Chaos hegemony

Chapter 194 Underground World!

Chapter 194 Underground World!

Changmao jumped onto Shen Haoxuan's shoulder, pointed to the depth of the Tiantian level practice room area and said: "Over there, the breath comes from there."

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan walked in curiously.

After passing the first stone gate in the front, there is an inconspicuous path at the corner. The path between the paths is dark, without any light, like a crack in a small black hole. If you don’t observe carefully, you should pay attention less than.

Approaching that path, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help curling his lip when he saw the words "No Entry" engraved on the stone wall. There is no seal or cover in this path, only these four words are engraved, is it really useful? ?
"Are you sure it's in here?" Shen Haoxuan poked his head in, looked at the dark passage, and asked how long it was.

"Yeah, it can't be wrong!" Changmao nodded, then jumped off Shen Haoxuan's body, and walked in first.

"Hey, be careful..." Seeing that Chang Mao ran in without any scruples, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help reminding, but before he finished speaking, Chang Mao's figure was swallowed by the darkness.Seeing this, Shen Haoxuan could only follow quickly.

Facts have proved that Shen Haoxuan was overthinking, there is no danger in this passage, except that it is a little darker, it is no different from the outside.

After walking for about ten minutes, the passage suddenly became clear, and a cave appeared in front of Shen Haoxuan.

"I didn't expect there to be another cave in the depths of this heaven-level training room!" Shen Haoxuan couldn't help sighing as he looked at the huge cave.

Drilling into the cave, Shen Haoxuan began to search around. Changmao said there were good things here, and Shen Haoxuan wanted to see what Changmao valued so much.

However, after a long while, Shen Haoxuan sat in the cave with a pale face, staring at Changmao unkindly.

In this cave, Shen Haoxuan turned up and down, not even a piece of broken stone was spared, but he didn't find a single hair, let alone anything good, is this long hair amusing me?

At this time, Shen Haoxuan also understood why the entrance of this passage only had the words "No Passing" written on it. Even if you let others come to this ghostly place, they wouldn't come. There is no need to set up any seals!
"Long Mao, what good things are you talking about? There is not even a chicken feather here!" Shen Haoxuan said frantically.

Hearing this, Changmao scratched his head in embarrassment, he was sure that there was a baby here, and now that feeling was very strong!Just haven't found it yet.

Afterwards, Chang Mao closed his eyes, smelled east and west, and came to a stone wall.

"Here!" Changmao's eyes suddenly opened, and he shouted with joy, then raised his paw, and smashed the stone wall with one paw!
"Clatter..." The gravel rolled down, and a dark hole appeared in front of Shen Haoxuan.

The hole is only the size of a basketball, and it actually spreads straight to the depths of the ground. Above the hole, a trace of cold air rises, which is eerie and strange.Shen Haoxuan threw a piece of gravel downward, however, no echo was heard for a long time, the depth of this hole is unpredictable!
Seeing this, Shen Haoxuan frowned. In this deep cave, everything is unknown, and the unknown is the most terrifying. Shen Haoxuan was hesitating whether to take the risk to explore it.

Changmao stared at Shen Haoxuan, his eyes were full of hope, it seemed that he was very concerned about that good thing.But Shen Haoxuan didn't make a decision, and he didn't dare to act on his own.

Seeing Chang Mao's expression of impatient to go down, Shen Haoxuan gritted his teeth and said, "Wealth is in danger, let's go, let's go down and have a look."

After all, Shen Haoxuan was sitting cross-legged in the cave, his powerful spiritual thoughts burst out of his body, condensing into an illusory figure, that appearance was no different from Shen Haoxuan's!
There is no way, the size of the hole is only the size of a basketball, Shen Haoxuan's body can't get in, so he can only use spiritual thoughts, and this can be regarded as a kind of protection, if there is danger, the spiritual thoughts will be more powerful in that narrow space. Suitable for running!

Seeing the illusory spiritual thoughts, Changmao let out a cry, and jumped down first. Afterwards, Shen Haoxuan also took a deep breath, and got into the hole.

The winding and narrow passage has been spreading downwards, and the inside is dark and lifeless!Suddenly, two faint flames flashed, and a man and a beast passed through the passage at an extremely fast speed, bringing a gust of wind along the way.

These two figures are exactly Shen Haoxuan and Changmao.At this time, the fire spirit obsidian rose from Shen Haoxuan's body, wrapping his spiritual thoughts in it, and the long hair's body also shone with a faint black light, which looked extremely strange.

The deeper the tunnel went, the colder the surrounding atmosphere became. Shen Haoxuan and Changmao had no choice but to use their own methods to protect themselves.

"Isn't it over yet?" Shen Haoxuan frowned and said.He and Long Mao have been running down for an uninterrupted amount of time, and now there is still darkness ahead.One's spiritual thoughts cannot be too far away from the physical body, otherwise they will dissipate, and now, this limit is about to be reached!

"Soon!" Changmao exclaimed excitedly, he could already feel the terrifying energy fluctuations in front of him.

Sure enough, as soon as Chang Mao's words fell, a light spot appeared in Shen Haoxuan's field of vision, the two of them were overjoyed and rushed over quickly!

"It's finally out!" After getting rid of the dark and narrow passage, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, the passage was too oppressive.

However, before Shen Haoxuan could be happy, a sense of crisis suddenly came, the next moment, Shen Haoxuan instinctively grabbed the long hair, and his body rushed straight up!


There was a loud sound, and a long dragon of spiritual power slammed into the place where the two were originally suspended, and the terrifying force directly shattered the stone wall!Seeing the terrifying dragon with spiritual power, Shen Haoxuan's body burst into cold sweat again.

At this time, Shen Haoxuan saw his situation clearly, and couldn't help but take a deep breath in his heart!

In front of him was a huge ocean of spiritual power!
In the huge spiritual sea, rows of huge waves composed of spiritual power are set off from time to time, and the huge waves rush forward again and again, rushing towards the surrounding stone walls like a broken bamboo. Powerful waves, the deafening sound is like thunder, and the momentum is like the galloping horses!
That wave, wave after wave, screamed and neighed crazily in this underground world, and the violent spiritual power was full of shuddering fear and unfathomable mystery!
In front of this majestic ocean of spiritual power, Shen Haoxuan and Chang Mao were as small as floating, and their hearts trembled endlessly!Looking at the terrifying power that seemed to be galloping with thousands of troops in front of him, Shen Haoxuan's throat moved slightly, swallowing the foam in his mouth, and a trembling voice sounded: "What exactly is this place?"...

(End of this chapter)

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