Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1144 Du Shaojie!

Chapter 1144 Du Shaojie!
The one standing in front of Shen Haoxuan at this time was the boy from before.

The young man was holding a long gun and looked at Shen Haoxuan with a shocked expression. His own gun just now was caught directly with one hand?

"Good marksmanship!" Shen Haoxuan said with a chuckle while holding the spear in his hand.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, a ferocious look appeared on the face of the young man from the Du family. His eyes seemed to want to swallow Shen Haoxuan alive. At the same time, the spear in his hand was trying to stab Shen Haoxuan.

The boy himself was seriously injured, and now he is making a big move, the scabbed wound spewed blood again, but the boy has never heard of this, and he still wants to drive Shen Haoxuan out of the cave.

"You are injured, you need to stop the bleeding immediately!" Shen Haoxuan couldn't help frowning as he looked at the persistent young man.

But for Shen Haoxuan's words, that boy didn't pay any attention at all, he regarded Shen Haoxuan as his enemy, if he didn't drive Shen Haoxuan out, he wouldn't give up!
Seeing the young man who got into the horns, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help being a little speechless. With a thought, a green light poured into the young man's body, and the terrifying recovery power of the wood spirit Qingxuan began to heal the young man. The bleeding wounds on his body were stopped to prevent the boy's injuries from aggravating further.

"Don't worry, I'm not an enemy, I'm your sister's friend!" Shen Haoxuan said softly, the green light in his hand became stronger and stronger, helping the boy stabilize his injury.

After hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the young man who was originally like a stubborn calf was taken aback for a moment, and then the hostility in his body gradually dissipated, but the vigilance in his eyes did not relax in the slightest.

Looking at this upright young man, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help shaking his head helplessly, then he didn't say anything, and continued to help the young man stabilize his injury. With the help of the wood spirit Qingxuan, the young man's injury soon stabilized, and at this time , the vigilance in the young man's eyes gradually disappeared.

"Why are you working so hard? If you didn't meet me, you would be dead today!" Looking at the young man whose face was gradually turning rosy, he couldn't help scolding softly.

"My sister said that a man should be responsible, brave, and protect his family. I won't shrink back!" the boy said seriously.

Looking at the boy with a serious face, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction, and patted the boy's head.

"Your sister, is it Du Xinyu?" Shen Haoxuan withdrew his palm and asked with a chuckle.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's question, the boy was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Shen Haoxuan suspiciously, and nodded.

"What's your name? Where is your sister now?" Shen Haoxuan continued to ask. He hadn't seen Du Xinyu since he left Qingyang College. This person who scolded him like a big sister was Du Xinyu. He was still a little uncomfortable after walking for a few days!
"My name is Du Shaojie, my sister is inside, but..." Du Shaojie seemed a little sad when he mentioned Du Xinyu.

"Huh? Sister Du Xinyu was also injured?" Seeing Du Shaojie's bitter face, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but frown, and then walked towards the cave with a flash of his figure.

When Shen Haoxuan felt the inside of the cave, he smelled a strong smell of blood, and immediately frowned even tighter, and then stepped out quickly, directly coming into the cave.

In the dark cave, a few bright moon stones dispelled the darkness. There were five or six figures lying around the cave. Every one of them was covered with bloodstains and full of hideous wounds. Some wounds that had not yet healed were emerging. With blood, this is the source of the bloody smell.

Shen Haoxuan quickly swept away, and soon found the familiar figure. At this moment, Du Xinyu was leaning against the stone wall of the cave. She also suffered quite a lot of injuries, and it could even be said that she was the most injured in this cave. The once beautiful face of this person has become extremely pale now, his breath is extremely weak, and it seems that he may fall asleep forever at any time.

"Big Sister Du!" Shen Haoxuan screamed, and hurried over.

As if hearing Shen Haoxuan's cry, Xinyu opened her eyes with difficulty. When she saw Shen Haoxuan, a happy smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and then she opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but she was so weak, she couldn't speechless.

"Sister Du, don't talk, I'll help you heal!" Shen Haoxuan took out a high-level healing elixir from the storage ring and let Du Xinyu take it. It floated out, suspended in the sky above her, and then, the emerald green light poured down, completely enveloping Du Xinyu.

With the appearance of the wood spirit Qingxuan, a huge vitality swept through the cave, and the wounded warriors around couldn't help but open their eyes at this time, looking at the wood spirit Qingxuan.

Shen Haoxuan looked at the other injured Du family warriors, and then asked Du Shaojie to help him lift them all over, so that the light of the wood spirit Qingxuan could cover them.

Shrouded by the huge vitality released by the wood spirit Qingxuan, the pain on the faces of these injured capital warriors dissipated, and they could feel that the injuries in their bodies were recovering at a slow speed, and the wounds that were originally bleeding were also Slowly healing, at least there is no need to worry about life.

Seeing that Du Xinyu and the martial artists from the Du family began to recover slowly, Shen Haoxuan breathed a sigh of relief, but his brows were still tightly locked. The wounds on the warriors from the Du family were obviously arrow wounds. It wasn't caused by the ancient war spirit at all, it was definitely man-made, that is to say, someone wanted to kill Du Xinyu's group of people!

"Shaojie, what's going on?" Shen Haoxuan turned his head and asked Du Shaojie, the only one who was still awake.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's question, Du Shaojie also had a flash of anger in his eyes, and it took him a long time to calm down, and then he said: "Three days ago, when the wind and thunder tower first appeared, my sister had a premonition that there would be a big change in the winter hunting of the eight families. Yes, I want to take us away from the center of the battlefield right now, because our team is considered to be a relatively weak team. Except for my sister, with the strength of the rest of the people, I can't withstand the storm in the center of the battlefield. Shock!

Just when we were about to evacuate, we were ambushed by the Qi family on the way!Qi Sheng from the Qi family led the team and seriously injured my sister in an instant. In the end, we were forced to run for our lives. Fortunately, the Qi family did not intend to kill us in one go, so we had a chance to escape and hide in this cave! "

"The Qi family? Qi Sheng?" Hearing Du Shaojie's words, Shen Haoxuan frowned, what a coincidence...

(End of this chapter)

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