Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1068 Someone has reserved this table!

Chapter 1068 Someone has reserved this table!
When the three of Shen Haoxuan stepped into Shengwu Restaurant, they were greeted with a worldly smell, the smell of rouge, the smell of food, the strong smell of wine, and the loud shouting, like a place of bliss.

"Wow, this is really a paradise!" Lin Haoran and Wu Gang kept staring at the maids with bright eyes.

Shen Haoxuan shook his head helplessly. This place is indeed a paradise on earth, but it is also a place of degeneration. It is okay for a warrior to relax a little here. If he indulges in it, his cultivation will definitely fall short.

"Put away the halazi of the two of you, let's say yes first, I only invite you to eat!" Shen Haoxuan gave Lin Haoran and Wu Gang a blank look, and then brought them to the box, ready to sit down and order food.

The second came up quickly, but when he saw that Shen Haoxuan was wearing the uniform of Qingyang College, his originally respectful face became impatient, and then casually left the menu in front of Shen Haoxuan. In his opinion, Shen Haoxuan almost The people are from Qingyang College, they are all poor, and they can't afford to come up with any tricks.

The three of Shen Haoxuan and Lin Haoran also saw the contempt on the face of the little girl, then threw the menu on the table out, leaned on the chair, and said lightly: "Bring me the best food in your restaurant, I have no other requirements, just one word, hurry up!"

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the little girl's face became weird, and he looked Shen Haoxuan up and down, and after confirming that Shen Haoxuan was a student from Qingyang College, he couldn't help frowning and said: "Boy, do you know how much our restaurant's special dishes are worth?" Is it? Even if you sell the three of you, you can't afford it, don't pretend to be rich here!"

"Why do you say that we can't afford it?" Lin Haoran was suddenly unhappy, he was stopped when he entered the door, and now he refuses to order food. Is this Shengwu Restaurant just a decoration?
"Hmph, your Qingyang College is notoriously poor among the three major colleges, can you afford it here? If you can afford it, I'll eat this table!" It is the color of contempt.

"Eat the table? That's what you said!" Lin Haoran heard this, and a smirk flashed between his eyebrows.

"Tell me, how much is the table we ordered just now?" Shen Haoxuan asked lightly.

"Listen well, don't scare you, what you ordered just now requires [-] credits!" The little girl raised her head and said proudly.

"Hiss... [-] credits!" Hearing Xiaoer's offer, both Wu Gang and Lin Haoran couldn't help but take a deep breath. This Shengwu Restaurant is really a place to burn money, [-] credits, so many credits , How many tasks do they have to do to return it.

"What, are you scared? Hmph, you poor people!" The second child heard Lin Haoran and Wu Gang's exclamations, and the disdain in his eyes became more intense.

"Pa-ta..." Just as the little girl finished speaking, Shen Haoxuan left a credit token on the table, and then Shen Haoxuan's faint voice sounded unhurriedly: "There are [-] credits in it, Except for the food I just ordered, give me good wine for the rest!"

"[-]...Gah, [-] credits!" Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the little girl almost bit off her tongue, and immediately picked up the credit token on the table, looked at the credits on it, and found that there were really [-] credits. Ten thousand.

" is this possible!" The second child looked at the [-] credits in the credit token, his face was full of disbelief, but the credits on the credit token cannot be faked, that is to say, Shen Haoxuan really has [-] credits, enough to eat the meal they ordered just now.

"Young man, are you going to eat this table raw? Or cold salad?" Lin Haoran and Wu Gang stood up, and they walked slowly to the little girl with creepy smiles on their lips.

"Don't...don't come here!" Surrounded by Lin Haoran and Wu Gang, the two burly men, the little girl immediately softened, and shouted in a trembling voice, but how could Lin Haoran and Wu Gang listen to him, The two of them lifted the little girl up to the table like a chicken, their eyes were fierce, and they almost fainted from the scare.

"Stop, what are you doing?" Just when Lin Haoran and Wu Gang felt bored and were about to let go of the little girl, a loud shout came from a distance, and then, a middle-aged man with a big belly came from a distance , His face was full of anger.

"It's Steward Qian, what kind of wind brought him here!" Seeing the middle-aged man with a big belly, all the martial artists who were eating around stopped and looked at Steward Qian.

In between, Guan Qian took one step and took two steps, and soon came to the box where the three of Shen Haoxuan were, his face became extremely gloomy.

"Hmph, this is Shengwu Restaurant, how can you poor people from Qingyang Academy come in? Get out!" That steward Qian rushed into the box, and after seeing Shen Haoxuan and the three of them, he yelled angrily.

Guanshi Qian's loud voice quickly attracted the attention of many warriors, and they all gathered outside the box of Shen Haoxuan and the others.

Hearing Steward Qian's scolding, Lin Haoran sat down with a displeased face, and cast his eyes on Shen Haoxuan. At this time, Shen Haoxuan was unmoved, still drinking the teacup in his hand.

"Didn't you hear me? Get the hell out of Shengwu Restaurant!" Seeing that Shen Haoxuan and the others ignored him, Steward Qian couldn't help scolding him again.

"Who are you? What qualifications do you have to let us get out?" Shen Haoxuan put down his teacup and looked at Guanshi Qian with an indifferent expression.

"You guys don't even know about Qian Guanshi? You really have no knowledge. Qian Guanshi is the person in charge of this Shengwu restaurant. He is in charge of the operation of this restaurant. Even if your vice-principal is here, you still have to give us money to manage the face, if you are sensible now, get out of Shengwu Restaurant, otherwise, you can't eat it and walk around!" The janitor who was slapped by Shen Haoxuan before The servant said aggressively.

"It seems that what I hit just now was still too light!" Shen Haoxuan turned his eyes to the talking boy, and a dazzling light erupted in his eyes. The boy seemed to be stared at by a ferocious beast. , sat down directly on the ground.

"Since Shengwu Restaurant is a restaurant, there is no reason to drive away the guests. Why, are you afraid that we won't be able to pay?" Shen Haoxuan turned his attention to Manager Qian again, and said calmly.

"Hmph, can you afford to eat here? If you can afford to eat, I'll eat this table in front of you!" said Manager Qian, pointing to the table in front of Shen Haoxuan.

"I'm sorry, this table has already been reserved!" Shen Haoxuan said with a faint smile, and then looked at the waiter, who was so frightened that he quickly told Guanshi Qian what happened just now.

"[-] credits!" Guanshi Qian looked at Shen Haoxuan as if he had seen a ghost. These three people were obviously from Qingyang College, so where did they get so many credits?

(End of this chapter)

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