Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1817 The meeting of the wind and clouds!

Chapter 1817 The meeting of the wind and clouds!

The news of the March appointment quickly spread in the Eastern Wasteland.

This time the protagonists are Shen Haoxuan and Han Xiao, one is the new Tianjiao who rose up in the Trial of the Three Jue Pagoda, and the other is the son of Han Lin, the Tianlin Sword Sect, not to mention that this confrontation is essentially Shifang Academy and The duel between the Cang Lei Mansion naturally attracted countless warriors.

Those big figures behind the scenes are even more aware that this battle is very likely to be related to the future fate of the Eastern Wasteland!
When the rumors spread in the Eastern Wasteland, Shen Haoxuan had already retreated, and now his strength has just stepped into the Immortal Ascension Realm. He wants to further refine the power of the Heavenly Dao Chalcedony within three months, and strive to allow himself to break through to Too empty!

On the other side, Shifang Academy seemed to be nervously preparing for something. In a purple bamboo forest, Han Xiao stood aside respectfully. In front of him was a middle-aged man who was somewhat similar to him. This is Han Xiao's father, Han Lin!

"Have you seen Si Xia?" Han Lin suddenly asked.

Hearing this, Han Xiao nodded, but his face was a bit ugly, as if hesitating to speak.

"If you want to ask anything, just tell me!" Han Lin seemed to guess what Han Xiao was thinking, and said lightly.

"Father, why did you still miss her when Si Xia cruelly abandoned you back then? If my mother was here, she would definitely..." Han Xiao said in a deep voice, but before he finished speaking, Han Lin beat him up broken!
"Okay, I know what you're going to say. From now on, in front of me, you are not allowed to mention your mother, and you are not allowed to comment on Si Xia!" Han Lin glanced at Han Xiao and said coldly.

Looking at Han Lin's back, a look of unwillingness flashed in Han Xiao's eyes, but he didn't dare to challenge Han Lin's majesty, so he could only keep his mouth shut.

"For these three months, you should practice hard. There must be no mistakes in the appointment after three months. Otherwise, both my father and son will die!" Han Lin turned his head, looked at Han Xiao, and said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, within three months, I will definitely break through the Void Realm!" Han Xiao clenched his hands into fists, the veins on his arms bulged, and the killing intent burst out in his heart. He didn't know if it was for Shen Haoxuan or Si Xia. , or, to his father Han Lin!


While Shen Haoxuan and Han Xiao were preparing for the decisive battle three months later, the warriors of Shifang Academy also began to move around to win over the forces from all sides. The atmosphere in the Eastern Wasteland also began to become solemn, as if there was a A mountain peak pressed on everyone's body, making them a little breathless.

"The mountains and rain are about to come, and the wind is all over the building. Who can really rise in a turmoil?" In front of the gate of Canglei Mansion, Xue Lao, who has always been lazy, suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the direction of the Eastern Wasteland. Suddenly, a frightening light flashed in those cloudy eyes. At that moment, he seemed to be a mighty giant, making it impossible to look directly at him.

However, it was at that moment that Mr. Xue broke out. After a while, Mr. Xue closed his eyes again and became a dying little old man, leaning lazily on the gatepost of Cang Lei Mansion, ignoring those mundane things.

A month passed by in the blink of an eye, and Shen Haoxuan finally came out. The aura on his body became more restrained in a month. If it weren't for Lei Zhenzi's strength, he could hardly feel the aura on Shen Haoxuan.

"Is... the peak of the Immortal Ascension Boundary?" Si Xia asked in surprise.

"Guess!" Shen Haoxuan smiled mysteriously and did not answer, but the confident smile on the corner of his mouth made Lei Zhenzi and Si Xia affirm the guess in their hearts, and their eyes were full of envy.

Back then they spent several years in order to break through, but Shen Haoxuan was lucky, with the help of Heavenly Dao Chalcedony, he reached the peak of Immortal Ascension Boundary from Immortal Ascension Boundary in just one month.
"Hey, if we take out that day's chalcedony and give it to the brothers, our strength will definitely rise to another level!" Lei Zhenzi said with some envy.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan spread his hands helplessly, that piece of heavenly chalcedony has now become a fruit of the World Tree, if it was there, he would definitely take it out and share it with everyone.

"Master, hasn't my teacher left the customs yet?" Shen Haoxuan asked.

"No, he is attacking the Emperor Realm. After all, not everyone has Heavenly Dao Chalcedony, and can break through to the first level within a month!" Si Xia shook his head and said.

"Then let's ignore the teacher for now. There are still two months left, so I invite all the uncles and uncles to practice martial arts with me!" Knowing that Wu Potian was still breaking through, Shen Haoxuan was no longer worried, and smiled immediately. said.

In the next two months, he will no longer choose to improve his strength. As the saying goes, haste makes waste, and the foundation must be solid. Shen Haoxuan's vision is not only on the decisive battle two months later, he wants to Go further and be stronger!
However, when Shen Haoxuan chose to practice with the disciples of Cang Lei Mansion, he knew that he had chosen the wrong one. The strength of these disciples was too abnormal. Almost everyone could beat Shen Haoxuan to the ground within ten moves. On the ground, compared to Wu Potian's training in the Chen Dynasty, the intensity is even greater!

But at the same time, under their training, Shen Haoxuan's combat power has soared in a straight line. In two months, he was able to fight Lei Zhenzi with a few simple tricks!

Time in training always flies by quickly, and two months passed in the blink of an eye.

Cang Lei Mansion, Shen Haoxuan and Lei Zhenzi came out of the martial arts arena. His clothes were torn, and there was still a trace of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, but his face was full of excitement.

On the other side, Lei Zhenzi had an annoyed expression on his face. The two agreed whether Shen Haoxuan could survive a hundred moves in his hands. After receiving Shen Haoxuan, he really survived. Not only that, but he also received a slap from Shen Haoxuan. The kid's growth is really scary!

The two months of training also allowed Shen Haoxuan's strength to be completely stabilized, and the foundation was also laid firmly. In the future, he will not have any worries in his cultivation.

"March is here, it's time to go to Shifang Academy!" Si Xia looked at Shen Haoxuan and said in a deep voice.

Hearing Si Xia's words, the smile on Shen Haoxuan's face gradually disappeared, and was replaced by a sharp look. Three months, has it already come?

"Let's go, I don't want Han Xiao to wait for me for too long!" Shen Haoxuan took out a new set of clothes from the storage ring and put them on himself, ready to go to Shifang Academy.


But just when Shen Haoxuan was about to leave, Wu Potian did not know when he came to the gate of Cang Lei Mansion. At this moment, the aura on Wu Potian's body was extremely strong, and it seemed that he had broken through the Emperor Realm.

"Teacher!" Seeing Wu Potian, a look of joy flashed across Shen Haoxuan's face.

(End of this chapter)

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