Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1185 The Demon God Comes to the World!

Chapter 1185 The Demon God Comes to the World!

The sudden change made everyone in the hall feel a little overwhelmed.

Shen Haoxuan killed the No. 1 Muxuan of the Eight Great Families with one punch, but that Muxuan pulled out the battle sword of the God of War Sword before he died, and finally disappeared directly, and the real purpose he said, let Everyone felt puzzled.

Shen Haoxuan's face turned gloomy at this time, this was the worst time for him, Mu Xuan's city was much deeper than he imagined, and the one who had been following them before turned out to be Mu Xuan's avatar, just the avatar His strength is so strong, I really can't imagine how strong Mu Xuan's body will be.

More importantly, Mu Xuan's goal this time is not the inheritance of the God of War Sword, but the ancient demon god sealed by God of War Sword!What puzzled Shen Haoxuan was why did Muxuan know about such a secret matter of the extraterrestrial demons, and even came here specially for the extraterritorial demons!

"Damn it, does this guy know what kind of monster he released?" Shen Haoxuan cursed secretly, and then turned his gaze to the battle sword that fell on the ground and the gap blocked by the battle sword.

But at this time, in a cave hundreds of miles away from the inheritance of the Sword God of War, Mu Xuan sat cross-legged in mid-air. After a while, his closed eyes slowly opened, and a gloomy light flashed in them.

"Shen Haoxuan, he is really an interesting opponent!" Mu Xuan seemed to see through the void, and saw Shen Haoxuan who was in the sword mound.

"This son can't stay!" As soon as Mu Xuan's voice fell, a black shadow slowly emerged from behind him. If Shen Haoxuan was here, he would definitely recognize this person, because he was the person Shen Haoxuan met in Xingluo Continent. The Demon Emperor who arrived, the Demon Emperor who was sealed in the void and finally released!
"I know, this time I released your so-called demon god according to your request. You promised me, shouldn't you also fulfill your promise?" meaning!
"Don't worry, after the Demon God comes out, I will personally give you what you want!" The Demon Emperor said with a sinister smile, as if he was looking forward to the appearance of the so-called Demon God in his mouth.

"Hmph, it's better to be true, otherwise!" Mu Xuan snorted coldly, and a fierce energy burst out from his body, directly piercing the stone wall in front of him, and countless gravels fell down, splashing waves of waves. A burst of smoke and dust.

"Young man, don't be so hot-tempered. Be careful not to overturn the boat in the gutter!" Looking at the pile of stones on the ground, the Demon Emperor behind Mu Xuan said lightly.

"You don't have to worry about it, just do what you do!" Mu Xuan replied coldly, and then disappeared in place in a flash. The Demon Emperor ignored it and turned his gaze to In the distance where the Sword God of War inherits, his eyes are full of anticipation...

But at this time, in the sword mound of the God of War Sword, everyone still looked puzzled. They hadn't recovered from the situation just now. Now that the sword of war fell, what about the inheritance of God of War Sword?
Shen Haoxuan is the most aware of the current situation. With a thought, Huo Jingang and Mu Jingang came to his side. Ji Lingxuan also felt Shen Haoxuan's nervousness, and rushed over from a distance.

"What's going on?" Ji Lingxuan asked in a deep voice.

"There's big trouble!" Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath, and then said the Demon Emperor who was sealed under the sword. Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Ji Lingxuan couldn't help but take a breath, her beautiful eyes were full of shock .


At this moment, a violent roar sounded from the bottom of the sword mound, and immediately after that, countless cracks spread under the feet of everyone like spider webs, and boulders protruded one by one, which shocked everyone.

"Here we come!" Shen Haoxuan yelled secretly, the spiritual power in his body began to swell, his face became extremely dignified, he was sealed here, but the Demon God, who could not even be dealt with by the Sword God, was sealed for tens of thousands of years, but Shen Haoxuan did not dare to underestimate the power of the demon god.


The next moment, a huge arm suddenly stretched out from the ground, and immediately after that, a huge figure rose from the ground, that tall body was even bigger than Mu Jingang just now!

Finally, the demon god of the extraterrestrial demon broke the seal and came out completely from the ground. A pitch-black mist burst out from his body, sweeping across the entire Sword Tomb in an instant.

"What is this..." Seeing the huge body of the demon god, everyone was shocked again. A wooden King Kong appeared just now, but what is it this time.

"3 years..."

A hoarse voice suddenly sounded, it seemed to be the murmur of the demon god, but the entire sword mound trembled under his voice, Huo Jingang and Mu Jingang beside Shen Haoxuan seemed to feel something, uncontrollable Crazy skyrocketed, and soon reached the same height as the Demon God.

The demon god seemed to have sensed something, his originally closed eyes suddenly opened, and a terrifying power erupted from his body, instantly covering the entire sword mound.


This coercion is simply stronger than the field left by the God of War Sword. At a glance, except for Shen Haoxuan and Ji Lingxuan, all warriors are pressed to the ground, unable to move, even Qi Wu The same is true for warriors of their level!

Shen Haoxuan's face was full of jealousy. He had operated the Chaos Divine Body and Chaos Overlord Art to the extreme, constantly resisting this terrifying coercion, and this allowed him to barely stand still. A circle of light blue appeared on Ji Lingxuan's body. The ray of light, the blue family pattern on the forehead also appeared, this demon god is really too terrifying, just a glance, it is not like they can resist it!
"Fire King Kong, Wood King Kong!" The demon god saw the two big King Kong standing in front of him, his face changed slightly, and then his body turned into a cloud of black mist, and he swept out of the sword mound like lightning, without even Shen Haoxuan and the others looking at it Have a look.

After the demon god disappeared, Shen Haoxuan and the others felt relieved, and immediately began to pant violently. Only then did they realize that their clothes had been soaked in cold sweat at some point.

"What a terrifying coercion, what is that thing?" Looking at the slowly dissipating black mist, Qi Wu and the others had a hint of fear on their faces. To death!

Shen Haoxuan's face was gloomy at this time, the horror of this demon god was completely beyond his expectation, if it wasn't for Huo Jingang and Mu Jingang who reacted to the demonic energy of the extraterrestrial demon this time, if it wasn't for the demon god who just came out of the seal and was still weak I am worried that Huo Jingang and Mu Jingang will seal him again, and I am afraid that none of the people here will be able to escape!
"This damned Muxuan released such a terrifying thing!" Shen Haoxuan looked at the demon god who had completely disappeared, and couldn't help but curse secretly, his eyes were full of worry, just like what War Sword God said, release this demon god , the consequences are disastrous...

(End of this chapter)

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