Silence, and the Lake of Taiyin and the Lake of Sun are derived from that mysterious substance." Yanluo said crisply.

Bai Qingxue watched as Chen Mu walked into the depths of the Lake of the Sun, where it was like the sun embedded in the ground, and the scorching energy made it difficult for the extremely strong to approach.

A roar sounded.

In the depths of the Lake of the Sun, a serpent with red scales sprang out from the ground. It looked similar to a serpent with silver scales, possessed terrifying energy, and rushed straight at Chen Mu.

Yandiao and the others could only stand in the distance and watch.

Holding the emperor sword in his hand, Chen Mu walked calmly. He watched the big red-scaled snake rushing forward. The moment he approached, the light of the sword shot up into the sky and went straight up to [-] li.

The red-scaled serpent fell to the ground.

"What a fast sword!"

Bai Qingxue was a little surprised.

When the red-scaled serpent fell, the flames spread like a mushroom cloud, and Chen Mu was swallowed. Bai Qingxue and the others couldn't bear the scorching sun and were forced to retreat.

Chen Mu sat cross-legged in the deepest part of the lake of the sun, the scorching sun and fire poured into his body, and the two forces of the sun and the sun were rampant in his body.

A spectacular scene of intertwined ice and fire appeared between the heaven and the earth, the spirit of the yin and the spirit of the sun manifested at the same time, and two big snakes wrapped around Chen Mu's body.

The two energies are very terrifying. Chen Mu is controlling the two energies in his body, and wants to complete the fusion of the spirit of the sun and the spirit of the sun.

call out!
The black arrow pierced the sky.

Seeing this, Yanluo pinched the white feather with her slender fingers, and threw it out with her backhand. The white feather flew across the sky like a sharp sword, and knocked down the black arrow that was pointing directly at Chen Mu to the ground.

Lin Qingdai and the others looked around and could feel several powerful waves approaching.

After Chen Mu slayed the red-scaled serpent, those powerhouses hidden in the dark appeared one after another.

Fen Yu came here from the sky, and this time he came prepared, combining the Void Plane, Shadow Plane, Hundred Beasts Plane, and Storm Plane to attack at the same time.

Ming Sha from the Shadow Plane, Xuan Mi from the Void Plane, Long Xiaotian from the Beast Plane, Lei Wanjun from the Storm Plane, four powerhouses appeared at the same time, and they were all extremely powerful and extremely powerful.

Yanluo shook her head slightly, and said coldly, "Fen Yu, you really don't give up."

Fen Yu knew that Chen Mu was going to come here, so he waited until this time to make a move. He knew that Chen Mu's current state, as long as he was disturbed, he might go mad and be unable to control the two energies in his body.

"Bai Qingxue, Yanluo, if you don't get involved in this matter, I don't have to make things difficult for you." Fen Yu still had that condescending attitude.

Yanluo said lightly: "Do you think our light plane is really afraid of you?"

Fen Yu sneered and said: "Hahaha, don't think I don't know, now Lin Ruoxi is also fighting for the treasure, and she has no way to get away."

Bai Qingxue smiled lightly, "Don't we have other allies in the Light Plane?"

A monk holding a Zen staff came from afar, and he walked nearby in two or three steps. He was wrapped in cassock, and there was a soft Buddha light behind him.

A snow-white figure came from afar, it was an elegant fairy.

Ming Sha frowned slightly, "Gu Chen from the Bliss Plane, and Lou Yueji from the Cangxue Plane."

Fen Yu frowned slightly. At this moment, the nine-headed phoenix landed by the lake of the sun and turned into a woman in a red skirt. It was Feng Xitong from the Ten Thousand Monsters Plane.

Allies from the Light Plane suddenly appeared, and Fen Yu did not expect this situation. Lin Qingdai was excited, and Ye Cangqiong also saw hope.

Bai Qingxue looked indifferent, "Fen Yu, retreat now, I don't think Brother Chen will mind."

With a serious expression on Fen Yu's face, he said in a deep voice: "The war between the planes is already tragic, Bai Qingxue, do you think I won't take action if you invite reinforcements?"


