Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1949 Only Him!

Chapter 1949 Only Him!
The autumn exam is over, and the top ten of the exam are also determined.

The first is undoubtedly Shen Haoxuan, the second is Liu Qing, these two people are sure to enter the inner hall.

The rest are the unknown disciples of the three halls. Compared with those disciples who are called Cheng Tianjiao, they have put in countless times of effort, and now it is finally time to reap the rewards.

The big disciples at the entrance of the three halls did not enter the top ten in this autumn exam.

Xiu Luo from Qinglong Hall was beheaded by Shen Haoxuan, Qi Yang from Zhuque Hall was expelled from the Qiuwei exam room, and Bai Buyi from Baihu Hall was also knocked out by Liu Qing, unable to take part in the next exam.

In short, this Autumn Exam is simply the weirdest one since the establishment of Sen Luo Temple!

After the final exam, all the disciples of Senluo Palace dispersed, but the ten members of Shen Haoxuan were summoned to the main hall of Senluo Palace.

Entering the main hall, the Great Elder and other elders stood on both sides, and the King of Hades of the Ten Halls was also among them.

Shen Haoxuan raised his head and looked towards the first seat. A middle-aged man in a black suit stood with his hands behind his back. Lei Siyan made a low roaring sound.

This is the father of Senluo Saintess, and also the master of Senluo Hall.

"See the Palace Master!" Shen Haoxuan and his party bowed and saluted.

"Haha, that's right, there are quite a few surprising disciples in this year's Autumn Exam!" Hall Master Sen Luo laughed, his voice was like thunder, and it rang in the ears of Shen Haoxuan and the others.

Lord Sen Luo's eyes swept over those ten people, and finally stopped on Shen Haoxuan and Liu Qing.

If we talk about surprises, the most unexpected ones this year are Shen Haoxuan and Liu Qing.

Lord Sen Luo also heard about Shen Haoxuan beheading Shura, although he felt a little sad, but Shura was at fault first, and he had no way to pursue Shen Haoxuan's responsibility.

Fortunately, Shen Haoxuan's natural strength was better than Shura's, so Sen Luodian didn't have any loss.

"You have won the top ten in the Autumn Examination. The reward this time is to allow you to enter the Senluo Gate and pick one thing at will!" The master of Senluo said slowly.

"Enter Sen Luomon!?"

Hearing the words of Palace Master Sen Luo, apart from Shen Haoxuan and Liu Qing who knew it long ago, the other eight disciples were all surprised.

The Senluo Gate is the foundation of the Senluo Palace. It is said that the ancestors who established the Senluo Palace relied on the Senluo Gate to build the Senluo Palace into a first-class power like it is now.

They didn't expect that the reward for the top ten in the Qiuwei Great Examination this time was to enter the Sen Luomen. If the disciples outside knew it, they would probably try their best to become the top ten.

"I'll give you three days to prepare. After three days, you will open the Sen Luo Gate. Whether you can get what you want depends on your own abilities!" The Lord Sen Luo smiled lightly.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan and his party resigned and left the hall.

Looking at the backs of Shen Haoxuan and the others, the atmosphere in the hall became dignified again.

"Hallmaster, do you really want Shen Haoxuan to get that thing from Senluomen?" The Great Elder pondered and asked slowly.

"He is the person chosen by Hall Master Hong. Since Hall Master Hong can open the Sen Luo Gate for us, then there should be no problem with the person he chooses!" Hall Master Sun Luo shook his head and said with some uncertainty.

Sen Luomen is a treasure house left by the rumored ancient forces, which contains the heaven-defying power that can change the pattern of heaven and earth.

In the ancient times, the reason for the great battle that took place in the Senluo Mountains was to compete for this Senluo Gate, and the Senluo Temple built its stronghold in this Senluo Temple because of the Senluo Gate.

However, although Sen Luodian got the Sen Luo Gate, he couldn't find a way to open it until Hong Haonan's arrival, and he successfully opened the Sen Luo Gate.

This is also the reason why the master of the Senluo Palace respects Hong Haonan so much, because only he can open the Senluo Gate.

It's a pity that even if the Senluo Gate is opened, the resources they can use are only a very small part. More resources are sealed in the depths, and even the Senluo Palace Master himself cannot break through the seal.

But this time, the appearance of Shen Haoxuan gave Hong Haonan hope. Perhaps Shen Haoxuan could break through the seal there and help them take out what they wanted.

"So, we can only pin our hopes on Shen Haoxuan!" Hall Master Sen Luo sighed helplessly.

After Shen Haoxuan and Liu Qing left the main hall, they walked straight towards Xuanwu Peak. Now that the two of them have won the first and second places in the Qiuwei Exam, they have completed Hong Haonan's task.

Coming to the top of Xuanwu Peak, Hong Haonan was still lying in the dilapidated small courtyard, but what was different today was that there were two stools placed in front of him, which seemed to be for Shen Haoxuan and Liu Qing.

"Teacher, you are finally willing to see us!" Liu Qing burst into tears. Before Shen Haoxuan came, he could often get advice from Hong Haonan. After Shen Haoxuan came, he had to be kicked out every two days.

"Well done!" Hong Haonan praised Shen Haoxuan and Liu Qing for the first time.

"Stop it, you won't ask us to do something again!" Seeing Hong Haonan's kind face, Shen Haoxuan suddenly felt a chill in his heart, this old guy would be so kind?

"Hehe...hehe!" Hong Haonan laughed with his mouth open, the wrinkles on his face were piled up together.

Seeing the smile on Hong Haonan's face, both Shen Haoxuan and Liu Qing couldn't help but stood up and stepped back.

"Aren't you going to enter Sen Luomen? I want you to take something out!" Hong Haonan finally put his eyes on Shen Haoxuan and said with a smile.

"Your strength is so strong, you can get it yourself if you want it!" Shen Haoxuan said with a speechless face.

"No, only you can take that thing out!" Hong Haonan shook his head and said firmly.

"Only I can take it out?" Shen Haoxuan was taken aback, with a look of doubt on his face.

"That's right, because you have that thing..." Hong Haonan pointed to Shen Haoxuan's dantian, and then pointed to the crooked neck tree behind him, with a faint smile on his lips.

Seeing the gesture in Hong Haonan's hand, Shen Haoxuan's eyes suddenly tightened. This Hong Haonan actually knew about the World Tree in his body?

"Don't worry, this matter is good for you, not bad!" Hong Haonan comforted Shen Haoxuan.

The reason for taking out that thing was all for Shen Haoxuan.

"What?" Shen Haoxuan asked in a deep voice.

"A stone, a stone that can start that era!"

Speaking of this, Hong Haonan's originally turbid eyes glowed with a scorching divine light, and he seemed to be hundreds of years younger, making Shen Haoxuan and Liu Qing stunned...

(End of this chapter)

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