Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1169 Nine Tribulations God's Prison! [9th ​​update! 】

Chapter 1169 Nine Tribulations Prison! [Fifth update! 】

"Congratulations to brother Haoxuan for improving his strength!" Seeing Shen Haoxuan's breakthrough, Ji Lingxuan smiled sweetly and said softly.

Shen Haoxuan is also in a good mood at this time, not only got the Zhengyang fruit this time, but also broke through to the seventh rank of Spirit Emperor, this trip, it really didn't go in vain!

"This is just the beginning. There are still many good things waiting for us to discover in this inheritance land of the God of War Sword!" Shen Haoxuan raised a smile, and a burning look flashed in his eyes. The Land of Inheritance is even more interesting!
"Let's go, let's continue the treasure hunt!" Shen Haoxuan waved his hand, and then continued on the journey with Ji Lingxuan and Changmao.

After the strength breakthrough, Shen Haoxuan's combat power also increased greatly. Several times when he encountered high-level battle spirits, Shen Haoxuan went straight up without saying a word. He wanted to use these battle spirits to strengthen his cultivation. Along the way, Shen Haoxuan alone Five high-level battle spirits were eliminated, and his strength was completely stabilized!
"Shangmao, isn't there anything good around here?" Shen Haoxuan and Ji Lingxuan went on for hundreds of miles, but there was no movement at all from Changmao, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but asked with some doubts.

"There are some ruins and ruins nearby. Where can there be any good things? This is a battlefield, not a place of death. Good things are not so easy to find!" Long-haired Shen Haoxuan said with a glance, and then he lay down on his bed Sleep on your shoulders.

Hearing Chang Mao's words, Shen Haoxuan also spread his hands helplessly. Chang Mao was right, this is a battlefield of life and death, and even life is not guaranteed in a battle. Who would have thought of leaving a legacy?
At present, Shen Haoxuan and Ji Lingxuan are also wandering around aimlessly. With long hairs, they are not afraid of straying into some dangerous places such as formations.

"Huh? Is there any movement?" Just after Shen Haoxuan and Ji Lingxuan walked forward for hundreds of meters, the long hair that was lying on its stomach suddenly stood up and looked towards the southeast.

"What's going on?" Shen Haoxuan and Ji Lingxuan also felt a powerful wave coming from the southeast, and the ground under their feet seemed to tremble slightly.

"What a powerful breath, this is definitely the inheritance left by a super strong man!" Long Mao's eyes glowed, and he wanted to rush over immediately!
"Let's go, let's go and have a look!" Shen Haoxuan was also a little excited, and then with a flash of his figure, he took Ji Lingxuan and ran towards the southeast direction!

When Shen Haoxuan arrived here, many warriors had already gathered, and it was obvious that Shen Haoxuan and Ji Lingxuan were not the only ones who noticed the commotion here!

"Zhang Zhen!" Looking at the short figure standing not far away, a sneer appeared on the corner of Shen Haoxuan's mouth, it really is that the road to the enemy is narrow!

At this time, all members of the Zhang family were gathering in front of a mountain peak, as if they were looking for something, but Zhang Zhen seemed to have sensed the gaze behind him, and turned around immediately, but when he saw Shen Haoxuan, there was an expression on his face. A hint of disgust.

"Hmph, why did this guy come here!" Zhang Zhen snorted coldly.

While he was speaking, Shen Haoxuan had brought Ji Lingxuan to this mountain peak. This mountain peak seemed to emerge from the ground suddenly, and it was still rising continuously.

"Shen Haoxuan, this is the place my Zhang family discovered first, what are you doing here?" Zhang Family martial artist said with a frown when he saw Shen Haoxuan coming.

"It belongs to your Zhang family? It has your Zhang family's label on it, or will he agree if you call him? It sounds really good!" Shen Haoxuan retorted without turning his head, his eyes were full of contempt.

"That's right, what you see is yours? So I saw the inheritance of the sword god first. The things inside are ours. What are you doing here?" Ji Lingxuan also added appropriately. , everyone in the Zhang family who heard it turned pale, but they couldn't say anything to refute!
"Hmph!" Zhang Zhen could only snort coldly at this, and then cast his gaze on the mountain.

The mountain peak in front of several people kept growing, and after a while, it finally stopped. At this time, the mountain peak was already as high as a four or five-story building.

After it stopped growing, the entire mountain peak began to shake violently, and huge boulders rolled down from the mountain. Shen Haoxuan and others hurriedly retreated, looking at the slowly changing mountain with shock on their faces.

After a while, the shaking mountain finally calmed down. The originally uneven mountain became as smooth as a mirror. It looked like a pyramid, but the pyramid was divided into nine faults. They are all shrouded in dazzling sunlight, making it difficult to see what is inside!
"What... what's going on here?" Zhang Zhen looked at the pyramid in front of him that was divided into nine faults, and couldn't recover for a while.

"Nine Tribulations God's Prison, is this the legendary Nine Tribulations God's Prison?" Ji Lingxuan shouted in disbelief with a flash of light in his eyes.

"Nine Tribulations Divine Prison, what is that?" Shen Haoxuan couldn't help asking curiously as he looked at the strange pyramid in front of him.

Ji Lingxuan sorted out her words, and then said in a deep voice: "It is said that the ancient war sword god has two great artifacts. One is his war sword, which he regards as more precious than life. A man is with the sword, and the sword can break a man." Death! The second is another artifact he refined, the Nine Tribulations Prison! The Nine Tribulations Prison is divided into nine floors, each floor will be guarded by a jailer, and the God of War Sword has left treasures on each floor , as long as you defeat the jailer, you can get the treasure. This is also the place where the Zongmen's disciples are specially trained after the Zongmen was created by the God of War Sword!
But everyone can only take one thing. If you defeat the jailer on the third floor, if you take the third floor, you can no longer continue to challenge. The higher you go in the Jieshen Prison, the stronger the jailers are, but the treasures inside are also more precious. This is an artifact that countless sects wanted to obtain at that time! "

Hearing Ji Lingxuan's introduction, Shen Haoxuan and everyone in the Zhang family were stunned. They didn't expect such an artifact to exist. The Nine Tribulations Divine Prison is really interesting!
"The Nine Tribulations God Prison has restrictions every time it is opened, and there must be unexpected treasures on the ninth floor. I remember that the treasure on the ninth floor of the Nine Tribulations God Prison was an artifact. , what will happen!" Ji Lingxuan turned her eyes to the ninth floor, and a gleam of heat flashed in her eyes.

"Come on, let's go in!" As soon as Ji Lingxuan's voice fell, everyone in the Zhang family turned into streaks of light and rushed directly into the Nine Tribulations Prison. You can make a lot of money!

Seeing the Zhang family rushing in first, Shen Haoxuan's face turned cold and he was about to leave, but was stopped by Ji Lingxuan.

"Hmph, ignorance, the Nine Tribulations God's Prison, how easy it is to enter!" Ji Lingxuan snorted coldly, a look of contempt flashed in her eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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