Chaos hegemony

Chapter 199 Goodbye Mu Feiyu!

Chapter 199 Goodbye Mu Feiyu!

As soon as Chen Yu's voice fell, bursts of cheers erupted in the martial arts arena, and the enthusiasm of all the disciples soared to the sky!
"Next, please come and draw lots!"

After all, dozens of elders from the Law Enforcement Hall rolled out several wooden boxes filled with bamboo sticks. Afterwards, the participating disciples lined up one by one to draw their own lots.

Shen Haoxuan roughly estimated that this time there were more than 3000 contestants, ten competition platforms, each with [-] disciples.This competition uses a single-round elimination round, which means that if you lose a game, you will be eliminated directly. Every time you complete a round, half of the disciples will be eliminated. It can be seen how fierce the competition is!

After several rounds of competition, the top three players will be selected on each competition stage to participate in the final championship competition. The final winner will be the champion of this sect competition!

While Shen Haoxuan was thinking, most of the disciples in front had already drawn their own lottery, and now it was his turn.

Shen Haoxuan pondered for a moment, picked one at random, and looked at the inscription on it: "No. 53, [-]."

An elder next to him recorded: "Shen Haoxuan, the No. 54 martial arts arena, three disciples, your opponent is the disciple who has drawn [-], now go to the No. [-] martial arts arena and wait for orders."

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan nodded, turned around and walked towards No. [-] competition stage.

"Boss, wait!" Suddenly, a voice came from behind, calling Shen Haoxuan to a halt. He looked back and saw Zi Mo walking towards him.

"Boss, let me see your signature." Zi Mo said with her eyes squeezed.

"No!" Shen Haoxuan handed his lottery to Zi Mo. Zi Mo took a look, patted his chest and let out a long breath: "It's okay, it's okay, I didn't draw you to the competition stage. Otherwise, then Crap!"

Seeing Zi Mo's appearance as if he was facing a formidable enemy, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help being a little amused.

"Where are Ruolan and the others?" Shen Haoxuan asked.

"Ruolan is in the martial arts arena on the [-]rd, I'm on the [-]th, Long Zhen is on the [-]st, Long Mo and Brother Su seem to be on the [-]th." Zi Mo thought for a while and said.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan nodded. Fortunately, everyone in the Yao Sect was not grouped together, otherwise it would still be a problem to qualify.

"However, those people from Chenmeng seem to have collided with us. It seems that there will be a fierce battle. I'm not worried about you and Long Mo, but there are some with Long Zhen and Shui Ruolan..." Zi Mo said in a deep voice Said, Chenmeng and these people are all top ten masters in the dragon and tiger rankings, it may be a little difficult for Long Zhen and Shui Ruolan to fight against each other!

However, Shen Haoxuan has confidence in the two of them. Even if they can't qualify as No.1, it should be no problem for them to be second or third. Besides, Long Zhen and Shui Ruolan are not just for nothing.

"En?" When Shen Haoxuan was talking with Zimo, he suddenly felt a murderous aura behind him, Shen Haoxuan turned his head and frowned at the person who came.

The one who walked over slowly was Mu Feiyu from Qingmutang. At this time, Mu Feiyu had already lost the scholarly temperament before, and there was a fierce breath all over his body. The ferocious scars looked very frightening.

"Shen Haoxuan, your luck is really good, there is a group of trash gathered in the No. [-] martial arts arena!" Mu Feiyu looked at the bamboo stick in Shen Haoxuan's hand, and said lightly.

"Boy, who are you talking about? Would you say it again?" Zi Mo became angry when he heard that Mu Feiyu dared to blame Shen Haoxuan, pointing at Mu Feiyu's nose and yelling.

"Oh, so you hugged a thigh, so you are only worthy of hiding behind others?" Mu Feiyu looked at Zi Mo, and said disdainfully, Shen Haoxuan hid behind Long Mo last time, and this time he came again Got a fat man.

Since Mu Feiyu was defeated by Shen Haoxuan that time, he went out of the sect to practice alone. He just returned to the sect yesterday, and he didn't know anything about Shen Haoxuan's establishment of the Yaomen. Therefore, Zi Mo was mistaken for Shen Haoxuan's boss.

"Stinky boy, you..." Zi Mo got angry and took a step forward to teach Mu Feiyu a lesson, but was stopped by Shen Haoxuan.

"It's just a defeated general, what qualifications do you have to say about others?" Shen Haoxuan said calmly, not at all angry at Mu Feiyu's words just now.

"The defeated general? Haha, if it wasn't for Long Mo's obstruction, who would be the defeated subordinate? It's not certain!" Mu Feiyu said with a sneer.

"Really?" Shen Haoxuan said noncommittally.

Looking at the indifferent Shen Haoxuan, Mu Feiyu felt resentment in his heart.He hated Shen Haoxuan's face the most, that expression of not paying attention to anything, made him hate, it was during the freshman assessment, and it was also when he was in the arena, and now, facing his soaring strength, he still thinks of this, A terrifying breath erupted from his body suddenly, startling all the warriors around, and the powerful wind made the robe on Shen Haoxuan's body automatic without wind.

"This time, what you gave me, I will repay a hundredfold!" Mu Feiyu groaned ferociously as he touched the horrible scar on his face.In order to trample Shen Haoxuan under his feet again, he went out to practice, narrowly escaped death in that man-eating place, and received inhuman treatment. The scars on his face were left at that time. All of these were given to him by Shen Haoxuan. In the second sect competition, Shen Haoxuan was given a hundred times more!
Shen Haoxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, he didn't care about Mu Feiyu's threatening aura, and replied lightly: "I'll wait for you!"

"Before the big competition, no one is allowed to do anything!" Just as the two were in a stalemate, there was a loud shout, and the elders of the Law Enforcement Hall came from a distance, frowned, and said to the two.

Seeing this, Mu Feiyu put away his momentum, glanced at Shen Haoxuan coldly, and said: "I hope you can qualify, otherwise, you don't even have the qualifications to let me take action!"

"This sentence is also for you!" Shen Haoxuan replied with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Hmph!" Mu Feiyu snorted coldly, turned and left.

"Boss, who is this arrogant kid?" Zi Mo looked at Mu Feiyu's back and said dissatisfied.

"It's nothing, just an insignificant person, let's go, go to the martial arts arena, the competition is about to begin!" Shen Haoxuan shook his head, said casually, and then walked to the martial arts arena.Zi Mo followed closely behind.

Arriving at the No. [-] martial arts arena, most of the contestants had already taken their seats, and Shen Haoxuan also hurriedly ran into the team. After looking around for a week, Shen Haoxuan found that there was indeed no strong opponent on this No. [-] martial arts arena. His luck is indeed relatively good, but Shen Haoxuan also found two acquaintances, Guan Zhi from Chenmeng and Li Ge!

At this moment, Guan Zhi was staring at Shen Haoxuan with a face full of resentment, because of Shen Haoxuan, his lifeblood was cut off by Ouyang Chen, now seeing him, there was a faint pain in his lower body, which made him feel ashamed and angry, he just thought, Let Shen Haoxuan also taste the pain of losing his lifeblood!
"Oh, why are there so many enemies!" Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but smiled bitterly, it seemed that he was quite capable of causing trouble!
However, Shen Haoxuan just cast a glance at Guan Zhi and ignored him. These people bullied him, and Shen Haoxuan fought back. His principle is, if people do not offend me, I will not offend others. If they offend me, they will return a hundredfold !
(End of this chapter)

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