Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1119 Feng Qingyang Arrives!

Chapter 1119 Feng Qingyang Arrives!
After a long while, Shen Haoxuan finally came to his senses. He had really devoured Zhang Feng's spiritual thoughts. Now Shen Haoxuan felt that his spiritual thoughts and his sea of ​​consciousness had become quite different from before. There is a touch of aura, a little less dullness, and it seems to be alive.

"However, I still haven't broken through to the eighth-rank alchemist. It seems that there is an insurmountable gap between the seventh-rank alchemist and the eighth-rank alchemist. It can't be done simply by increasing the spiritual thoughts." Shen Haoxuan thought in his heart.

"Damn it, bastard, you give me back my spirit!" Zhang Feng's beard was crooked, he struggled to get up from the ground, and shouted with a pale face, because he was punched by Shen Haoxuan. Almost all the spiritual thoughts in the sea were taken away, and he didn't faint at this moment, all the resentment towards Shen Haoxuan was supporting him.

Zhang Feng lived for most of his life, but he never thought that the spiritual thoughts of two different warriors could be absorbed!If this is not handled carefully, it will directly become a fool, or even die directly!
But the fact is that Shen Haoxuan not only devoured his spiritual thoughts, but even directly refined them and turned them into his own spiritual thoughts. This originally impossible thing has now become a reality in Shen Haoxuan's body, which made Zhang Feng can't accept it no matter what!
"Your spirituality? Then call out to see if it will follow you back!" Shen Haoxuan stretched out his hand, and an invisible spirituality floated out of Shen Haoxuan's sea of ​​consciousness, floating quietly in front of him , well-behaved like his child.

"Shen Haoxuan, I'll kill you!" Zhang Feng roared angrily. He was a majestic third elder of the Zhang family, an eighth-rank intermediate alchemist, and was sanctioned by a brat. How could he bear it?

Zhang Feng roared, and a cumbersome rune appeared between his eyebrows, and with the appearance of this cumbersome rune, Zhang Feng's aura began to become stronger, and the spiritual thoughts that had been exhausted suddenly also skyrocketed, terrifying The breath swept through the entire forest in an instant!

"Family pattern?" Shen Haoxuan couldn't help frowning when he saw the cumbersome runes. Warriors from the eight major families all have family patterns. Turn it on, it’s a cheat-like existence in the battle, no, Zhang Feng used the family pattern, and his strength has skyrocketed to the eighth-rank Spirit Emperor. As for the exhausted spirit, it has recovered again and even become stronger. It seems that Zhang family's family pattern should be promoted in the direction of spirituality.

"It's really troublesome!" Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but rubbed his forehead, then looked to the other side, where Changmao and Huo Jingang had completely suppressed the two elders of the Holy Martial Academy, it seems that it won't be long. You will be able to win.

"This has to be resolved as soon as possible!" Shen Haoxuan thought in his heart, but looking at Zhang Feng who had unlocked the family pattern, Shen Haoxuan frowned again, Zhang Feng in this state is not easy to deal with!
"If you have the ability, come here!" Shen Haoxuan snorted coldly, and then with a thought, the giant gluttonous beast appeared again, lying across in front of him.

Seeing the giant gluttonous beast in front of Shen Haoxuan, Zhang Feng trembled all over. Just now his spiritual thoughts were swallowed by this weird thing. Now seeing this giant gluttonous beast, he dared not do anything for a while.

"Do you think I can't cure you?" Zhang Feng sneered, and then shouted into the woods: "Old Zhang, please come forward!"

Seeing Zhang Feng yelling into the woods, Shen Haoxuan suddenly had a bad feeling. Sure enough, the next moment, a powerful aura woke up from the woods, and in front of Shen Haoxuan, an immortal figure suddenly appeared The old man, as if this old man, was here in the first place.

"Holy realm powerhouse!" Shen Haoxuan's pupils could not help shrinking, the current him is no match for the holy realm powerhouse.

"Boy, you are so brave, you dare to attack my Zhang family!" The crutch in the old man's hand lightly touched the ground, and a terrifying pressure enveloped Shen Haoxuan. This is the sanctuary of this old man.

Shen Haoxuan's figure was bound by the sanctuary of the old man in an instant. What shocked Shen Haoxuan was that in the sanctuary of the old man, Shen Haoxuan was unable to move a single bit. The sanctuary of the old man was actually aimed at spiritual thoughts!

"Stop!" Just as the old man was about to attack Shen Haoxuan, a shout sounded from mid-air, and immediately, a cyan-colored wind rushed directly into the sanctuary of the old man, blowing Shen Haoxuan brought it out.

"Feng Qingyang?" Seeing the gang wind, the old man also directly recognized the owner of the gang wind, and immediately looked up into the air, there, Feng Qingyang, Chimei was standing there, with an indifferent expression Looking at the old man below, Shen Haoxuan was also standing at the side with a bit of fear on his face. A strong man in the holy realm is indeed terrifying.

"Old man Zhang, I haven't seen you for hundreds of years, and you dare to touch my students of Qingyang College?" Feng Qingyang said coldly.

"Feng Qingyang, that kid killed my Zhang family first, and I just want to avenge my Zhang family!" The old man said lightly, without any fluctuation on his face.

"If you hit the young one, will the old one come out? If you have the ability to let your junior come out!" Feng Qingyang snorted coldly, and said with some contempt.

"I'm really not ashamed, old man Zhang, you've come back more and more alive, even bullying the juniors!" Chi Mei also snorted coldly from the side, the three of them were all strong men at the same time, they were all beaten up since childhood, yes We know each other very well.

"Hmph, Feng Qingyang, Chimei, today's incident is not something you can stop. He has to pay the price for killing me, Zhang Jiaerlang!" Shen Haoxuan rushed over.

"Don't even think about it!" Feng Qingyang replied in the same way, and immediately smashed the old man's energy into pieces with a wave of his big hand.

"The battle between juniors should be resolved in the way of juniors. We old guys, it's better not to interfere!" Feng Qingyang stood in front of Shen Haoxuan, and replied lightly.

"That's good, come back to Zhangjiajie with me now, come and compete with my Zhang family junior?" the old man said coldly.

"No need, Shen Haoxuan will also participate in the winter hunting of the Eight Great Families five days later, and they will naturally meet." Feng Qingyang directly refused, this old man should be killed by them, if he enters Zhangjiajie, let alone Shen Haoxuan Well, even if it's the two of them, they may not be able to escape alive. They won't go to this wolf's lair!
"Okay, okay, let's participate in the winter hunting of the eight major families, right? At that time, the genius of my Zhang family will definitely meet you well!" Old man Zhang couldn't help but snorted when he saw that the three of them were not fooled. Even with Feng Qingyang and Feng Qingyang, he was not sure that he could kill Shen Haoxuan under the protection of the two of them.

"If that's the case, let's wait and see!" Feng Qingyang chuckled, and then left here with Shen Haoxuan and the others...

(End of this chapter)

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