Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1079 The Angry Shen Haoxuan!

Chapter 1079 The Angry Shen Haoxuan!
"No challenge!" Li Ye finally looked at the five people who had passed out, shook his head and said, his eyes were full of disappointment.


Hearing Li Ye's words, the warriors around burst into an uproar. The students from Qingyang Academy actually knocked down five students from Shengwu Academy, and they still picked five!

The students in the main hall were all looking at the people of Qingyang College, and there was some disbelief in their eyes. The students who used to be called trash colleges only knew to hide when they met the students of Shengwu College and Chixiong College, but today To be able to pick five, and so easily, is this still the academy that people despise?
"Next is your Chixiong Academy. I hope you will be able to fight better than Shengwu Academy!" Li Ye shook his head, then jumped up and came to the competition stage where Chixiong Academy is located.

Seeing Li Ye standing up, the students of Chixiong Academy couldn't help but backed away, their faces were full of solemn expressions, their strength was weaker than that of Shengwu Academy, Li Ye could hold the Holy Martial Arts The students of the Martial Arts Academy fight, so it is no problem to defeat them.

"We admit defeat!" A few people from Chixiong Academy finally voluntarily jumped off the competition ring under the astonished eyes of everyone. It's not worth the candle!

Standing on the competition stage, Li Ye looked at the students of Chixiong Academy with disdain, and then said coldly: "Hmph, you just kept saying that our Qingyang Academy is trash and cowards, but now you don't even have the courage to fight!" None, so what are you guys?"

Li Ye's words were like needles piercing their hearts, and then several warriors from the first echelon stood up and responded with a bad expression: "Hmph, what are you proud of, it's just that you have solved a few weaker opponents. Forget it, you will bully them too, fight me if you have the ability!"

"Why, do you want to intervene? If that's the case, then I'm not polite!" Lin Haoran also stood up at this time, the first echelon can't intervene in the matters of the second echelon and the third echelon, otherwise Lin Haoran just now He went up, and now that the warriors from the first echelon of Chixiong Academy stood up, Lin Haoran naturally wanted to fight back.

Seeing Lin Haoran, the martial artist couldn't help but twitch his eyes. This Lin Haoran can enter the top ten. Although they are both in the first echelon, the difference in strength between the two is not small.

The student of Chixiong Academy could only shut up angrily, snorted and ignored Lin Haoran.

"Since there is no one to challenge, then I will challenge you. I want you to apologize to Qingyang College and take back all the dirty words you said to Qingyang College just now!" Li Ye waved his hand, Looking at the warriors of Shengwu Academy and Chixiong Academy, they shouted in a cold voice.

Sensing Li Ye's sharp gaze, the warriors in the second echelon and third echelon of Shengwu Academy and Chixiong Academy couldn't help shrinking their necks. Li Ye's strength had already reached the sixth-order Spirit Emperor, and he was still a sixth-order spirit emperor. The best of Jie Lingdi, ordinary warriors would not be his opponent, unless several people teamed up, but if several people teamed up to beat a student of Qingyang Academy, then they would all lose face.

"Is there no one coming up? Since there is no one, then please apologize, if..." Li Ye saw that no one answered, and immediately shouted in a cold voice, but before he finished speaking, a black shadow moved at an extremely fast speed It came in a blink of an eye, and finally kicked Li Ye heavily on the back.

The figure appeared so abruptly that even Shen Haoxuan didn't react, and the aura emanating from the figure had already reached the seventh-level Spirit Emperor level, and its strength had already surpassed Li Ye.

Li Ye, who was defenseless, was kicked back with his weight, and his body flew out like a cannonball, and finally smashed heavily on the wall in the main hall. The remaining strength blasted the wall into a human-shaped pit. The breath on Li Ye's body instantly became sluggish, and a mouthful of blood mixed with the broken internal organs was also directly vomited out.

"Li Ye!" Everyone in Qingyang College paled in shock, and then they flew towards Li Ye in a flash.

Shen Haoxuan was the fastest, helped Li Ye up on the ground, and quickly stuffed a seventh-grade healing elixir into his mouth, and the wood spirit Qingxuan also flew out, covering Li Ye's whole body in it.

"Who!" Everyone in Qingyang Academy turned their heads and looked towards the competition stage. At this time, a young man was standing on the competition stage, dressed in the uniform of Shengwu Academy, with a look of contempt on his face.

"Hmph, mere ants, how dare you shout in my Shengwu Academy?!" The young man snorted coldly, looking at everyone in Qingyang Academy with disdain in his eyes.

"Wang Xun!" The corners of Shen Haoxuan's eyes couldn't help but twitch, he knew this guy, he had seen him once in Shengwu Restaurant before.

This guy dared to attack Li Ye from behind. Now Li Ye's internal organs are all injured, and he is still seriously injured. hand.

"Looking for death!" Lin Haoran roared angrily, stood up and was about to walk towards Wang Xun. Wang Xun was also a student of the first echelon, and now he actually attacked a student of the second echelon, which already broke the rules.

"Stop!" But just when Lin Haoran was about to make a move, Shen Haoxuan stopped him, and Lin Haoran couldn't help but tremble all over with that cold voice.

"Take good care of Li Ye!" Shen Haoxuan kept the wood spirit Qingxuan in Li Ye's body to help Li Ye stabilize his injury.

Afterwards, Shen Haoxuan stood up slowly, no sadness or joy could be seen on his face, but anyone who was familiar with Shen Haoxuan knew that Shen Haoxuan was really angry when he was angry.

"Brother Haoxuan!" Murong Wanqing couldn't help but clenched her fists. She had seen how terrifying Shen Haoxuan was when he was angry, and she would shudder just thinking about it. Moreover, as long as Shen Haoxuan was angry, he would definitely bleed, but here If something happened to Saint Martial Academy, Shen Haoxuan would definitely be blamed.

But Murong Wanqing didn't step forward to dissuade him, she knew that she couldn't persuade him, but anyone who angered Shen Haoxuan had to bear Shen Haoxuan's anger, even Shengwu Academy couldn't stop it.

Shen Haoxuan walked slowly towards Wang Xun who was on the competition stage. His face was stern, he couldn't see sadness or joy, and he didn't show the slightest aura, but standing next to Shen Haoxuan, he could feel the coldness emanating from Shen Haoxuan's body. The killing intent is so cold that even magma can be frozen.

Everyone in Qingyang Academy looked at Shen Haoxuan's back, and there was a hint of joy in their eyes. That Wang Xun had completely angered Shen Haoxuan. This time, he would feel what it means to be afraid, what it means to be unable to live, to be unable to die...

(End of this chapter)

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