Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1167 Holy Medicine!

Chapter 1167 Holy Medicine!

"If you want to open the inheritance, you need to find five keys. I guess the keys are scattered in this inheritance land. There is no way to collect them all with our shepherds alone, so you have to find them by yourself!" Mu Xuan looked at this place of inheritance lingering in the shadows, and said lightly.

"Let's talk about it first, whoever gets the key will have the priority to enter the land of inheritance, otherwise no one will work hard!" Qi Wu of the Qi family also said with a cold snort.

None of the warriors from the eight major families objected to Qi Wu's proposal. This is also everyone's expectation. Whether you can get the key and enter the inheritance land first depends on your own strength and luck!

After everyone's discussion is over, everyone has chosen their own direction and started to explore. Countless gods and demons have fallen in this inheritance land. The inheritance is not just the War Sword God. It can only be said that the War Sword God's inheritance is more attractive. .

Seeing the warriors from the eight major families scattered in all directions, Shen Haoxuan and Ji Lingxuan stood where they were, with no intention of moving.

"Brother Haoxuan, what are our plans now?" Ji Lingxuan looked at Shen Haoxuan and asked.

Looking around at the place of inheritance, Shen Haoxuan pondered and said: "Now we have two choices, one is to go directly to the place of inheritance of the God of War Sword, because I got a key to open the inheritance before!" Said Forget it, Shen Haoxuan took out the colorful flowing light sword in the storage ring.

Looking at the colorful streamer sword in Shen Haoxuan's hand, Ji Lingxuan couldn't help covering her mouth, feeling a little shocked.

"Of course, we still have a second option, which is to wander around. There are not only the inheritance of the God of War Sword here, but many ancient strongmen have fallen here, and they have left a lot of inheritance!" Shen Haoxuan put away the colorful flowing light sword and continued to speak.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Ji Lingxuan also lowered her head and pondered, and after a while, she made a decision!
"It's a bit too ostentatious to go directly now. It's like telling others that we have the key in our hands. I think we should go around first, maybe we will gain something!" Ji Lingxuan said.

Shen Haoxuan also agreed with Ji Lingxuan's idea, and then the two chose a direction and plunged in directly.

Stepping into this place of inheritance, both of them couldn't help being a little shocked. The color of the earth had turned dark red, and there was a slight clicking sound when they stepped on it. With such a thick layer, it is hard to imagine how many people died in that war.

Slowly going deeper, Shen Haoxuan and Ji Lingxuan encountered many ancient war spirits. Compared with the war spirits outside the inheritance land, these war spirits were much stronger. Under the nourishment of these dark winds, these war spirits were extremely tyrannical. Both Shen Haoxuan and Ji Lingxuan are not weak, they can easily deal with these fighting spirits.

"Long Mao, how is it? Did you gain anything?" Shen Haoxuan looked at Chang Mao on his shoulder and asked, if it is about treasure hunting, Chang Mao is better.

"Hurry up, hurry up, you can clearly feel it a little further, this damned wind is so abominable, it blocks my perception!" Changmao pointed to the front and muttered.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan and Ji Lingxuan rolled their eyes helplessly. I don't know how many times Chang Mao said this, but they still have some trust in Chang Mao's ability, and they are also looking forward.

The more they walked forward, the thicker the surrounding yin, and even at the end, even the eyes of the two of them were almost covered, and they couldn't see anything ten meters away!

"Are you sure there are good things here?" Shen Haoxuan has slowed down his pace at this time, and moved forward cautiously. The Yin Qi around him made him feel very uncomfortable, and he could feel that under the thick Yin Qi, There must be a great danger hidden in it!
"Sure, good things are ahead, let's go forward boldly!" Changmao pointed to the front and said.

Hearing Chang Mao's words, Shen Haoxuan cursed secretly in his heart, he dared to go forward boldly here, and he would die without knowing how he died!
But for the good things ahead, Shen Haoxuan could only bite the bullet and groped forward cautiously. The Fire Spirit Obsidian rose slowly, wrapping him and Ji Lingxuan in it, resisting the erosion of the surrounding Yin Qi.

After a while, Shen Haoxuan got through the thick yin energy safely, and his eyes finally became clear, but when Shen Haoxuan saw what was in front of him, he couldn't help but screamed out!

"This is Zhengyang fruit!"

At this time, not far from Shen Haoxuan, a sun-like fruit was hanging on a sapling, circles of golden halos continuously radiated from the fruit, driving away the surrounding Yin Qi, a wave of The aura of Zhiyang's strength rushed towards them, making both Shen Haoxuan and Ji Lingxuan feel comfortable.

"I didn't expect that there would be such an elixir of yang strength in such a place with such strong yin energy!" Ji Lingxuan sighed softly as she looked at the Zhengyang fruit.

"It's not just as simple as a panacea!" Shen Haoxuan looked at the fruit emitting a golden halo with hot eyes, and a hint of excitement appeared on his face.

"The attribute of positive yang fruit belongs to the kind that is extremely strong and yang. It stands to reason that it can only be born in the depths of volcanoes or places with extremely strong yang, but sometimes things will be reversed. It can nourish the elixir of yang and vigour, but the chance of producing this elixir is too small, but once it is produced, its medicinal power will increase exponentially. Now it is no longer a elixir, but... Holy medicine!" Shen Haoxuan said excitedly.

"Holy medicine!" Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Ji Lingxuan couldn't help but tremble all over. The holy medicine is the material for refining the eighth-rank holy pill. This kind of elixir is rare even in the collections of the eight major families. , I didn't expect to meet one when I first came to this place of inheritance, what luck!
Shen Haoxuan's figure flashed, and he was about to fly towards the Zhengyang fruit, but just when he was about to make a move, a sudden change occurred!

A few soft sounds sounded, and the surrounding sea of ​​Yin Qi suddenly churned, and then, several dark figures floated out of the sea of ​​Yin Qi, and several strange purple rays of light burst out from their pupils!

As these figures floated out, waves of powerful aura burst out from their bodies, stirring up the sea of ​​yin energy around them.

"Advanced battle spirit!" Seeing these figures, Shen Haoxuan's face became serious, and his figure couldn't help but retreat.

"Four high-level battle spirits, it seems that Zhengyang fruit is not so easy to get!" Ji Lingxuan also gave a wry smile, facing back to back with Shen Haoxuan, looking at the four high-level battle spirits with a solemn expression...

(End of this chapter)

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