my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 381 The Shadow Strikes

Chapter 381 The Shadow Strikes
Tianchi fairyland, surrounded by clouds and mist.

Jiang Fuxian likes peach blossoms, so there are peach trees tens of feet high in the courtyard, which are full of vitality and bloom all year round, with colorful flowers falling.

There are also various exotic plants in the garden.

Chen Mu was sitting under the tree, playing with ancient stone slabs, Jiang Fuxian was making tea, and the couple were studying cultural relics when they were free.

They collected a lot of antiques left over from ancient times, and wanted to discover the mysteries among them. Xiaoyaomeng and Lingyunzong were responsible for the collection. There were a large number of cultural relics every year, but there were only a handful of useful ones.

"Husband, come and drink tea."

"Okay, thank you lady."

Chen Mu took the teacup, took a sip, nodded and praised, "This tea is really fragrant."

"The tea is sent by Doudou, and the tea is the sweet spring from the Northern Wilderness." Jiang Fuxian said with a sweet smile.

"Doudou is a filial child."

Chen Mu drank his tea with a smile on his face.

Jiang Fuxian is wearing a crisp white dress with silver hair loose. She is more casual at home, "Husband, Yaoyao said some time ago that she wants to go out."

"The Sea of ​​Bitterness is not the Eternal Plane, and the water outside is very deep. Even if you are a master of heaven, you will easily encounter danger when you go out." Chen Mu was naturally worried.

Chen Yao's realm has improved rapidly, and she is now at the peak realm. She also understands that the higher the realm, the more energy is consumed in the plane she is in, so she wants to leave and go to the outside world.

Jiang Fuxian said softly: "I don't want to impose my own ideas on her, so let her stay in the eternal plane and make a decision later."

After Chen Mu finished drinking the tea, he put down the cup, "I will discuss it with Yaoyao."

"Is there any progress regarding the Land of Void?" Jiang Fuxian looked curious.

Chen Mu smiled lightly and said, "There is some progress. It seems that the Eternal Plane can also connect to the Land of the Void, or any plane can connect to the Land of the Void. I haven't found a way to get to the Land of the Void."

In the dark blue plane back then, Chen Mu entered the land of emptiness with Yun Mengchen, but that was only a corner, not the complete land of emptiness.

It is rumored that the land of the void can get rid of material consumption and allow life to evolve. No plane can escape the fate of decline, so Chen Mu wants to find out the secrets about the land of the void.

Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian came to Tianchi Martial Arts Field, where the couple practiced. They were back to back, and their strengths were perfectly intertwined.

When the immortal brilliance and the holy silver brilliance merge, the avenue roars, Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian join forces, the space sword can instantly reach all parts of the eternal plane, even facing the creation creatures, they are fearless.


Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian stopped to rest.

They sat on the steps high in the palace, with fruit wine and pastries in front of them.

The couple ate desserts, drank wine, and looked at the stars, living a comfortable and leisurely life.

"Lady, come and drink."


Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian worked hard for a long time, but they still didn't have a second child. They were too high-level, and it was very difficult to have a child, and they didn't deliberately force it.


The depths of the starry sky suddenly trembled.

Dao Wei'an's figure appeared there.

Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian looked at the figure and couldn't help but smile. Chen Xiaodou became the master of the earth rank. She gained great power, and with the blessing of all sentient beings' beliefs, she was not weaker than the master of the heaven rank.

"Doudou is very powerful, and the hearts of the people are all willing to bless her with power. That power can even compete with the creation gods."


Both Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian felt relieved to hand over the Eternal Plane to Doudou. The two of them are leisurely all day long, studying ancient books and classics on weekdays, living a comfortable life.

"Go and see Doudou."

Chen Mu took Jiang Fuxian by the hand, and the couple came to the forbidden area of ​​Tiangong, where Chen Xiaodou retreated, and the coercion on her body was restraining.

Chen Xiaodou opened her eyes, the golden light in her eyes slowly dissipated, and then returned to azure blue, with a smile in her eyes, "Father, mother, you are here."