Fen Yu suddenly ordered.

Mingsha and other extremely strong men attacked at the same time.

Bai Qingxue and Yanluo soared into the air, "We stop Fen Yu, and you stop the others."

Lin Qingdai, Gu Chen, and others fought against the tops such as Mingsha, and soon the vicinity of the Lake of the Sun became a battlefield. The scale was huge, and more than a dozen top powerhouses collided here, which was the largest melee in Ruins.

Chen Mu sat cross-legged in the depths of the Lake of the Sun. He was aware of the movements around him, and he also knew the efforts of Bai Qingxue and the others. Now is the critical moment to integrate the two forces of the sun and the sun, so there is nothing wrong with it.

Bai Qingxue and Yanluo teamed up, they blocked Fen Yu's attack, and the situation on the battlefield was tense.

Fen Yu's eyes were serious. He couldn't defeat Bai Qingxue and Yanluo in a short time. Once Chen Mu merged with the power of the sun and the sun, the situation would be reversed. Everyone knew that time was running out, and they tried their best.

In the distance, some strong men were watching the scuffle here, and their eyes were all on Chen Mu.

There was a sound of piercing through the air, and a bronze spear came through the air, pointing directly at Chen Mu.

Seeing this, Lin Qingdai left the battlefield, sacrificed the green branch in her hand, and the green branch turned into a vine, entangled with the bronze spear.

The green branch suddenly withered, the copper green was cursed, the vibrant green branch couldn't resist, the branches and leaves fell like ashes, looking terrifying.

Bai Qingxue and the others were shocked. Apart from Fen Yu and the others, there were actually strong men who wanted to attack Chen Mu. They were obviously afraid of Chen Mu and wanted to get rid of him.

A black shadow came to the battlefield, with a burly body and a skeleton head, and there were two gloomy green fires inside, shocking the surrounding powerhouses.

"Jin Kui from the Undead Plane!"

"It's such a strong coercion, it's not worse than Fen Yu's. He is probably the master of the strong, and it seems that he got good luck in the land of silence."

Jin Kui rushed to Chen Mu again.

Everyone couldn't get out, only Lin Qingdai could barely support her. She stood in front of Chen Mu, but Jin Kui waved the spear in his hand, and the green light sent her flying.

Lin Qingdai's robes were cut and she coughed up blood. Her strength could not stop Chen Mu.

Bai Qingxue and Yanluo frowned slightly, they wanted to stop Jin Kui, Fen Yu sneered and said, "Your opponent is me, see what happens."

Everyone is entangled, there is no strong person nearby who can help, and there is no obstacle in front of Jin Kui. From a distance, Qin Changsheng said calmly: "Should we help, maybe he will appreciate us."

Mo Jiuer sneered and said, "It's a pity that he died like this, but he will never die here. Now, let's continue to search for fortune."

The powerhouses from the Absolute Plane did not participate, they continued to look for good luck, and some powerhouses were onlookers. In their eyes, the powerhouses on the battlefield were prey, and anyone who was injured and left alone would definitely be "taken care of".

Jin Kui looked at Chen Mu indifferently, "I will take your body back and make you live forever."

It is rumored that the powerhouses of the Necromancer plane are all immortals. Their physical bodies are like shells. When the fire of the soul is extinguished, a new soul will appear after being buried in the ground for many years, and the new soul will inherit the original power.

Jin Kui threw the spear in his hand.

Chen Mu suddenly opened his eyes when the sound of piercing the sky was heard. He wanted to force his shot, but a thought resounded in the sea of ​​consciousness, "Let me do it."

That voice was sonorous and powerful.

The light of the sword with a cold glow illuminates the world.

Jin Kui was shocked back.

The spear in his hand was trembling, and the green copper rust was falling off. Jin Kui's eyes were slightly focused, and he stared at the crimson figure not far away, not daring to be careless.

Wangchu's long crimson dress fluttered in the wind, her eyes were sharp, and she looked down on all sentient beings.

