my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 89 Qingyun Town

Chapter 89 Qingyun Town

Proud Sword Peak.

Chen Mu made tea in front of the cave.

The younger generation of Tianjiao came to Aojian Peak one after another, and they would bow and salute when they saw Chen Mu.

This time, the three swordsmen who will go to the Qingyun Conference with Chen Mu are Zhao Sisi, Lin Yi, and Luo Peng.

They are all under 20 years old, able to participate in the Qingyun Conference, they are all the best among the juniors, and they may become the strongest in the sect in the future.

Zhao Feiyan and Xiao Yun are the most powerful juniors of the Lingyun Sect, Liu Meier and Ye Hong are the core disciples of the sect, Zhao Sisi and the others are all talented and talented, most of the most potential juniors of the Lingyun Sect are gathered at Ao Jianfeng .

Jiang Fuxian discovered that Chen Mu has a cohesive force that the rest of the juniors don't have. No wonder he can master the Haoran Sword Intent.

Zhao Sisi was wearing a little green skirt just below her knees. She was dumb and blind, but she had a sunny smile on her face, just like a sister next door.

Lin Yi is tall and slender, wearing Tsing Yi, his face looks relatively delicate, but it is different from the burly appearance of his master Lu Qingshan, he is the middle stage of the eighth-rank sword.

Luo Peng has a strong figure, is dressed in black, has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and is a late eighth-rank sword.

They drank tea and chatted around the stone table.

Zhao Feiyan looked at Chen Mu, raised her eyebrows slightly, and joked with a smile: "Little uncle, you are too anxious to grow up."

"Hahaha." Liu Mei'er almost spit out the tea from her mouth, she covered her mouth, and the juniors around her laughed along with her.

These Tianjiao juniors are very polite in front of Chen Mu, only Zhao Feiyan dares to make jokes casually.

Chen Mu is indeed much taller, he looks a bit like a thirteen or fourteen year old boy, but his face is still a little green.

The fiancée is so good, how can Chen Mu not be in a hurry, he also wants to grow up quickly.

"Let's discuss the Qingyun Conference."

Chen Mu and the others had discussed it in advance, and Xiao Yun mainly told Zhao Sisi and the others this time, as well as some newly acquired information.

"Before the Qingyun Conference, you will arrive at Qingyun Town, where there are often juniors deliberately causing trouble, I suggest you ignore it."

"If there are juniors from other sects who want to compete with you, please don't agree. Some juniors from sects are very ruthless. It's best not to waste your strength before the Qingyun Conference begins."

Lin Yi and Luo Peng nodded again and again.

Even if someone provoked them, they would not act without the leader's permission. Xiao Yun just reminded them not to be impulsive.

Zhao Feiyan said coldly: "Little Martial Uncle, whoever provokes you will directly kill you."

"Let them know how powerful Lingyun Sect is."

Both Ye Hong and Liu Meier shrank their necks. Both Lin Yi and Luo Peng knew that the elder sister was cruel and had a bad temper, so it was as expected.


Chen Mu nodded with a smile.

Xiao Yun continued to remind: "Qingyun Mountain is far higher than you think, and because of the restriction, you can't control your sword. There are many roads in the mountain, and each time it will be different. It's like a maze. You must stick together and not disperse."

Luo Peng raised his thick eyebrows slightly, and laughed, "Don't worry, senior brother Xiao, I will definitely not run around, I just want to hug my junior uncle's thigh."

Both Lin Yi and Zhao Sisi nodded.

Zhao Feiyan joked: "You two big men, you still want to hug your thighs?"

Liu Meier smiled sweetly: "Senior sister, I want to hug my junior uncle's thigh, but it's a pity that the master will beat me."

Chen Mu smiled, "Don't worry, I will take care of you."

"Thank you, little uncle."

Luo Peng and the others looked grateful.

"You have to be careful of the disciples of Holy Sword Mountain, they have been targeting disciples of Lingyun Sect in recent years."

"There is also the Five Immortals Sect. They have enmity with our Lingyun Sect." Liu Meier added.

Chen Mu had heard of Holy Sword Mountain, but he didn't know about the Five Immortals Sect. "What's the origin of the Five Immortals Sect?"

Zhao Feiyan smiled and said, "The Five Immortals Sect was one of the most powerful superpowers in the barren island a long time ago. Later, due to certain incidents, our former master of the Lingyun Sect started killing in the Five Immortals Sect. Now they can barely be regarded as a first-class sect."

When Chen Mu thought about that incident back then, the Five Immortals Sect must have been the mastermind, but he never thought that the Five Immortals Sect could survive to this day.

