Chaos hegemony

Chapter 149 Step into the Dragon and Tiger Ranking!

Chapter 149 Step into the Dragon and Tiger Ranking!
Looking at those dozens of arms, Li Ge's pupils shrank!
Double Shadow Strike is a mysterious high-level martial art that Li Ge acquired during an outing experience!This kind of martial skill is very peculiar, it can turn spiritual power into its own hands and feet, condense from any part of the body, and strike the enemy unexpectedly!

Li Ge had practiced for a year, and he could barely condense two arms. At this time, Shen Haoxuan had at least ten arms!
Even if he cultivated to the highest level according to the technique of Heavy Shadow Strike, he could only condense eight techniques. How did Shen Haoxuan do it!
And under the martial arts arena, everyone was dumbfounded again, dozens of arms protruding from Shen Haoxuan's body fiercely stimulated their nerves!
"Isn't this double shadow strike Li Ge's famous stunt? How could Shen Haoxuan use it? Could it be that he stole Li Ge's stunt?"

"Impossible. Shen Haoxuan and Li Ge have never met before. Moreover, he is more terrifying than Li Ge. He can actually condense so many arms at one time. It doesn't look like he stole it!"

"You mean, Shen Haoxuan has learned Li Ge's heavy shadow strike in just a few short fights, and his proficiency has surpassed him by several blocks!"

"This is the only possibility!" Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but take a breath!What kind of genius must this be? In just a few short rounds of fighting, he has learned the opponent's martial arts, and is more proficient in using it than the opponent. Such a person is simply against the sky!
If Shen Haoxuan knew what everyone was thinking, he would definitely smile wryly.No matter how abnormal his savvy is, he still can't use the opponent's martial arts just by looking at it twice!

However, it is still possible for Shen Haoxuan to see through the essence of the opponent's martial arts. Li Ge's double shadow attack only relies on the precise control of spiritual power to condense his arms, but Shen Haoxuan just changed his way. Yao come to gather!
With Shen Haoxuan's affinity for flames and his tacit understanding with Fire Spirit Obsidian, coupled with the rapid advances in fire control techniques in the past few days, it is very easy to condense his arms, but the toughness and strength of the condensed arms are not as strong as Li's. Ge You's arm condensed from spiritual energy.

But so what?With the support of Fire Spirit Obsidian, Shen Haoxuan can condense countless arms, if the quality is not enough, the quantity will overwhelm you!As a matter of fact, Shen Haoxuan did it.

At this time, Li Ge was extremely flustered under the attack of Shen Haoxuan's dozens of arms. Whenever he smashed a flame arm, more arms would condense out. In just a few rounds, he was already scarred up!
"Boom..." There was another round of bombing, but Li Ge couldn't hold it back, and was severely knocked into the air by Shen Haoxuan. The dozens of fists hit his face, and blood mixed with broken teeth came from his mouth. Spewed out and fell to the ground...

This time, Li Ge couldn't get up again. Shen Haoxuan's violent bombardment broke a few ribs, not to mention internal injuries. Now he can't feel the flow of spiritual power in his body. The meridian has been clogged with blood, and it will not be cleared within ten days and half a month!

Shen Haoxuan removed the flame armor on his body, his immature face was a little pale, it was because his spiritual power was a little too much.

He walked up to Li Ge, looked at the miserable man and said lightly: "I said, you are not worthy to be my opponent!"

"Pfft..." A mouthful of reverse blood spurted out, and Li Ge's last trace of consciousness was fainted by Shen Haoxuan's words!

Everyone looked at the upright Shen Haoxuan standing on the stage, and Li Ge who had passed out, and couldn't help but gasp. This scene is somewhat unreal!


"He actually overthrew Li Ge, and a freshman stepped into the Dragon and Tiger Ranking just like that?"

"I seem to see the rise of a genius!"

Everyone looked at the unconscious Li Ge again, and couldn't help but feel lucky for him.

Li Ge publicized his appointment with Shen Haoxuan with great fanfare. He originally wanted to trample him under his feet in front of all disciples of the sect, and let him know that even if he was ranked last on the dragon and tiger rankings, he was still ranked in the dragon and tiger rankings. The master of the game!Majesty is not something that a freshman can violate!
However, Shen Haoxuan slapped him in the face severely. With a tyrannical posture, he forcibly turned the protagonist on the stage into himself!

In the distance, Elder Zhong also looked at Shen Haoxuan in surprise, and then said softly: "Elder Huo, you have taken in a good disciple!"

"Haha, it's this kid fighting for his strength!" Elder Huo said with a big laugh.

But then his face darkened, because Shen Haoxuan turned around suddenly, and raised his middle finger in his direction!
"Bastard, this brat actually found us!" Elder Huo cursed, then disappeared in place with Elder Zhong, and left the place.

"Cut, still secretly observing!" Shen Haoxuan grinned.

Afterwards, under the gaze of everyone, Shen Haoxuan jumped off the competition stage and walked towards Qi Dai!

Seeing the vicious Shen Haoxuan, Qi Dai trembled all over.

"You... what do you want to do? Li Ge asked me to do the publicity appointment, it's none of my business!" Qi Dai backed away in horror!
But Shen Haoxuan ignored him, came to him and said indifferently: "You started the bet just now?"

"No... oh, yes... I drove it!" Qi Dai wanted to deny it, but after meeting Shen Haoxuan's sharp eyes, he could only admit it.

"Well, I bet myself [-] gold coins just now, and my odds are [-] to [-], so if you calculate it, you should give me [-]!" Shen Haoxuan calculated on his own.

"When did you place your bet?" Qi Dai was stunned!

"Just now! Why, do you have an opinion?" Shen Haoxuan narrowed his eyes, and a cold light flashed!
Looking at the domineering Shen Haoxuan, Qi Dai could only grit his teeth and swallow it in his stomach!

"No, it's indeed one million and one million!" Qi Dai gritted his teeth and said.

"Okay, send it to Chiyan Hall in a day, or you can wait for the invitation of the elder of the law enforcement of the sect!" Shen Haoxuan said, turned around and left, he didn't care whether Qi Dai agreed or not, anyway, he dared If you use yourself as a tool to make money, then you have to be prepared to be slaughtered, 100 million is considered cheap for him!
Qi Dai looked at Shen Haoxuan's back and wanted to die, 100 million, where would he find it?He is just Li Ge's little follower!He suddenly felt that provoking Shen Haoxuan was the worst decision he ever made in his life!

Not only him, but everyone around looked at Shen Haoxuan with some palpitations. This is really a monster that cannibalizes people, domineering and unreasonable. They all labeled him as not to be messed with in their hearts, and detoured when they met!
And after this battle, Shen Haoxuan successfully reached the top of the dragon and tiger list, and the news spread throughout the entire sect instantly...

(End of this chapter)

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