Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1194 Chapter 1?

Chapter 1194 First?

"Boom boom boom..."

On the Fenglei Terrace, the pitch-black Nine Heavens Divine Thunder crazily bombarded Qi Wu, instantly drowning out his screams.

Even though Qi Wu had the wind and thunder order in his hands, there was no way to resist the power of these wind and thunder. Everyone could clearly see that Qi Wu's body collapsed under the countless nine-day god thunder, and even his spiritual thoughts were hit. Wear it, it completely disappears!

Seeing this scene, the warriors of the eight major families couldn't help but take a breath. Qi Wu, the first genius of the Qi family, was solved like this?

"Wu'er!" The head of the Qi family saw Qi Wu who was killed by the Nine Heavens God Thunder, and immediately roared in grief, and was about to rush towards the Fenglei Tower. He wanted to tear Shen Haoxuan's body into tens of thousands of pieces and bury him with Qi Wu!

However, after the head of the Qi family rushed to the edge of the Fenglei Terrace, he was directly forced back by the threat of the wind and thunder. Fenglei Terrace does not allow strong people of the holy level to break in. The result can only be the same as Qi Wu, all souls are destroyed!

"Shen Haoxuan, I'm going to kill you!" The head of the Qi family who was forced to retreat by Fengleitai roared angrily, now that he can't enter Fengleitai, he can only use this method to vent his anger!
Shen Haoxuan glanced at the head of the Qi family indifferently, without the slightest fluctuation on his face, all of this was caused by Qi Wu himself, Shen Haoxuan had no intention of fighting against Qi Wu at all, it was Qi Wu who did not have eyes and provoked himself!

Withdrawing his gaze, Shen Haoxuan continued to look at the talented disciples of the Duan family, Zhao family and other families. The warriors of these families had stumblingd him and Ji Lingxuan in the inheritance of the God of War Sword. Shen Haoxuan wondered if these people would Hit yourself, but since you don't know, then you can only solve them all!
Being stared at by Shen Haoxuan, Duan Ruxing, Zhao Mo and the others trembled. They had seen Qi Wu's end before. If Shen Haoxuan really wanted to attack them, they would have no chance to escape on the Fenglei Terrace!
"Damn Qi Wu!" Duan Ruxing and the others cursed inwardly. They had seen Shen Haoxuan's strength long ago. This time in the Fengleitai battle, they never thought of fighting against Shen Haoxuan. After all, they could compete with Muxuan Existence, they are not willing to provoke.

But that Qi Wu twitched his head to provoke Shen Haoxuan, now it's all right, he died, and he even brought hatred to them!
"Shen Haoxuan, we don't intend to attack you, why don't you take your Yangguan Road and let's cross our single-plank bridge?" Duan Ruxing looked at Shen Haoxuan and said in a deep voice.

"How do I know if what you said is true? If there is another Qi Wu, then my situation will be dangerous!" Shen Haoxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and searched Duan Ruxing and the others one by one. Don't plan to let these people go.

"Shen Haoxuan, we don't want to provoke you, so what we said must be true. This time your biggest opponent should be Muxuan. We won't interfere with the battle between the two of you!" Zhao Mo pointed to the place that was about to reach its peak. Mu Xuan said in a deep voice.

Seeing Zhao Mo's gesture, Shen Haoxuan also snorted coldly, and then said: "Then remember what you said, if anyone dares to make a move again, Qi Wu will be his fate!"

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Duan Ruxing and the others were silent, it was a tacit agreement.

Afterwards, Shen Haoxuan nodded at Ji Lingxuan, and then turned his gaze to Muxuan who was about to climb to the top, a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes, after such a delay by Qi Wu, Shen Haoxuan was already far behind!
However, with the help of the power of chaos, these Nine Heavens Divine Thunder dare not approach him, if they want to catch up with Mu Xuan, there is still a chance!
"If that's the case..." Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath, and the four-color energy rose up around him. With the appearance of the four-color energy, Shen Haoxuan's strength also skyrocketed crazily. After a while, he reached the Ninth Rank Spirit Emperor!

There was another muffled sound, and the Suzaku Wings also appeared behind Shen Haoxuan, purple-black flames lingered on the beautiful wings, and the scorching heat distorted the surrounding space.

With the appearance of Suzaku Wings, the giant flame dragon under Shen Haoxuan also grew a pair of wings, which looked like the dragon and phoenix inherited by Murong Wanqing!

Shen Haoxuan let out a low cry, and the Suzaku wings on his back slapped suddenly. The next moment, his figure disappeared in place instantly, turning into a jet of black lightning, rushing towards the top of the Fenglei Terrace.

This time, Shen Haoxuan's speed was extremely fast, even those nine-day gods couldn't catch up with Shen Haoxuan's speed. With the help of the power of chaos, the tyrannical wind and thunder around him did not hinder Shen Haoxuan at all. In the meantime, he rushed out hundreds of meters away, and quickly approached Mu Xuan!

Seeing Shen Haoxuan's terrifying speed, all warriors from the eight major families were stunned. It was the first time they saw Shen Haoxuan's speed so fast that even the Nine Heavens God Thunder could not keep up on the Fenglei Terrace. They thought Mu Xuan was The scariest person ever, but with Shen Haoxuan's action, he directly let them know what it means to have someone beyond others, and there is a sky beyond the sky!
"Muxuan is already close to the top, no matter how fast Shen Haoxuan is, it is impossible to catch up!" Ji Yan said with a gloomy face. If Shen Haoxuan really won the first place, wouldn't Ji Lingxuan have to leave the Ji family?
At this time, Mu Xuan also felt the sound of oppression coming from behind, and he couldn't help snorting at the moment, he is already very close to the top, if Shen Haoxuan wants to catch up with him, he must at least double his speed, but such a The speed is no longer something a spirit emperor can bear!

"Almost!" Shen Haoxuan also understood that he would not be able to catch up with Mu Xuan before he reached the peak!
"No, I must get the first place this time! Otherwise, Ling Xuan will be imprisoned in Ji's house forever!" Shen Haoxuan's eyes flashed with determination.

"Long hair!" Shen Haoxuan roared angrily, the next moment, a black shadow flashed and appeared behind Shen Haoxuan.

After the long hair appeared, he was very clear about what Shen Haoxuan wanted to do, and without any hesitation at the moment, he used all his strength to slap Shen Haoxuan's back directly. The ultimate speed accelerated again, rushing towards the top of the Fenglei Terrace like lightning.

At this time, Mu Xuan has already half stepped on the top of Fenglei Terrace, and he is the No.1 in this competition of Fenglei Terrace!

But the smile on his face froze before he appeared, because a black shadow passed in front of him like lightning, and fell on the wind and thunder platform before him, and Mu Xuan still had half a no foot in it...

(End of this chapter)

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