Chapter 375

A place of silence.

Chen Mu stepped into the gray fog on the ancient road.

The ancient city of Yuanhai became silent, and the strong faces of the dark blue plane were full of joy. Now that the major planes have left one after another, they can retreat completely.

Yun Mengchen said lightly: "Minghong, you guys leave first, I will wait for Chen Mu here."


"The danger is not over yet. Let's go separately and avoid pursuit."

Master Minghong felt that it made sense, "That's fine, let's go back and notify the strong men from the dark blue plane to come and pick you up."

Yun Mengchen nodded.

The divine ship on the dark blue plane was far away from the ancient city of Yuanhai, and when Yun Mengchen came near the warship on the light plane, she cupped her hands and said, "Thank you everyone."

The heroine of the light plane smiled back, "Congratulations to the dark blue plane for winning the first place. Now that the battle between the planes is over, we are destined to meet again."

The strong man from the bright plane of Yun Mengchen left, and soon the ancient city of Yuanhai became silent.

There was only one black boat left outside the ancient city of Yuanhai. Yun Mengchen looked at Jiang Fuxian, smiled slightly, and appeared on the black boat in the blink of an eye, "Hello."

Jiang Fuxian smiled calmly, "Hello, what can I do for you?"

"Are you Chen Mu's friend?"


Jiang Fuxian didn't hide it.

Yun Mengchen chuckled lightly: "Since you are Chen Mu's friend, then I will accompany you for a while."

"Thank you."

Jiang Fuxian smiled sweetly.

Yun Mengchen originally planned to leave, but thinking that Jiang Fuxian was Chen Mu's friend, he chose to stay with Jiang Fuxian to protect her from threats.

Chen Mu and the dark blue plane cooperated with each other, after all, they helped them get the title of the first plane, so Yun Mengchen was naturally willing to protect Jiang Fuxian.

A place of silence.

Chen Mu stepped through the gray fog.

There is no end to the ancient road in front of you.

The surrounding light is a bit special, like a gray mist, which looks like gray but not gray. This is the colorless realm, and Chen Mu's body loses its color.

There are powerful restrictions on the ancient road, and Chen Mu disappeared here with all his Taoism. He walked up the steps, surrounded by ancient totems.

Chen Mu had been here before, he didn't care, he kept moving forward, surrounded by ancient remains, which were left by Xeon, and there was still residual heat inside.

The ancient road is the ultimate land of good fortune. There are many good fortunes against the sky here. Ji Taiyuan's double pupils were brought out from here by the strong men of the Senluo plane.

There is a broken blade on the edge of the ancient road, just looking at it gives a feeling of chills in the back.

Chen Mu was not attracted by these good fortunes, his gaze was fixed on the end of the ancient road, all the way forward, I don't know how long it has passed, he suddenly turned his head, looked down the steps, and found countless afterimages.

They are all afterimages left by Chen Mu.

Chen Mu continued to move forward, he saw light, and at the end of the ancient road, there was a green tree.

His body suddenly became light and light. Chen Mu looked back and saw that the physical body stayed behind and continued to move forward. Only the soul can reach it.

Chen Mu's soul chose to move on.

At the end of the ancient road, there is a transparent and illusory tree, full of greenery and vitality.

Chen Mu once again came to the ultimate land of good fortune, his soul bathed in the light of life, absorbed special spiritual energy, and once again had color.

In the depths of the soul, the incomplete imprint of reincarnation is constantly being restored, and it will soon be fully restored.

Near old trees.

A majestic throne appeared in the void.

The throne is carved out of gray boulder, and the traces of vicissitudes can be seen, and vague creatures sit on the throne, illusory and impossible to peep.

The imprint of reincarnation in the depths of Chen Mu's soul was completely condensed, and the strong spiritual energy brought his spiritual consciousness back to its peak. The spiritual body was like the sun, releasing divine brilliance, and ripples of the avenue were rippling around.

"You are here again."

The creature on the throne spoke to Chen Mu.

Chen Mu looked up at the tall creature, and said calmly, "Yes."

"You can get the luck of the ancestor gods, which proves that you are qualified to manage the world." The creature on the throne slowly got up, and then stepped off the throne.

"That position belongs to you."

The fuzzy creature wanted to give way to Chen Mu.

"You are just the will of the universe, and you are indeed not qualified to manage the world left by the ancestor gods."

Chen Mu's words were straightforward, and the vague creature didn't care, "Are you willing to become an observer of the universe and manage the world for me?"

"I'm not interested in this position, I want to know, how much do you know about the other side?"

"You'll know when you've been there."

Fuzzy creatures are the will of the universe, so naturally they have never been to the other side, and Chen Mu didn't ask too much.

"If you can't be an observer of the universe, you can't get the ultimate creation."

Chen Mu didn't care, and smiled lightly: "You are the will of the universe, I want to learn from you."

"Are you threatening me?"

The fuzzy creature couldn't help laughing.

Chen Mu didn't care. In the depths of his soul, there was a sword light slashed out, which was condensed by spiritual energy, transcending the boundaries of time, and shining on the ultimate place of creation.


