Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1996 Fairy and Demon!

Chapter 1996 Fairy and Demon!
The tyrannical aura, with Ge Lao as the center, spread around continuously, Shen Haoxuan was forced back a few steps by this aura.

"Immortal Emperor Realm!"

At this time, Shen Haoxuan finally knew how powerful Ge Lao was!
"I'll give you one last chance, obey, or be obeyed!" Elder Ge slowly floated up, looked down at Shen Haoxuan, and asked indifferently.

Feeling the powerful aura of elder Ge, the corner of Shen Haoxuan's mouth slowly raised a wicked smile.

"Hmph, Lao Wangbayi, in my dictionary, there is no word for obedience!" Shen Haoxuan sneered.

While speaking, Shen Haoxuan kept looking around, looking for possible escape routes.

But what disappointed him was that the surroundings were almost surrounded by stone walls, and the top of his head was shrouded in pitch-black mist, so there was no chance for him to escape!
"Then I have to do it myself!" Elder Ge's face was indifferent, and then with a thought, the black mist on the top of the abyss rioted and turned into black chains, attacking Shen Haoxuan.

The strong wind from behind made all the hairs on Shen Haoxuan's body stand on end. A strong person in the realm of Immortal Emperor is not something he can fight against at this stage!

Stepping on the Dragon Yu Jue under his feet, Shen Haoxuan used his fastest speed to dodge.

And his eyes were placed on the 81 halls not far away, and he put his hope on them.

Since this pavilion is always the mausoleum guardian of the temples of the gods, he should not do anything in these halls, otherwise, wouldn't he offend the gods in his heart?

Thinking of this, Shen Haoxuan immediately made a plan in his mind.

"Hmph, like a loach, let's see how long you can hide!" Seeing that those pitch-black chains couldn't restrain Shen Haoxuan, Ge Lao sneered in his heart, and pinched the seal in his hand again!


As the seal formula in the elder Ge's hand fell, the giant hand that had grabbed Shen Haoxuan before reappeared, and with a howling wind, it slapped towards Shen Haoxuan.

Watching the giant hand fall, Shen Haoxuan's eyes also flashed a stern look.

He stretched out his hand, and a multicolored lotus flower slowly bloomed in his palm, and the berserk spiritual power also raged under the abyss.

"Go!" Shen Haoxuan threw the colorful lotus towards the giant black hand.

Between lightning and flint.

The pitch-black giant hand collided with the colorful lotus, and a violent storm of spiritual power suddenly erupted. The terrifying energy bombarded the surrounding stone walls, causing the entire abyss to tremble violently. Vigorously tumbling up.

"There's something!" Seeing the pitch black mist billowing in front of him, a sneer flashed in Ge Lao's eyes.

Sure enough, it was the mausoleum guard he chose!

However, when Elder Ge looked at Shen Haoxuan, he found that Shen Haoxuan had disappeared in place.

"Boy, how dare you!"

Soon, Elder Ge found Shen Haoxuan's figure, and he took advantage of the chaos and ran towards those halls!

The elder Ge's figure flashed, and he quickly chased after Shen Haoxuan, but the moment he was about to catch up with Shen Haoxuan, Shen Haoxuan's figure directly disappeared into the hall.

"Get out!" Ge Lao slammed his fist hard on the door of the hall, making the hall tremble violently.

Shen Haoxuan, who hid in the hall, saw the elder Ge attacking the hall without hesitation, a black line appeared on his face.

"Isn't this guy a mausoleum guard? How dare he be so disrespectful to these temples?" Shen Haoxuan cursed inwardly.

Seeing the violently trembling bronze gate, Shen Haoxuan could only rush out from the back door of the main hall and run deeper.

Running all the way, Ge Lao chased him all the way, almost all the halls were ruined by him, and he didn't have the consciousness of a mausoleum guard at all.

It wasn't until finally, when Shen Haoxuan broke into the biggest one among the 81 halls, that Ge Lao finally didn't make a move.

"Little bastard, get out of here, you have offended the gods and you will be punished by heaven!" Elder Ge shouted angrily outside the main hall.

Shen Haoxuan stood at the entrance of the main hall, looking at the elder Ge below, it seemed that the elder Ge was very taboo facing this hall, and he didn't even dare to approach it.

"Hmph, as a mausoleum guard, you still dare to do anything here. You should be the one who offends the gods!" Shen Haoxuan snorted coldly.

"You come out, how about I let you go?" Elder Ge took a deep breath, and tried his best to speak to Shen Haoxuan in a calm tone.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Shen Haoxuan sneered disdainfully, if he took half a step, he would probably die!

"I'm here to save you. This hall is not for you to enter. If you don't want to die, come out!" Ge Lao said in a deep voice.

Shen Haoxuan turned his head to look at the depths of the pitch-black hall, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

"That's better than dying in your hands, goodbye!"

After all, Shen Haoxuan walked straight to the depths of the hall without turning his head.

Seeing Shen Haoxuan's non-stop persuasion into the hall, Ge Lao's illusory figure trembled angrily, and traces of black mist rose from his body, and his whole person quickly changed, as if he had become An ugly devil in general.

Shen Haoxuan walked into the hall, and slowly explored the depths.


Suddenly, light blue flames rose up around the hall, lighting up the originally dark hall.

The darkness dissipated, and Shen Haoxuan also followed the path of fire, looking towards the deepest part of the hall.

When he saw the scene in the deepest part of the hall, Shen Haoxuan froze in place.

At this time, in the deepest part of the hall, a pair of crystal coffins quietly suspended in the air, with colorful mist shining around, looking extremely sacred.

The distance was too far, and Shen Haoxuan did not see clearly what was in the crystal coffin.

He quickened his pace and rushed to the crystal coffin.

At this time, Shen Haoxuan saw clearly what was in the crystal coffin.

It was a woman in fluttering white clothes, lying quietly in a crystal coffin, with an exquisite side face, long black hair like ink hanging behind her, her whole body was not stained with a trace of mortal aura, like a fairy who fell into the mortal world in nine days, Even if you take a second look, you are afraid of desecrating the other party.


Shen Haoxuan froze in place, the woman in the crystal coffin was almost the most beautiful woman Shen Haoxuan had ever seen, even Xiao Ke'er couldn't compare to it.

Not only that, but a powerful divine power emanated from the woman's body, making Shen Haoxuan unable to get any closer.

Shen Haoxuan looked around, and was soon attracted by another thing. In front of the crystal coffin, there was a pitch-black golem kneeling, as if it was repenting.

In this hall, such a combination is simply a combination of immortals and demons, gods and beasts, it seems too weird!
Shen Haoxuan looked up and down the crystal coffin and the golem on the ground, and suddenly became curious why these two extreme things appeared in the same place...

(End of this chapter)

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