my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 59 Lesson 1

Chapter 59 The First Lesson
Lingyunzong sits on a hundred thousand mountains.

The mountain where the sect's strong men live is relatively deserted, and Zhaixing Peak is in the depths of Lingyunzong, and the surroundings are very quiet.

Qin Nishang brought Chen Mu to Zhaixing Peak.

The Star Picking Peak is very ordinary, not even as high as the surrounding mountains, which is completely different from the Star Picking Peak in Chen Mu's imagination.

Qin Nishang said coldly: "Junior Brother, do you know why this place is called Zhaixing Peak?"

"I don't know, please ask the senior sister to clarify." Chen Mu said respectfully with a small face.

Qin Nishang's eyes were full of pride, "Early before Jiang Fuxian was born, the master had enlightened on this mountain. One night, he realized the way of swords that surpassed the world. The sword rises and the stars fall, and then this place is called Zhaixing Peak. "

With admiration in Chen Mu's eyes, he picked up the stars with his sword. What a great power that is, but he didn't see the name of the master on the holy list. Could it be said that the strong people on the holy list are stronger than the master?

The two walked into Zhaixing Peak.

They started climbing from the bottom of the mountain.

Chen Mu noticed the neatly trimmed trees on both sides of the mountain road, the bright sunlight fell on the mountain road, and the surroundings were full of birds and flowers.

The environment here is very nice.

Qin Nishang said solemnly: "Every plant and tree here is taken care of by Master himself, and even the pebbles you step on are found by Master in the river."

Chen Mu looked down at the cobblestones under his feet. Every cobblestone was extremely smooth, with traces of being polished, and there were not even fallen leaves on the mountain road.

It seems that Zhaixingfeng is always taken care of.

Chen Mu has been to Ziyun Peak, and Xiao Yun has also shown him many peaks. Those places are not as lively as here. Master Su Min regards Zhaixing Peak as his home, and Lingyunzong as his home to protect .

Reaching the top of Star Peak.

There is an exquisite bamboo house located in the middle, not far from the door is a vegetable garden surrounded by well-cared-for flowers and plants.

The layout here is very simple, but it gives Chen Mu the feeling of a paradise, very comfortable.

Su Min was wearing a plain white robe, with a fairy-like demeanor and a childlike face. He was sitting in front of the bamboo house, with white jade with sword patterns floating in his hand.

Qin Nishang put her hand on Chen Mu's shoulder.

Chen Mu stopped immediately, and the two stood quietly not far away.

That jade pendant contained powerful energy.

After a while, Su Min opened his eyes, and he smiled kindly and said, "Xiao Mu, come here."


Chen Mu walked up to him.

Su Min handed the jade pendant with the sword pattern to Chen Mu, and said with a smile, "There is a sword for the teacher in it, just crush it in case of danger."

Chen Mu put away the jade pendant with sword patterns, and said respectfully with a small face: "Thank you, Master."

He knew what this jade pendant was.

Zhao Feiyan's jade pendant had Jiang Fuxian's sword in it, and that sword directly cut off half of Beilin. Chen Mu was very curious about the power of Master's sword. Naturally, Chen Mu would not use it now. It will only be used in desperate situations.

Su Min's eyes were full of smiles, "Fifth grade sword master, his mind power is far superior to that of sword cultivators of the same generation, and his physical strength is far more than that of ordinary people."

Chen Mu was slightly startled, as expected of a master, he could see my details at a glance.

Qin Nishang was waiting nearby, she wanted to know why Chen Mu asked Master to teach him in person.

Su Min went on to say: "You are still a rare domineering sword body, and you are born to control ten thousand swords."

Qin Nishang's beautiful eyes were slightly shocked. Ninth-rank root bones are very rare, but domineering sword body is even rarer than ninth-rank root bones. This is a special physique that has been hard to see for thousands of years, and has the ability to control ten thousand swords.

"You have a domineering sword body, but you have not yet mastered a domineering sword intent, but you have first mastered the explosive and speed-increasing thunder sword intent, which is not bad."

