Chaos hegemony

Chapter 13 Competition!

Chapter 13 Competition!

At this time, a storm of spiritual power was set off on the competition stage, and the strong wind made Shen Haoxuan's robe rattle.When everyone in the audience saw Shen Haoxuan who was like a god of war descending to earth, they all opened their mouths and were speechless in shock.

"This... this aura is even stronger than Shen Linger's just now!" A young man swallowed and said.

"It's impossible! Isn't he a waste? Isn't he unable to cultivate? How could he have such awe!"

On the stage, Shen Haoxuan turned a deaf ear to the shock and comments around him, and just poured all the spiritual power in his body into the measuring spirit stone.

Under the infusion of Shen Haoxuan's spiritual power, the measuring spirit stone shone brightly, dazzling everyone's eyes.Shen Haoxuan also felt that the temperature of the testing spirit stone was getting higher and higher, and he also thought it was a normal reaction of the testing spirit stone, so he increased the input of spiritual power immediately.

But just after this fraction of spiritual power was input into the spirit-testing stone, the originally shining spirit-testing stone suddenly dimmed, and finally returned to its original pitch-black appearance, and Shen Haoxuan's cultivation level did not appear on it.

Seeing this happening, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Haha, so it was just for show, I thought it was really that powerful, it scared me to death!"

"Hey, waste is waste, are you still trying to cheat the family assessment?"

"Ha ha…………"

For a while, there were many discussions in the audience...

On the stage, Shen Haoxuan was also stunned. During the process of conveying spiritual power, he suddenly felt that the measuring spirit stone was no longer accepting his spiritual power.So Shen Haoxuan raised his palm, and found that there were cracks in the place where the palm was attached, and they continued to spread outward!

"This..." Shen Haoxuan was puzzled.

"Idiot, this measuring spirit stone is only the lowest level spirit stone, it can withstand ordinary spiritual power, but how can it withstand the chaotic spiritual power of the fusion of five elements attributes?" Yan Lao explained.

"Oh..." Shen Haoxuan knew it, and immediately said to Mr. Shen on the stage: "Grandpa, this spirit measuring stone is broken, can I change it?"

"You fart, how can the spirit stone be broken so easily? Don't make excuses if you can't do it yourself!" Someone scolded Shen Haoxuan as soon as he finished speaking.

"That's right, if you don't have the strength and want to get away with it, our Shen family doesn't need someone like you!" Someone echoed.

Seeing everyone denouncing Shen Haoxuan in unison, Shen Cheng was very happy. "Hmph, Shen Haoxuan, you are just a joke, do you know that?"

On the stage, Ge Xiong also looked on coldly, while the Patriarch of the Liu family looked at Shen Haoxuan, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Mr. Shen, your grandson is not easy!"

"Oh, what are you talking about?" Mr. Shen stroked his beard and asked with a smile.

"This kind of thing happened on such an important occasion, but he didn't appear flustered at all. He was calm and composed in the face of everyone's condemnation, his eyes didn't fluctuate at all, and his heart was very good. It's not easy!

Moreover, the aura just now does not seem to be fake. I remember that your grandson was still at the third level of quenching spirit half a month ago, and the aura just now has at least the strength of the seventh level of quenching spirit. Breakthrough in just half a month Tier [-] is not easy! "Liu Chengfeng said.

"Haha, Patriarch Liu really has good eyesight!" Mr. Shen laughed loudly.Then he waved his hand and said, "Come here, change the spirit stone!"

Hearing Mr. Shen's order, several guards immediately took out a spirit measuring stone from the warehouse to replace it.When they were going to remove the spirit-testing stone that Shen Haoxuan had used, they just touched it, and the spirit-testing stone turned into a pile of broken stones!
"This... is really broken..." Seeing the pile of crushed stones, the one who insulted Shen Haoxuan just now felt a burning pain on his face.

"Maybe it was because the measuring spirit stone hadn't been repaired for a long time, and because of the powerful spiritual impact of Shen Linger and Shen Cheng just now, it collapsed!" said one person.

"Yes, yes, it's very possible!" People agreed with this statement, they just didn't want to believe that this was Shen Haoxuan's masterpiece, people are like this, they never accept people who are weaker than themselves to ride on their heads!
But Mr. Shen and the others on the stage don’t think so. They are all old and mature. Although the measuring spirit stone is a low-level spirit stone, it is also a spirit stone. There is no damage, unless it is a purer spiritual stone or spiritual power!

Seeing this pair of broken stones now, Mr. Shen's eyes lit up!Being able to destroy the measuring spirit stone means that the spiritual power in Shen Haoxuan's body is extremely pure, maybe it is an extreme physique!If it is true, the Shen family has found a treasure!

The so-called extreme attribute physique means that the spiritual power attribute in the body is extremely pure!As we all know, spiritual power is divided into five attributes: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, and the five attributes are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. Therefore, the spiritual power cultivated by ordinary people cannot be purified, and there are more or less impurities, but the extreme attributes have different constitutions. The spiritual power they condense It is extremely pure, without the slightest impurity, and its power is extremely powerful. Every owner of an extreme physique will become the overlord of one party in the future!
Thinking of Shen Haoxuan's extreme physique, Master Shen was so happy that he could not close his mouth from ear to ear. Ge Xiong looked jealous, and Liu Chengfeng looked envious. They both clasped their fists and congratulated: "Congratulations to the Shen family for getting this genius!"

