Chaos hegemony

Chapter 132 Bad News Arrives! [2 more! 】

Chapter 132 Bad News Arrives! [Second update! 】

"Someone is out, someone is out!"

"Who? The old village master? Or that kid?"

"I don't know, looking at that figure, it should be that kid!"

Seeing the figure appear, there was a commotion among the people at the gate of the palace.

Yang Yu and the others also looked at the figure eagerly.After a while, the figure finally revealed its face, it was Shen Haoxuan who walked out of the palace!

Seeing Shen Haoxuan coming out, everyone exclaimed: "He actually walked out of the black poisonous mist!"

This sentence, like a slap, slapped the faces of those who said that Shen Haoxuan died in the poisonous fog just now, especially the old man surnamed Wu, who looked at Shen Haoxuan with a flushed face, as if he wanted to find a place Get in.

"How is it, brother Shen, how is my father?" Yang Yu didn't care how Shen Haoxuan walked freely in the poisonous fog, when he saw Shen Haoxuan coming out, he immediately went up to meet him, and asked anxiously.

Seeing Yang Yu's anxious look, Shen Haoxuan shook his head with a heavy expression, and said apologetically: "Brother Yang, I tried my best, the old man's poison has penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and when I entered, the old man had already lost his vitality ..."

"What..." Shen Haoxuan's words struck Yang Yu's head like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. At this moment, Yang Yu felt that the sky was about to collapse!The whole person shook for a while, then fell into Yang Zhenlan's arms.

When they heard the news of Yang Zhentian's death, everyone present behaved differently, some were sad, such as Yang Zhenlan, some whispered, some showed a sneer, Shen Haoxuan looked around the crowd, and remembered all their expressions in his heart.

"Hmph, aren't you capable? Why didn't you rescue old village master Yang?" The old man surnamed Wu originally saw Shen Haoxuan walking out of the black mist unscathed, and felt a burning pain on his face, but when he heard that Shen Haoxuan didn't When Yang Zhentian was not rescued, his mood improved instantly, and he immediately stepped forward to mock him.

Shen Haoxuan heard the words, glanced at the old man surnamed Wu, and said lightly: "You are not worthy of the title of alchemy master!"

"Not worthy? What qualifications do you have to say that I am not worthy? This old man has been in contact with alchemy since he was five years old, and he has been promoted to a sixth-rank alchemy master in just 70 years. Do you have the right to judge me?" The old man surnamed Wu said coldly. Said loudly.

"So what, alchemists should be humble and magnanimous with the world in mind. For a person like you who must repay his spare time, even if he becomes an eighth-rank or ninth-rank alchemist, it is just a tragedy for the alchemy world!" Shen Haoxuan responded unceremoniously.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words.The old man surnamed Wu's beard jumped out of anger. He pointed at Shen Haoxuan's nose and cursed: "You idiot, today, I have to teach you a lesson for your parents, so that you know the way of humility!" After finishing speaking, Wu The old man is going to attack Shen Haoxuan!
"Stop!" At this moment, a chilling voice sounded.

It was Yang Yu who spoke. At this time, Yang Yu's face became expressionless again. The strong and indifferent Yang Yu came back again!

However, Shen Haoxuan still read the sadness from the depths of Yang Yu's eyes, the shock of his father's death cannot be digested in a short time, Yang Yu can do this is already very good!
Yang Yu looked at Shen Haoxuan and nodded lightly. He understood that now is not the time for him to be sad. He must be strong. If his father passed away, if he could not afford to be the leader, Heifengzhai would be over. It's all in vain!
"Huh..." Yang Yu took a deep breath, and then said to the old man surnamed Wu: "Grandmaster Wu, brother Shen has tried his best, so he can't be blamed for this matter!

Also, he is not only my friend, but also my distinguished guest in Heifengzhai, please respect yourself!Otherwise, your actions will be regarded as you are provoking my Black Wind Village! "

Hearing Yang Yu's words, the old man surnamed Wu was furious: "This is your attitude towards alchemy masters? I was really blind back then and I will come to help you!"

Hearing this, Yang Yu frowned and said, "It's just that everyone gets what they need!"

"Hmph, what about our reward?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at that old man surnamed Wu with some disgust, a dignified sixth-grade alchemy master, who would lose his demeanor for such a small profit!
Yang Yu also had a look of disgust, and didn't want to talk nonsense with him any more, so he said to Yang Zhenlan, "Second Uncle, bring the reward and let them get out of here!"

"Yes, young master!" Yang Zhenlan responded, and then left with the old man surnamed Wu and three other alchemists.

The old man surnamed Wu left, Yang Yu turned around and looked at Shen Haoxuan and said, "Brother Shen, can I go in and see my father?"

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan nodded and said: "Yes. But we still have to wait for the poisonous mist to dissipate. The poisonous mist that lost its sustenance won't last long!"

"En!" Yang Yu responded, then closed his eyes tightly, as if digesting the sudden news.

Sure enough, after a while, the poisonous fog around the palace dissipated. Looking at the dark and deadly room, Yang Yu took a deep breath and walked in.Everyone hurriedly followed.

Inside the room, Yang Zhentian collapsed on the futon with a face full of pain, it seemed that he had endured quite a lot of torture.

Seeing Yang Zhentian, Chao Fei immediately stepped forward to check for signs of life, then shook his head in pain, and said to Yang Yu: "Young master, the old village master is really gone!"

However, Shen Haoxuan saw the sinister smile on the corner of Chao Fei's mouth when he turned around.

"Sure enough, this Chao Fei has a different heart!" Shen Haoxuan thought to himself.

Although Yang Yu already knew the result, seeing Yang Zhentian's appearance, he couldn't help but feel a twinge in his heart!
Yang Yu came to Yang Zhentian and knelt down gently. He looked at his haggard father and left two lines of tears: "Father, you can go at ease. I will take care of Heifengzhai for you. I won't Live up to the painstaking efforts of the ancestors of the Yang family!"

Silence, followed by silence, everyone looked at Yang Yu's lonely back, all speechless.

After a long while, Yang Yu's indifferent voice sounded: "Decree to recall the elders and disciples of the whole village who are performing tasks outside. From today on, all activities in the village will be stopped. The whole village will wear filial piety and send off the old village master!"

"Young master. it a bit too much for the whole village to wear filial piety? After all, the old village master has only a few relatives..." Chao Fei said in a low voice, but he was beaten by Yang Yu forcefully before he could finish his sentence broken!
"I said, this is an order!"

"Yes..." Looking at the extremely powerful Yang Yu, Chao Fei gritted his teeth and bowed his head in response.

"The old man resigns!" Chao Fei said, and exited Yang Zhentian's palace.

After Chao Fei came out, he looked at the palace office with resentment in his eyes: "Hmph, I've let you be arrogant for a few days, after a few days, this Black Wind Village should change its surname to Chao!"

After all, Chao Fei flicked his long sleeves and disappeared into the forest...

(End of this chapter)

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