Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1181 Battle Sword Field!

Chapter 1181 Battle Sword Field!

Without the threat of the sword dragon, the group arrived at the very center of the sword mound without any hindrance.

Approaching the center of the Sword Tomb, the number of stone monuments here has decreased a lot, and in the end they are completely gone, leaving only an extremely empty square, and on the square, a battle sword glowing with white light stands erect On the stele, even from a long distance, one can feel the sword intent erupting from the battle sword.

"Is this the War Sword of the War Sword God?" Looking at the sharp sword shining with icy light, everyone couldn't help but stop, not daring to take a step forward, even though the War Sword God had been dead for thousands of years , but still left an indelible coercion, under this coercion, even those who are as strong as Shen Haoxuan, Mu Xuan and others dare not go one step further!
"Can't get close, where is the inheritance of the God of War Sword?" Everyone frowned, looking around, trying to find some way to break it.

"Don't look, the inheritance of the God of War Sword is on that sword. If you want to get it, you have to pass through the field left by the God of War Sword!" Mu Xuan stared at the sword in the center of the square, A fiery look flashed in his eyes.

"It's on that battle sword!" The warriors of the eight major families were all stunned for a moment, then frowned. In front of them, there was a field, which was left by the War Sword God, reaching the level of the War Sword God. The field is not something that ordinary warriors can break into casually, if you are a little careless, you will end up in pieces!
"If you want to get the inheritance of the Sword God of War, you have to take this risk!" Shen Haoxuan's eyes also flashed a trace of deep fear. If he knew that there would be such a thing, he should have asked the Sword God of War in the Nine Tribulations Prison. There is a solution.

"Can we just force our way in now?" Ji Lingxuan asked softly. Facing the domain left by a strong man like the Sword God, there seems to be no other way but to force his way in!
The faces of the fighters from the other eight major families also showed a trace of solemnity. Although the Sword God of War has been dead for thousands of years, regardless of the coercion of this field, it has not weakened at all. If you want to step into this field, At least the strength of the eighth-level spirit emperor or above must be required, but except for the top disciples of the eight major families, no one can step into this field. It seems that this inheritance is destined to miss them!


While they were thinking, Mu Xuan had already stepped into the field first, and ripples visible to the naked eye spread across Mu Xuan's body with a fist, and immediately after, Mu Xuan's body was directly bent, and his forehead There are also blue veins on the face.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath. Even a strong man like Mu Xuan seemed to be struggling so much. If they entered it, they might be directly crushed to the ground!
However, the top geniuses of each of the eight major families did not hesitate at all, and stepped directly into this field. As the top geniuses of the eight major families, they have their own pride, Qi Wu from the Qi family, Duan Ruxing from the Duan family , Zhang Zhen from the Zhang family, Zhao Mo from the Zhao family, Du Jiang from the Du family, and Han Fei from the Han family, these are the patriarchs of the eight major families in the future. Although their strength is not as strong as that of Mu Xuan, they are not weak either!
Seeing the seven people stepping into the field, Mu Chen also snorted coldly, and stepped in. Among the Mu family, his strength has also reached the ninth rank of Spirit Emperor, so he naturally has the confidence to break through this field field!
At this time, eight people had entered the field, but after the eight entered, they couldn't even take a step out. They were all half-bowed, their faces flushed, and they seemed to be adapting to what the sword god left behind. Powerful field!
Shen Haoxuan and Ji Lingxuan looked at each other, then nodded, and also stepped into the field.

Seeing that Shen Haoxuan was about to enter the field, the fighters from the eight major families who were still on the edge of the square were stunned for a moment, and then they couldn't help laughing: "Shen Haoxuan, only warriors above the eighth-rank Spirit Emperor are eligible to step in, don't you want to court death?"

"Could this guy be dazzled by the inheritance of the God of War Sword? Is he going to die if he wants to inherit it? Really think that he can be on an equal footing with the top powerhouses of the eight major families?"

"It's so naive, I guess he doesn't even know how terrifying the power of the domain is!"

Except for the Zhang family, the Du family and the Han family, the rest of the big families spoke in mockery.

Shen Haoxuan listened to the foot that was about to step into the field, and then turned his head to look at those warriors who were still clamoring, with a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth, these warriors are really ignorant!
Thinking of this, Shen Haoxuan also ignored those warriors, and then, under their watching eyes, directly stepped into the field left by the God of War Sword!

As soon as he stepped into the field, Shen Haoxuan felt a mountain peak pressing directly on his body, causing his body to bend down involuntarily, and the blood in his body was oppressed by this terrifying coercion and stagnated.

Feeling breathless in his chest, Shen Haoxuan's face turned red in an instant. The field left by the Sword God is not comparable to the field created by a strong man of the Holy Realm. Shen Haoxuan felt that he His body is about to be torn apart!

In order to reduce the coercion on his body, Shen Haoxuan quickly activated the Chaos Overlord Art, and the Chaos Divine Body was also activated at this moment to resist the powerful coercion.

After a while, Shen Haoxuan finally got used to the terrifying coercion around him, and straightened his body. Now, the only one who stood up was Mu Xuan, and the rest of the fighters were still adapting to the pressure. Horror coercion!
Seeing that Shen Haoxuan and Mu Xuan had adapted to the coercion left by the Sword God at about the same time, all the warriors who were still clamoring closed their mouths, and felt a burning pain on their faces. He adapted to the coercion in the domain earlier than the strongest members of their family. He is only a seventh-level spirit emperor. Why is this happening? Can warriors of the seventh-level spirit emperor in this domain also enter?

An unbelieving warrior in the Mu family wanted to try, but just as he stretched his right leg in, he was crushed by the terrifying pressure. Looking at the distorted right leg, those warriors who were clamoring before fell silent. , Shen Haoxuan really has the strength to be on par with the top fighters in the big families!

Muxuan looked at Shen Haoxuan who did not straighten up at the same time as himself, and the coldness in his eyes became more intense. Now Shen Haoxuan finally gave him a hint of threat, making him have to pay attention to this opponent.

After a while, Ji Lingxuan straightened up for the third time, followed by Mu Chen, Qi Wu, Han Fei, Zhang Zhen, Duan Ruxing, Du Jiang, Zhao Mo, and in the end, everyone had adapted to the coercion in this field , everyone looked at each other, and at the same time walked towards the battle sword in the center of the square...

(End of this chapter)

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