Chaos hegemony

Chapter 152 Tianyuan Hall! [Please recommend for collection! 】

Chapter 152 Tianyuan Hall! [Please recommend for collection! 】

The three of Shen Haoxuan walked towards the Chiyan Spirit Vein together.

The closer they got to the depths of the Five Elements Sect, the more intense the surrounding spiritual power became. When the three of Shen Haoxuan came to a giant valley surrounded by mountains, the surrounding spiritual power could already be seen with the naked eye!
Inside the giant valley, a huge cyan hall with a size of hundreds of feet is built against the mountain, like a crawling prehistoric giant beast, in the rich aura, it gives people a sense of simplicity and grandeur!

"Is this the Tianyuan Palace? The Chiyan Spirit Vessel must be sealed here!" Looking at the huge hall in the valley, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but take a breath. It's not a small skill to build such a behemoth!

"Let's go, let's go in and have a look!" Shen Haoxuan said, there is such a strong spiritual power in the outside world, he really wants to know what level it will reach in Tianyuan Hall!
The three of them hurried to the gate of the palace, and when Shen Haoxuan was about to go straight in, he was stopped by Long Mo. He stepped forward and bowed slightly to the inconspicuous little old man at the gate.

"Old Mo, the kid is here to disturb you again!" Long Mo said respectfully.

Seeing Long Mo's humble appearance, Shen Haoxuan was full of surprise.Long Mo himself was very proud, apart from being very respectful to Elder Huo, it was the first time for Shen Haoxuan to see him lower his attitude towards others.

Shen Haoxuan cast his eyes on the old man.

This is a very inconspicuous old man, even if you throw him into the crowd, you can hardly notice him, but when the old man looked at him, Shen Haoxuan seemed to be in a vast ocean, with violent wind and waves rushing towards him Come on, let him tremble!Just this light glance made Shen Haoxuan break out in a cold sweat!

"This old man is so strong!" Shen Haoxuan exclaimed, and then he also stepped forward, respectfully said: "Old Mo, boy Shen Haoxuan, this is the first time I came to Tianyuan Hall, I didn't notice you, please forgive me!"

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's introduction, a gleam appeared in Mo Lao's cloudy eyes. He looked Shen Haoxuan up and down, and said, "You are that brat that old man Huo used to talk about? Not bad, not bad, you are indeed a good seed!"

"Mo is too polite!" Shen Haoxuan said humbly.

"Mr. Mo can't make a mistake!" Long Mo said lightly.

"Haha, this is the first time I've seen someone who is valued by Boy Long! Come on, don't talk nonsense with the old man here!" Mr. Mo glanced at Shen Haoxuan again, and waved away him.

"Old Mo, leave!" Long Mo bowed again, and then the three of them walked towards Tianyuan Hall.

While walking, Shen Haoxuan looked back at Mo Lao who had a smile on his mouth, and asked suspiciously: "Senior Brother Long, then Mo Lao..."

"An elder, he once taught me to practice!"

"He is very strong! Very strong!" After Long Mo finished speaking, he added again.

"I know!" At that glance just now, even Chen Yu and other powerful Linghuang couldn't give that kind of coercion, this Mo Lao is definitely stronger than Chen Yu!

While the two of them were talking, they had already passed through the gate of Tianyuan Hall, and they were brought into the main hall!In this hall, countless disciples stood in the center of the hall and waited. It was so dark that it looked like countless ants.

"So many people!" Shen Haoxuan was stunned.

"The training rooms in Tianyuan Hall have fixed opening hours. These are ordinary disciples, and they are waiting for the opening of the Huang-level training room." Long Zhen explained.

"There's still opening time?" Shen Haoxuan frowned, so can't he stay here forever?

"The opening time limit is only for the yellow-level training room, and those above the mysterious level can stay at will. Of course, if you have the ability!" Long Zhen continued.

"What do you mean?" Shen Haoxuan was puzzled about the relationship between the training time and his ability.

"The spiritual power here is directly extracted from the spiritual veins. Although the reserve is amazing, the spiritual power attribute is very violent. If it is absorbed for a long time, it may affect the mind, and if it is serious, it will lead to the immediate scrapping of one's cultivation!" Long Zhen said seriously.

"Oh~" Shen Haoxuan understood.

"Let's go, we don't have to wait here, the disciples on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings have privileges!" Long Mo said lightly, then turned and walked to another passage, where only the disciples on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings can enter!
Shen Haoxuan followed Long Mo, he couldn't wait any longer, he wanted to see how powerful this mysterious training room was!
At the entrance of the passageway, two old men were sitting there. After Long Mo handed out the Dragon and Tiger Token, he walked straight in.

Shen Haoxuan also imitated Long Mo, handed the Dragon and Tiger Token to the old man, took the Dragon and Tiger Token, after the old man inspected it, he looked at Shen Haoxuan with some surprise: "Are you the freshman disciple who defeated Li Ge?"

"That's right!" Shen Haoxuan nodded.

"Oh, yes, let's go in!" The old man gave Shen Haoxuan an appreciative glance, and handed back the Dragon and Tiger Token, but when Shen Haoxuan was about to reach out to take it, he was snatched away by the other hand!

"Tsk tsk tsk, Dragon and Tiger Order, something that many disciples want!" A discordant voice sounded beside his ears.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan frowned slightly, and looked aside.

Beside him, a thin and thin disciple was holding Shen Haoxuan's Dragon and Tiger Token, looking at Shen Haoxuan with a frivolous corner of his mouth.

"Shen Haoxuan, isn't he! The [-]th place on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking? Li Ge, that trash, would be stepped down by a freshman, what a shame!" the skinny disciple said disdainfully.

"Who are you?" Shen Haoxuan asked coldly.

"Heh, you haven't even heard of my young master's name? Listen carefully, my surname is Chai Minghui! He is something you will look up to in the future!" said the skinny man with his head held high.

"Chai Hui?" Shen Haoxuan searched for this name in his mind, and found that this person was not on the list of dragons and tigers!

"He hasn't stepped on the Dragon and Tiger List yet, but he has a good chance to pull Li Ge down, but you made it to the top first!" Long Zhen glanced at Chai Hui, and said lightly.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan understood, and then stretched out his right hand, taking back the Dragon and Tiger Token in Chai Hui's hand as quickly as lightning, and said flatly: "A person who can't even make it to the Dragon and Tiger Ranking has the right to say that others ?”

The Dragon and Tiger Token in his hand was suddenly snatched away, and Chai Hui didn't even react. When he heard Shen Haoxuan's words, his face turned cold instantly.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for you, I would have already entered the Dragon and Tiger Ranking. What's the matter with you now? I'll give you three breaths to bring that Dragon and Tiger Token, or you will be at your own risk!" Chai Hui said coldly .

Shen Haoxuan looked at Chai Hui like an idiot, he had never seen such a superior person!

Glancing at him lightly, Shen Haoxuan turned around and walked into the passage, he really didn't want to waste time on this kind of person!

"Boy, I want to challenge you!" Seeing that Shen Haoxuan ignored him, Chai Hui roared loudly.

"No time!" Shen Haoxuan said without turning his head.

"Damn it!" Chai Hui yelled angrily, "Then don't blame me for being rude!" After saying that, his figure flashed and attacked Shen Haoxuan...

(End of this chapter)

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