Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1192 Dragon Fights! [Please recommend, please ask for a monthly pass! 】

Chapter 1192 Dragon Fights! [Please recommend, please ask for a monthly pass! 】

"In the place where the God of War Sword is inherited, you don't feel like this!" Mu Xuan looked at Shen Haoxuan, and said lightly, the expression on his face was a bit arrogant, but his eyes were full of disdain when he looked at Shen Haoxuan color.

"Really? I've always been like this!" Shen Haoxuan shrugged casually and said indifferently.

"I wanted to regard you as my opponent before, but now it seems that you are not qualified enough!" Mu Xuan said with a chuckle. I don't know if this laughter is mocking Shen Haoxuan or himself. There's that "ridiculous" idea.

"Whether you are qualified or not is not up to you!" Shen Haoxuan's mouth cracked, and he replied indifferently. There was no smell of gunpowder between the two of them. It didn't look like a conversation between two opponents at all, but rather like a conversation between two opponents. It's like an old friend who hasn't seen him for many years.

"Humph... Among the eight major families, what I say is an order, and there is no other reason, just because I am stronger than you, and this is my qualification!" Mu Xuan snorted coldly, and the indifference on his face dissipated. It turned into a chilling intent, a faint coercion emanated from his body, and the surrounding space trembled slightly.

"Really?" Shen Haoxuan sneered, and also cast his gaze on the Fenglei Platform in front of him, with a faint aura emanating from his body, competing with Mu Xuan.

"These two people..." Those warriors who were not qualified to climb the Fenglei Terrace cast their eyes on Shen Haoxuan and Mu Xuan, their eyes were full of shock, although these two people did not look as fierce as Qi Wu and the others, but the two of them They were all sharp, like two sharp swords, and the faint aura overflowed, shaking their hearts.

The patriarchs and elders of the eight major families also frowned. They were not surprised by Mu Xuan's performance. After all, Mu Xuan's talent and strength were there, but Shen Haoxuan was able to confront Mu Xuan in terms of momentum. Let them feel a little surprised.

"They're about to go on stage!" Seeing the actions of the two, the fighters from the eight major families couldn't help becoming nervous. At this time, Qi Wu, Ji Lingxuan and the others had already passed one-third of the distance, while Shen Haoxuan and Muxuan hadn't moved yet. Woolen cloth.

"The two of them don't seem to have prepared the Wind and Thunder Order!" Suddenly, a warrior from the Ji family said in surprise.

Hearing the words of this Ji family warrior, the rest of the warriors also reacted. Shen Haoxuan and Mu Xuan didn't have a Wind and Thunder Token or the slightest power of wind and thunder in their hands. Could it be that they wanted to rely on their own strength to force Breaking through the wind and thunder?That is the majesty of heaven and earth that even the strong in the holy realm would feel afraid of!

Just when they were surprised, two muffled sounds sounded almost at the same time. Immediately afterwards, the bodies of Mu Xuan and Shen Haoxuan were like two cannonballs, and they plunged into the battle of Fengleitai. Use the power of wind and thunder to resist the power of wind and thunder!

"My God, are they real? They really don't need the power of wind and thunder!" Seeing the two people who were surrounded by countless Nine Heavens Divine Thunder at that moment, the warriors of the eight major families all exclaimed.

Not only them, the patriarchs and elders also had a look of surprise in their eyes. It was the first time that they wanted to climb the Fenglei Terrace without using the power of the wind and thunder. These two people are very confident in their physique and strength!

Just when Shen Haoxuan and Mu Xuan got into the Fenglei Terrace, the surrounding wind and thunder power seemed to be pulled by something, and countless lightning bolts struck towards the two of them in an instant. Protect, otherwise these Nine Heavens Divine Thunder will regard the person on stage as an enemy!

A thunderbolt as thick as an arm struck Shen Haoxuan's body, and countless electric arcs exploded in an instant, causing the hair on Shen Haoxuan's body to stand on end. There were so many Nine Heavens Divine Thunders, and their speed was so fast that even Shen Haoxuan couldn't dodge them.

Being hit by the Nine Heavens Thunder, Shen Haoxuan's body stiffened for a moment, but this moment was enough to kill him, countless Nine Heavens Thunder came whistling, if he was hit, even Shen Haoxuan couldn't bear it at all.

Looking at the mighty and powerful Nine Heavens God, Shen Haoxuan thought, and the purple-black flame burst out, dozens of fire dragons condensed to protect Shen Haoxuan in the middle, and the Nine Heavens God Thunder bombarded the purple-black flame On the ground, sparks splashed one after another, and finally disappeared.

No matter how you say it, the purple-black flame is also formed by the condensation of three kinds of spirits of heaven and earth. No matter how powerful the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder is, it is impossible to penetrate it all at once.

Then at the moment when the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder retreated, the Vermilion Bird's wings behind Shen Haoxuan spread out, and his figure turned into a black lightning, crazily sweeping towards the sky above the Fenglei Terrace.

On the other side, Mu Xuan was also hit by the lightning of the Nine Heavens God, but he also thought of a way to deal with it in an instant. The golden spiritual power condensed into a huge golden lion, wrapped Mu Xuan in it, and roared towards Fenglei Terrace Run to the top.

The two showed their skills, one black and one gold, and the two streamers instantly caught up with those warriors who climbed to Fengleitai in advance.

When they saw that Shen Haoxuan and Mu Xuan didn't use the power of wind and thunder, but only relied on their own strength to forcibly break into the wind and thunder platform, those warriors couldn't help but swear. They had the wind and thunder token in their hands, and they had to be careful with the protection of the wind and thunder Yes, Shen Haoxuan and Muxuan are good. Not only are they not protected by the power of wind and thunder, but they are also wantonly rushing on this wind and thunder platform. It is too perverted. Now they really know the gap between people !
"Boom boom boom..."

It seems that because of Shen Haoxuan and Muxuan's provocation, the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder on the Fenglei Platform became more and more dense, and the power of the wind and thunder became stronger and stronger. The wind and thunder orders in the hands of some warriors could not withstand this pressure. They burst open one after another, losing the protection of the Fenglei Token, and the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder bombarded them, causing them to vomit blood and fly, falling directly from the Fenglei Terrace.

Shen Haoxuan and Muxuan were still advancing side by side at this time, and more and more Nine Heavens Divine Thunder fell on them, trying to block their advancing speed.

Under the bombardment of countless thunder and lightning, the speed of the two of them did slow down, but they didn't mean to stop at all. They quickly caught up with Qi Wu and others, and at this time, the distance of Fengleitai was only Half way down.

Feeling the howling thunder behind them, Qi Wu and the others couldn't help turning their heads to look back. When they saw Shen Haoxuan and Mu Xuan's arrogant way of taking the stage, they couldn't help but take a breath. They know how powerful Nine Heavens God Thunder is. Are these two people really perverted?Isn't it true that you are not afraid of being blasted into slag by the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder suddenly if you go through such difficulties?
But it was only a moment of surprise, and everyone came back to their senses, and they continued to rush forward desperately. Now is not the time to care about these things, the most important thing is to be the first to climb the Fenglei Terrace.

On the Fenglei Terrace, the top dozen or so figures rushed upwards with all their might, and it was quite lively...

[ps: Today is Monday, if you have a vote, let's vote!Thank you guys! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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