Jiang Fuxian caressed Chen Xiaodou's pretty face, and said softly, "Of course I miss you."

Chen Mu originally wanted to shave her nose, but thinking that she is now the Emperor of Heaven, he still can't treat her like a child, "Doudou, you have to balance the three realms and stabilize the order. You have a heavy burden on you. If you don't understand, you can ask us, and don't let us know." I am too tired."

Doudou smiled sweetly: "Father, I'm not tired, I can feel the origin of the world is passing away, the strong live forever, the weak only have a moment of time, as time goes by, only the strong will remain in the world."

"It's hard to change."

"You don't have to try to change."

Chen Mu said solemnly: "The devil master saw the truth in this back then, and wanted to destroy the world and restart the eternal plane."

"Is there a way to solve that?"

Chen Mu said with a serious expression: "Fix the number of immortals and limit their lifespan. There will definitely be strong people who will not accept it and need iron and blood methods."

"I understand."

Chen Xiaodou's eyes became firm.

Jiang Fuxian said softly: "Doudou, the way of heaven is not ruthless, I hope you can distinguish rewards and punishments."

"Doudou, as the emperor of heaven, we can still remind you, but when we leave in the future, you can only restrain yourself by yourself." Chen Mu reminded.

Chen Xiaodou understood their worries, "Father, I will always remind myself."

The couple believed in their daughter.

Chen Mu said seriously: "Doudou, if we leave, I will close the plane channel, which can not only protect this place, but also prolong the new order for more time and reduce the loss of energy."

Chen Xiaodou frowned slightly, "Father, if this is the case, wouldn't it be difficult for us to leave again?"


Chen Mu wants to protect them.

Chen Xiaodou thought for a while, then said in a deep voice, "Father, I am willing to follow your arrangement."

Jiang Fuxian took Doudou's arm and said softly: "We did this to protect you, it's very dangerous outside Kuhai."

"I see."

Chen Xiaodou nodded heavily.

Chen Mu said in a deep voice: "Doudou, if we go to the other side, we will help you remove the obstacles, and maybe we don't need to close the plane passage."

"Thank you dad."

Chen Xiaodou threw herself into Chen Mu's arms.

Chen Mu gently hugged Doudou, then said with a smile, "We have to go back to see your sister-in-law, and we will come to see you when we have time."

"Yeah." Chen Xiaodou was going to rectify the new order. When the new heavenly rules appeared, it would definitely cause dissatisfaction among many gods.

Beihuang, Chen family.

Chen Yao spends most of her time at home.

Chen Ying likes to run around, either in the fairy world or in the starry sky. She has a cheerful personality, has friends all over the world, and has countless suitors.

Chen Yao is pure and ascetic. She stays in the Chen family all year round and keeps a low profile. Even many younger generations of the Chen family do not know of her existence.

The top of the mountain near Chen's house.

You can see the whole Chen family here.

Chen Yao sat on the top of the mountain, watching the Chen family in a daze, and Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian came to her.


"I heard you're going out?"

Chen Mu sat next to his sister and asked.

Chen Yao nodded slightly, and she said softly: "I want to become stronger, this place is not suitable for me."

Chen Mu nodded, "That's true, but the outside is very dangerous, even your sister Fuxian and I are not sure to walk sideways outside."

"Brother, you have been taking risks since you were a child. When you left, everyone was worried. I didn't leave privately, but I didn't want you to worry." Chen Yao looked at Chen Mu and smiled lightly, very cute.

Chen Mu knew that Chen Yao had a big dream, so he solemnly said: "Every 10 years, there will be a plane battle in the depths of the deep sea, and the top twenty planes will be able to send three extremely powerful people to fight the plane battle. Great battle, the result of the great battle can affect the luck of the plane."

When Chen Yao heard this, she immediately became interested.

Chen Mu said with a smile: "Yaoyao, I think you will take part in the battle between the planes instead of the Eternal Plane."

"Plane Wars, okay, but can we participate in the Eternal Plane?" Chen Yao asked doubtfully.

