Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1113 Chapter 1113: Recovery!

Chapter 1113 Chapter 1113: Recovery!
After tidying up his mood, Shen Haoxuan stretched out his hand and took Huangpu Rui into the jade bottle and sealed it again. Now it is still useful to keep Huangpu Rui, and he cannot be killed.

Afterwards, Shen Haoxuan didn't want to waste time, and directly entered into the cultivation. The task on his shoulders is very difficult now, and he must quickly improve his strength. Otherwise, don't even think about saving his father. Ji Lingxuan is gone!
The whole morning was quickly spent in Shen Haoxuan's cultivation, and in the whole morning, Shen Haoxuan also completely healed the injuries in his body, and he didn't have the slightest worries when he started to practice.


When Shen Haoxuan was practicing, the door of the room was pushed open by Concubine Yu. When Concubine Yu saw Shen Haoxuan sitting on the bed practicing, she couldn't help but screamed.

"Who told you to do it? Who told you to practice? Are you dying?" Yu Ji said, and rushed over directly. Shen Haoxuan's injury was not ordinary, it didn't take ten days and half a month. It cannot be recovered, if Shen Haoxuan practiced at will, let those spiritual powers collide with those injured meridians, I am afraid that he would die instantly!
Shen Haoxuan was practicing, but was suddenly woken up by Yu Ji's slap. He raised his head and looked at Yu Ji aggrievedly. He was just practicing, so why get so angry?

"I worked so hard to save you and gave you all the top-quality healing pills that I was reluctant to use, but you don't know how rare they are, and you still want to practice. Do you want my hard work to go to waste?" Yuji pointed Shen Haoxuan's nose roared.

"Yu Ji, I..." Shen Haoxuan wanted to explain.

"What are you, are you reasonable? You are injured and don't know how to rest. Don't you think you are made of iron and can't die? If I had known you were so reckless, I shouldn't have saved you!" Yuji said angrily. Said.

"Concubine Yu, don't be angry, I've actually recovered!" Shen Haoxuan touched his head and said awkwardly.

"It's amazing if you recover, you can practice after you recover? After you recover, you..." Yu Ji continued, but when she said this, she suddenly realized something, and she just froze in place, looking at Shen Haoxuan in disbelief , and then asked Shen Haoxuan in disbelief: "You...really recovered?"

"That's right, no way, look!" Shen Haoxuan hammered his chest, and even waved his fist, a burst of powerful energy shot out, blowing up Yu Ji's three thousand hairs.

Seeing this lively Shen Haoxuan, Yu Ji couldn't help covering her small mouth, her eyes widened, and she looked very cute.

"'s impossible!" Yu Ji couldn't help shouting, she knew the severity of the injuries Shen Haoxuan had suffered before, and she couldn't recover within ten days and a half months, and this For ten days and a half months, you must have good healing medicine, but she has only been away for a few days, a day and a half, and in just this day and a half, Shen Haoxuan's injury that almost killed him has healed. ?
"How did you do it?" Yu Ji asked again.

"You forgot that I have the wood spirit Qingxuan. As long as the wood spirit Qingxuan has accumulated enough energy, it will be easy to recover from such a small injury!" Shen Haoxuan chuckled lightly, and then stretched out his hand. Just floating out slowly, the current wood spirit Qingxuan has become much dimmer, and the energy in it has been completely absorbed by Shen Haoxuan.

"Is there still such an operation?" Yu Ji was a little funny. She naturally knew that Shen Haoxuan had the wood spirit Qingxuan, but Shen Haoxuan had been in a coma, and there was no way to use the wood spirit Qingxuan. Who knew that the wood spirit Qingxuan had stored it. So much vitality, but since Shen Haoxuan has recovered, it is a good thing.

"You came to see me, what's the matter?" Shen Haoxuan asked.

"Dean Feng Qingyang asked me to come to you and let you know that Shengwu Academy is going to hold a meeting about participating in the winter hunting of the Eight Great Families. I originally planned to let me replace you, but now it seems that you can go by yourself Already!" Yu Ji replied softly, these days, she has become familiar with everyone in Qingyang College.

"Oh, about the winter hunting of the Eight Great Families?" Shen Haoxuan became interested, then nodded, and led Yu Ji towards the outside of the Wu Pavilion.

Outside the Martial Pavilion, Feng Qingyang was discussing something with Chimei. When they saw Shen Haoxuan, they were also shocked. They thought that Shen Haoxuan would stay in bed for ten days and a half months. This time they entered Shengwu Academy for the sake of The time to participate in the winter hunting of the Eight Great Families was extended because Shen Haoxuan needed to recuperate, but seeing Shen Haoxuan standing in front of him alive and well, these two powerhouses in the Holy Realm couldn't react.

"Two deans, what's the matter?" Shen Haoxuan couldn't help feeling a little funny looking at the expressions of Feng Qingyang and Chi Mei.

"You kid, are you really all right?" Feng Qingyang still couldn't believe it.

"Resurrection with full blood!" Shen Haoxuan clenched his fists and said with a smile.

Seeing that Shen Haoxuan had indeed recovered, Feng Qingyang also let go of his heart. This time, he wanted Shen Haoxuan to withdraw from the winter hunting of the eight major families, but the chances should not be great, because this is the winter hunting of the eight major families. , it is not possible to join other people in the middle.

"Since you're here, there's no need to go to Shengwu Academy this time!" Feng Qingyang chuckled, and in this way, he could save himself the trouble of seeing the embarrassing face of the headmaster.

"Not going?" Shen Haoxuan was a little stunned, didn't he want to discuss the winter hunting of the Eight Great Families?

"About the matter of winter hunting, people from the eight major families will come to discuss with you in a few days, so I won't go!" Feng Qingyang waved his hand. He doesn't like those tedious entertainments. He likes to be free and easy. matter.

Shen Haoxuan gave Feng Qingyang a blank look, and then shook his head helplessly. If Feng Qingyang is not going to the Holy Martial Academy, he still has to go. sunny you!Please share it.

"If that's the case, boy, let's take a step first!" Shen Haoxuan smiled at Feng Qingyang and the others, and then walked towards Shengwu Academy. Yu Ji thought about it, and hurriedly followed.

"Hey, Mr. Shen, you killed a lot of people from Shengwu Academy. Are you not afraid of being beaten if you just walk in like this?" Yu Ji followed behind Shen Haoxuan and asked with a smile.

"Hit me? It's ok, my hands are itching these days, let them come to me for a try?" Shen Haoxuan raised a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth, then laughed loudly, and continued to walk forward.

Looking at Shen Haoxuan's back, Yu Ji couldn't help shaking her head, this guy really can't settle down...

[ps: I'm finally home, and the update will resume tomorrow! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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