Chapter 86
early morning.

There is mist in the mountains.

Chen Mu's sword was lifted by the wind, and he stood on a high place overlooking the entire Lingyun Sect. The lower part was covered with silver and shrouded in clouds and mist, just like a fairyland.

Young juniors practice swords on the top of the mountain.

The powerful sword cultivator is retreating in the cave.

Chen Mu Yujian went to Lingyun Peak, and Jiang Fuxian asked him to go tonight, but he had nothing to do in Aojian Peak, so he wanted to see his fiancée in advance.

Every time he reached the top of Lingyun Peak, he would break through the thick clouds, and the golden light in his eyes could see the dense energy of ice and snow around him.

Not everyone can set foot here.

For Chen Mu to come to the top of the mountain, he obviously needed Jiang Fuxian's consent.

Jiang Fuxian stood on the top of the mountain, her tall and delicate body was wrapped in a snow-colored floor-to-ceiling dress, her silver hair fluttered in the wind and snow, her skin was like creamy fat, and her eyes were like stars.

Her beautiful face was a little cold, "Senior Sister asked you to come tonight."

Jiang Fuxian intends to intimidate Chen Mu, otherwise he will run to Lingyun Peak casually in the future.

Chen Mu felt that the atmosphere was not right, showing his white teeth, and said with a sweet smile: "Sister, I'll go to Ziyun Peak to play first, and come back at night."

Last night, Zhao Feiyan was still complaining that Chen Mu had been in Lingyun Sect for such a long time, and he didn't have time to visit Ziyun Peak.

Chen Mu's back suddenly felt cold.

"It's already here, just stay." Jiang Fuxian stared at Chen Mu.

Chen Mu felt the sudden increase of chill, and said seriously with a small face: "Senior sister, I will definitely be on time next time, this time is an accident."

Jiang Fuxian beckoned to Chen Mu slightly, and Chen Mu walked over cautiously, seeing his fiancée's hand stretched out, a little scared.

Fortunately, Jiang Fuxian didn't twist his ears, the pain was second to none, the main reason was that it was embarrassing.

Jiang Fuxian's slender hand fell on Chen Mu's shoulder, and he walked towards the ice and snow palace with his arms around him.

Just now I felt that the senior sister was a little angry, but in a blink of an eye she returned to gentleness. Chen Mu was full of doubts, as expected, women are fickle.

Chen Mu has grown a lot taller now, but he can only reach the position of his fiancée's chest. It may take many years to be taller than her.

As soon as he entered the Ice and Snow Palace, Jiang Fuxian suddenly patted Chen Mu's neck lightly, and a cold force rushed into his body, even his soul was shocked.

Jiang Fuxian picked up Chen Mu, who was temporarily unconscious, and put him on the ice jade bed, under which he was covered with a snow blanket.


Chen Mu smelled the fragrance.

He slowly opened his eyes and found himself lying in front of the ice table, and when he looked up, he saw a large steaming bowl of longevity noodles, dotted with coriander inside.

Jiang Fuxian dragged his chin with one hand, and with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he said softly: "Eat quickly."

Chen Mu blinked, then came back to his senses, and said with a smile: "Senior Sister, so you wanted to surprise me. I thought that Senior Sister came to me tonight to prepare for special training."

"Eat it while it's hot." Jiang Fuxian raised his eyebrows, the noodles would taste bad if soaked for too long.

Chen Mu didn't even remember that today was his birthday, only Jiang Fuxian remembered that he picked up the chopsticks and tasted the longevity noodles made by his fiancée. The noodles were very delicious and the soup was even more delicious. He quickly finished the noodles and drank the soup too. clean.

Jiang Fuxian likes to watch Chen Mu eat, her face is unconsciously gentler, and when she sees him happy, she follows her happiness.

Although it is not the taste of mother's cooking, but the one made by his fiancée is also delicious in the world. Chen Mu raised his head and asked, "Senior sister, do you have any more?"

Jiang Fuxian stood up gracefully, looked at Chen Mu with beautiful eyes, nodded and smiled and said, "Make another bowl."

