Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1984 Someone has awakened!

Chapter 1984 Someone has awakened!
"Hall Master, is there really no problem this time?"

Seeing the backs of Elder Xue and Old Scorpion disappearing, a look of worry flashed in the eyes of the other elder.

"Elder, are you worried about that boy named Shen Haoxuan?" the dark figure in the first seat said slowly.

"From what the old scorpion said, that young man is definitely not an ordinary person. He can swallow all the energy in the eyes of the fairy spring, and he is assisted by the dragon clan. If such a person grows up, he will definitely be the master of my soul hall. Enemy!" said the old man known as the Great Elder in a deep voice.

"Haha, Great Elder, you are too worried. It's just a little tiger with no teeth. It's like a cat. What's there to be afraid of?" Another elder laughed, and didn't let Shen Haoxuan go at all. in the eyes.

Hearing the elder's words, the Great Elder sighed, shook his head, and said, "A tiger with half-teeth is still a tiger. Once he grows up, we will all become food in his mouth!"

"Okay, I'm free to measure this matter, the most important thing right now is to wake up the evil god first!" said the head master of the Soul Palace in a cold voice.

When the hall master spoke, the great elder didn't continue to say anything. All the figures in the hall trembled and disappeared slowly.


A few days later, the Wanzu ruins entered.

Shen Haoxuan, Xiao Ke'er, and Liu Qing arrived at the same time.

At this time, the entrance of the Wanzu ruins is already like a huge city, and there is an endless stream of warriors coming and going.

The three of them looked at each other and walked directly into the entrance.

Returning to the ruins of the ten thousand races, Shen Haoxuan was filled with emotion. This was the beginning of his great success in the Central Wasteland, and now he is back here again.

But soon, Shen Haoxuan discovered that the Wanzu ruins were different from before.

The last time Shen Haoxuan entered the ruins of the ten thousand races, he could still clearly feel the restrictions covering the ruins of the ten thousand races, there was no way for warriors of the fairyland level to enter.

Now that restriction seems to have disappeared, otherwise, he would not appear here.

"Look around!" Liu Qing looked around, his eyes full of seriousness.

The originally gray sky in the ruins of the ten thousand races has turned into a starry sky at this time. In those starry sky, you can also see countless treasures, even divine weapons, and all kinds of medicinal herbs, power Techniques and martial arts are like a huge treasure house.

Not only that, but in the depths of the ruins of the ten thousand races, one can also feel a powerful aura. These auras are long and not oppressive, and they seem to be in deep sleep.

It was precisely because of these silent auras that Shen Haoxuan and Liu Qing's expressions became solemn. Once those auras were revived, it would be a disaster for the warriors in the ruins of all races.

"Very familiar breath!" Xiao Ke'er felt those breaths, and Liu Mei also frowned.

"Do you know the masters of those breaths?" Shen Haoxuan asked curiously.

Xiao Ke'er is the daughter of the master of a domain in the imperial domain. She has a lot more knowledge than Shen Haoxuan and Liu Qing, not to mention that those sleeping powerhouses are all from the imperial domain.

"When the massacre of our family, these people must have participated!" Xiao Ke'er's beautiful eyes flashed a touch of hatred.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan and Liu Qing remained silent, they could clearly feel the cold killing intent coming from Xiao Ke'er.

Thinking about it, the majestic master of a domain was actually slaughtered by a sinister villain, leaving only Xiao Ke'er alone. I am afraid that it will be an indelible hatred for life and death. Now I feel the breath of the enemy, and my heart How could there be no fluctuations.

"It seems that we have come to the right place for this trip!" Shen Haoxuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

It would be a beautiful thing if he could avenge Xiao Ke'er.

"Shen Haoxuan?"

When the three of Shen Haoxuan were talking, a familiar voice also rang in his ears.

Turning around, Li Fei walked over with Gu Wenxuan, smiling.

But when she saw Xiao Ke'er standing beside Shen Haoxuan, the smile on Li Fei's face also froze a little bit.

"This kid, Yanfu is really not shallow!" Li Fei said coquettishly in her heart.

"Li Fei, why are you here?" Seeing Li Fei, a look of surprise flashed across Shen Haoxuan's face.

Isn't Shencheng always ignoring foreign affairs?Why would you come here to join in the fun?

"Anyway, Shencheng is also a part of the sacred world of God's Domain. The living dead appearing in the ruins of the ten thousand races can threaten the holy world of God's Domain!" Li Fei said slowly, and then turned her gaze to Xiao Ke'er. His eyes are full of scrutiny.

"This younger sister doesn't seem to be a native of God's Domain!" Li Fei asked.

Shen Haoxuan was startled, it seemed that Shencheng also knew about the existence of Emperor Domain.

"Am I, it's none of your business!" Xiao Ke'er seemed to feel the hostility from Li Fei, and she didn't show any good looks at the moment.

"Stop, stop, stop, I didn't come here to make you quarrel!" Shen Haoxuan smelled the smell of gunpowder on the two girls, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop them.

"Tell me, what's the situation in the ruins of the ten thousand races?" Shen Haoxuan turned his attention to Li Fei. They came here earlier, so they should know a lot about the situation here.

After being silent for a while, Li Fei slowly opened her mouth and said, "There are people outside who have woken up!"

"What!" Both Shen Haoxuan and Liu Qing couldn't help exclaiming.

Those living dead have already awakened?
"But don't worry, it's just a few young disciples. They call themselves gods. Now there are many forces, and they have gone to win them over. There are still many warriors who are licking their faces and becoming god envoys!" Li Fei snorted coldly. road.

"Come on, let's go and have a look!" Shen Haoxuan immediately became interested when he heard this.

Immediately, under the leadership of Li Fei, a group of people rushed towards the depths of the Wanzu ruins.

The deeper he went, the more powerful the aura Shen Haoxuan felt, and gradually, in the eyes of everyone, warriors from the imperial domain began to appear one by one sleeping in the sky.

However, Shen Haoxuan and Liu Qing discovered that the warrior in the tomb of the living dead seemed to be much weaker than the warrior in the tomb of the living dead that they saw in the phantom forest.

Moreover, there is no such a large army, just some scattered warriors.

Only when you come to Fengxing City can you see groups of warriors, and the aura of those warriors can be regarded as relatively strong.

"Going further, you will be able to see the awakened warrior from the imperial domain. He claims to be the Holy Son of Dongwu, and publicizes that anyone who becomes his servant will be given a god-grade martial skill!" Li Fei pointed to Fengxing City. place, said slowly.

"Holy Son of Tobu! I want to meet for a while!"

(End of this chapter)

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