"Your talent ranks third among the geniuses I've seen." Su Min's eyes were full of smiles.

Qin Nishang looked shocked, Chen Mu had already mastered the sword intent that even the sword king had difficulty mastering at such a young age.

He can even master more sword intent.

Chen Mu was startled, I was only the third one to cheat like this, "Master, who is the first two?"

"The first one has already fallen, and the second one is Jiang Fuxian." Su Min's eyes were filled with sadness.

Qin Nishang said in a deep voice: "If senior brother has not fallen, the position of suzerain belongs to him."

Su Min didn't continue to discuss this topic, he said kindly: "Xiao Mu, go to the edge of the cliff and use your breathing method, release the energy field, and adjust the energy field to the strongest state."

Chen Mu came to the edge of the cliff.

He clenched his broken wings tightly, concentrated his mind, and released the Qi field suddenly, the whole body was filled with flames, and the surrounding vegetation was shaking.

After holding the sword, Chen Mu's eyes were firm, and the sound of the dragon's chant echoed in Zhaixing Peak. With the blessing of Thunder Sword Intent, the flame turned into a red thunder, which was dazzling and dazzling, and the entire Xingxing Peak trembled.

Many disciples of the Lingyun Sect heard the movement of Zhaixing Peak, but it was a forbidden area where they could not set foot. Zhao Feiyan was familiar with that wave, which was Chen Mu's unique qi field.

Jiang Fuxian stood on the top of Lingyun Peak, staring at Zhaixing Peak with beautiful eyes.

Qin Nishang's eyes were full of fire, and she lost her voice: "It's not weaker than the Qi Field of the peak of Jianhou!"

Chen Mu put away the Qichang, Su Min nodded in satisfaction, and praised with a smile: "At the same age, your realm is far beyond your senior brother and senior sister."

"The Nirvana breathing method you used was given by Fu Xian." Su Min asked with a smile.

Chen Mu said respectfully, "Yes."

Su Min nodded slightly, and said calmly: "It is true that the Nirvana breathing method is more suitable for the domineering sword body. We will start with the sword in the first class."

Hearing this, Qin Nishang respectfully said: "Master, the Zongmen Grand Ceremony has just ended, and I still have things to do, Junior Brother, Ao Jianfeng will belong to you in the future, and I will let Meier take care of it for you, identity tokens and daily clothes. They will be sent to Proud Sword Peak for you."

Chen Mu respectfully said, "Thank you, Senior Sister."

After Qin Nishang left.

Su Min and Chen Mu sat on the futon.

"What is a sword to you?"


Su Min said meaningfully: "A sword should be a sibling, a partner. For a sword cultivator, the sword is life. Only when you care about the sword can you unleash the full power of the sword."

"For a sword, you need to know where it is strong and where it is weak, and use its strength to protect its weak point."

Chen Mu looked down at the folded wing in his hand, and suddenly he understood a lot. Before, he only thought that the folded wing was easy to use, but he had never observed it carefully, "Master, thank you for reminding me."

Su Min pointed at Chen Mu's chest, "Not only should you care about the sword in your hand, but you should also be firm with the sword in your heart. The heart of the sword is more important than anything else."

Chen Mu listened patiently.

"Some swords seek Taoism and longevity, some swords are chivalrous, and some swords are full of love and hatred. Find your own sword and sharpen it."

Chen Mu nodded solemnly. He thought that the master would introduce the difference between heavy swords and long swords, and introduce the strengths and weaknesses of spirit swords. Unexpectedly, it was something more profound. He benefited a lot after listening.


Chen Mu finished the first class.

He realized a lot of philosophies about swords.

Su Min took out the brass-colored protective gear, including arm guards and wrist guards, etc. He threw the protective gear on the ground to make pits in the ground.

"These can help you practice."

Chen Mu put on wrist guards and arm guards, ankles on his feet, and inner armor made of gold silk. These were originally a bit big, but they suddenly shrank and became close-fitting, and a heavy sense of oppression struck.