"Can the bowl be bigger?"


"Thank you, sister."

Chen Mu followed Jiang Fuxian to the kitchen.

Her kitchen is very clean, and there is a lot of food stored here. Jiang Fuxian took out the flour and kneaded it. Water droplets around it melted into the dough, and the dough became stronger and stronger as it was kneaded.

Chen Mu wanted to help his fiancee light a fire.

However, there was no firewood in the kitchen.

Chen Mu was paying attention to Jiang Fuxian. He didn't know when the water appeared in the pot, and it was boiling. The fire attribute energy was all around the pot.

The big bone soup and the chopped chicken, duck and fish meat ran into the pot by themselves. Jiang Fuxian was still cooking the soup while kneading the noodles, so that the soup would be fresh and the longevity noodles would be delicious.

The soup boiled very quickly, and Jiang Fuxian used his spiritual power to stimulate all their aromas, and then stretched the dough thin and long.

Soon, the fragrant Changshou noodles were finished, and finally sprinkled with chopped green onion and coriander, which filled a large bowl, and the smell made your mouth water.

Chen Mu sat in the corner of the kitchen eating noodles, Jiang Fuxian continued to make pastries, and Chen Mu felt it was a kind of enjoyment to watch her cook.

"It's delicious."

Chen Mu ate two big bowls in a row.

I thought that after the Qingyun Conference, I could let my fiancée cook delicious food every day.

He can eat five bowls of noodles in Black Rock City, and he can eat ten bowls of noodles from his fiancée, but Jiang Fuxian is only willing to make two bowls of noodles.

Jiang Fuxian doted on Chen Mu, but he didn't want to dote on him too much, for fear that he would fall.

mountain top.

The stars twinkle in the sky.

Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian were looking at the stars outside.

Chen Mu ate the cake and asked with a smile: "Senior sister, I have never seen you eat."

"I've eaten too much homemade food, and I have no appetite." Jiang Fuxian shook his head slightly.


"I'll cook something delicious for you in the future."

With a smile on Jiang Fuxian's face, suddenly there was a meteor shower in the sky, although there were only sporadic ones, they were also very beautiful.

"I don't need to do it." Jiang Fuxian had a charming smile on her lips, and she turned her head to look at Chen Mu beside her.

Chen Mu understood, he closed his eyes and made a wish, and said silently: "The request is not high, I hope my fiancée will not twist my ears in the future."

The wish is over.

Jiang Fuxian walked to Chen Mu's side, pinched his ear and asked, "What wish did you make, let me tell you, maybe my senior sister can satisfy you."


Chen Mu could only shake his head and sigh lightly.

I think I am supernatural and talented, but now I am being manipulated by my fiancée, and I don't know when I will be able to stand up and call the shots.

Jiang Fuxian frowned slightly, "Junior Brother, you should rest well tonight, you will receive special training from tomorrow to this time next year."

"One year?"

"Don't worry, Senior Sister will accompany you."

Hearing this sentence, Chen Mu was very happy, and this kind of practice has motivation.

"Senior Sister, can I rest with you? It's a bit troublesome to go back to Aojian Peak now."



Underworld Fire Sword Prison.

An abyss as high as nearly a hundred feet.

This is the forbidden area in Lingyun Sect.

Chen Mu stood beside the abyss and looked down at the Sword Prison. Although there was a little bit of fire below, there was an unusually cold chill overflowing.

"This was originally the place where traitors from the sect were held, but it was later transformed into a training ground."

"There are sword formations and underworld fire below. The sword formation will release a powerful sword light, and the underworld fire also has a strong attack power. You need to avoid the attacks of underworld fire and sword light at the same time."

"If you didn't escape?"

"It will hurt."

Jiang Fuxian smiled sweetly.

Chen Mu couldn't even look away.

"When will it end?"

"When you yelled for help."

"Senior Sister, I'm very stubborn, even if I die below, I won't call for help."

There was a strong smile in Jiang Fuxian's beautiful eyes, and she used her spiritual power to send Chen Mu to the Underworld Sword Prison.