If you think about it carefully, the Five Immortals Sect is also a super power. If it really wants to kill them all, the Lingyun Sect will have to pay a heavy price.

Ling Yunzong subdued the Five Immortals, which was already the best result, but the snipe and the clam fought, the fisherman benefited, and the Holy Sword Mountain took the opportunity to rise.

Xiao Yun shook his head and sighed softly, "The Five Immortals Sect is okay, they haven't provoked our Lingyun Sect disciples for many years, but after Holy Sword Mountain banned the position of the Five Immortals Sect, they have become more and more presumptuous."

"This time Holy Sword Mountain has also sent the strongest lineup ever. Their holy sons plus three Jianhou Fengfeng, one of them even fought against Ye Hong at the Qingyun Conference." This is what Zhao Feiyan said through Tianji Pavilion. purchase information.

Similarly, the news from Lingyunzong will definitely be sold by Tianji Pavilion to Holy Sword Mountain. Their lineup is to suppress Chen Mu.

Xiao Yun said in a deep voice: "The Shengzi Jian of Holy Sword Mountain is frivolous and has just won the first place in the Qingyun Ranking. It is rumored that he used a secret method to delay his birth by 30 years when he was in the womb. He was born with a sword bone and was born with long eyes. Uncle's strongest enemy."

"Sword bone? Longan?"

Chen Mu has never heard of it before, and it is even more outrageous than Nezha. It seems that he is undoubtedly a monster.

Both Lin Yi and Luo Peng looked solemn.

"Fengge's Huo Mei is ranked second in the Qingyun Ranking. Fengge's strongest junior in the past hundred years, she seems to have a special bloodline, but the news has not been confirmed yet."

"Jin Kui of the Eastern Wilderness Sect, No. [-] in the Qing Yun Ranking, with an indestructible body, once killed a junior who had just stepped into the Sword King with one punch."

"Holy Sword Mountain Yinxiu ranks fourth on the Qingyun Ranking, Holy Sword Mountain Xu Yan ranks fifth on the Qingyun Ranking, Holy Sword Mountain Wu Yong ranks sixth on the Qingyun Ranking."

There seemed to be some changes in the rankings, but Chen Mu didn't pay much attention to it. It seemed that there was no holy son named Jian frivolous on the Qingyun list before.

Lin Yi and Luo Peng frowned, Zhao Sisi was still smiling, no matter how strong they were, there was still a little uncle.

Ye Hong couldn't help but smiled wryly when he heard the words: "Yin Xiu was the youngest Jianhou junior in our class. He was nine years old and a third-rank Jianhou. It's a embarrassment that Sacred Sword Mountain will blow us up with a burden."

There are only a handful of Tianjiao who can participate in the two Qingyun Conferences. Yin Xiu can be regarded as a peerless Tianjiao, and now he is at the pinnacle of the Ninth Grade Sword.

Yin Xiu was originally No. [-] on the Qing Yun Ranking, but because of the birth of the Holy Son, he fell to No. [-]. His strength is more difficult to deal with than No. [-] and No. [-].

Hearing the news from their senior brother, Lin Yi and Luo Peng felt pressured. They were all at the peak of the ninth rank, so they probably could only hold back.

"Holy Son, Tianjiao, it's quite interesting." Chen Mu smiled slightly, but didn't care.

Both Luo Peng and Lin Yi looked at Chen Mu. Fortunately, the junior uncle was there. If Shen Ze led the team this time, they were already thinking about how to hide from the juniors at Holy Sword Mountain. They were full of confidence in the junior uncle. Just tighten his thighs.

Xiao Yun and the others collected a lot of useful information and gave Chen Mu and the others a lot of help.

There are still two days before departure, everyone needs to adjust their status, Zhao Feiyan and the others left Ao Jianfeng after discussing.

Chen Mu went to Zhaixing Peak.

He intends to visit Master.

Su Min watered the flowers in the yard.


"Xiao Mu, sit down first."

After pouring the water, Su Min said kindly, "After being tempered by the Underworld Fire Sword Prison, your strength has far surpassed the peak of Jianhou, which is very good."

This is pure physical strength, plus four kinds of sword intents and two kinds of sword moves, Chen Mu's strength can crush ordinary sword kings.

"It's all thanks to Senior Sister Jiang."

"Her suzerain doesn't care about anything, she only cares about your affairs, you have to work hard, and you can't be ashamed of what you have done to her." Su Min smiled lightly.

"I will."

Su Min sat down.

Chen Mu poured tea for Master.