The fuzzy creature shouted loudly.

Chen Mu's sword light stopped in midair.

"You can take a piece of the Creation God Stone."

"I want two dollars."

"no problem."

"Three dollars?"

"No, it will shake the origin of the universe. If you want to obtain the Creation Stone, you can go to the other shore, where there is the power you need."

In the void, two colorful sacred stones fell, and Chen Mu's soul felt warm, and the sword light he condensed with spiritual power disappeared.

Chen Mu obtained two creation stones.

The Creation God Stone has the power to open up the universe, and can help Chen Mu become the ruler of the heavens in a short period of time. The Creation Divine Power can also fight against the Creation Gods of other planes. This is an existence that even the Creation Gods fear.

"What kind of existence is the ancestor god?"

Chen Mu looked at the fuzzy creatures, curious about the supreme existence of this universe.

The fuzzy creature was silent for a long time, and said with a smile: "He is a lonely walker."

"This is a breeding farm. No matter how strong the gods and demons are, they cannot control their own destiny." The fuzzy creature looked at Chen Mu and said in a deep voice, "Stay here. As long as you are in that position, you can control your destiny."

"I'm more concerned." Chen Mu turned around with a smile, and soon, his soul returned to his body, and there were two creation stones beside him.

Chen Mu's body was glowing, and the surrounding world was still dark. He walked along the ancient road, and before leaving the colorless world, he suddenly sat cross-legged.

There may be dangers out there.

Chen Mu didn't go out hastily, he had the Creation God Stone on him, so he decided to refine the Creation God Stone in the lonely place and return in the most powerful state.

The Divine Stone of Creation was shining brilliantly. Chen Mu bathed in the glow, and the strength in his body continued to increase. He had the ability to open up planes.

There is also a desolate world in Chen Mu's body, which is a small world opened up by the desolate master, and there are still a large number of creatures in it. Now he also has the ability to open up a real plane.


Outside the ancient city of Yuanhai.

Yun Mengchen's eyes gradually became dignified. Chen Mu walked on the ancient road for a long time, but there was no movement. The previous winners came out very quickly.

"I heard from the Creator Goddess of the Dark Blue Plane that the ultimate good fortune may be to become an observer and have the ability to supervise the entire world."

Yun Mengchen murmured.

Jiang Fuxian's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, "Then what price do you need to pay to become an observer?"

"I don't know, it's possible that Chen Mu will never come back." Yun Mengchen shook his head, there was only a handful of information about the Cosmic Observer.

Jiang Fuxian had firm eyes and a smile on her face. She believed that Chen Mu would definitely come out.

Looking at Jiang Fuxian's beautiful face, Yun Mengchen suddenly understood why Chen Mu was not interested in her. It turned out that there was such a peerless beauty waiting for him.

"Little girl, I think you look familiar." The old man sitting cross-legged under the old tree said.

On the black boat, Yun Mengchen looked shocked. The old man in front of him came from the era of the ancestor gods, and even the creation gods of all the planes had to salute when they saw him.

Jiang Fuxian bowed slightly, and replied with a smile, "Maybe I've seen it before, I've seen this place in my dream."

The old man covered his forehead, then his eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "I remembered, you are the little girl brought by the ancestor god."


The old man laughed like a very happy thing, Yun Mengchen looked at Jiang Fuxian in amazement, being able to connect with the ancestor gods is a terrifying existence.

Jiang Fuxian shook his head slightly, "Senior, I'm sorry, I don't know about the past."

The old man said in a deep voice: "There are some things that I want to forget but can't forget, and some things that I want to remember but can't. In this life, I will always be unsatisfactory."

Yun Mengchen didn't dare to speak. To her, this is the ultimate creature, so how could she be unhappy.

Jiang Fuxian was thoughtful, then smiled, "Time will give the answer."

"Yes, the past is in the long river of time." The old man shook his head with a wry smile.

Jiang Fuxian didn't ask about her past, she wanted to solve it herself, Yun Mengchen's eyes were full of shock, she could guess that Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian were not easy.

A place of silence in the ruins, on an ancient road.

Chen Mu successfully refined a creation god stone. He opened his eyes, and two strands of divine light appeared in his eyes. The eternal and indestructible figure covered the ultimate good fortune, and even the vague creatures couldn't help but marvel.

Chen Mu successfully broke through to the heaven-level dominance realm. With every movement of his hands and feet, he possessed the power to destroy the world. The avenue trembled under his feet, and the heavens shook accordingly.


"The Land of Silence is about to collapse."

Before leaving, Chen Mu asked again, "Can you give me a leaf."

The fuzzy creature waved, and a golden transparent leaf fell from the ancient tree of creation. Chen Mu caught the leaf and said with a smile, "Thank you."

Chen Mu disappeared on the ancient road.

The fuzzy creature murmured: "Even I can't see through the blessing of the ancestor god's luck."

After Chen Mu left the ancient road, he was teleported outside the ancient city of Yuanhai. He saw Jiang Fuxian on the black boat, and instantly appeared beside her.



