my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 82 The Peach Forest

Chapter 82
The room became cooler.

Chen Mu was meditating, he smelled the refreshing fragrance, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Jiang Fuxian standing by the window like a fairy.

Brighter than the bright moon outside the window.

"Junior brother, you have been playing for half a month, and you will go back to Lingyunzong with your senior sister." Jiang Fuxian looked back, smiling, with a peerless beauty.

"Senior sister, can you leave tomorrow morning?"

Chen Mu still wanted to say goodbye to his parents, so he left quietly, which was not very good.

Jiang Fuxian said softly: "Yes, go outside Nancheng tomorrow, senior sister will wait for you nearby."

"no problem."

Chen Mu grinned.

Jiang Fuxian then disappeared.

Chen Mu wanted to ask Jiang Fuxian to sleep with him just now. Although it was very cool to beat him up, it was obviously not worthwhile to get beaten up, so he should do it later.

early morning.

The sun is rising.

Chen Mu is about to leave the Chen family.

Logan and Chen Yan are used to it.

My younger sister, Chen Ying, looked like she was about to cry.

Chen Mu lightly rubbed the little girl's head, and said in a gentle tone: "Be obedient at home, brother will bring you something delicious when he comes back next time."


Chen Ying was crying.

Chen Mu hugged the little girl again.

After saying goodbye to his family, Chen Mu Yujian left and flew straight to the south gate, where a brand new challenge awaited him.

Chen Mu saw the snow-colored ice bird hovering high above, and then landed beside Jiang Fuxian. The ice bird flapped its wings, and they began to return to Lingyunzong.

Lin Xing looked at the direction where Bingniao was leaving, and said in surprise: "He can be escorted by the suzerain. Could it be that his talent surpasses that of the sword master?"

Sword Immortal, that is an existence that is unimaginable. In the past tens of thousands of years, no Sword Immortal has been born. Even Jiang Fuxian, whose talent is astonishing in the world, has not been able to break through to the legendary realm of Sword Immortal.

The environment of Vientiane Continent no longer supports the existence of sword immortals. Only by opening the gate of immortality with the sword and stepping into the realm of immortality, can there be hope of becoming immortal.

Chen Mu can make Jiang Fuxian attach so much importance, maybe his potential can impact Sword Immortal!


On the way back to Zong.

Jiang Fuxian and Chen Mu were chatting.

"The Qingyun Conference is very important to the Lingyun Sect. There is a super spiritual mine in the south of the barren island. The ranking of the Qingyun Conference will determine the share of the spiritual mines of each faction."

"No.1 can take half of the output of the spirit mine in the next ten years, No.2 can take half of the remaining half, and so on."

"Currently, half of Lingyunzong's resources are provided by this super spirit mine."

After Jiang Fuxian's introduction, the importance of the Qingyun Conference is self-evident.

"Senior Sister, how about the results of our Lingyun Sect in the past few times?"

"Lingyunzong's grades are always in the top three. Feiyan was second that year, and last time it was third. Our Lingyunzong's disciple resources have been getting better and better in recent years, but the resources of spirit stones have become more and more insufficient."

"Senior sister hopes that you can take the top two."

Jiang Fuxian didn't ask Chen Mu and the others to take the first place, and taking the second place is also good.

Chen Mu frowned slightly. The third of the Lingyun Sect could only get about [-]% of the resources of the Super Spirit Mine, while the first could get [-]% of the resources.

With this rule, strong sects will only become stronger and weaker sects will only become weaker.

"Which sect was number one last time?"

"Holy Sword Mountain has won the first place many times in a row."

"Sacred Sword Mountain?" Chen Mu suddenly remembered that he had seen in the brochure of Tianji Pavilion that many juniors from Holy Sword Mountain were ranked in the top positions of Tianbang and Qingyunbang.

In terms of sect ranking, Sacred Sword Mountain is not as good as Lingyunzong. Lingyunzong has Jiang Fuxian and Su Min, and the strength of the sect depends on its peak combat power.

Chen Mu said solemnly: "Senior sister, I will try my best to help Ling Yunzong get the first place."

Jiang Fuxian said with a smile: "Junior brother, if you can help Lingyunzong get No.1 in the Qingyun Conference, sister will give you a reward."

"What reward?"

Chen Mu's eyes were full of expectation.

Jiang Fuxianyu dragged her snow-white chin with her hands, her eyes were blue, and she smiled, "Senior Sister hasn't made up her mind yet, is there anything Junior Brother wants?"

"Yes, senior sister, if the Lingyun Sect wins the first place this time, I want to eat the cakes you made, so you can make them for me, okay?"


Jiang Fuxian did not hesitate.

"Senior Sister, you said at the time that there was a good fortune in Qingyun Mountain, what kind of good fortune is it?"

"Qingyun Mountain is the place where Qingyun Sword Immortal lives in seclusion. There are special restrictions on the mountain. Even I can't get close to it. Only juniors below the Sword King can set foot here."