After entering the Sword Prison, Chen Mu felt the horror here. The cold energy restricted the spiritual power in his body, and he was wearing a protective gear that restricted the spiritual power, which undoubtedly doubled the difficulty.

The ground is black black stone, which is harder than metal, and it is difficult for ordinary sword king juniors to destroy it. Chen Mu sensed that the surrounding fire was rushing towards him. It was only the size of a palm, but there were many of them.

Chen Mu summoned the broken wings, and then swung them towards the oncoming underworld fire. At that moment, the underworld fire shattered, but the broken wings were also covered with frost.

"It's such a cold power, breathing will affect the body." Chen Mu's arms were covered with frost.

He tried to get rid of it with his spiritual power, but he could only dodge when he saw the underworld fire coming continuously.

Suddenly, the sword array was activated, and the sword light vacated from the dark corners around the sword prison.

Chen Mu not only has to swing his sword to block the light of the sword, but also needs to pay attention to the surrounding fire. Fortunately, his power of thought is strong, and his perception is much stronger than that of ordinary sword masters.

He dodges left and right, swiping his sword to cut off the oncoming sword light when he can't dodge.

Jiang Fuxian is very satisfied, such a reaction is top among swordsmen.

Naturally, her requirement for Chen Mu is not just that the juniors in the same realm are the strongest, but that she wants him to reach the extreme realm of Sword Marquis and surpass the former sages.

Underworld Fire Sword Prison has four difficulties, which are normal difficulty, medium difficulty, advanced difficulty, and devil difficulty.

This is the place where the younger generation of sword kings practice, and the ordinary difficulty is enough for the peak swordsmen to suffer.

Jiang Fuxian saw that Chen Mu could easily cope with normal difficulty, so he raised the difficulty of Sword Prison to medium difficulty.

A whirlwind appeared at the bottom of the Sword Prison, and the speed of the Netherfire accelerated, and the sword light vacated all around was stronger and more numerous.

Chen Mu suddenly felt surrounded by dozens of sword-hunting peak powerhouses. The environment here is harsh, surrounded by cold energy, and there is not even a heaven and earth environment for him to release his sword intent.

There was a sword light falling on Chen Mu's back, his whole body lost balance, and he was whipped around by the sword light in the sword prison, looking very miserable.

The sword light here is very strong, but it has no edge and will not cause fatal injuries.

Chen Mu was patted back and forth, his body was covered with frost, he immediately released the energy field, the flames enveloped his body, and he stabilized his figure again.

The fire light illuminates the sword prison, and Chen Mu's speed and strength in his qi field increase, but the speed of consuming spiritual power will be faster.

His perception could capture the sword light and the underworld fire, but his body couldn't respond, and his robes were all torn by the sword light.

If Chen Mu used his mind power, he would definitely be able to survive, but that would not have the effect of training.

His little face was pale and he was injured in many places. Jiang Fuxian stared at Chen Mu, "Junior brother, if you think you can't do it, call senior sister."

"How could I not do it?" Chen Mu's eyes were firm. He took out Wushuang, held two swords, and swung them at the same time. Although he was a little rusty, he still managed to block the oncoming sword light.

Jiang Fuxian was smiling, and Chen Mu was able to hold out in the middle-difficulty sword prison, which was impossible for many junior sword kings.

She decided to turn on high difficulty to see where Chen Mu's limit is.

But when the advanced difficulty was just started, the underworld fire was like a sword light, and the sword light was even more terrifying.

Facing dozens of sword lights rushing forward at the same time, Chen Mu didn't even have a chance to swing his sword.

The two swords were released at the same time.

Chen Mu was slapped back and forth like a ball by the sword light, and the surrounding fires kept clinging to him, and he had no strength to resist at all.

"Senior Sister, save me!"

 ps: Thank you Itachi Yuzhu and Xiaopo for the monthly tickets, thank you for your recommendation tickets, thank you for your subscription, please subscribe!please!
(End of this chapter)

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