"Haha, good! Haoxuan, you don't need to take the test anymore, just pass it!" Mr. Shen laughed and announced directly.It seems that he really mistakenly thought that Shen Haoxuan had an extreme physique!Although the extreme attribute physique is not suitable for Shen Haoxuan's chaotic god body, the shoes are not suitable!
"Uh... alright." Shen Haoxuan replied when he heard the old man's words.

"Grandpa, I don't agree! Why did he pass without the test?" Hearing that Shen Haoxuan passed the test directly, Shen Cheng was unwilling.

Hearing someone objecting, Old Man Shen frowned slightly: "I have my own reasons, you don't need to know." Old Man Shen is not willing to let everyone here know that Shen Haoxuan has an "extreme attribute" physique.

"Grandpa, other brothers and sisters don't agree with you doing this. It's too unfair to them. How do you know that Shen Haoxuan has reached the fifth level of Tempering Spirit without a test? You can't favor him just because he is the only son of uncle!" Shen Cheng directly He pulled in all the juniors of the Shen family who were present.

Hearing Shen Cheng's words, old man Shen couldn't get angry, but when he lost his temper, Shen Haoxuan said: "Then what are you going to do?"

"Hmph, unless you beat me, then it proves that you have the ability to pass the family assessment!" Shen Cheng stood out of the queue and said.

Hearing Shen Cheng's words, Shen Haoxuan sneered in his heart: "I've been waiting for your words for a long time!" Old Master Shen also calmed down and didn't stop him, it seemed that he agreed.

"Okay, I promise you!" Shen Haoxuan said.

"Hey! I hope you don't regret it!" Shen Cheng laughed sinisterly when he heard Shen Haoxuan's challenge, and jumped onto the competition stage.

The two stood on the stage and confronted each other, and the atmosphere became tense at this moment.

"Who do you think will win?" someone in the audience whispered.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Of course it's Brother Shen Cheng. Brother Shen Cheng has actually cultivated to the seventh level of quenching spirit. This Shen Haoxuan doesn't know what medicine he took to reach the sixth level of quenching spirit in half a month. He is definitely not as good as brother Shen Cheng!" Shen Cheng said a younger brother.

"Yes, yes, yes, brother Shen Cheng is amazing!"

"The competition begins!" As Second Master Shen's words fell, Shen Cheng rushed towards Shen Haoxuan like a sharp arrow, raised his fist and smashed it down without saying a word.The wind of fist blows smoke and dust everywhere in the arena!

Facing Shen Cheng's ferocious attack, Shen Haoxuan just turned slightly to avoid Shen Cheng's fist, but Shen Haoxuan did not fight back. He tapped his toes on the ground and stepped back.

Seeing that the punch was in vain, Shen Cheng immediately rushed forward, swinging his fist impenetrably, looking extremely powerful.

"Wow, it really is brother Shen Cheng, Shen Haoxuan has no room to fight back!" Shen Cheng's younger brother shouted.

"But have you noticed that Brother Shen Cheng didn't hit Shen Haoxuan in a circle!"

Indeed, Shen Cheng didn't even touch the corner of Shen Haoxuan's clothes with such an intensive attack. Slowly, Shen Cheng became irritable and shouted: "Shen Haoxuan, you coward, do you just hide?"

Shen Haoxuan ignored Shen Cheng's clamor, and just kept changing his body shape to avoid Shen Cheng's attack.

"Damn it, I'll let you hide again, Luoshan Fist!" Shen Cheng finally couldn't bear it anymore and used martial arts!

Luoshanquan, a low-grade martial art of the Huang rank, can only be introduced after the Shen family has mastered the basic boxing techniques.As soon as the Luoshan fist was released, Shen Cheng locked his energy on Shen Haoxuan's body, and Shen Haoxuan couldn't dodge this punch.

Shen Cheng punched extremely fast, the fist was like a mountain hitting Shen Haoxuan, the air under the fist seemed to be compressed into a vacuum by such a powerful fist wind!Seeing that Shen Haoxuan was inevitable, Shen Cheng showed a bloodthirsty smile: "Go to hell!"

"Hmph, don't be too happy!" Shen Haoxuan snorted coldly, raised his fist, and punched Shen Cheng without fancy.

"Boom!" There was a muffled sound, and the two fists collided like this, but the image of Shen Haoxuan being knocked into the air did not appear, and Shen Haoxuan actually blocked Shen Cheng's Luoshan Fist with only his body!

"This, this is impossible!" Feeling the numbness in his arm, Shen Cheng shouted.

"During the competition, you can't be distracted!" At the moment when Shen Cheng was surprised, Shen Haoxuan appeared in front of him so abruptly, and then punched Shen Cheng's lower abdomen mercilessly!

"Wow!" A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Shen Cheng flew back like a kite with a broken string.

Looking at Shen Cheng who was lying on the ground and struggling to get up, Shen Haoxuan turned around expressionlessly and left the competition arena.

"No, it's impossible, I can't lose to you trash, I'm the young patriarch of the Shen family, I'm the number one genius of the Shen family!" He took out a black pill, stuffed it into his mouth, and swallowed it.

(End of this chapter)

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