my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 75 Taking Care of the Fiancee

Chapter 75 Taking Care of the Fiancee
Ling Yunfeng.

In the depths of the ice and snow palace.

The spacious room is very simple, with an ice bed and two wardrobes.

This is Jiang Fuxian's room, Zhao Feiyan often changes clothes, and Chen Mu sees that his fiancée always wears the beautiful snow-colored floor-to-ceiling dress.

Chen Mu is now completely weak, and he is struggling with his perseverance.

The backlash of the sword intent and the final final caused Chen Mu to be seriously injured. The huge energy condensed by the Haoran sword intent is not something he can control at will.

Jiang Fuxian checked Chen Mu's body, and found that he was damaged in many places, and he was able to hold on. It can only be said that the domineering sword body is too strong, and it would be difficult for other juniors at the peak of the sword king to control the terrifyingly powerful Stegosaurus .

"Senior Sister will help you heal your wounds."

"Thank you, sister."

Chen Mu sat on the ice bed.

Jiang Fuxian sat cross-legged behind him, and they sat on top-quality ice jade that was millions of years old, which contained a lot of ice-attribute energy.

This is also Jiang Fuxian's bed.

She usually practices and rests here.

When Jiang Fuxian's energy surged, Chen Mu's whole body was icy, and his consciousness became much clearer.

Chen Mu's injury did not continue to deteriorate, and was successfully suppressed by Jiang Fuxian, but he needed a period of time to recover completely.

After the treatment, Jiang Fuxian supported Chen Mu to lie down, his beautiful face was a little cold, and Chen Mu said wearily: "Senior sister, I'm sorry."

At the beginning, the fiancée was promised to lose the final, but the final result was a draw.

"Don't think too much, Senior Sister is not angry, but just worried about other things, you should rest well." Jiang Fuxian frowned slightly, with a smile on his face.

Chen Mu was exhausted, seeing Jiang Fuxian's smile, he could rest at ease.

After Jiang Fuxian left the room, Chen Mu was left alone on the ice jade bed. The bed was very cold, but it had a healing effect.



Jiang Fuxian was holding a small white bowl.

She came to the ice jade bed and sat down.

Sensing Jiang Fuxian's arrival, Chen Mu tried to open his eyes, "Senior Sister."

After lying down and resting for half a day, Chen Mu recovered a little, but still had no strength.

Jiang Fuxian put down the small white bowl, she lifted the back of Chen Mu's head, let Chen Mu rest on her thigh, Chen Mu felt a little cold and soft.

"Senior Sister, you are so soft." Chen Mu looked at Jiang Fuxian and grinned silly.

Jiang Fuxian's eyes were blue, and she shook her head slightly. She picked up the small white bowl, and the steaming little white bowl quickly became warm and cold.

She fed Chen Mu the medicine with a spoon.

In the past, when I was young, my mother and elder sister fed me, and Jiang Fuxian was the one who took care of Chen Mu like this.

Chen Mu was a little moved.

The fiancée is amazing!

Chen Mu drank the medicine and said with a sweet smile, "Senior Sister, the medicine you boiled is really delicious."

Jiang Fuxian raised his eyebrows slightly, staring at Chen Mu's small face, seeing his silly smiling face, couldn't help shaking his head with a smile.

These few herbs can quickly restore the damaged meridians, but they are very bitter.

Chen Mu smelled a faint fragrance from Jiang Fuxian's body, not a perfume, it was refreshing, and even if he was tired, he would be refreshed after smelling it.

"Senior sister, you smell so good."

"Drink your medicine well."

Jiang Fuxian stared at Chen Mu. Her staring eyes were not scary, but rather cute.

Chen Mu became quiet.

It is very comfortable to lie down and drink medicine like this.

After feeding the medicine.

Jiang Fuxian was about to leave.

Chen Mu looked at Jiang Fuxian and said expectantly, "Senior Sister, can you sit down a little longer?"

Jiang Fuxian didn't get up, and said seriously: "Don't talk, take a good rest."

Although the tone was commanding, Chen Mu smiled and nodded after listening.

Due to the effect of the medicine, Chen Mu soon fell asleep.

Jiang Fuxian put his arms around Chen Mu's shoulders, with a smile in his eyes, and continued to heal him.

the next day.

No. [-] floating island.

Zhao Feiyan played against Ye Hong.

This game is also highly anticipated.

Zhao Feiyan looked around, but she didn't see Chen Mu, she frowned slightly, thinking that he didn't come to the game, probably because of his physical injury.

Yesterday she went to Aojian Peak to wait for Chen Mu, but he didn't come back. Zhao Feiyan planned to visit Chen Mu after the match.

"Senior Sister Zhao."

"Don't move your hands and feet, okay?"

The juniors around were all amused by Ye Hong.

The corners of Zhao Feiyan's mouth rose slightly, and she said coldly, "Okay, don't beg for mercy later."

Game start.

Two sword lights staggered.

The contest between them was shocking.

Compared to yesterday's Sword Waiting Finals, this match was relatively easy and mainly focused on exchanging ideas, so you don't have to worry about it, and the juniors watching can still laugh and discuss.