Jin Kui attacked again, the spear in his hand burst out with terrifying power, and the green light filled the air.

Wang Chu held the sword finger in his hand, and a dazzling sword light emerged from the sky. The sword cut through all the rules and order, and the space was cut neatly.


The spear in Jin Kui's hand broke in two.

The strong men around were all terrified, Fen Yu and Bai Qingxue stopped their hands one after another, and they all stared at the battlefield not far away.

Everyone looked at Wang Chu with surprise in their eyes, and Fen Yu murmured, "Is that a Taoist soldier?"

Yan Luo was surprised and said: "I didn't expect Chen Mu to have such a treasure on his body, with self-awareness, ordinary Taoist soldiers can't be so psychic."

Jin Kui stretched out his hand, and a bone sword appeared in his hand. The surrounding wind was gusty, and everyone seemed to be in the sea of ​​corpses and blood. The coercion was terrifying.

Wang Chu's face was expressionless, his sharp eyes seemed capable of killing people, Jin Kui didn't even dare to look at her.

Jin Kui moved, he swung the bone sword, a thousand-foot-long light suddenly fell, cracks appeared on the ground, Wang Chu's eyes narrowed slightly, and a sharp light radiated from them, and two strands of eyes pierced through the void.

Everyone felt the chill, as if falling into an ice cave, You Guang was cut off by two strands of eyes.

Jin Kui was locked on by those two eyes, he had nowhere to escape, he could only fight hard, the Tianling cover was lifted by a look, and one arm was cut off.

The severed arm fell into the lake of the sun, igniting a raging fire, Jin Kui was shocked by Wang Chu's strength, and fled in a hurry, and the strong people around were shocked.

Wang Chu looked around, and wherever he looked, the Jue Dian around him were all terrified, and the Jue Dian powerhouses such as Ming Sha even fled.

Wang Chu's gaze finally fell on Fen Yu, Fen Yu clenched his fist, and he was forced to leave.

Chen Mu looked at Wang Chu's back, feeling familiar, "Thank you, senior."

Wang Chu turned into the Emperor Sword and returned to Chen Mu. Chen Mu could feel that the energy in the Emperor Sword had been exhausted, and that was all it could do for Chen Mu.

Bai Qingxue and Yanluo breathed a sigh of relief, Ye Cangqiong hurriedly went to check on Lin Qingdai's condition, Gu Chen and the others did not leave either.

In the distance, a strong man said disappointedly: "Fen Yu and the others actually ran away, how cowardly."

"Yes, that sword is very strong, but if it has the power to kill the ruler, can they run away?" Another strong man taunted.

The young man in the lead chuckled and said: "They are smart, and they don't want to fight to the death. This Chen Mu is probably a big trouble, so don't provoke him in the future."

"Yes, brother."

The two nodded one after another, the battle was over, and the surrounding powerhouses dispersed one after another.

Chen Mu fused the Taiyin and Sun in his body, and the two forces successfully merged. He stood up, the Dao shook, and the mysterious Dao sound echoed.

"He succeeded!"

There was appreciation in Yanluo's eyes.

Chen Mu got up, and a yin-yang totem appeared under his feet, exuding a tyrannical coercion all over his body.


Bai Qingxue sent out congratulations.

Chen Mu clasped his fists at the crowd, "Thank you for your help, if you need help, feel free to speak up."

Gu Chen and Lou Yueji smiled slightly, they didn't do much, at most it was a deterrent effect, but Bai Qingxue and Lin Qingdai did a lot.

Bai Qingxue said calmly: "We are allies, and we should help each other. The war of planes has just begun, and there are still many good fortunes that have not yet been opened."

Chen Mu didn't care about good luck. He came to Lin Qingdai's side and pressed her wound with his hands. Soon, Lin Qingdai's wound healed.

"Thank you, Brother Chen."

"It's me who should thank you."

"I'm going to take them to find good fortune. Are you interested in joining us?"

Lou Yueji shook her head, "It still doesn't work, I still have something to do, I'll contact you later."

