Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1104 Arouse the Indignation of the Crowd!

Chapter 1104 Arouse the Indignation of the Crowd!
"Huangpu God of War, kill him!"

"Accept his challenge and let him see what it means to be truly powerful!"

"Don't think that if you defeat Xie Yue and Nie Feng, you can defeat Brother Huangpu. Brother Huangpu is the God of War, the invincible God of War!"

In the auditorium, there was a continuous noise, shaking the entire martial arts arena.

On the rostrum, upon hearing Shen Haoxuan's provocation, Huang Purui's expression became terribly gloomy. Shen Haoxuan dared to provoke him!

"Huangpu Rui, since someone looks down on me at Shengwu Academy, why don't you teach him a lesson!" Dean Sheng looked indifferent, before he was still worried that Shen Haoxuan might not be able to get along with Huangpu Rui, but now it's all right, Shen Haoxuan unexpectedly Provoking Huang Pu Rui directly would save a lot of trouble.

"Yes, Dean Sheng, I will definitely let this kid know that not everyone can destroy the prestige of my Holy Martial Academy!" Huang Purui looked at Shen Haoxuan with resentment, and said coldly.

"If you can't do it, you know the consequences!" A icy chill flashed in the eyes of the headmaster, this time, Shen Haoxuan must pay the price!
"Don't worry, Dean, this time, I will definitely kill him. If I can't kill him, come see him!" Huang Pu Rui snorted coldly, and said with great confidence.

After all, Huang Pu Rui was about to take the stage, but at this moment, Feng Qingyang stood up and stopped him.

"Dean Sheng, Huang Purui, and Shen Haoxuan's challenge is against the rules. This is a grand competition of the three courtyards. If anyone can challenge at will, wouldn't it mean that the rules left by the ancestors are ignored? I don't agree with such a challenge!" Feng Feng Qingyang said in a deep voice, frowning together.

It's not that he doesn't want to agree, the difference between Huangpu Rui's strength and Shen Haoxuan's strength is too great, one is the eighth-rank Spirit Emperor, and the other is the sixth-rank Spirit Emperor. They are two ranks behind Huang Pu Rui, and coupled with Huang Pu Rui's talent and strength, there is almost a nine-fold difference between the two. Such a gap, let alone a super genius, even a genius against the sky can't Leapfrog battle!
"Dean Feng, it was Shen Haoxuan who provoked him first. If he refuses to fight, doesn't it mean that my Holy Martial Academy is afraid of him?" Dean Sheng glanced at Feng Qingyang indifferently, and said coldly.

"Then Shen Haoxuan can take back his challenge?" Feng Qingyang said, then turned to Shen Haoxuan and shouted: "Shen Haoxuan, this is the Grand Competition of the Third Academy, you are the place where you made trouble, you should hurry down!"

"No, since he has challenged and I have challenged, this battle must be fought!" Huangpu Rui refused, he finally had the opportunity to repair Shen Haoxuan, how could Feng Qingyang intervene?

"Dean Feng, since I propose this challenge, I'm sure, don't worry!" Shen Haoxuan waved his hand at Feng Qingyang, with a calm expression, without the slightest nervousness.

"Shen Haoxuan, there is already a huge gap between you and Huangpu Rui, and you have just had a battle with Nie Feng, which consumed a lot of physical and spiritual power. You are undoubtedly courting death if you challenge now. Hurry down!" Seeing that Shen Haoxuan disagreed, Feng Qingyang whispered.

"Principal Feng, no need, even half of my strength is enough to deal with Huangpu Rui!" Shen Haoxuan said lightly, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Shen Haoxuan's words could not be suppressed, the entire martial arts arena could be heard, and in an instant, the martial arts arena that had just calmed down erupted again.

"It's really open-mouthed, dare to challenge Huangpu Rui with half the strength?"

"Who doesn't know how to talk big, isn't it Huangpu Rui, I can do it!"

A continuous stream of mocking sounds made Huangpu Rui's face even more gloomy, and then he jumped directly onto the competition stage. No matter what Feng Qingyang said today, this Shen Haoxuan, he is sure to kill!

"You..." Feng Qingyang was very angry when he heard Shen Haoxuan's words. He kindly helped Shen Haoxuan, but he didn't appreciate it, and wanted to magnify his words. Thinking of this, Feng Qingyang simply ignored it, and let Shen Haoxuan and Huangpu Rui How do people fight.

Huangpu Rui stood on the stage, staring at Shen Haoxuan like a poisonous snake, wishing he could kill Shen Haoxuan right now.

Seeing Huang Pu Rui leaving the station, the martial arts arena became quiet again. They really wanted to see how this Shen Haoxuan could challenge Huang Pu Rui, who was the most powerful in the three-academy competition, with half of his strength?

Huang Purui looked at Shen Haoxuan in front of him, with a disdainful smile on his lips, just when he was about to say a few words of ridicule, Shen Haoxuan spoke first.

"Shut up, I know what you're going to say, leave those trash talk to yourself, if you want to fight, just shoot, if you don't want to fight, just throw in the towel and get out!" Shen Haoxuan twisted his wrists, ankles and neck, faintly Said.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Huangpu Rui's words that just came to his lips were directly suppressed, and his face became even more gloomy at the moment!
"Okay, since you are so anxious to seek death, then I will help you!" Huangpu Rui snorted coldly, and then his mind moved, a terrifying aura erupted from his body.


Around Huangpu Rui's body, ripples visible to the naked eye erupted in circles, and the aura of the eighth-order Lingdi was released without reservation. The dust dissipated, and the originally dilapidated martial arts arena was turned into ruins!
"This is my strength. Do you think you still have the desire to fight?" Huangpu Rui's robe was windless and automatic, and the terrifying momentum twisted the surrounding space. It was indeed extremely powerful. As soon as the momentum came out, the expressions of the other first echelon students changed suddenly. They knew that Huangpu Rui was terrifying, but Huangpu Rui's horror was completely beyond their imagination.

Being stared at by Huangpu Rui, Shen Haoxuan also took a deep breath. This Huangpu Rui is definitely the strongest and most talented person he has ever met among his peers. However, in front of Shen Haoxuan, this is still There is nothing to show off, because Shen Haoxuan's favorite thing to do is to step on the head of a genius to climb up.


The same deafening sound sounded, and a powerful aura erupted from Shen Haoxuan's body. Although powerful, under Huang Purui's aura, he was like a flat boat in the ocean, and he might be caught at any time. The disastrous boat, the gap between the two is really too big.

However, Shen Haoxuan's face did not change at all. The victory in the battle does not mean that he is strong, but he can definitely win. Only by persisting to the end can he smile the brightest. Huangpu Rui is strong, but Shen Haoxuan also has the confidence to defeat him.

"It seems that you don't intend to give up. If that's the case, then I will help you!" Huangpu Rui sneered, and then his figure flashed, and he went to kill Shen Haoxuan...

(End of this chapter)

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