Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1146 Qi Sheng!

Chapter 1146 Qi Sheng!

"Are the people in the Du family all guys who can only hide their heads and show their tails?" Outside the cave, the clamoring voices became louder and louder.

Outside the cave, seven or eight disciples of the Qi family stood together, yelling and cursing towards the cave, their tone was flirtatious, their faces were full of disdain, they seemed to be playing a game, and they looked very casual.

"Haha, Big Brother Qi Sheng, I guess the warriors of the Du family are a bunch of shrunken turtles, why don't we just rush in!" A warrior of the Qi family laughed and said, and this warrior was the one that Shen Haoxuan had taught him a lesson before. The eldest of the five tigers of the Qi family!

"Don't, it's not fun to go in directly, we have to let them feel the feeling, what is fear!" Another martial artist from the Qi family said.

"Hey, Du Xinyu is the top beauty among the young disciples of the Eight Great Clans. Let's have fun for a while!" A young man who was surrounded by the Qi family in the center raised a sinister smile. He was the Qi family. One of the elite geniuses in the world, Qi Sheng!
Hearing Qi Sheng's words, a bright light flashed in the eyes of those martial artists from the Qi family behind them, and then they shouted more vigorously!

"Which dog is barking here, it's so noisy!"

But after a while, an impatient voice sounded from inside the cave, interrupting the yelling of everyone in the Qi family. Then, Shen Haoxuan pulled out his ears and walked out of the cave with a disgusted expression on his face.

"It's you!" Seeing Shen Haoxuan walking out of the cave, the eldest of the five tigers of the Qi family shrank his eyes and cried out involuntarily.

"Oh, it turns out that it's not dogs that are yelling outside, but a few cats!" Shen Haoxuan looked at the eldest of the five tigers of the Qi family, and sneered with a chuckle.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the face of the boss of the Qi family instantly became gloomy.

"You know this kid? He doesn't seem to be from the Du family!" Qi Sheng looked at the faces of the five tiger bosses of the Qi family, then at Shen Haoxuan, and asked calmly.

"Brother Sheng, this kid is indeed not from the Du family. He is a student from the third courtyard. This time he came to participate in winter hunting with our eight major families. He is also the guy I told you a few days ago who bullied us!" The eldest of the five tigers in the family looked at Shen Haoxuan, and said with resentment in his eyes.

After being taught a lesson by Shen Haoxuan that day, he wanted to come to the center of the ancient battlefield to look for Qi Sheng. He encountered a lot of danger along the way and lost three of them. The five tigers of the Qi family have now become the second tiger of the Qi family. Everything is to be blamed on Shen Haoxuan.

"Oh, people from the third courtyard? Huh, then you are really trash, and you were taught a lesson by the people from the third courtyard!" Qi Sheng couldn't help but snorted coldly, and then cast a disdainful look at Shen Haoxuan.

Being scolded by Qi Sheng, the expressions of the remaining two of the five tigers of the Qi family couldn't help but change, but they didn't dare to say anything.

"Your name is Shen Haoxuan?" Qi Sheng also knew Shen Haoxuan's name from the five tigers of the Qi family, so he asked calmly.

"That's right, what's your business?" Shen Haoxuan replied unhurriedly.

"Although the five tigers of the Qi family are trash, they are also members of the Qi family. It is not up to you to teach them a lesson. Now kneel down and apologize, and cut off your arms. I will spare your life!" Qi Sheng stared at Shen Haoxuan, unquestionably said in a tone.

Hearing Qi Sheng's words, the eyes of the remaining two members of the Qi family's five tigers flashed a bright light. Qi Sheng seemed to want to seek justice for the five of them. With Qi Sheng's action, Shen Haoxuan would definitely not be able to escape. !

Shen Haoxuan also frowned at this time, this Qi Sheng is really arrogant, he opened his mouth to make himself kneel down, to cut off his own arms!
"It's up to you to ask me to kneel? What are you!" Shen Haoxuan said indifferently, not paying attention to Qi Sheng at all. To make him kneel, this Qi Sheng really thinks highly of himself!

"What am I? Hmph, I am your god of death! If I tell you to kneel to me, you have to kneel to me. If you don't kneel, then there is only one end, death!" Qi Sheng took a step forward, a strong breath The aura burst out from his body and swept towards Shen Haoxuan.

The tyrannical wind broke the ground under his feet with the sound of breaking, and it seemed that thick cracks spread, and they soon came to Shen Haoxuan's feet.

Du Xinyu saw Qi Sheng attacking Shen Haoxuan, and immediately wanted to block it for Shen Haoxuan. After all, Qi Sheng's strength had already reached the eighth-level Spirit Emperor, and she was the only one who could compete with Qi Sheng here!
However, Shen Haoxuan stretched out his hand to stop her, and signaled her not to make a move. The strong wind dissipated instantly when it hit and approached Shen Haoxuan, not even shaking Shen Haoxuan's clothes!
"Oh!" Seeing that his aura was so easily dispelled by Shen Haoxuan, Qi Sheng also had a look of astonishment in his eyes.

"It's interesting, it seems that you are not as useless as I imagined!" Qi Sheng put away his aura and said calmly.

"You're not bad, and you're not as useless as I imagined!" Shen Haoxuan said calmly, as if Qi Sheng was in his eyes.

"Hmph, the sharpness of the tongue, if that's the case, then I can only show you what it means to be strong!" Qi Sheng snorted coldly, and a cold chill erupted from his body.

Sensing the killing intent on Qi Sheng's body, the warriors of the Qi family shrank their pupils, and then quickly retreated in a flash. They also knew about Qi Sheng's spiritual weapon. Enemy and friend, once Qi Sheng sacrifices his spiritual weapon, he will be ten meters around and not a blade of grass will grow!
"Soul Devouring Mysterious Poison Bow, here it is!" Qi Sheng stretched out his hand and let out a light drink, with a trace of cruelty appearing at the corner of his mouth.

After Qi Sheng's words fell, a dark green light flashed in his palm, and then, a dark green longbow as tall as a man appeared. This longbow looked very strange. There are two skulls, and the eyes of the skulls are also shining with dark green light. The scarlet bowstrings are like the tongues of these two skulls. The whole bow is not only made of any material, but it looks like some A cold and stench emanated from the bones of various species, and the life within ten meters around him all dissipated quickly and gathered towards the longbow.

"The Soul-devouring Mysterious Poison Bow, this is a holy weapon specially refined by the family for Big Brother Qi Sheng!" Seeing the strange longbow in Qi Sheng's hand, a trace of greed flashed in the eyes of the Qi family warriors.

"The Soul-devouring Mysterious Poison Bow is made of the bones of the strong demons in the Holy Realm, the head of the deep-sea mermaid, the bowstring with its tongue, and many rare materials such as Xuanming Iron. God and Demon Meteor, the power is astonishing!" The boss of the five tigers of the Qi family said enviously, he had touched this bow before, and even he couldn't control the energy contained in it!
"Once the Soul Devouring Profound Poison Bow is released, then Shen Haoxuan will surely die!" The Qi family clasped their fists together, wanting to watch a good show, but they wanted to see how Shen Haoxuan would struggle...

(End of this chapter)

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