Chen Mu said in a deep voice: "The plane war will not start for many years, and the ranking of the eternal plane will definitely increase. At that time, we will also send three superpowers. Would you like to participate?"


"Let's see mine then."

Chen Yao regained her goal, her eyes sparkled, and she vowed secretly that she would go to the extreme at the very top.

Seeing that Chen Yao was willing to stay, Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian cooked at home, drank and chatted with the younger sister, and Chen Yan and his wife were still traveling in other places.

Da Zhuang was lying in the yard gnawing bones, and Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai were lying on its back. The two little guys looked cute, but they had terrifying power. They were caught by Chen Yao and they were forbidden to go out.

Chen Mu told Chen Yao the process of the plane war, and let her understand the fierceness and cruelty of the plane war. There are so many strong people there, it is difficult to get results.

Chen Yao was not afraid, but was full of fighting spirit, "Brother, sister Fuxian, can you help me with special training, I want to become stronger."

Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian looked at each other and smiled, and after discussing with each other, they replied: "Yaoyao, you and I, Sister Fuxian, will build a forbidden area, and the restrictions there are similar to those in a lonely place, where you can practice."

"it is good."

Chen Yao said excitedly.

That night, Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian teamed up to build a forbidden area, where there are special restrictions and various powerful puppets for combat training.

The restriction of the forbidden area will continue to become stronger with Chen Yao. Chen Mu is not using this to lie to the younger sister, but really wants Chen Yao to play instead of the eternal plane in the future.

Tianchi Wonderland.

Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian returned to the palace.

"Husband, it's not that simple to improve the ranking of the Eternal Plane."

"If you want to improve your ranking, you have to beat the top planes. The high-level planes have Creation Gods in charge. It's very difficult for the eternal planes to get into the top [-]."

Jiang Fuxian smiled and said, "Husband, no matter how difficult it is, I will help you."

"Okay, we husband and wife will work hard together." Chen Mu hugged Jiang Fuxian into his arms.

In the blink of an eye.

500 years have passed.

Chen Xiaodou promulgates new rules of heaven.

She fixed the number of immortals and divided the immortals into many levels. After years of reforms, the immortal system became more complete, and the majesty of the Emperor of Heaven became higher and higher.

Ordinary people only know about the Emperor of Heaven, but not about Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian. Even the elders of many ancient clans have almost forgotten them.

It's not that their memory is bad, but that Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian's realm is too high, above the way of heaven, and it is difficult for ordinary strong people to preserve their memories.

Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian live in Tianchi Wonderland, knowing that only the gods and gods exist for them.

At night, the stars twinkle.

Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian came outside the palace at the same time, and they sensed a powerful existence.

Jiang Fuxian gazed into the depths of the starry sky, his beautiful eyes narrowed, "It's a plane hunter."

She quickly pinched her fingers, ready to blast and kill the plane hunter who suddenly broke into the eternal plane.

Chen Mu took her hand and said with a light smile, "Maybe it can attract big fish."

"Husband, you are still smart."

Jiang Fuxian nodded with a smile.

In Tiangong, Chen Xiaodou also noticed that a strong person had sneaked into the eternal plane. When she was about to make a move, she heard Chen Mu's voice transmission, so she didn't make a move.

The strong who broke into the eternal plane did not rush in, and soon left through the plane passage.

Chen Mu said lightly: "If my sense is right, he is a strong person in the Shadow Plane."

The Shadow Plane's ranking dropped after the Plane War, and it is now ranked fourteenth. It is still a powerful plane, but with Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian, unless the Creator God of the Shadow Plane comes personally, it is impossible to challenge the Eternal Plane. create a threat.

"Husband, how did they find out here?" Jiang Fuxian was a little puzzled.

Chen Mu thought for a while, and guessed: "It may be that the Shadow Plane discovered the Evil God Plane, and then got the information about the Eternal Plane. I think the Evil God Plane was discovered, and it must no longer exist now."

"I don't know how the Shadow Plane will attack." Jiang Fuxian was still a little worried.