Zhao Feiyan was very strong, and pressed Ye Hong the whole time. The latter didn't stalk him, knowing that he was not his opponent, and after dozens of moves, he voluntarily surrendered.

Ye Hong conceded in advance, which saved Zhao Feiyan a lot of strength, and she can prepare for tomorrow's finals in a better state.

Xiao Yun clasped his arms around his chest, he was looking forward to tomorrow's peak duel with Zhao Feiyan, they will decide who is the real No. [-] Ling Yunzong junior.

competition is over.

Zhao Feiyan went to Lingyun Peak.

In the depths of the ice and snow palace, Chen Mu was still resting on Jiang Fuxian's pillow. He slept soundly, and Jiang Fuxian didn't bother him, with tenderness in his eyes.

Jiang Fuxian raised her head. She noticed that Zhao Feiyan had come to Lingyun Peak, so she moved Chen Mu and let him lie on the ice jade bed alone.


Zhao Feiyan stood on the top of the mountain.

Jiang Fuxian walked out of the palace, looked at Zhao Feiyan and asked, "Feiyan, what's the matter?"

Zhao Feiyan approached with a smile. She lowered her head and said cutely: "Master, will you come to my competition tomorrow?"

In recent years, Jiang Fuxian seldom watched the competition of the juniors. Only this year, he showed up to watch the finals of the Sword Waiting Field.

The heat far exceeds all previous games.

"If you want to be a teacher, just say so." Jiang Fuxian scratched Zhao Feiyan's pretty nose, she dotes on her apprentice very much.

Zhao Feiyan nodded repeatedly, and said solemnly: "Master, I promise to win tomorrow."

Chen Mu also promised to lose, Jiang Fuxian reminded: "Fei Yan, enjoy the process of the game, don't care about winning or losing, your realm has been stagnant for a long time, Xiao Yun has made great progress in these years, you have talent, but don't be bound by invisible shackles." bondage."

Jiang Fuxian knew that Zhao Feiyan wanted to prove her talent. As the suzerain's direct disciple, she didn't want to embarrass her master.

"Master, where's the little uncle?"

"He's resting in my room."

Zhao Feiyan was puzzled, she knew that Shizun was obsessed with cleanliness, and she would let Chen Mu use her bed. Fortunately, Chen Mu is a child, so it's hard to think wrong.

"Master, how is little uncle's injury? I want to go and have a look." Zhao Feiyan was a little worried.

Jiang Fuxian said softly: "Feiyan, your little uncle needs to rest quietly."

in the room.

Chen Mu felt his head throbbing.

He opened his eyes, and with the overbearing sword body and Jiang Fuxian's medicine, his body recovered almost.

"How did you recover so quickly?"

Chen Mu frowned, he didn't get up, he was still lying on the ice jade bed.

"I haven't recovered yet, I'd better lie down." Chen Mu murmured from the bottom of his heart.

Zhao Feiyan wanted to visit Chen Mu, but Jiang Fuxian said that Chen Mu needed to rest, and she could only go back to prepare for tomorrow's final.

Jiang Fuxian returned to the room and saw Chen Mu wake up, "Little brother, are you feeling better?"

Chen Mu's face was uncomfortable, "Senior Sister, I'm still a little tired, my whole body hurts, especially my head hurts, can you let me lie down again?"

Jiang Fuxian had no doubts.

She walked to the closet, took out a snow-colored dress from the closet and placed it under Chen Mu's head.

"Lie down for a while."

"Senior Sister is going to make medicine for you."

Jiang Fuxian turned and left gracefully.

Chen Mu looked at the snow-colored floor-to-ceiling dress sweeping across the smooth ground, his long silver hair hanging over his shoulders, and his tall and soft figure, no matter from which angle he looked at it, he was absolutely beautiful.

Jiang Fuxian has a peerless face and the peak strength of swordsmanship. Not only can he make cakes, but he can also cook medicine and take care of him. He has a cold appearance and a gentle heart. Such an excellent fiancée must marry home!
Chen Mu is not in a hurry now, he is still young and has plenty of time, so he is worried that Jiang Fuxian will treat him as a younger brother in the end.

He even laughed at Liu Meier.

Such a mistake cannot be made.

Jiang Fuxian boiled the medicine, and Chen Mu still leaned on her soft thigh, "Senior Sister, it's better for you to lie down comfortably."

Jiang Fuxian pouted slightly, and said with a serious expression: "Don't talk, drink your medicine well."

Chen Mu saw Jiang Fuxian's angry expression very cute, because she was not really angry, so she had no deterrent effect.

After drinking the medicine, Jiang Fuxian stood up holding the bowl, "Is this medicine bitter?"

"It's not bitter."

Chen Mu shook his head again and again.

Jiang Fuxian turned around with the bowl in hand.

"I see, Senior Sister thought the medicine was bitter and wanted to make you some desserts."

"Senior sister, the medicine is very bitter."

However, Jiang Fuxian had already walked away, with a smile on her beautiful face.

 ps: Thank you for the rewards from people who love learning, book friends 20200209180316045, thank you people who love learning, book friends 20190612063205434, diving mice, and thousand-year-old bookworms for their monthly votes, thank you for your recommendation votes.

  ps2: The second one may be later, please recommend it and ask for a recommendation ticket, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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