Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1102 Defeated!

Chapter 1102 Defeated!

"The attack of this dharma form is really powerful!" Shen Haoxuan punched hard, directly forcing Nie Feng back.

Shen Haoxuan clenched his fists, and the dharma giant behind him followed Shen Haoxuan's movements. He also clenched his fists, feeling the power more than twice as strong as before. A trace of surprise appeared on Shen Haoxuan's face. He had no systematic I have been in contact with body training, I only know that body training can make my strength stronger and my physique stronger, but I don't know that body training to the extreme can also transform into a magic form to attack.

Seeing Nie Feng's magic form before, Shen Haoxuan had a little understanding, and he tried to condense it, but he only learned the shape and didn't understand it. Help, on the contrary, will consume one's own strength.

However, under the tempering of Nie Feng's Vajra Aspect, Shen Haoxuan slowly found a way of connection between the Dharma Giant and himself, and he was able to slowly grasp the power of the Dharma Giant.

After mastering it, the Aspect Giant was able to increase Shen Haoxuan's power by another [-]%. What's more, the Aspect Giant would also attack, and the power it erupted was twice that of Shen Haoxuan. If he could easily grasp the power of the Aspect, it would be simply A heaven-defying existence.

Seeing that Shen Haoxuan was able to control the Dharma Giant so easily, Nie Feng's face became a little ugly. You must know that it took him decades to condense the Vajra Dharma, and it was because of the special skill of Vajra Subduing Demons that he After experiencing countless sufferings for decades, and even hovering in front of the gate of hell many times, it was possible to condense the Vajra Dharma, and after several years of tempering, it established a tacit understanding with the Vajra Dharma, which can be mastered proficiently.

But what about Shen Haoxuan?Just seeing his vajra face, he was able to condense like a cat drawing a tiger, and then he was beaten up by himself, and he was able to control it proficiently. It took only an hour before and after!
Nie Feng felt that he had suffered an unprecedented blow. Shen Haoxuan had mastered what he had only mastered through ten years of hard training and self-cultivation. In less than an hour, he, who was known as a genius for body training, was now standing in front of Shen Haoxuan. , the name of a genius is simply a satire on him, the greatest satire!

"Not very proficient yet, keep trying!" Shen Haoxuan looked at the vajra face on Nie Feng's back, licked his tongue and said, and then his figure flashed, and he flew up directly.

Seeing Shen Haoxuan rushing up, Nie Feng gritted his teeth angrily, and then went straight up to meet him. Shen Haoxuan was just mastering it just now, so could he still be afraid of Shen Haoxuan?
The two collided again, and the two huge statues behind them also followed the movements of Shen Haoxuan and Nie Feng, and started a fierce battle.

The two still didn't use any spiritual power. If Nie Feng used spiritual power, his strength might not be as good as he used the Vajra Aspect to fight. After all, he is in the process of cultivation, and he is not focusing on spiritual power cultivation, but body training;

And Shen Haoxuan didn't use his spiritual power, but wanted to use Nie Feng to temper himself, to temper his Dharma giant.

The battle between the two quickly entered into a fierce state. The entire martial arts arena was full of energy from the two of them, like a storm, constantly raging. The Dharma-face giant destroyed it in an unsightly manner.

As the battle progressed, Nie Feng's face became more and more gloomy. The strength of Shen Haoxuan and the magic giant behind him became stronger and stronger. When Nie Feng was even more shocked, Shen Haoxuan's magic giant had already They started to change their moves slowly, that is to say, the movements of Shen Haoxuan and Faxiang Giant have reached the point where they are fighting each other!

Seeing this scene, the corners of Nie Feng's eyes couldn't help but twitch. His fighting movements can be separated from the law, which is simply the realm he wants to achieve in his dreams, because once he reaches this step, it is equivalent to two people fighting. Just like now, when Shen Haoxuan attacks Nie Feng, Nie Feng's dharma form is in the same defensive state as him, but Shen Haoxuan's dharma form giant can change his moves and attack Nie Feng's dharma form giant. In this way, Nie Feng will definitely be affected , Shen Haoxuan will also have the opportunity to attack Nie Feng himself!

Such a state is the highest state of Dharma cultivation. What Nie Feng has been working hard for more than ten years has not reached the point, but Shen Haoxuan easily achieved it!
The momentary absence made Shen Haoxuan grasp the opening. Now Shen Haoxuan has gradually understood the mystery of the Dharma Giant. Nie Feng is no longer of any use to him. Out of their most powerful force!
"Boom..." Nie Feng's defense was directly pierced by Shen Haoxuan's punch, and the remaining energy bombarded Nie Feng's body, causing Nie Feng to fly with blood, drawing a perfect parabola in midair, and falling on the competition platform the edge of.

The vajra image behind Nie Feng was also directly smashed by Shen Haoxuan's giant image at this time, turned into a little bit of starlight, and dissipated in the air.

"Veteran strongman? Is my dark horse's performance still in your eyes?" The dharma giant behind Shen Haoxuan slowly dissipated, and then slowly came to Nie Feng, and said lightly.


Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Nie Feng couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood. His ridicule towards Shen Haoxuan just now is still echoing in his ears, but Shen Haoxuan's explosion in the blink of an eye has reached a point that he can't catch up with. By?Newcomer dark horse?Perhaps in Shen Haoxuan's eyes, he is just a tempering stone.

"You step down yourself, or I let you step down!" Shen Haoxuan pointed to the open space behind Nie Feng, and said lightly.

Nie Feng's face was gloomy. He is one of the strongest geniuses in the three-academy contest this time. He had set his target on Huangpu Rui and Shangguan Cheng from the very beginning, but he never expected that the man who appeared halfway A group of dark horses, Shen Haoxuan, whom he never cared about, will defeat him, and it will be crushing!

He couldn't accept this fact.

It couldn't help but him, the whole martial arts arena couldn't accept this fact. One second he was still the one being beaten, but the next second he became extremely powerful. He directly beat the seeded player Nie Feng to the ground, and he realized it in a battle. Is this Shen Haoxuan really a 20-year-old student who has reached the state of Faxiang that Nie Feng has not comprehended for more than ten years?

On the rostrum, Chimei looked at Shen Haoxuan with a dull face. Just now, the realm where the dharma and the host were fighting each other, but what he realized after reaching the holy realm, Shen Haoxuan only took less than an hour to successfully comprehend. Wow, this kid's talent in body training is simply unprecedented and unprecedented. Thinking of this, a fiery look burned in his red eyebrows and eyes, and he actually had the urge to make Shen Haoxuan a closed disciple...

(End of this chapter)

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