Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1825 Breaking into the 6th Hospital

Chapter 1825 Breaking into the Sixth Court ([-])
After hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, not only Xu Ye, but the entire book mountain became quiet.

Climbing up to the eighth floor of Daoxin Pagoda and breaking your own record is such an amazing thing. No one in the younger generation of Shifang Academy can do this. But how did such a glorious thing come to Shen Haoxuan's mouth? , How did it become a disgrace?

"Hmph, it's really light, if you have the ability, do it yourself, if you can also step on the eighth floor, I will kneel down and call you grandpa!" Xu Ye snorted coldly and said with a cold face.

"Cut, I don't want such an incompetent grandson who can't even go up to the ninth floor!" Shen Haoxuan shook his head and said leisurely.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Xu Ye trembled with anger, this bastard actually took advantage of him.

"Stop talking nonsense, just tell me if you dare to bet, if you step on the eighth floor, I will kneel down and call you grandpa, if you can't make it up, then kneel down and call me grandpa!" Xu Ye gritted his teeth in a low voice roared.

Shen Haoxuan shook his head, and said earnestly: "I advise you that it's better not to gamble, as it will not only lose your face, but also the face of Shifang Academy!"

Looking at Shen Haoxuan's appearance of looking for your own good, Xu Ye's body was full of energy and blood, his face was pale, and he looked extremely hideous. Now he is so angry that he can't speak. If this continues, he will probably be beaten by Shen Haoxuan mad!
"I'll just ask you, do you want to gamble?" Xu Ye paused every word, his eyes were red and his fists were clenched tightly, as if he couldn't eat Shen Haoxuan.

With Xu Ye's insistence, Shen Haoxuan could only let out a long sigh, and said, "Since you want to gamble so much, then I can only help you!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Haoxuan walked slowly towards the Daoxin Pagoda and began to climb up.

When Shen Haoxuan entered the Dao Heart Pagoda, everyone's gazes converged again, they all wanted to see where did Shen Haoxuan get the courage to be arrogant.

Entering the first floor of Dao Xin Pagoda, the scene in front of Shen Haoxuan's eyes began to change again, a sea of ​​flames appeared in front of him, and there was only one road above the sea of ​​flames, and if he wanted to pass, he had to walk through the sea of ​​flames.

"Illusion, what a real illusion!" Shen Haoxuan felt the hot air around him, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

But then he shook his head again, even if it was realistic, it was nothing more than an illusion after all, and it was still far from enough to stop him!

Shen Haoxuan stepped up and walked towards the sea of ​​flames, the closer he got to the sea of ​​flames, the more terrifying the temperature became. In the end, the soles of Shen Haoxuan's shoes were burnt, and when he stepped on the flames, there was a puff of green smoke and even the smell of meat Diffuse out.

Heart-piercing pain followed. Although it was an illusion, the pain felt extremely real.

Feeling the pain coming from the soles of his feet, Shen Haoxuan's expression did not change at all, he still walked forward step by step, at a very slow speed, but he did not intend to stop.

Outside the Dao Heart Pagoda, everyone looked at Shen Haoxuan's slow speed and burst into laughter.

"Haha, at this speed, I'm afraid I won't even be able to go up to the second floor!"

"He also threatened to go up to the No.12 floor. I'm afraid he didn't wake up. Now he knows how powerful the Daoxin Pagoda is!"

"The disciples of the Cang Lei Mansion can only talk big words. As for the real materials, there is no one at all!"

The disciples of Shifang Academy laughed loudly, the joy on their faces was already overflowing, at this moment, they seemed to have released the resentment that Shen Haoxuan had held back for even running into the two courtyards before.

In the Dao Xin Pagoda, Shen Haoxuan's clothes were all burned, and the skin on his body fell off piece by piece. No one can imagine the pain he endured. Rushing over, it was the first one who swaggered past like Shen Haoxuan.

But Shen Haoxuan's face was still as calm as a wave, as if the pain was not exerted on him at all.

Just one step at a time, Shen Haoxuan walked slowly through the sea of ​​flames and came to the second floor.

As soon as he climbed to the second floor, the bone-chilling chill rushed towards his face, intertwined with the scorching breath that hadn't dissipated just now, making him extremely uncomfortable.

"Ice World!" Shen Haoxuan lowered his eyebrows and walked up without the slightest hesitation.

Still at a neither fast nor slow speed, he moved forward steadily, letting those icy storms slap on his body.

Then the third floor, the fourth floor, until the fifth floor, Shen Haoxuan's speed did not slow down, it seemed to be very slow, but he walked very steadily!

Outside the Daoxin Pagoda, the smiles on the faces of the disciples of Shifang Academy froze little by little. On the fifth floor, most of them could not reach this height, but judging by the speed of Shen Haoxuan, they seemed to have already passed the fifth floor. Layer up!
"It's only the fifth floor. It will be a qualitative change when we reach the sixth floor!" Xu Ye didn't show any tension on his face. As the only person who climbed to the eighth floor, he knew what would be inside the Daoxin Pagoda.

At this time, Shen Haoxuan had already arrived at the sixth floor. On the ground in front of him, a bone corpse with a long knife and a white bone grew out. When they saw Shen Haoxuan, they immediately rushed out, like densely packed ants.

If it was an ordinary warrior, seeing so many people rushing towards with knives, the first reaction would be to resist or run away, but Shen Haoxuan still ignored it, with his hands behind his back, and walked forward, letting those bone knives fall on him body.

The bone knife slashed on Shen Haoxuan's shoulder and body, and blood sprayed out from his body. He didn't even blink his eyes. Just relying on these pains to stop his footsteps, it was too simple to think about this Dao Xin Pagoda.

Shen Haoxuan's journey of exterminating demons, defending against foreign enemies, and saving the world, the sufferings and life and death experienced by Shen Haoxuan, can a small Dao Heart Pagoda be able to test it?

The sixth floor, pass!

The seventh floor, pass!

Eighth floor, pass!

Along the way, Shen Haoxuan didn't stop at all, and the smile on Xu Ye's face finally disappeared. He looked at Shen Haoxuan who was still going up, his face was full of disbelief, he didn't believe that Shen Haoxuan could walk is farther than him.

"how is this possible?"

The warriors of Shifang Academy couldn't help but exclaimed, this Shen Haoxuan actually stepped on the eighth floor, so Xu Ye lost the bet between him and Xu Ye?

"No, he still has to go up!"

On the Daoxin Pagoda, Shen Haoxuan still didn't intend to stay, stepped on the ninth floor, and continued to walk forward.

"The tenth floor!"

"No. 11 floor!"

"No. 12 floor!"


The martial artists who were sent down were counting nervously. Finally, after Shen Haoxuan walked through the No. 12 floor, the voices of those martial artists became trembling. I don't know if it was because of excitement or something.

Seeing that Shen Haoxuan really walked through the No.12 floor, Xu Ye's face also turned pale, without the slightest trace of blood...

(End of this chapter)

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