Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1791 Thunder Mountain

Chapter 1791 Thunder Mountain
"You want to bring Shen Haoxuan into Canglei Mansion?" Lei Zhenzi glanced at Shen Haoxuan and frowned slightly.

"You should be clear that it is not so easy to enter the Cang Lei Mansion, at least with his current strength, he is not qualified yet!" Lei Zhenzi said bluntly, ignoring Shen Haoxuan's thoughts.

Shen Haoxuan at the side couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard Lei Zhenzi's words, these words really didn't save any sympathy!
Wu Potian shrugged his shoulders, and said with a smile: "Senior brother, you have seen Shen Haoxuan's talent, even in the Canglei Mansion, he is still outstanding, although his strength is still not close, but given enough time, his future achievements will definitely be Can surpass you and me!"

"But if you want to enter the Cang Lei Mansion, you must pass the test of the Thunder Palace!" Lei Zhenzi did not back down at all, this is the rule of the Cang Lei Mansion.

"I don't deny Shen Haoxuan's talent, but with his current strength, it is difficult for him to pass the examination of Lei Dian, this is also a fact!" Lei Zhenzi continued.

"Then what should we do? Just throw him here? He just offended the Chen Dynasty. If he didn't have the protection of the Cang Lei Mansion, he would definitely die!" Wu Potian's face also became ugly.

"He goes, I go, he stays, I stay!" In the end, Wu Potian directly expressed his attitude.

"You..." Lei Zhenzi's face darkened, and he stared fixedly at Wu Potian, and the two became deadlocked.

Shen Haoxuan on the side looked at the two people who were stalemate with each other, and couldn't help shrinking his head in embarrassment. The aura emanating from the two people was really too strong, making it difficult for him to breathe.

"Well... I want to ask, what is the assessment of Leidian?" Shen Haoxuan asked weakly.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Wu Potian and Lei Zhenzi looked away from each other, and the fierce aura dissipated instantly.

"As the power of the ancient sect, the Canglei Mansion can't recruit disciples of ordinary people. Only after passing the assessment of the Thunder Hall can they become a member of the Canglei Mansion. The will of the ancestors was condensed, and only with the approval of the ancestors, can one be qualified to step into the Cang Lei Mansion!" Wu Potian explained to Shen Haoxuan.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan nodded, then looked at Wu Potian, and said in a deep voice: "Teacher, I want to try it!"

Seeing the eager expression on Shen Haoxuan's face, Lei Zhenzi said coldly: "The assessment of Leidian is not as simple as you imagined, I know you have the origin of the world, but in the palace of thunder, the origin of the world can help you It’s nothing to do for you, to participate with your current strength is to die!”

After Lei Zhenzi finished speaking, Wu Potian on the side also nodded. He had participated in the assessment of Leidian, so he naturally understood the difficulty, so he wanted to bring Shen Haoxuan directly into Canglei Mansion, but in this pedantic In front of senior brother, it seems impossible.

"Teacher, Master Uncle, I still have confidence in my strength, I can try it!" Shen Haoxuan said to himself, with a slightly frivolous smile on his lips. His confidence does not only come from the origin of the world.

"Once you enter the Thunder Palace, it doesn't matter whether you live or die, are you sure you want to go?" Wu Potian asked in a deep voice.

"Go!" Shen Haoxuan nodded, his gaze was firm.

"Okay!" Wu Potian also saw Shen Haoxuan's determination, and immediately agreed.

"Brother, it's okay to let him participate in the Thunder Hall assessment!" Wu Potian turned his head and asked Lei Zhenzi.

Lei Zhenzi looked at Shen Haoxuan, then at Wu Potian, and shook his head helplessly.

"The two of you were really carved out of the same mold!" Lei Zhenzi sighed, and then took Wu Potian and Shen Haoxuan and set foot on the road to Canglei Mansion again.

On the way, Shen Haoxuan asked curiously: "Teacher, since you are the disciple of the master of the Cang Lei Mansion, why did you come to the small place of the Chen Dynasty to be the vice-principal?"

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's question, the corners of Wu Potian's mouth twitched involuntarily, this question touched his sore spot.

"The master of the palace wanted to tell him about his marriage, but this guy just slipped away after listening to it. He has been away for three years. If it wasn't because of you this time, he probably wouldn't have contacted Canglei Mansion!" Lei Zhenzi faintly The voice came from the front.

After hearing this, Shen Haoxuan became even more curious.

"Teacher, is it because the other party is too ugly?" Shen Haoxuan continued to ask.

"Where are you talking so much, prepare for your assessment well, if you talk nonsense again, you will be thrown directly!" Wu Potian glared at Shen Haoxuan, and said viciously.

Shen Haoxuan shrank his neck, it seems that this marriage is a forbidden word for Wu Potian!

The journey was silent, and soon the three of them came to the Fenglei Mountain Range where the Canglei Mansion is located. Standing above the Fenglei Mountain Range, they could clearly see a towering mountain in the distance, standing like a flock of chickens, standing in the Fenglei Mountain Range middle.

It wasn't until Shen Haoxuan approached that he felt the majesty and steepness of this mountain range. This is the Thunder Mountain where Cang Lei Mansion is located.

Leishan is extremely high. From the foot of the mountain, there is no end in sight. From the mountainside, thick clouds and mist cover the sight. This kind of cloud and mist is dark, and you can vaguely see the dazzling thunder flashing past. , Looking from a distance, this mountain peak seems to be covered by countless thunders, it is extremely majestic and majestic.

"Is this the Thunder Mountain where the Cang Lei Mansion is located?" Shen Haoxuan was amazed in his heart. The energy here is extremely dense. Even if you are far away, you can feel the violent thunder and lightning factors on the Thunder Mountain. For warriors who understand the laws of the thunder system, This is simply heaven!
"Follow me!" Lei Zhenzi took the lead, leading Shen Haoxuan towards the Canglei Mansion on the top of the mountain.

Not long after, Shen Haoxuan saw a majestic gate standing in the Thunder Mountain. On that gate, the three characters "Cang Lei Mansion" were engraved on it, and the power of wind and thunder burst out faintly from it. Looks imposing.

"Old Xue!" Under the gate of Cang Lei Mansion, an old man in his dying years leaned on the gatepost, as if he had fallen asleep.

After hearing Lei Zhenzi's voice, the old man's closed eyes slowly opened, and a charming light flashed in the cloudy eyes.

"It's Xiao Lei, did you bring Xiao Wu back?" Seeing Lei Zhenzi and Wu Potian beside him, Old Xue chuckled.

"Xiao Lei? Xiao Wu?" Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but feel amused when he heard what Elder Xue called these two people. These two big figures in the Chen dynasty were like children in the eyes of Mr. Xue.

"Oh? There's another little guy!" Old General Xue cast his eyes on Shen Haoxuan, and at that moment, Shen Haoxuan felt as if he had been seen through.

"Funny little guy!" Old Xue murmured.

"Mr. Xue, this is the new apprentice of Junior Brother, who came to participate in the Thunder Hall assessment!" Lei Zhenzi replied respectfully.

"Oh, well, I, Cang Lei Mansion, haven't had any fresh blood for many years, but this time I found a good seedling!" Old Xue laughed, obviously very satisfied with Shen Haoxuan.

"Go, those old fellows in Leidian, it's time to exercise..."

(End of this chapter)

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