Chaos hegemony

Chapter 165 Encountering Snow Palace!

Chapter 165 Encountering Snow Palace!
But at this time, Shen Haoxuan, who had originally left Houtu Hall and was about to walk towards Chiyan Hall, was standing on a secluded path, looking ahead with a solemn expression, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

Not far in front of Shen Haoxuan, a feminine young man dressed in white and holding a feather fan was standing opposite him, with a wicked smile on his lips, he looked at Shen Haoxuan quietly, this young man was none other than Ouyang Chen's general Xue Gong .

Xue Gong looked at Shen Haoxuan, smiled lightly, and a chilly aura pressed towards him directly.Wherever it passed, the temperature dropped sharply, and pieces of frost condensed down.

Sensing the cold breath, Shen Haoxuan frowned, and the other party directly shot at him without saying a word. At that moment, he felt a burst of anger, the spiritual power in his body burst out, and an extremely domineering aura greeted the cold breath of Xuegong !

"Boom..." With a muffled sound, two momentums visible to the naked eye collided, and ripples appeared in the middle of the road. The two momentums were deadlocked for a while.


A moment later, there was a cracking sound, and the two stalemate auras annihilated each other, and a fierce wind spread to the surroundings, cutting off the ancient trees on both sides of the road!
The figures of Shen Haoxuan and Xue Gong also retreated under the pressure of this strong wind.

"呵..." There was a rubbing sound from under his feet, Shen Haoxuan forcibly stopped his retreating body, looked solemnly at Xue Gong who had only retreated half a step, and thought to himself: "So strong!"

And Xuegong also looked at Shen Haoxuan with some surprise, he was able to contend with him with the aura of a second-level spirit general. It seems that he really has super strong combat power that does not match the superficial strength as rumored by the outside world!
However, Xue Gong was only slightly surprised, then withdrew his aura and turned into a weak scholar again, as if a gust of wind could blow him down.

"Shen Haoxuan, is it?" Xue Gong asked.

Hearing his name being called out by the other party, Shen Haoxuan frowned, and asked coldly, "Who are you?"

However, Xuegong did not answer him, but lightly shook the feather fan, and the voice came slowly: "It doesn't matter who I am, I am just curious, are you using the aggressive method against Su Xing to bribe him? A dragon and tiger list It's just a disciple ranked four hundred, with that little strength, you can also look up to it?"

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan snorted coldly: "That's my business, it has nothing to do with you!" Shen Haoxuan valued Su Xing not because of his strength, but because of his character.

When making friends, strength is important, but what is more important is the character of the other party.If the character is not up to standard and you only have strength, then you are not sure that one day you will be bitten by the other party. Shen Haoxuan will never allow him to happen. What he wants is someone who is absolutely loyal to him, not a dog who is always loyal to him. A rebellious white-eyed wolf.

"No, no, how can your affairs have nothing to do with me? The order I received was for you to disappear in this sect!" Suddenly, Xue Gong's expression changed, and he roared ferociously.

"However, after meeting you today, I suddenly changed my mind. Perhaps, playing you to death slowly is the most interesting thing! I hope you don't let me down!" Changed again, the previous ferocity disappeared, and turned into a harmless appearance of humans and animals, but his voice was full of endless coldness.

Seeing the young man with multiple personalities in front of him, Shen Haoxuan frowned. He didn't remember that he had offended this guy.

After Xue Gong finished speaking, he took a look at Shen Haoxuan with a smile, and turned to leave, but when he turned around, Shen Haoxuan saw a black snowflake tattooed on his wrist.

Seeing the black snowflakes, Shen Haoxuan's pupils shrank, and he screamed in his heart: "Snow Palace! It's actually the fourth ranked Snow Palace!"

"I heard that he received an order to disappear in this sect? The only one who can order him is Ouyang Chen!" In an instant, Shen Haoxuan's thoughts changed sharply.

"Ouyang Chen? He actually wanted to put me to death, why?" Shen Haoxuan looked at Xue Gong's disappearing back, narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold light flashed.

"Ouyang Chen, number one on the dragon and tiger list, hum, interesting!" Shen Haoxuan snorted coldly, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.Anyone who is familiar with Shen Haoxuan knows that as long as he shows such an expression, it proves that he has murderous intentions!

"Since you've offended me, don't blame me for being rude!" A cold voice came out of Shen Haoxuan's mouth. Then, Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath, suppressed the killing intent in his heart, turned and walked towards Chiyantang.

After returning to Chiyan Hall, Shen Haoxuan went to his own small courtyard. All he had to do these two days was to wait, waiting for that person to come to him.

Three days later, Zi Mo and Su Xing were rushing towards the Chiyan Hall on the forest path of Chiyan Peak.

"Oh, I don't know if Brother Shen will forgive me!" Zi Mo said with a sad face.

Three days ago, I wrongly blamed Shen Haoxuan, mistakenly thought that he was going to kill Su Xing, and even wanted to kill Shen Haoxuan. Today I came here specially to apologize to Shen Haoxuan.

"I don't know!" Su Xing said dully. At this time, Su Xing's injuries have already recovered, and the aura faintly revealed in his body is much stronger than before. It seems to be a breakthrough!

Hearing Su Xing's words, Zi Mo's fat face was about to burst into tears, and he kept blaming himself in his heart: "It's all my fault for being too impatient, and it's my fault for Brother Shen's kindness!"

"There is nothing to say now, you will know when you go!" Su Xing glanced at Zi Mo at the side, and walked forward quickly, and Zi Mo had no choice but to chase after him.

The two were very fast, and soon arrived at the small courtyard where Shen Haoxuan was.Looking at the closed courtyard door, Zi Mo took a deep breath, and pushed open the door apprehensively.

"Squeak..." With a soft sound, after the door was pushed open, Zi Mo and Su Xing saw that Shen Haoxuan was sitting in the gazebo in the courtyard, holding a cup of fragrant tea, looking at the two of them with a smile.

That's right, the person Shen Haoxuan has been waiting for these three days is none other than Su Xing!The purpose of stimulating Su Xing in the martial arts arena was to leave an indelible impression on him in his heart!Shen Haoxuan's purpose is also very clear, he wants Su Xing to be his helper!
Seeing Su Xing coming, Shen Haoxuan knew what he said that day and had already woken him up.Immediately got up and said, "Welcome, Brother Su, please come in!"

I don't know whether Shen Haoxuan did it on purpose or not, during the whole process, he didn't even look at Zi Mo at all, so Zi Mo could only smile awkwardly.

"You knew we were coming?" Su Xing asked in surprise.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan just smiled, that was his tacit consent.

Seeing Shen Haoxuan's confident expression, Su Xing also chuckled, it seems that his choice this time was not wrong, this Shen Haoxuan is someone worth following!

(End of this chapter)

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