Chen Mu hugged Jiang Fuxian into his arms.

There were ripples in Jiang Fuxian's blue eyes.

Chen Mu kissed her forehead lightly, and said softly, "Sorry for leaving for so long."

Jiang Fuxian shook his head again and again, and said softly: "Husband, you are not wrong. I should be guarding Tiangong, but I ran to Yuanhai to look for you."

When they were talking to each other, Yun Mengchen couldn't help interjecting, "Chen Mu, thank you for your help. If there is nothing else, I will return to the dark blue plane."

Chen Mu let go of Jiang Fuxian in his arms, he was in a happy mood, and said with a light smile, "Let's go."

With a dark face, Yun Mengchen said coldly: "You have to return the Taoist soldiers to me, right?"

"Almost forgot."

"Your Dao soldiers are very useful."

Chen Mu returned the Taoist soldiers to Yun Mengchen.

After Yun Mengchen left, Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian also left the ancient city of Yuanhai in a black boat.

Jiang Fuxian took out a brand new robe, "Husband, I made this when I was bored on the road."

"My lady, you are so kind." Chen Mu kissed Jiang Fuxian Yurun's side face.

Jiang Fuxian's eyes were full of joy.

After Chen Mu changed his clothes, he held Jiang Fuxian into his arms again, and kissed her brow, forehead, and cheek, the joy on his face was beyond words.

Jiang Fuxian nestled quietly in Chen Mu's arms. They didn't speak, but communicated with their spiritual consciousness, sharing every bit of each other's experiences.

Chen Mu saw Doudou.

Doudou was very cute when he was a child.

She grew up under everyone's care, she was not coquettish, but practiced hard and was positive. Chen Mu watched her transform from a child into a pretty big girl.

Not being able to accompany her daughter to grow up is Chen Mu's greatest regret in this life. He wanted to make up for Doudou, Jiang Fuxian said softly with his spiritual thoughts: "Husband, Doudou is very sensible, and she has always been proud of you."

Chen Mu also saw the reason why Jiang Fuxian came here. She awakened part of her memory, which was related to the other shore. The map he got was actually incomplete.

The part of the map that Jiang Fuxian awakened and the map obtained by Chen Mu are the real other side, and the coordinates obtained by those strong planes are all wrong.

Chen Mu had noticed it a long time ago. When he played against Ni Qiankun, he found that the chessboard was incomplete. Jiang Fuxian came here to help Chen Mu and remind him.

Jiang Fuxian saw Chen Mu's experiences over the years, and also his own past, and whispered softly: "Jiang Qingyu, there are so many stories in our previous life."

"Miss, you may still be the creator god of the eternal plane, what about you?"

"do not know."

"We've probably known each other for a long time."

Jiang Fuxian had the same feeling as Chen Mu.

Chen Mu looked at the imprint of reincarnation deep in his soul. He knew the consequences of opening the imprint of reincarnation. After merging the first imprint of reincarnation, he felt unreal, as if living in two time and space.

Chen Mu didn't want to merge this reincarnation imprint for the time being, and Jiang Fuxian also didn't care about the memory of her previous life. She smiled from ear to ear in Chen Mu's arms.

Jiang Fuxian smiled, with rippling eyes, Chen Mu caressed her back, "Lady, I will always be by your side from now on."

"Husband, as long as you are by my side, I am willing to go wherever I go." Jiang Fuxian smiled like a flower, and she never wanted to leave Chen Mu again.

Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian embraced each other tightly.

"Let's go home first." Chen Mu wanted to go back to visit Doudou, but he didn't want his daughter to carry everything alone.

Jiang Fuxian nodded and smiled, and said softly: "Husband, I will listen to you."

Chen Mu let go of Jiang Fuxian, lightly scratched her Qiong nose, and then took out two treasures.

Golden Leaf and Creation Stone.

The golden leaf is a spiritual treasure, which can restore Jiang Fuxian's past life memories.

The Creation Stone can make Jiang Fuxian stronger.

Jiang Fuxian and Chen Mu are intertwined, so they naturally know the functions of these two treasures, "You keep the Creation Stone for yourself, it is very useful to you."

Chen Mu said solemnly: "My lady, I want to become stronger with you, are you willing?"

"I am willing."

Jiang Fuxian did not refuse again.

The black boat disappeared into the deep sea. On the way back to the eternal plane, Jiang Fuxian used the golden leaves, and the majestic spiritual energy poured into the sea of ​​consciousness, and the memory imprint of the previous life gradually became complete.

That is the memory of the Goddess of Light. She has not yet awakened the memory of the Creator God of the Eternal Plane. Jiang Fuxian saw everything that Chen Mu was with in the previous life, some of which Chen Mu did not know.

"Husband, I think of everything."

"Let me see."

Jiang Fuxian shared the memories of his previous life with Chen Mu. The couple couldn't help laughing out loud when they saw the interesting experience in their previous life.

Deep space echoed with laughter.

 ps: Thank you prince for your reward, thank you for the monthly ticket voted on the next floor of a bag of rice, thank you for your recommendation tickets and subscriptions, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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