Su Min solemnly said: "Xiao Mu, you will encounter a lot of trouble outside in the future, don't be afraid, no matter who you meet, be strong."

Chen Mu nodded slightly.

"I often say this to your senior sister, you are Ling Yunzong's uncle, you are Ling Yunzong's face, you can't embarrass Ling Yunzong."

"Senior Sister Qin often said this to me."

Su Min said with a smile: "Your senior sister didn't understand what I meant. As a teacher, I mean you can't embarrass Ling Yunzong, not me."

"Your senior sister is always afraid of embarrassing me."

Su Min shook his head kindly, he didn't care about his own face, but the honor of the sect.

Chen Mu solemnly said: "Master, don't worry, I will restore the glory of Lingyun Sect."

"Believe for the teacher."

The master and apprentice talked and laughed in front of the bamboo house, and Chen Mu didn't return to Aojian Peak until nightfall.

Two days later.

Chen Mu appeared in Zongmen Square.

This time the team was led by Li Qingliu, an old man in green shirt, a strong sword emperor, and he was a little nervous.

"Little Junior Brother."

"I met Senior Brother Li."

Luo Peng and other juniors came over enthusiastically, bowed and said: "Little uncle."

The four-legged monster crawled on the square, its fiery red wings spread seven or eight feet wide. It was the descendant of the ancient Pegasus, the red-winged demon horse.

They rode monster beasts to Qingyun Town.

Qingyun Town is in the territory of Nanhuang, not too far away, it can be reached in about three days.

The juniors all practice on horseback.

Li Qingliu guarded his surroundings.

He didn't dare to relax his vigilance, wondering why Chen Mu didn't send the sword master Zeng Changsheng to attend the Qingyun conference, but sent the little sword emperor to accompany him.

If something goes wrong.

Li Qingliu couldn't afford it.

They arrived in Qingshan Town three days later.

It was a small town near Qingshan, much bigger than Black Rock City, and the town became extremely lively because of Tianjiao's arrival.

Chen Mu and the others left the monster and prepared to go to the town with the sword. In the distance, there were clouds and mist, and they still couldn't see the appearance of Qingshan clearly.

After the Qingyun Conference started, the clouds and mist covering Qingyun Mountain will dissipate.

Li Qingliu brought Chen Mu and the others to Qingyun Town. Lingyunzong had already rented a yard here in advance, so they could move in directly.


"They are the pride of Lingyun Sect."

"That's Ling Yunzong's junior uncle?"

"I heard that he is seven years old this year. I don't think so, but he is quite young. He should be the youngest among the contestants this year."

"Tianji Pavilion said that his potential ranks third, which means he has the potential to become a sword master."


"Cough cough."

There was a cough.

Everyone was too scared to speak.

The old man with white hair walked in the air.

Li Qingliu's pupils shrank sharply, and the opposite turned out to be a strong sword master, and then three sword lights rose into the sky. They were the juniors of the Holy Sword Mountain.

The leader of the younger generation is full of heroism, he is Yin Xiu, and the frivolous Shengzijian did not appear.

"Ling Yunzong came a little late this year." The white-haired old man said with a smile.

He swept across the younger generation of Lingyunzong, and finally landed on Chen Mu, and praised: "The junior uncle of Lingyunzong really has an extraordinary temperament."

Chen Mu could feel the powerful coercion released by Yu Song, but he was not afraid at all. This was the courage given to him by Jiang Fuxian and Su Min.

He has the life-saving cards of two strong players.

Both Lin Yi and Zhao Sisi's swords were trembling, Li Qingliu forced himself to calm down and said, "Elder Yu, do you want to give us Lingyunzong a bad blow?"

Yu Song squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Where is this, I just want the juniors of the two sects to get to know each other, and let the juniors exchange ideas by the way."

Li Qingliu bowed his hands and declined politely: "We are tired from the journey, and we will have opportunities in the future."

"let's go."

Li Qingliu led the juniors to bypass Yu Song, and Chen Mu was a little upset. When he first arrived in Qingyun Town, he met a strong man from Holy Sword Mountain and had to make a detour.

The strong men from all sects were watching nearby, and some elders couldn't help shaking their heads. The Lingyun Sect is a super power, and they walked around the Holy Sword Mountain when they saw it.

Yu Song had a smug smile on his old face.

At this time, the juniors from Holy Sword Mountain deliberately mocked: "I knew that the juniors of Lingyun Sect are rats, and they will hide when they see us."


The other two juniors were sneering.

