Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1866 Luohe divine water!

Chapter 1866 Luohe divine water!

What happened in the hall made Mu Qiang's killing intent towards Shen Haoxuan even stronger. If Mu Tianlong hadn't stopped him, he would have done it long ago.

Along the way, Shen Haoxuan followed behind the three of Mu Tianlong, walking on his own, chatting with Mu Yashi from time to time, very leisurely.

From Mu Yashi's mouth, Shen Haoxuan got a general understanding of the situation of the Mu family.

According to what Mu Yashi said, the current Mu family is on the verge of falling apart.

The Mu family was originally ruled by Mu Yashi's father, but when Mu Yashi was young, his parents never came back after going out once.

The head of the Mu family disappeared, and the dragons had no leader. Her grandfather, the old head of the Mu family, had to come out to preside over the power.

However, in recent years, the health of the old Mu family patriarch has been worsening day by day, and he fell ill three years ago. After the old man of the Mu family fell ill, the elders took over the power of the family from the old Mu family patriarch.

Since then, there have been two groups of forces in the Mu family. One group advocates re-electing the patriarch, and the other group continues to support the elders to take power. The two sides have been in constant conflict for the past three years, and even have the intention of fighting.

Mu Yashi was the candidate nominated as the new patriarch, and the representative of the elders on the other side was Mu Tianlong.

Now Mu's elders will hold power, so when Mu Tianlong saw Mu Yashi, he didn't mean to respect her, even though she was the second princess of Mu's family.

"So, the only way to solve the situation of your Mu family is to get your grandfather to stand up again?" Shen Haoxuan also understood what Mu Yashi meant at this time.

"Well, the Mu family was established by grandpa. If he stands up again, even the elders will not dare to refute his meaning!" Mu Yashi nodded. This is also the purpose of his entering the Wanzu ruins. Looking for a chance to save the old patriarch of the Mu family.

"According to your description, your grandfather should have a relapse of an old injury. Just relying on a ten-thousand-year blood coagulation vermilion fruit is not of much use!" Shen Haoxuan said in a deep voice.

"Huh? Do you have a solution?" Mu Yashi looked at Shen Haoxuan with beautiful eyes, her eyes were full of anticipation.

"I haven't met your grandfather, so I don't have much confidence!" Shen Haoxuan shook his head, and didn't promise Mu Yashi anything.

After hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, a look of disappointment flashed in Mu Yashi's eyes, but it was quickly covered up.

"Then after the Wanzu ruins are over, come and visit my Mu family?" Mu Yashi invited.

"If you can really save my grandfather, I will do whatever you ask me to do!" Mu Yashi added as if she was afraid that Shen Haoxuan would not agree.

"Is it okay to do anything?" Shen Haoxuan's eyes flashed a strange brilliance, looking at the beautiful figure and hot figure in front of him, his eyes involuntarily looked where they shouldn't.

Seeing the smirk on Shen Haoxuan's mouth, Mu Yashi couldn't help but took a step back, but finally nodded stubbornly and said, "You can do whatever you want!"

"Okay, then when the ruins of the ten thousand races are over, I'll go with you, on the premise that we can get out alive!" Shen Haoxuan chuckled, and then turned his gaze to Mu Tianlong and the others in front of him.

As if feeling Shen Haoxuan's gaze, Mu Qiang turned his head, glanced at Shen Haoxuan coldly, and said, "Can you hurry up and follow, it's slow!"

After a group of people walked in Yunding Tiangong for a day, they finally arrived at the second destination, the bank of Luohe Shenshui.

In front of Shen Haoxuan was a river hundreds of feet wide. At this time, a lot of warriors had gathered beside the Luohe Shenshui, but to Shen Haoxuan's surprise, the Luohe Shenshui was only the river bed. , no river water!

"Why is there no water?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Hmph, Luohe Shenshui, is it so easy to get it?" Mu Qiang snorted coldly and said contemptuously.

Jiang Chen has long been used to Mu Qiang's face, and he also guessed that his eyes would say that, so he ignored it at all and turned his eyes to Mu Yashi.

"Once Yunding Tiangong is opened, Luohe Shenshui will only appear once, and it will only appear for a quarter of an hour, so if you want to get Luohe Shenshui, you must not only rely on strength, but also luck!" Mu Yashi told Shen Haoxuan The three explained.

"Is it that troublesome? With such a wide river, let alone a quarter of an hour, even ten breaths is enough time for us to fill several buckets!" Jiang Chen said, looking at the wide river bed.

"You're mistaken, it's not the quarter of an hour for the entire river to appear, but the sum of all the time it takes for the Luo River to appear and flow down through each river, that is to say, the time that can be allocated to a certain place, maybe Not even a breath, if you are unlucky, the Luohe divine water may have disappeared before it even flows here!" Mu Yashi said helplessly, spreading her hands.

"Isn't this cheating?" Jiang Chen was speechless.

The corners of Shen Haoxuan's mouth couldn't help but twitch, if this is the case, it is indeed not an ordinary difficulty.

But seeing so many people gathered here, the Luohe Shenshui should definitely pass by here, but as for how to get the Luohe Shenshui in such a fast time, it depends on everyone's own means!

"To be on the safe side, we each take a period of time to get the divine water separately. If they are piled up together, we will interfere with each other at that time, and no one will get it!" Mu Tianlong said lightly.

All the martial artists gathered here seem to have reached a consensus, and they are separated by a distance of several miles.

"Remember, don't try to block the Luohe Shenshui, and don't get off the river bed!" Mu Yashi instructed in a deep voice.

Shen Haoxuan nodded, thinking about running downstream, but what made him speechless was that all the good positions below were occupied by people, and he could only stay in the last position.


Just as Shen Haoxuan stood in his position, a violent roar came from the upper reaches of the Luo River. All the spiritual energy in the world gathered at the source of the Luo River, and a wave of colorful energy poured down, instantly falling on the riverbed of the Luo River. middle.

"Luohe Divine Water has appeared!" Seeing the tide of colorful energy falling, the eyes of the warriors standing around the Luohe riverbed flashed a fiery color, and the power of law in their bodies was activated, ready to snatch the Luohe Divine Water at any time.


The multicolored energy tide fell on the river bed, and began to gallop with lightning speed. The speed was so fast that people couldn't react at all. No wonder Mu Yashi didn't let it stop him. He rushed over at this speed, let alone Huang Ji. Even if it is a strong man in the Immortal Realm, it can't stop it!
Seeing the divine water of the Luo River flowing out, everyone tried their best to snatch it. Some snatched it, while others made a mistake. In just a few breaths, the divine water of the Luo River flowed in front of Shen Haoxuan.

The long lightning whip in Shen Haoxuan's hand swung out instantly, and struck towards the Luohe divine water, but before the thunderous whip touched the Luohe divine water, the Luohe divine water turned into a multicolored dragon, and rushed towards Shen Haoxuan His dantian bumped into...

(End of this chapter)

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