Chen Mu smiled and said: "Even if there are powerful creation gods in the Shadow Plane, they will not leave easily. It cannot bear the price of the destruction of the ancestral land."


"Hopefully some big fish will take the bait."

The couple hid their aura and hid their "footprints" on the eternal plane, as if they didn't exist. They told Chen Xiaodou the secret, and she needed her cooperation in this matter.

After a long time.

A large number of plane hunters appeared again, including the earth-level masters. They came to investigate information. When they wanted to approach the fairy world, they were stopped by Chen Xiaodou. She beheaded a large number of strong people and let only the earth-level masters go.

The Eternal Plane was quiet for a long time, and suddenly the depths of the starry sky trembled, and a large number of powerhouses from the Shadow Plane appeared, including the ruler of the sky, and the powerful coercion made the starry sky tremble.

Chen Xiaodou personally went to the depths of the starry sky. Wearing a golden emperor armor, she summoned all the gods and marched a mighty army to the vicinity of the plane passage.

The invading shadow plane powerhouse did not fight, and fled directly through the plane passage.

Jiang Fuxian's eyes narrowed slightly, "Do they know there is a trap here?"

Chen Mu shook his head with a smile, and said to himself: "They are still probing. They have obviously figured out the strength of our eternal plane, and they will definitely attack aggressively next time."

in the starry sky.

Chen Xiaodou ordered to retreat.

Only some strong ones are left here to garrison.

Ten years later.

There was movement again in the plane channel.

A large number of powerhouses from the Shadow Plane poured in, and there were four Heaven-rank Masters alone. You must know that even the top planes can only support about five Heaven-rank Masters, and the Shadow Plane is almost out of the nest.

There are nearly twenty earth-level masters. This force can crush many high-level planes, and the strong ones stationed in the passages of the planes directly fled.

This was Chen Xiaodou's order to let them leave on their own in case of danger, without having to fight to the death.

The strong men from the Shadow Plane charged into the Eternal Plane, the starry sky was dead silent, and no strong man came at all. They sensed something was wrong, but before they had time to react, sword lights burst out of the air.

The body of the master who was cut out was broken neatly, and the wound was full of sword light, still devouring their strength, and the powerhouse of the shadow plane was in a mess.

Tianchi Wonderland.

Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian drew their swords at the same time, their movements were exactly the same, the sword lights pierced through the air and hit the target at a long distance.

A heavenly master wanted to escape, but his body was pierced by the sword light, which ignored any defense, time and space.

"how is this possible?"

"This is the power beyond the master!"

The powerhouses from the Shadow Plane fell one after another, and the powerhouses from the Eternal Plane looked at the starry sky, where the stars were shining brightly and rich energy fell.

this day.

Many immortal cultivators broke through.

In the end, there was still a heavenly master alive. He was bound by the sword beam, unable to escape, and the void was twisted. Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian came to him.

"It's actually a trap!"

That heavenly ruler wanted to explode himself.

Glowing light covered his whole body, and his body began to crack. Chen Mu raised his hand and spun, and when time went back, that cracked body began to recover.

The ruler of the Shadow Plane's Tianjiao stared wide-eyed. He fell into Chen Mu's hands, and it would be difficult to die, even if he wanted to destroy the memory in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Soon, Chen Mu got all the information of the Shadow Plane, he shot again, the Heavenly Ruler was shattered, and the starry sky returned to calm.

Chen Xiaodou came nearby, her eyes were full of admiration, Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian were not happy, the real test had just begun.

Chen Mu said seriously: "Doudou, your mother and I are leaving now."

They didn't have time to celebrate, the strong in the shadow plane was wiped out, the creator god of the shadow plane must be able to sense that the eternal plane is no longer safe.

Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian intend to close the plane channel and send the eternal plane to a safe place, and they will travel far.

Chen Xiaodou understood.

She took the initiative to hug her parents.

 ps: Thank you Gongziqi for your reward, thank you Gongziqi and Youkai for coming to vote for the monthly ticket, thank you for your recommendation tickets and subscriptions, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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