my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 73 Grand Sword Intent

Chapter 73 Grand Sword Intent
Ba Jian Wushuang has been covered in dust for many years, and now the dust is gone, and light is born, shining through thousands of mountains and rivers.

That sword was once extremely brilliant, and the elders still have memories of it.

They looked at Chen Mu who came from Yujian, a half-grown child, wearing a white robe, with a childish face, but piercing eyes.

Chen Mu had an aura that is rare for ordinary arrogance, and the juniors near the No. [-] mountain peak all took the initiative to make way for him, with respect in their eyes.

on floating islands.

Jiang Fuxian raised her eyebrows slightly, she could feel the fighting spirit on Chen Mu, she shook her head slightly, a little helpless, but there was still a smile in her eyes.

Su Min's eyes were slightly wet. He was very relieved to see Chen Mu using this sword.

"That's great." Hong Feng's old face was full of smiles, as if seeing Junior Sister Jiang back then, their rise was the focus of attention.

Everyone's attention was focused on Chen Mu, Hong Feng suddenly looked left and right, then shook his head in frustration, and murmured in his heart: "But now, who can be Chen Mu's protector?"

Su Min is the protector of Lingyun Sect, and Jiang Fuxian is the suzerain. They have too many burdens on them, and they cannot be Chen Mu's protector at all.

Chen Mu's future will be extremely dangerous.

Peak One.

Chen Mu landed steadily on the ring.

Shen Ze's eyes were fiery, he cupped his hands at Chen Mu, and said respectfully, "I've met my little uncle."

Chen Mu smiled back.

【Sign in successfully】

【Congratulations on obtaining the Grand Sword Intent】

Chen Mu exuded a mighty sword intent all over his body.

This sword intent was released from his body, and countless spiritual swords in the entire Lingyun Sect trembled.

Those juniors who watched the battle from the distant mountain peaks were holding their swords tightly, for fear that their swords would fly out suddenly. The junior Jianhou was forcibly controlling the spirit sword under his feet, and even the junior Sword King felt that his saber wanted to rush out .

"Great Sword Intent!"

Jin Yuanshan looked shocked.

Both Zeng Changsheng and Qin Nishang opened their eyes wide. Even Su Min and Jiang Fuxian were surprised that they had comprehended two sword intents at this age, and they could be compared with those ancient arrogances who stunned the world.

Chen Mu discovered that the Haoran sword was intended to absorb the sword energy from the nearby juniors, and the power of countless juniors gathered towards him.

Zhao Feiyan thought it was very interesting, she took out Qingyu, and the snow-colored long sword flew towards Chen Mu, then Xiao Yun and Ye Hong both took out their own swords, followed by the two spirit swords.

More and more juniors took out their sabers. The juniors of Jianhou need to fly with the sword. There is really no way to borrow the spirit sword. They can only borrow the sword energy in their bodies.

Countless spirit swords soared into the sky from the peaks near No. [-] mountain peak. These swords all gathered towards Chen Mu, and the juniors were willing to let them go. They were willing to lend their strength to Chen Mu.

Shen Ze looked at the little uncle, and then at the spirit swords that filled the sky. The powerful sword intent made his body stiff. Facing such terrifying power, he had no chance of winning at all.

Even Lu Qingshan looked shocked, the game hasn't started yet, what is Chen Mu doing?
Zhou Zhi, as the recorder of the Tianji Pavilion Qingyun Ranking, has seen countless arrogance, but he has never seen such a scene.

Numerous spiritual swords surround the No. [-] mountain peak, and the power of Chen Mu's body rises suddenly. That power far surpasses that of Jianhou, and surpasses all the sword kings present, making the sword kings and strongmen tremble with fear!

Jin Yuanshan couldn't help but exclaimed: "The Huzong sword array doesn't even have such power!"

Zeng Changsheng nodded slightly, and said: "Yes, because the sword formation needs everyone's cooperation, the awe-inspiring sword intent used by the younger brother only needs everyone to pass on the power to him."

"That being said, can my junior brother's body withstand such a terrifying force?"

"Junior brother's body is very domineering, and his meridians are far beyond ordinary people. I believe he can."

The elders and strong men are discussing.

Su Min couldn't help shaking his head. At the beginning, he said that Chen Mu's talent could only be ranked third, but now it seems that he was wrong.

Countless spirit swords converged into a mighty sword dragon on the No. [-] mountain peak. The sound of the dragon's chant resounded through the sky, and the entire Lingyun Sect was trembling. The overbearing dragon's chant could be heard in a radius of hundreds of miles.

Even far away, a strong man looked at Lingyunzong with a puzzled expression and asked: "Could it be that there is a new sword master in Lingyunzong? Is it Qin Nishang? Or Jin Yuanshan?"

Countless strong men were alarmed.

They sense that a new Juggernaut has emerged.

