Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1149 Kill Qi Sheng!

Chapter 1149 Kill Qi Sheng!

The dog-beating stick flashing with four-color streamers was constantly drawn towards him. Every time Qi Sheng wanted to take a bow and shoot an arrow, the dog-beating stick fell on him, causing him to complain endlessly. Fighting at close range, he His soul-eating profound poison bow is useless, it can only be used to block Shen Haoxuan's stick.

"I'm calling you arrogant, I'm calling you arrogant, I'm calling you stupid, if I don't teach you a lesson today, you don't know how good I am at dog sticks, look at the stick!" Shen Haoxuan threw out the long stick in his hand, waving it vigorously, changing Playing eighteen tricks towards Qi Sheng.

Facing the long stick coming from nowhere, Qi Sheng couldn't help cursing his mother, he wasn't good at melee combat, but when he took a step back, Shen Haoxuan followed, he wanted to shoot with a bow , Shen Haoxuan slammed the wooden stick towards his face, not intending to let Qi Sheng distance himself at all.

After being whipped more than a dozen times by the wooden stick, Qi Sheng felt more and more that Shen Haoxuan's wooden pipe was not ordinary, and that long stick would leave a faint white mark on the Soul-devouring Profound Poison Bow. Besides, what else could leave its imprint on his holy vessel?

"Hmph, if that's the case..." Qi Sheng's eyes flashed a stern look, he saw the opportunity, and instead of continuing to retreat, he suddenly approached Shen Haoxuan.

Seeing Qi Sheng approaching suddenly, Shen Haoxuan was struck with a stick, the whistling wind of the stick made Qi Sheng's skin tingle.

However, Qi Sheng didn't intend to dodge at all, he forcibly endured Shen Haoxuan's stick, and the huge force made Qi Sheng kneel directly in front of Shen Haoxuan.

Qi Sheng didn't have time to take the pain, he grabbed Shen Haoxuan's wooden stick before he retracted it, and then slammed it towards him. At the same time, he waved the Soul-devouring Mysterious Poison Bow towards Shen Haoxuan's waist Go, it looks like he wants to take away the wooden stick from Shen Haoxuan's hand!
Seeing Qi Sheng who did not hesitate to use his body as a bait to take away the wooden stick, Shen Haoxuan was taken aback for a moment, then a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and immediately let go of his hand, and gave the long stick in his hand to Qi Sheng. Backed away, avoiding Qi Sheng's blow.

After leaving Shen Haoxuan's palm, the wooden stick that was shining with four colors changed back to its original pitch-black color again. Qi Sheng held the wooden stick, his eyes were full of ecstasy.

"I took it, haha, Shen Haoxuan, now that this sacred artifact is in my hands, I see how arrogant you are!" Qi Sheng looked at the wooden stick in his hand, and couldn't help laughing wildly.

Looking at the smug Qi Sheng, Shen Haoxuan's expression became "serious", as if he was very scared.

"Hmph, dog-beating stick, I'll beat you hard today!" Qi Sheng who got the wooden stick in Shen Haoxuan's hand even threw aside his Soul Devouring Mysterious Poison Bow, and rushed towards Shen Haoxuan holding the stick.

Seeing Qi Sheng snatch Shen Haoxuan's long stick, everyone in the Qi family burst into cheers. Now that Shen Haoxuan's strongest weapon has been snatched by Qi Sheng, let's see how he can turn around.

"Brother Qi Sheng, beat him to death with a stick, let him be arrogant again!" Qi family warriors shouted loudly, they had even seen Shen Haoxuan being beaten and running away like a bereaved dog!
Qi Sheng also had a grim expression on his face, he raised his stick, leaped high into the air, and roared loudly: "Die, Shen Haoxuan!"

Looking at Qi Sheng, who was powerful and aggressive, both Du Xinyu and Du Shaojie couldn't help but closed their eyes, not daring to see Shen Haoxuan's fate. If they were hit by that stick, they might turn into meatloaf directly. Bar!

Finally, Qi Sheng fell from the sky, and the stick in his hand also slammed on Shen Haoxuan's body.


The huge power as imagined did not appear, and everyone only heard a soft sound, which sounded like the sound of wood breaking.


The voice sounded again, and the next moment, the long stick that hit Shen Haoxuan's arm collapsed in two under the shocking eyes of everyone, and sawdust flew and landed on Qi Sheng's body.

The martial artists of the Qi family were dumbfounded, Qi Sheng was dumbfounded, Du Xinyu and Du Shaojie were also dumbfounded, the stick actually broke?The wooden stick that could compete with the Soul Devouring Profound Poison Bow actually broke right away?
" is this possible!" Everyone shouted unconsciously, which shows how shocked they were!

The air suddenly became quiet. Qi Sheng looked at the half of the wooden stick in his hand, and his head was buzzing. This is something that can leave marks on his soul-eating mysterious poison bow, and it can change the size at will. Absolutely It is undoubtedly a "Holy Artifact", how could it be broken so easily?

"It seems that you like the wooden stick I picked up very much!" Shen Haoxuan withdrew his arm, and said lightly, with a hint of mockery at the corner of his mouth.

This Qi Sheng actually regards the things he picked up casually as treasures. The reason why the wooden stick can erupt that kind of power in his hands is because it has the blessings of the three great spirits of heaven and earth and the power of chaos. If it is not, then it is just an ordinary piece of wood. Do you want to kill people with wood?Qi Sheng really thought too much!
"Wooden stick? Isn't this a dog-beating stick? Isn't it a sacred weapon?" Qi Sheng obviously still didn't know the reason, and shouted in disbelief.

"Do you believe those who lied to you?" Shen Haoxuan said contemptuously, and then stepped forward, directly in front of Qi Sheng, and punched him in the chest.

"Destroy the sky!"

The violent power poured out, causing Qi Sheng to spurt out a mouthful of blood, and his body flew upside down, scratching the ground for tens of meters, leaving a long gully.

With a punch, Shen Haoxuan still didn't intend to let Qi Sheng go. This Qi Sheng played with everyone in the Du family. If he hadn't come in time, maybe Du Xinyu and Du Shaojie would have been punished. Qi Sheng's murderous hands, and this guy will make him kneel down and cut off his arms when he meets him, Shen Haoxuan naturally has to settle this account carefully!
Coming in front of Qi Sheng again, Shen Haoxuan stepped on it, directly breaking Qi Sheng's arm, and a mournful howling came from Qi Sheng's mouth, which made the rest of the Qi family shudder.

"This kick is for the beautiful lady Du!" Shen Haoxuan looked at Qi Sheng whose face was distorted by the pain, and said indifferently.

After finishing speaking, Shen Haoxuan kicked again, breaking Qi Sheng's other arm.

"This kick is for Shaojie!" Shen Haoxuan continued.

Afterwards, Shen Haoxuan stepped on and broke Qi Sheng's two legs, which was paid for by other warriors from the Du family.

"In the end, it was paid for me. Anyone who dares to threaten me, or who wants to kill me, will have only one fate, and that is death!" A cold killing intent flashed in Shen Haoxuan's eyes, followed by a dark The sword glow lit up, and under Qi Sheng's terrified gaze, it pierced directly through his heart, beheading him instantly...

[PS: From the 11th to the 15th, I will go to Shanghai to participate in the fantasy writer training class, only the guarantee is updated, sorry, I will make it up after the class is over, forgive me! 】

(End of this chapter)

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