Chen Mu was uncomfortable with taking a detour, he suddenly stopped in mid-air, then turned to look at the young man who spoke rudely, his eyes were indifferent.

The young man frowned suddenly, as if his back was glowing, Chen Mu's eyes frightened him.

Yu Song from Holy Sword Mountain raised the corners of his mouth, and Li Qingliu hurriedly said: "Junior brother, don't pay attention to them, they did it on purpose."

Chen Mu looked at Yu Song, and said forcefully: "Old man, if you can't restrain their mouths, they will definitely die miserably in the future."


Li Qingliu and the rest of Lingyunzong's juniors were stunned, even the three disciples of Holy Sword Mountain were stunned. Chen Mu's voice was so clear that the whole Qingyun Town could hear it clearly.

The powerhouses of all sects were shocked, but that was Elder Yu of Holy Sword Mountain, the sword master powerhouse, who was a well-known big shot in the barren continent.

"Who is that?"

"Lingyun Sect Chen Mu."

"Little Jianhou dares to call Juggernaut? Why is he called Ban Juggernaut?"

"Because he is the junior uncle of Lingyunzong, the apprentice of the sword master Su Min, and the junior apprentice of Jiang Fuxian. Do you dare to say his identity?"

"I am this identity, I dare not..."


Although Yu Song was humiliated, he didn't fly into a rage, "Young man, it's not good to be too crazy."

Chen Mu sneered and said, "Old thing, you are really not a thing. Since you know this truth, you don't teach you Holy Sword Mountain idiots."

Li Qingliu was covered in cold sweat from fright.

Luo Peng and Lin Yi were full of enthusiasm, and Zhao Sisi had a smile on his face, but the juniors at Holy Sword Mountain all had embarrassing expressions.

All the powerhouses around were watching the jokes, and even hoped that they could fight.

It was impossible for Yu Song to make a move here, he would only lose his status by cursing Chen Mu, and he could only leave with the disciples of Holy Sword Mountain.

Li Qingliu didn't know what to say.

He had to admire Chen Mu's courage, Li Qingliu didn't dare to talk to Yu Song like this, Lin Yi and Luo Peng looked excited.

Sure enough, it's cool to follow the little uncle.

"Little uncle, you are really good." Zhao Sisi used his thoughts to transmit sound, with a happy smile on his face.

Sheng Jianshan came to provoke deliberately, Chen Mu naturally couldn't bear it, his behavior like this also told others that Ling Yunzong was not easy to provoke.

The experts from all sects noticed Chen Mu. They had all heard about the abnormal talent of the Lingyun sect junior uncle, but only now did they realize that his courage is even more astonishing.

All the Tianjiao in Qingyun Town were talking about Chen Mu, who humiliated the elder sword masters of Holy Sword Mountain in the street, which made Yu Song leave with a dark face.

The disciples of Holy Sword Mountain returned to the rented yard, and a young man said aggrievedly: "Elder Yu, that kid is presumptuous, why don't you take action to teach him a lesson?"

When they left, disciples from other sects laughed, and they all felt ashamed.


Yu Song stamped his feet.

The entire Qingshan Town was shaking.

Those who didn't know thought it was an earthquake.

"It's the old man's mistake. I wanted you to piss off Chen Mu so that I can see his strength. I didn't expect this little thing to dare to humiliate the old man!"

Yu Song never expected.

Chen Mu dared to call him an old bastard directly.

How many sword emperors couldn't lift their heads when they saw him, and they haven't suffered such a loss for thousands of years. It is impossible for him to suppress Chen Mu in front of everyone, and it is even more impossible for him to swear at him.

Today, the strong men of the various sects and the juniors of Tianjiao are all watching, he has no old face at all, but fortunately he has lived long enough, and he doesn't care about face.

"Relying on Su Min and Jiang Fuxian to be so arrogant, it's okay, arrogant soldiers will lose." Yu Song had a playful sneer on his face.

"Elder Yu, just wait, I will challenge him right now to relieve your hatred." The young man who spoke rudely stood up and said.


Yu Song said lightly.

The young man left excitedly.

He received the news that Chen Mu and Shen Ze were only tied, and they were only seventh in the Qingyun ranking. Xu Yan, who was fifth in the Qingyun ranking, naturally did not take Chen Mu seriously.

(I beg everyone to thank Fuxian's wife, just order it for free every day)
 ps: Thank you Apr416, book friend 20180809233455402, handsome Bawangji, Yun Feiyang for your rewards, thank you Mohe, Wuqingmiao, readers 1357664716321533952 for your monthly votes, thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

(End of this chapter)

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