Ling Yunzong.

The No. [-] mountain peak arena.

With the assistance of Haoran Sword Intent and Lingyunzong disciples, Chen Mu's strength suddenly rose to a terrifying height. The sword dragon in the sky was like an ancient giant beast, carrying the coercion of a strong sword master. The Lingyunzong disciples were full of excitement and excitement. excited.

Shen Ze had to face the fear alone.

He was sweating profusely, and beads of sweat kept rolling down his cheeks, tick tock.

A strong sect joined the team of borrowing swords.

Hong Feng raised his hand, and Yuyuan burst out of the air. As the sword joined the Stegosaurus, the coercion suddenly increased several times. Qin Nishang and the other elders borrowed their swords one after another, and the Stegosaurus released a bright golden light, brighter than the sky. the sun shall shine brightly.

At this time, Chen Mu's sleeves suddenly shattered, and he had to bear the terrible force backlash, his forehead was covered with sweat, he held Wushuang tightly, and immediately released the Thunder Sword Intent to help him relieve the pressure. The beast made even a strong swordsman like Zeng Changsheng terrified.

This force is so strong that it is about to get out of control.

A strong man from the super power in the barren island walked out of the dark forbidden area. They looked up at the direction of Lingyunzong, and said in horror: "Lingyunzong has a terrible wave, and its power is almost equal to Jiang Fuxian!"

One Jiang Fuxian can make them afraid, two Jiang Fuxian can make them completely desperate, and countless elders and strong men are ashamed.

Jiang Fuxian and Su Min did not lend their power to Chen Mu, their power was beyond Chen Mu's control.

Chen Mu now has to bear the backlash of a terrible force. This force is too strong, it can only be gathered, it is difficult to control, and even his own scalp is numb.

Jiang Fuxian's beautiful eyes were slightly fixed, and Su Min was also frowning. The situation began to get out of control. Everyone lent their power to Chen Mu. If he can't control this power now, he will cause big trouble.

Su Min got up.

Always ready to rescue.

Jiang Fuxian tapped the Frozen Throne with her slender fingers, which she rarely did.

Chen Mu knew his situation, if he could not release this power, the consequences would be disastrous, he suddenly roared, and burst into full potential under the threat of death.

Overbearing Sword Intent Appears!

Chen Mu mastered the third sword intent!
Under the blessing of the domineering sword intent, Chen Mu's figure instantly rose a little, his strength multiplied, and he exuded a domineering energy field all over his body.

Jiang Fuxian smiled!
She watched Chen Mu wave Wushuang in his hand, and the stegosaurus in the sky followed him.

The juniors all looked at him intently.

Chen Mu swung his sword towards the sky. He knew that this sword was terrifyingly powerful, and he must not use it against Ling Yunzong. The sword dragon soared into the sky, and the dragon chanted to the heavens. Countless juniors looked up at the sky.

Stegosaurus tore through the clouds and bloomed high in the sky. The power distorted the space, and the terrifying explosion sounded all over the world.

Even though they were far away, ordinary juniors were shaken left and right, the entire mountain range trembled, and even the ground had countless cracks.

Countless spirit swords fell from the sky, and finally flew into the hands of their respective masters.

Holding Qingyu, Zhao Feiyan could feel that the spiritual power in the sword body had been exhausted.

The juniors first stared blankly at the blue sky, and then started to revel.

Jiang Fuxian smiled, "Master, can you block that sword?"


Su Min smiled happily.

Hong Feng saw the hope of Ling Yunzong.

The juniors of Lingyun Sect all looked at Chen Mu respectfully. With his mighty sword intent, he already possesses the power comparable to that of a sword master, but this power does not belong to him.

Chen Mu put away the three sword intents on his body, the pressure on the ring disappeared instantly, and Shen Ze was finally able to catch his breath, he was already drenched all over.

Zhou Zhi's legs were trembling, which can no longer be described as a genius. A monster appeared in Lingyunzong, and he might be stronger than Jiang Fuxian in the future.

"Feel sorry."

Chen Mu was a little embarrassed, Hao Ran's sword intent suddenly appeared, he didn't want to make such a big show, he just wanted to have a wonderful contest with Shen Ze.

Shen Ze was still panting, but his breathing gradually slowed down. In the end, his expression became calm, waves appeared on the soles of his feet, and he said in a deep voice, "Please teach me, little uncle!"

Hong Feng nodded with a smile in his eyes. This is his good apprentice. Even if he loses, he must show an attitude of not admitting defeat.

"Please!" Chen Mu also held the sword, and he will not borrow the Haoran Sword Intent for the next contest.

Lu Qingshan looked at Jiang Fuxian on the floating island, and after seeing her nodding slightly, he announced loudly: "The competition begins!"

 ps: Thank you Chen Xiaosheng for your reward, and thank you for your recommendation tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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