"It is rumored that Qingyun Mountain has the good fortune left by the sword fairy Qingyun. If you can get the good fortune left by the sword fairy, maybe you can go straight to Qingyun."

"The creation of a sword fairy."

Chen Mu's eyes were full of expectation.

Jiang Fuxian reminded: "Fatality and achievement are often not both. Feiyan lost time because of looking for good fortune."

"Score first."

Chen Mu replied with a smile.

Jiang Fuxian shook his head slightly, "Grade is not important, senior sister hopes you are safe."

"Is Qingyun Mountain in danger?"

"It is inevitable that some people have ulterior motives."

Chen Mu understood what Jiang Fuxian meant. He is now a peerless genius. Back then, Jiang Fuxian could be assassinated, so he has to be careful now.

Jiang Fuxian originally didn't want Chen Mu to take risks, but after Shen Ze's breakthrough, he was the only one who could be the backbone among the younger generation of Swordsmen of Lingyunzong.

"Senior sister, don't worry."

"I'll protect myself."

Chen Mu's expression is serious, his eyes are firm, coupled with that immature face, he is very cute.

Jiang Fuxian stretched out his hand to hug Chen Mu into his arms, and then pinched his little face with his slender hands.

"Senior sister, I didn't provoke you."

"Senior sister likes it."


Jiang Fuxian's slender fingers were cold, and Chen Mu was very comfortable being handled by her, so he didn't resist. He knew that resisting was useless.

three days later.

Chen Mu suddenly opened his eyes.

[Sign in: Ten Mile Taolin]

[Reward: Punishing God Sword Skill]

[Rank: Middle Grade Holy Rank]

That is a sword skill that surpasses the spiritual level. You must know that in Lingyunzong's Sutra Pavilion, it is a top sword skill that only a sword master can borrow.

"Senior Sister, can we go to Ten Mile Taolin now?" Chen Mu's eyes were a little excited.

There was doubt in Jiang Fuxian's beautiful eyes, "Now is not the season to see peach blossoms. If my junior brother wants to see peach blossoms, my senior sister will take you there next year."

"I want to go to Shili Taolin right now." Chen Mu looked at Jiang Fuxian expectantly.

Jiang Fuxian nodded slightly, and said softly: "Axue, first go to Shili Taolin."

"Thank you, Sister!"

Chen Mu's expression was extremely excited.

Jiang Fuxian didn't know why he was happy, but as long as he was happy, she was happy too.

In the middle of the night two days later.

They arrived at Ten Mile Taolin.

The peach blossoms nearby have long withered.

[Successfully signed in Ten Mile Taolin]

【Congratulations on getting the God-killing Sword Skill】

The sword skills were directly imprinted on Chen Mu's sea of ​​consciousness, and even his primordial spirit trembled.

Jiang Fuxian felt that Chen Mu was in a daze, "Little brother, what's the matter with you?"

Chen Mu came back to his senses, Zhushen sword skill is in the sea of ​​knowledge, and he can study it at any time. He is not in a hurry now, and said with a smile: "Senior sister, I'm fine. Next, you can watch my performance."

"Performing? Can you still make the ten-mile peach forest bloom again?" Jiang Fuxian raised his eyebrows with a smile.

The two walked to the depths of the peach forest, where there were only bare trees and no peach blossoms.

Chen Mu closed his eyes, he opened his arms, and his robe was rustling in the evening wind.

On the surrounding peach trees, peach blossoms are constantly blooming, and the entire peach forest has turned into a paradise of colorful fallen flowers at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In one thought.

Peach blossoms in heaven and earth.

The scenery in the peach forest is beautiful, and there are colorful butterflies surrounding Jiang Fuxian. It is like a fairyland on earth, "It's so beautiful!"

"Thank you, little brother."

Jiang Fuxian's beautiful face was smiling.

"Senior sister, this is mindfulness."

"I know."

Chen Mu combined Blossoms from the Other Shore and Dream Butterfly from Ten Miles to create a fairyland-like peach forest.

There was starlight in Jiang Fuxian's eyes, "Senior Sister has been to Shili Taolin many times, only this time, I feel really happy, Senior Sister likes it very much."

"Senior Sister, I will also send you meteors all over the sky." Chen Mu said solemnly, countless shooting stars flashed across the starry sky above the peach forest.

Chen Mu's shooting star is blue, and Jiang Fuxian's shooting star is fiery red.

Jiang Fuxian looked up, and there were countless shooting stars in his blue eyes.

"Senior sister, make a wish."

Jiang Fuxian closed his eyes and made a wish, then smiled sweetly, "The wish has been made."

Chen Mu put away his mind skills, he was mentally exhausted and felt like he was about to collapse.

"Senior sister, what wish did you make?"

"If you make a wish, it will not work."

Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian looked at each other, and then they both smiled at the same time. Chen Mu was a little embarrassed, remembering the night when he made a wish at Lingyun Peak.

"In the future, senior sister will show you real peach blossoms."



 ps: Thank you how willing to let go of your tip, thank you for your recommendation tickets.Please give Fu Xian's wife some kindness, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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