Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1116 Shoot!

Chapter 1116 Shoot!

"Elder Zhang, I haven't seen you for a long time, you still look so good!" The elder of the Holy Martial Academy saw Zhang Feng approaching, and said with a smile while cupping his fists.

"Hehe, where is it? He's just a bad old man, he doesn't look good anymore!" Zhang Feng waved his hand and said with a smile, but his eyes were looking at the sedan chair behind the elder, intentionally or unintentionally.

Seeing Zhang Feng's eyes, the elder of the Shengwu Academy also understood, and then waved to the students behind him, signaling them to carry the sedan chair over.

"Elder Zhang, here is what your Zhang family needs, do you want to inspect the goods first?" The elder of Shengwu College said with a smile.

Hearing this, Zhang Feng nodded, then opened the sedan chair, and carried out Murong Wanqing who was sleeping in it.

"Wan Qing!" After seeing Murong Wan Qing being carried out, Shen Haoxuan's expression darkened, and a terrifying murderous intent almost burst out, but fortunately, it was suppressed by Yu Ji and Qiu Yumeng .

"Master Shen, calm down!" Yu Ji and Qiu Yumeng said anxiously in low voices.

Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath, the killing intent in his body was instantly suppressed, now is not the time for revenge.

After calming down their minds, the three of Shen Haoxuan turned their gazes over again, and saw that Zhang Feng was circling Murong Wanqing, then pricked Murong Wanqing's finger, took out a drop of blood, and dripped a drop of red medicine on it. After the liquid, Murong Wanqing's blood became boiling, and a moment later, a dragon and a phoenix flew out from the drop of blood, and the sound of the dragon and the phoenix resounded throughout the forest. Finally dissipated.

"It's really the divine body of the dragon and phoenix, the divine body of the dragon and phoenix!" Looking at the dissipated phantom of the dragon and phoenix, Zhang Feng looked excited and his body trembled slightly.

Apart from Zhang Feng, Yu Ji was also shocked. She only knew that Murong Wanqing had a strange physique, but she didn't know that what Murong Wanqing possessed was the divine body of Dragon Phoenix.

"It's no wonder the Zhang family attaches so much importance to it this time, your sister is actually carrying the divine body of the dragon and phoenix!" Yu Ji said with a sigh.

"Wan Qing possesses the Divine Body of the Dragon and Phoenix, what does it have to do with the Zhang family?" Shen Haoxuan asked in confusion.

"Although the Zhang family has been a family of alchemy for generations, alchemy cannot be done by just one person. The conditions for becoming an alchemist are too harsh. As time goes by, there are very few alchemy geniuses in the Zhang family. , many children of the Zhang family have begun to develop in martial arts,

However, the talented blood of the Zhang family is really difficult to support martial arts, so in order to improve this predicament, the Zhang family began to continue to experiment, experimenting with those warriors with strange physiques, trying to artificially create a powerful The physique of the dragon and phoenix is ​​the physique that the Zhang family wants most! " Yu Ji explained in a deep voice.

"So, they set their target on Wan Qing?" Shen Haoxuan asked in a cold voice. Murong Wan Qing is his cousin, and the two of them have a student relationship. How dare this family member set their target on Wan Qing? On Murong Wanqing's body, this was exactly what touched Shen Haoxuan's Ni Lin!

"How did the Zhang family know that Murong Wanqing is a dragon and phoenix god? This kind of system is not weaker than the legendary chaotic god when it grows up. It must have been told to the Zhang family by people from Shengwu Academy!" Yu Ji looked at it. Qiu Yumeng on the side said angrily.

Hearing Yu Ji's words, Shen Haoxuan really didn't have any good feelings for Shengwu Academy. The reason why Murong Wanqing was allowed to join Shengwu Academy was because Shengwu Academy could help Murong Wanqing awaken the Dragon and Phoenix Divine Body. Now the Dragon and Phoenix Divine Body He has not yet awakened, but was treated as a commodity by Shengwu Academy and given to the Zhang family. Shen Haoxuan must settle this account with Shengwu Academy!
"Elder Zhang, I've already brought it to you. As for the winter hunting quota of the eight major families, should I give me another one from the Holy Martial Academy?" the Great Elder of the Holy Martial Academy asked with a smile.

"No problem, the transaction is successful!" Zhang Feng agreed without even thinking about it. Compared with the winter hunting quota of the eight major families, the Dragon and Phoenix Divine Body is more important, after all, it is related to the future of the Zhang family.

Seeing that Zhang Feng agreed, the two continued to discuss the details of the transaction, looking very happy.

At this time, Shen Haoxuan's face had turned gloomy, and the three of them sweated anxiously as they looked at the Zhang family and the elders of the Holy Martial Academy who were about to conclude a deal.

"We can't wait any longer. If we wait until Zhang Feng brings Wan Qing back to Zhangjiajie, it will be too late!" Shen Haoxuan said in a deep voice, and the spiritual power in his body began to surge.

"However, given the importance of the Dragon and Phoenix Divine Body to the Zhang family, there must be some strong people of the Holy Realm here. Dean Feng Qingyang and the others haven't come yet!" Yu Ji said worriedly.

"There's no time!" Shen Haoxuan snorted, because he had already seen that Zhang Feng was planning to take Murong Wanqing away.

"Do it!" Shen Haoxuan let out a low voice, the Vermilion Bird wings behind his back spread out in an instant, and the Nine Heavens Shocking Cloud Step under his feet was used to the extreme, his body turned into a streamer, and he rushed out in an instant.

Shen Haoxuan's speed at this time would have completely surpassed that of the Emperor Ling. If it wasn't for his strong physique, he would probably be torn apart instantly by this terrifying speed.

In an instant, Shen Haoxuan came in front of Zhang Feng, snatched Murong Wanqing off, and then threw it to Yu Ji and Qiu Yumeng who came from behind. Yao burst out from Shen Haoxuan's body, and directly killed everyone in the Zhang family. The violent wind of spiritual power blew up, killing a large number of Zhang family's guards in an instant!
Everything happened in an instant. Zhang Feng was still immersed in the joy of getting the body of the dragon and phoenix, but when he came to his senses, Murong Wanqing had been snatched by Shen Haoxuan, and his Zhang family's guards , Most of them are dead!

"Who dares to kill me, Zhang Jiaerlang!" Zhang Feng roared angrily, and turned to look behind him.

At this time, Shen Haoxuan was standing behind him, with a cold face, and a terrifying killing intent lingered around him, like a god of killing from hell, and on both sides of Shen Haoxuan, tall Taotie long Mao and Huo Jingang also stood like Rakshasa guards. This strange combination also made Zhang Feng, who had seen countless storms, stunned for a moment.

"It's you, Shen Haoxuan!" The elder of the Shengwu Academy recognized Shen Haoxuan first, and couldn't help but screamed. This time, Murong Wanqing was sent to Zhang's house because it disappeared inside the Shengwu Academy. How could Shen Haoxuan appear here?

When he saw Qiu Yumeng, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood. Qiu Yumeng was his disciple, so he told Qiu Yumeng about it. Unexpectedly, Qiu Yumeng betrayed him.

"Hmph, good time, the Zhang family has brought guards who are sizing up this time, even a strong man at the holy level, this Shen Haoxuan, this time he is doomed!" The elder gave Shen Haoxuan a deep look, viciously thought of...

(End of this chapter)

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