Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1128 Remnant Soul Pavilion!

Chapter 1128 Remnant Soul Pavilion!
"Boy, are you also from Qingyang Academy? Huh, get up quickly, otherwise, when you return to the academy, I will let my brother kill you!" Duan Ruqing couldn't help shouting when he heard Shen Haoxuan's words.

"Let your brother trouble me? I'm afraid it's impossible!" Shen Haoxuan was unmoved, and said lightly with a chuckle.

"What do you mean by that?" Duan Ruqing frowned.

"Your brother may not be in this world anymore, tell me, why did he trouble me?" Shen Haoxuan cast a playful look at Duan Ruqing, and said in a calm and unhurried manner.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, not only Duan Ruqing, but also Lin Haoran and Li Gang were stunned. Listening to Shen Haoxuan's words, Duan Rujun is dead?No wonder I haven't seen Duan Rujun before the Third Court Competition. I thought he had returned to Duan's house, but now it seems that he may be in danger.

"What, you actually killed my brother!" Duan Ruqing's complexion changed drastically, and he couldn't help but want to stand up immediately, but Shen Haoxuan was like a mountain, and Duan Ruqing couldn't shake it at all.

"Boy, I'm from the Duan family. I advise you to let me go, otherwise, my Duan family will never forgive you!" Duan Ruqing yelled, panting continuously.

Shen Haoxuan looked down at Duan Ruqing, his face was extremely indifferent, he didn't care about Duan Ruqing's threat at all, instead he said: "Your younger brother seemed to say the same thing before he died, you are indeed two brothers, do you want me to send you there now?" What about reuniting with him?"

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Duan Ruqing trembled all over. Now that he knew the horror of Shen Haoxuan, he immediately discarded the airs of that playful young master, and quickly said: "Don't, don't, I don't get along with that brother, He also tried to grab my position as Patriarch, you killed well, killed well!"

Seeing Duan Ruqing, who was stubborn one second, turned into this cowardly Duan Ruqing the next second, Lin Haoran and the other Duan family's children were full of black lines, the direct descendants of the Duan family, this Ruqing almost made the Duan family People, they are all lost!

"Hmph, want to redeem your life? Well, hand over all the soul crystals you got!" Shen Haoxuan stretched out his hand and said in an unquestionable tone.

"Ah!" Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, his face couldn't help but directly collapsed, but because of Shen Haoxuan's coercion, he could only take out a dozen green soul crystals from the storage ring, and handed them to Shen Haoxuan.

"That's all?" Seeing the dozen or so green low-level soul crystals, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help frowning.

"Cough...Actually, I'm just a moth among the direct descendants of the Duan family. I came to participate in the winter hunting of the eight major families just to make up for it. It's not bad to find these!" Duan Ruqing smiled wryly, and quickly explained that he was afraid of Shen Haoxuan's sudden surprise. Twist his neck off.

"Hmph!" Shen Haoxuan snorted coldly, then stretched out his hand to take the dozen or so low-level soul crystals, and then jumped off Duan Ruqing's body.

After Shen Haoxuan jumped off him, Duan Ruqing felt relieved, her whole body instantly became a lot more relaxed, panting continuously, just now Shen Haoxuan was really pressing on him like a mountain, if he hadn't activated the clan Wen, I am afraid that he will be directly crushed to death by Shen Haoxuan just now!
"Let's go, don't let me see you!" Shen Haoxuan glanced at Duan Ruqing, and said lightly.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Duan Ruqing had no choice but to leave with the group of younger brothers in a hurry. With his strength, even if he stayed here, he would not be Shen Haoxuan's opponent. It is better to go 36 times.

"Junior Brother Shen, just let him leave like this?" Lin Haoran looked at the backs of Duan Ruqing and the others, and couldn't help frowning. He is a direct descendant of the Duan family, isn't this letting the tiger go back to the mountain?
"What are you afraid of? I'm afraid that he won't tell the younger generation of the Duan family. It would be great if he could attract some fat sheep!" Shen Haoxuan waved his hand and said indifferently.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Lin Haoran understood instantly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Haha, Junior Brother Shen, you are a fishing law enforcement officer!"

"Whoever let his Duan family provoke me, then he can only blame his Duan family's bad luck!" Shen Haoxuan waved his hand and said helplessly.

Seeing Shen Haoxuan's appearance, Lin Haoran and the others burst out laughing.

"Okay, let's go to the place where the soul crystal is refined first, and try how amazing this soul crystal is!" Shen Haoxuan weighed the dozens of low-level soul crystals in his hand, and a look of expectation flashed in his eyes .

Hearing this, Lin Haoran and the others also nodded. Each of them also got more than a dozen low-level soul crystals, and they are about to absorb and refine them!
Afterwards, Shen Haoxuan led Lin Haoran and the others towards the nearest place where soul crystals could be refined.

The place where soul crystals are refined is called Remnant Soul Pavilion, a secret realm of the ancient Soul Swallowing Sect. After the Swallowing Soul Sect was destroyed in the ancient war, only this attic remained. In the attic, there are This is a formation that can remove the hostility in the soul crystal. As long as the warrior sits in it and refines the soul crystal, he will not be affected by the gloomy energy.

The distance between Shen Haoxuan and the others was not too far from the Remnant Soul Pavilion, and they arrived at their destination in a short while.

At this time, a lot of warriors have gathered here. Each of the eight major families has entered more than a dozen teams. Warriors are also reasonable.

Entering the Remnant Soul Pavilion, there are elders selected by the eight major families to maintain order. When they came to the front desk, when they learned that they needed to use the refining room and pay for soul crystals, the corners of the mouths of Shen Haoxuan and the others could not help but twitch. I really know how to settle accounts.

After each of the five people paid a piece of soul crystal, they entered the refining room smoothly.

This refining room looks very simple, except for a futon for meditation and a table, there is nothing else. However, Shen Haoxuan still felt a strange energy field. I think this is the refining in the Remnant Soul Pavilion. The formation of hostility in the soul crystal.

"Let's try this soul crystal first, what's so magical about it!" Shen Haoxuan sat down cross-legged, and then took out a green soul crystal, ready to refine it.

After the green low-level soul crystal appeared, a faint ray of light shone in the refining room, and all of them gathered on the soul crystal. At this time, a black mist continuously emerged from the soul crystal. Suddenly, as the black mist emerged, the green soul crystal slowly turned into a transparent color, and the energy contained in the soul crystal became more pure.

"This refining room is really powerful!" Seeing the change of the green soul crystal, a trace of astonishment flashed in Shen Haoxuan's eyes.

Looking at the incomparably pure soul crystal in his hand, Shen Haoxuan licked his lips, then directly activated the Chaos Overlord Art, and began to refine it crazily...

(End of this chapter)

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