Chaos hegemony

Chapter 174 Stubborn boy!

Chapter 174 Stubborn boy!

At this time, many disciples were surrounding the entrance of the Yao Sect, blocking the entrance completely.In an open space in the middle, a young man was staring angrily at the people in front of him.

This young man's name is Xuan Yi, and anyone who has participated in the freshman assessment will recognize him. He is the young man who was pushed down the chaotic ladder by Mu Feiyu, and then inspired by Shen Haoxuan to climb up again and break through himself.

At this time, Xuan Yi's immature face was full of anger. In front of him, stood a strong man with a big arm and a round waist. The strong man was holding a bottle of elixir in his hand, and shouted to the surrounding disciples: "Everyone! Brothers, take a look, this is the elixir refined by Yaomen. After my brother took it, not only did it have no effect, but his dantian was exploded by the violent medicine power, and his cultivation was completely useless! Such a black-hearted Yaomen, I want to seek justice from him!"

After the big man finished speaking, he looked at his unconscious brother lying on the stretcher beside him, and burst into tears.

Seeing that poor strong man, everyone around started talking.

"Aren't these brothers Kui Da and Kui Er? Why did they come here and cry?"

"Didn't you hear Kui Da say that Kui Er's dantian was blown to pieces by the fake and inferior medicine refined by Yaomen?"

"No way, the pills refined by Yaomen are of good quality, so this kind of thing shouldn't happen!"

"I think it looks real. Kui Da doesn't seem to be pretending, and Kui Er doesn't have any fluctuations in spiritual power. His face is pale, and he really looks like his dantian is broken!"

"No way, this Yaomen actually refines low-quality pills for people? What a black heart!"

"I was planning to go to Yaomen to make pills, but now I don't dare..."

Hearing everyone's discussion, Xuan Yi's face turned red, and he shouted loudly: "The pills refined by my big brother Shen are all top-quality pills, it is impossible for such a thing to happen, he must be the one who framed my big brother Shen!"

However, Sylphy's roar seemed so feeble in the crowd's discussion!

"You mean to say that my brother's cultivation is faking? Or is my brother abolishing his cultivation to frame Shen Haoxuan? Hmph, it's ridiculous! I want to quibble for doing something outrageous! Call that bastard Shen Haoxuan out!" , I want him to kneel in front of my brother to make amends, and then abolish his cultivation!" Kui Da pointed at Sylphy and said in a cold voice.

"That's right, call Shen Haoxuan out, we want to seek justice!"

"Call out!"

Among the crowd, a burst of noise suddenly erupted, all pointing their finger at Shen Haoxuan.

Everyone in Yaomen looked at the commotion crowd with extremely ugly faces, but now that the core personnel in Yaomen are not there, they dare not act rashly!

Seeing the members of Yaomen who became the object of condemnation by everyone, Kui Da sneered slightly.

"You are not allowed to insult Big Brother Shen like this!" Suddenly, Xuan Yi let out a roar, and the rolling sound wave overwhelmed everyone's condemnation. For a while, everyone became quiet and looked at this boy.

Sylphy clenched his fists tightly, his fingertips turned white, his immature face was flushed red, and he was panting heavily, which was an expression of extreme anger!

In Xuan Yi's heart, Shen Haoxuan is a caring big brother. He always helps him when he is in trouble. He always encourages himself. He is like his father. Xuan Yi will never allow anyone to insult Shen Haoxuan. This is better than insulting him. I can't stand it anymore!

Xuan Yi stared at Kui Da with red eyes, and his figure burst out, attacking Kui Da, he wanted to teach this person who insulted him a lesson!

Sylphy's sudden attack made everyone startled, but Kui Da had expected it, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he stepped out suddenly, punching Sylphy!

With a muffled sound, Sylphy's body flew upside down, accompanied by the crisp sound of bones breaking!

Sylphy is only the strength of a ninth-level spiritual disciple now, while Kui Da is already a third-level spiritual general. This punch directly broke Xuan Yi's arm!
"Boom..." Xuan Yi's body fell to the ground like a broken kite, splashing a cloud of dust.

"I'm overestimating my strength, do I really think I'm an onion? Even if that bastard Shen Haoxuan comes, I'll beat him like crazy!" Kui shouted with a big laugh.

"You are not allowed to insult Brother Shen!" Xuan Yi got up on the ground with one hand, stared at Kui Da firmly, and rushed up again.

Seeing Sylphy who rushed up again, Kui Da cruelly licked his lips and said, "Since you want to play, I will play with you!" After finishing speaking, his figure flashed and disappeared in place!

The moment Kuida disappeared, Xuan Yi felt a crisis coming. The next moment, Kui Da's body suddenly appeared in front of him, and Xuan Yi's pupils shrank!

Kui Da kicked Sylphy hard on the chest. In an instant, Sylphy flew out like a cannonball, and his body directly smashed into the wall not far away, and the entire wall collapsed instantly.

"Hmph, I really overestimated my capabilities. You are not allowed to insult you, Big Brother Shen. Now that I have insulted you, what can you do? Shen Haoxuan is just a bastard, let him come out if you have the ability!" Kui Da shouted loudly.


There was a sound of broken bricks and gravel, a dusty hand stretched out from the pile of gravel, and Xuan Yi wobbled out of it!
"You are not insult me, Brother Shen!"

Sylphy roared, with blood dripping from his mouth, but he didn't care, he wanted to tear the person in front of him who insulted him the most!


With a low growl, Xuan Yi rushed out again, only Kui Da was in his eyes!
Seeing the desperate young man, everyone couldn't bear it, and the Yaomen members also yelled: "Come on, let this bastard who insulted our sect master see, I, Yaomen, are not easy to mess with!"

All of a sudden, these youngsters who were all at the level of spiritual apprentices followed Sylphy and charged straight up!

Looking at the Yaomen members who rushed up together, Kui Da was furious in his heart: "Okay, okay, since you are looking for death, don't blame me for being rude!"

After all, the aura of the third-rank spirit general exploded in full force, blowing up the surrounding sand and gravel with his powerful aura, and the robe on Kui Da's body would automatically move without wind!

"Tiger Roars Heaven and Earth!"

Kui roared angrily, and a pair of huge fists carried a fierce wind to attack Sylphy. Behind him, a fierce tiger was vaguely formed, and the sound of a tiger howling seemed to come out.

"Kui Da actually used a high-level martial art of the Xuan rank on a spiritual disciple. This is a murderous intention!"

Seeing the faint tiger shadow behind Kuida, one person exclaimed.

Kui Da's face was full of cruelty, that's right, he was going to kill this annoying little bastard in front of him today!
The howling wind surged up, and ruthlessly lashed at Xuan Yi's thin and thin body. This punch would directly kill him. Everyone couldn't help turning their heads away, and couldn't bear to see that cruel scene!
Looking at the huge fist, Xuan Yi's pupils shrank, and a sense of powerlessness surged up!The gap between the two is still too big!Sorry Brother Shen, I still can't help much!


Just when Kui Da's fist was about to hit Xuan Yi's body, a black shadow suddenly appeared beside Xuan Yi, stretched out a slender arm, lightly received Kui Da's punch, and Kui Da's momentum dissipated instantly!
"Good job!" A faint voice sounded beside Xuan Yi's ear, he was overjoyed, and exclaimed joyfully

"Brother Shen!"

(End of this chapter)

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