Chaos hegemony

Chapter 130 Yang Zhentian! 【4 More to come! 】

Chapter 130 Yang Zhentian! [Four more are here! 】

"" Seeing Shen Haoxuan's disappearing back, the people outside the palace were stunned, speechless for a moment.

They have experienced the black poisonous mist before, even if the strong spirit walks in, it will not last for three breaths. If it exceeds three breaths, they must withdraw, otherwise they will be eroded by the poison, and once the poison is stained, it will be destroyed. I will pay it to the bone, and I can't get rid of it at all!
The four alchemists looked like hell, the four of them consumed dozens of fifth-grade pills, even including a sixth-grade pill, and walked in the black mist relying on their condensed pill energy It took less than two steps, but Shen Haoxuan was able to go in naked, and still had to run, how could this be possible!

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, Yang Zhenlan swallowed, and said to Yang Yu beside him: "You really found a good helper!"

Yang Yu nodded, still looking worriedly at the depths of the black mist, praying in his heart, hoping that Shen Haoxuan could really suppress the dark poison on Yang Zhentian's body.

But at this time, Shen Haoxuan was walking among the black poisons, and all the poisons that wanted to get close to him were absorbed by the strange black vortexes on Shen Haoxuan's body, and they couldn't pose any threat to him at all.

However, Shen Haoxuan still frowned tightly, the surrounding black mist has almost become real, and this is just overflowing ghost poison, I really don't know how terrifying the ghost poison in Yang Zhentian's body is, if he doesn't suppress it quickly, maybe Yang Zhentian is really about to die young!
Thinking of this, Shen Haoxuan accelerated his speed and pushed open the gate of the palace. In an instant, the black poison gushed out, and the black vortex on Shen Haoxuan's body almost had no time to defend himself!
The sudden storm of black mist surprised Shen Haoxuan, but fortunately, even if the long hair is stable, otherwise Shen Haoxuan will suffer!

"Fuck, Changmao, you almost killed me, do you know that?" Shen Haoxuan shouted, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't expect the poison in the house to be so strong!" Chang Mao also knew that he almost made a mistake, so he quickly apologized.

But Shen Haoxuan ignored him, and instead set his sights on an old man in the middle of the room.

The old man sat cross-legged on a cattail fan, his eyes were closed tightly, his gray hair was casually scattered behind his head, his face was as pale as paper, and his whole body was like skin and bones, without any flesh and blood. There are skeletons too!

On the old man's body, a faint fluorescent light flickered, covering him, and behind him, two maidservants were shivering and hugging each other, at a loss for what to do.

"There are still living people here?" Shen Haoxuan was shocked. With such a strong poison, if Shen Haoxuan hadn't had long hair, the king of beasts, he could only stand outside the palace in awe, and behind the old man, there would still be Two servant girls survived.

Shen Haoxuan frowned, and wanted to step forward to see what happened, but when he took the first step, the old man's originally closed eyes suddenly opened, and a gleam of light flashed in those eyes like a bright superstar , to penetrate Shen Haoxuan's heart!
At this moment, Shen Haoxuan seemed to be in the endless sea of ​​stars, looking at the huge planet rushing towards him, a sense of powerlessness grew in his heart, under these eyes, Shen Haoxuan felt how small he was!

"Hiss..." Suddenly, Shen Haoxuan lightly bit the tip of his tongue, waking himself up from that feeling. He looked at the old man who had already stepped into the loess with some disbelief, his face was full of seriousness. I almost lost myself at a glance, the strength of this old man is really terrifying!

"Little boy, why did you appear here!" Seeing Shen Haoxuan come back to his senses, the old man also regained his sick appearance, and asked feebly.

"You are Yang Zhentian, the old village master, right? I am invited by your son Yang Yu to come and cure the poison in your body!" Shen Haoxuan clasped his fists in response.

"Oh~ did Yu'er invite you here?" The old man carefully sized Shen Haoxuan a few times, and the gleam in his eyes reappeared.

"It's not easy. It's not easy to have such courage at a young age. A ninth-level spiritual disciple can walk freely in this poisonous mist. It's not easy!" Yang Zhentian's two consecutive sentences are not simple, which shows his appreciation for Shen Haoxuan. color.

"Oh, it's a pity, the old man has been poisoned for many years, and now he is terminally ill, and there is no cure! Don't bother you!" The look of loneliness in Yang Zhenyu's eyes flashed.

"The old man doesn't look like he is terminally ill. Moreover, judging by the extent of the outbreak of the poison, it stands to reason that the old man should be unconscious, but he is not sitting here talking to the boy! Isn't he?" Shen Haoxuan said lightly.

Seeing Shen Haoxuan's indifferent face, Yang Zhentian's expression gradually became serious, his brows were furrowed, as if he was making a decision.

"Little boy, can I get rid of you?" After a long while, Yang Zhentian seemed to have made a decision. He looked at Shen Haoxuan with an extremely heavy tone.

Shen Haoxuan was taken aback by Yang Zhentian's sudden change, and without waiting for him to speak, Yang Zhentian began to speak on his own.

"Three years ago, I was injured and fled back in the secret realm, but all my cronies stayed in the secret realm. I have been healing for three years, and I paid little attention to the big and small things in the village. I lost the management of my cronies. The elder Chao Fei planned to usurp power, and wanted to take Heifengzhai as his own!
Chao Fei is vicious and treacherous by nature. If he becomes the owner of Heifeng Village, there will never be peace in Heifeng Village. Fengzhai was destroyed by Chao Fei!So three days ago, I tried to forcibly refine this Thousand Illusory Essence, but failed. The poison in my body exploded. If it wasn't for this Thousand Illusory Essence to protect my heart, I would have died by now! "Yang Zhentian said.

"Old man, what do you want me to do?" Shen Haoxuan frowned.

"Take Yu'er out of here, I can last two more days, within two days, take Yu'er out of here!" Yang Zhentian said in a deep voice.

"If you agree, this secret map will be yours!" After finishing speaking, Yang Zhentian took out a piece of parchment from his pocket and threw it to Shen Haoxuan.

After receiving the parchment, Shen Haoxuan glanced at Yang Zhentian in surprise, and asked, "I just met Yang Yu by chance, why do you trust me so much?"

"Eyes, a person's eyes are the windows of the soul, they will not betray others, I see responsibility in your eyes, you will definitely agree!" Yang Zhentian chuckled.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan also smiled softly, then walked to Yang Zhentian's side, put his hands on his shoulders, and said softly: "Old man, you have a good son, and brother Yang also has a good father, but I don't need to take him with him." If you leave, this Black Wind Stronghold will not fall into Chao Fei's hands, because I will solve the poison in your body for you!"

After all, a suction force suddenly exploded in Shen Haoxuan's hand, and the poison in Yang Zhentian's body flew towards Shen Haoxuan's palm as if being pulled by something!

[Fourth update, please recommend, please collect, all kinds of requests! 】

 [Fourth update, please recommend, please collect, all kinds of requests! 】


(End of this chapter)

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