Chen Mu felt the pressure on his body doubled. These things were not only heavy, but also restricted his use of spiritual power, and he could only release about three layers of spiritual power.

"Take two consecutive shots to remove these protective gear." Su Min reminded.

These armors can be contracted freely, and they are spiritual weapons forged from rare metals. They are real armors, and they can be regarded as a simple version of armor.

"If you can't hold on, take it off."

Chen Mu grinned and said: "Master, I can bear it, this is called cultivation."

Su Min kindly said, "Come to Zhaixing Peak every two days, and we will teach basic sword moves in the next class."

"it is good."

Chen Mu nodded with a smile.

He has learned the basic sword moves a long time ago, but he still looks forward to how the master will explain the basic sword moves.

Chen Mu went to Aojian Peak wearing protective gear.

He couldn't even fly with Yujian, so he could only walk to Aojian Peak. Fortunately, Xiao Yun told him before that this was the mountain before Master Xiao Yun, that is, Qin Nishang's senior brother, the one who was the most talented Where I lived.

The trees between the mountain roads have traces of being cut by swords, the moss on the steps has not been scraped clean, and the ground is full of dirt with footprints.

Chen Mu came to the mountainside, there is a cave here, and there are women's laughter inside, Zhao Feiyan and Liu Meier are in the cave.

Liu Meier was sent by Master to clean Ao Jianfeng, she was a bit too busy, so she asked Zhao Feiyan to help, and the two girls sat in the cave chatting after cleaning Ao Jianfeng.

Liu Meier asked Zhao Feiyan about the story of the little uncle.

Zhao Feiyan told all of Chen Mu's glorious deeds, and Liu Meier exclaimed after hearing it: "No wonder the little uncle can live in Aojian Peak, maybe the little uncle can beat the suzerain in the future."

"Tch, just him, my master can instantly kill him with his eyes." Zhao Feiyan said proudly.

Liu Meier said weakly: "I offended my junior uncle today, do you think he will hold grudges?"

Zhao Feiyan smiled lightly and said, "What's the matter? I often bullied him in Black Rock City."


Liu Meier's face was full of gossip.

"Cough cough."

When Chen Mu walked into the cave, Zhao Feiyan and Liu Meier were busy chatting, but they didn't notice that Chen Mu had returned, so the two girls shut up quickly.

"Little uncle."

Liu Meier said respectfully.

Zhao Feiyan raised her head, her arrogant appearance seemed to have no intention of saluting.

Chen Mu didn't rely on his status to suppress her, and said with a smile: "Thank you for helping me clean Ao Jianfeng."

Liu Meier said crisply: "Uncle, every month, you can go to the Reward Pavilion to collect resources. This is a custom-made clothes for you, and this is an identity token made for you."

It was a golden token, and he saw that many disciples had either black or blue tokens, Liu Meier and Zhao Feiyan both had yellow tokens.

Liu Meier respectfully said: "Ordinary elders are red identity tokens, and golden tokens have very high authority in Lingyun Sect. They are at the same level as my master, second only to the suzerain and the supreme elders."

Chen Mu accepted the identity token.

Liu Meier smiled and waved: "Little Martial Uncle, Meier has to go back to work, see you later."

"Nephew, go slowly."

Chen Mu personally sent Liu Meier away.

He looked back at Zhao Feiyan, and said in a deep voice, "Nephew Zhao, do you have anything else to do?"

Zhao Feiyan gritted her silver teeth, her eyes could eat people, Chen Mu smiled sweetly, "Sister Feiyan, in private we still call each other friends."

"Little uncle." Zhao Feiyan finally accepted the fact that Chen Mu was her uncle.

"Is there a dining hall?"

Chen Mu felt a little hungry.

He has not eaten meat for many days.

Zhao Feiyan said coldly: "Of course there is, but let's go to the Reward Pavilion first."

 ps: Thank you Apr416 for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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