"Benefactor, we are destined to meet again." Gu Chen also turned and left.

Feng Xitong turned into a nine-headed phoenix, "Farewell, I hope we can meet again."

They didn't follow Chen Mu, they had their own teams, and that was the most trustworthy teammate. Bai Qingxue suggested, "Brother Chen, sister Ruoxi is fighting for a place of fortune. If you're interested, we can take you there."

Chen Mu understood what they meant and asked him for help, "Okay, let's go."

Lin Qingdai and Ye Cangqiong also followed Bai Qingxue and the others. Chen Mu returned to his peak, and his strength even became stronger. Everyone was full of confidence.

In the depths of the land of silence.

There is a towering mountain, a rainbow falls from the top of the mountain, and there is a grand palace on the top of the mountain. At this time, three strong men are facing each other above the palace.

Xu Changqing from the Longevity Plane.

Lin Ruoxi from the Light Plane.

Wei Wukuang from the Shenluo plane.

There is only one person in the Longevity Plane and the Bright Plane, Xu Changqing and Lin Ruoxi are both masters, and Wei Wukuang is also the master, but the other two powerhouses from the Shenluo Plane are also nearby, so they have a slight advantage.

They have confronted each other here for a long time, mainly because the secret treasures here have not yet been fully revealed.

At the top of the palace, there is a colorful holy source stone the size of a cat's eye. The rainbow falling from the mountain comes from here, but there is a barrier on the top of the palace.

The seven-color holy origin stone is the most precious holy origin stone, which can make even the masters of the heavens jealous.

The barrier at the top of the palace will not disappear easily. Everyone is wary of their opponents, and no one wants to strike first. They have been facing each other for a long time.

The longer it dragged on, the more anxious everyone became.

Xu Changqing suggested with a smile, "Let's take action together, and after we break the barrier, we can decide the ownership of good fortune based on our ability. What do you think?"

Wei Wukuang nodded slightly, and he naturally agreed, after all, they had the upper hand.

Lin Ruoxi was still thinking, when Chen Mu and the others came, the situation changed suddenly, Wei Wukuang and Xu Changqing frowned at the same time, they felt the pressure.

"elder sister."

Bai Qingxue and Yanluo shouted at the same time, but Lin Ruoxi's eyes fell on Chen Mu, she smiled, "Friend Chen Mu, nice to meet you."

Chen Mu cupped his hands and said solemnly: "Thank you for your help from the Light Plane, I am very grateful."

Seeing their talking and laughing, Xu Changqing quickly said: "Brother Wei, it seems that we have to work together, otherwise the fortune must belong to them."

"it is good."

Wei Wukuang didn't hesitate.

Chen Mu also discovered the seven-colored holy source stone on a high place. He got a little golden holy source stone and he was promoted. The value of this seven-colored holy source stone is immeasurable.

Chen Mu suggested with a smile, "Why don't we share this seven-colored Holy Origin Stone equally, and everyone doesn't have to do anything, what do you think?"

Xu Changqing said lightly: "We two masters, wouldn't it be more cost-effective for us to share equally?"

Wei Wukuang laughed loudly, "It makes sense, Brother Xu's plan is better."

Bai Qingxue reminded: "Brother Chen, that's Xu Changqing from the plane of longevity, a strong man from the second plane, whose strength is not inferior to that of Fen Yu."

Chen Mu could feel that Xu Changqing was very strong, but Lin Ruoxi was stronger, she was quiet and elegant, but her strength was unfathomable.

Lin Ruoxi smiled sweetly, "Fellow Taoist Chen Mu, I need to trouble you to help."

The Guangming Plane was kind to Chen Mu, and he didn't refuse, and took the initiative to stand up, "If you want to share equally, then come and try."

Chen Mu obtained the power of Taiyin and Sun, and possessed the power of Taiyin and Sun in his body, so he could just try these two powers.

 ps: Thank you for the monthly ticket voted by the Youth League Branch of the Second Class, thank you for your recommendation tickets and subscriptions, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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