Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1932 The Palace of Hell!

Chapter 1932: Ten Halls of Hades!

On the other side, Shen Haoxuan and Liu Qing had already been detained by two law enforcement officers.

"Be honest, you dare to behave wildly in front of the entrance of the third hall, it's really terrible!" Several people pressed Shen Haoxuan and Liu Qing to the ground, and angrily shouted.

Shen Haoxuan and Liu Qing struggled. If the power of laws in their bodies hadn't been exhausted now, they would have sent these disciples of Law Enforcing Hall to be beaten to the ground as well.

"Brothers, these two guys not only beat us, but also insulted our hall. Brother, you are also from Zhuquetang, how can you bear it?" A disciple of Zhuquetang cried loudly.

Hearing this, the eldest brother of the Law Enforcement Hall saw the banner falling on the ground beside him, and a touch of anger appeared on his face.

"Hmph, then today, I will teach you a lesson for Hall Master Hong!" The eldest brother of the Law Enforcing Hall snorted coldly.

"Senior brother, let me advise you, don't be impulsive, it won't do you any good to touch my words!" Shen Haoxuan said lightly.

"What? I'm going to move you today, what can you do to me?" The elder brother of the Law Enforcement Hall sneered, a boy who had just entered the Sen Luo Hall dared to threaten himself.

Speaking of this, the disciple of Law Enforcing Hall raised his foot and stepped on Shen Haoxuan's body.

But at this moment, a ferocious law force shot from a distance and landed beside the Law Enforcing Hall disciple, causing a wave of air that directly forced him to retreat.

"Back off!" An old voice sounded in the distance, and the next moment, an elder from the Law Enforcement Hall appeared on the ring.

Seeing this elder, the disciples of the Law Enforcing Hall were all shocked. This incident even alarmed the elders?

"Elder, there's no need for you to make a trip for such a trivial matter, just leave it to the disciple!" The disciple of the Law Enforcing Hall greeted him with a smile.

"Small matter?" The elder snorted coldly, then turned to Shen Haoxuan who was pushed to the ground, frowning tightly.

"Are you Shen Haoxuan?" asked the elder of the law enforcement hall.

"The disciple is right!" Shen Haoxuan replied.

"I really have you, the Palace Master has promised to let you participate in the trial!" the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall said slowly.

Hearing this, both Shen Haoxuan and Liu Qing had expressions of joy on their faces. It seemed that their plan had succeeded!
Looking at the happy faces of Shen Haoxuan and Liu Qing, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. These two guys probably don't know what the trial is waiting for them!
"Let go of them!" The elder of the law enforcement hall said coldly.

"Elder, they..." The disciples from the Law Enforcing Hall were taken aback for a moment, and then pointed to the disciples from the third hall with bruised noses and swollen faces below.

"They, what they? There are so many of you, you can't even beat two of them, what face do you have to sue, let me all face the wall and think about it!" The elder of the law enforcement hall roared angrily. He also came from the third hall. How high-spirited they are, why are the current disciples... so embarrassing!
Hearing the scolding from the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall, those disciples shrank their necks and dared not say anything more.

Afterwards, they could only watch helplessly as Shen Haoxuan was taken away by the elders of the Law Enforcement Hall.

Following behind the elders of Law Enforcing Hall, Shen Haoxuan and Liu Qing were quickly brought to a main hall of Sen Luo Hall.

"You two are waiting here, someone will come to pick you up!" said the elder of the law enforcement hall, then ignored the two of them, turned and left directly.

"Hey...what the hell!" Shen Haoxuan muttered as he looked at the elder who didn't even give him a chance to ask.

Didn't you mean to take yourself and Liu Qing to participate in the trial?How did you bring the two of you to such a remote small hall?

"Junior Brother Liu, do you know what this place is for?" Shen Haoxuan looked around, this small hall looked very dilapidated, as if no one had cleaned it for a long time.

Liu Qing shook his head, he stayed in Xuanwu Peak all year round, and was very unfamiliar with many places in Senluo Palace.

Shen Haoxuan stepped up and walked towards the small hall. When the two of them had just reached the center of the small hall, a ghostly figure appeared behind them, reaching out and slashing at the necks of the two of them.

The power of Shen Haoxuan's soul was strong, the moment that figure appeared, he immediately rushed forward, dodging the blow, but Liu Qing suffered a disaster and fell unconscious on the spot.

Shen Haoxuan turned his head and saw a figure whose whole body was wrapped in that black robe, his face became serious, the opponent's strength was far beyond what he could handle.

"Who are you?" Shen Haoxuan asked coldly.

The man in black looked at Shen Haoxuan, and seemed a little surprised that this kid was able to dodge his own attack.

But then, he didn't give Shen Haoxuan another chance, almost instantly, Shen Haoxuan didn't even see his figure, only felt a pain in the back of his neck, and his consciousness gradually dissipated.


When Shen Haoxuan regained consciousness, he found that he had come to an altar. Around the altar, there were many sacred stones of laws. Liu Qing was still lying beside him, showing no intention of waking up.

"Junior Brother Liu!" Shen Haoxuan forcibly woke Liu Qing up.

The two looked around blankly, not knowing where this place was.

However, Shen Haoxuan was not worried in his heart, judging from the man in black robe he met before he passed out, it seemed that the other party didn't intend to kill, but just wanted to knock himself out and bring him here.

"You are awake!"

When Shen Haoxuan and Liu Qing looked around, a voice full of arrogance rang in their ears.

Shen Haoxuan and Liu Qing immediately turned their heads and looked at a certain place in the hall.

Under the dark shadows, a man in a black suit walked out slowly. His burly body made people feel oppressive, and the stubble on his face looked very mature. Those dark eyes, in this dark In the hall, it is as bright as a star, exuding a frightening light.

Looking at the man who came out, Shen Haoxuan and Liu Qing froze in place. When Liu Qing saw the mysterious rune tattooed on the other's arm, his face suddenly turned pale.

"Ten...Ten Hall of Hades!" Liu Qing trembled and shouted out a name in shock.

Shen Haoxuan turned his head, frowning slightly, it was the first time he saw Liu Qing's frightened expression.

"The Tenth Hall of Hades? What is the Tenth Hall of Hades?" Shen Haoxuan asked in a deep voice.

But now Liu Qing could no longer hear Shen Haoxuan's questioning, he was immersed in shock and couldn't extricate himself.

"The King of Hades in the Ten Palaces is the strongest force in the Senluo Palace, and also the guardian in the darkness of the Senluo Palace, and also what you call... the ten kings of the inner palace!" From behind the man, nine more people walked out slowly. So far, a total of ten people stood in front of Shen Haoxuan, nine men and one woman.

Looking at the Ten Kings of Hades in front of him, Shen Haoxuan stood up slowly, his eyes swept over the ten people one by one, his eyes flickered, the corners of his mouth slowly raised, and suddenly he showed a wicked smile, as if he was not the first Seeing these ten people at once is like...

 ps: Guess everyone, what is the relationship between Shen Haoxuan and the ten kings of Hades?

(End of this chapter)

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