Chaos hegemony

Chapter 2005 Play!

Chapter 2005 Play!

"Is it me?"

Shen Haoxuan murmured in a low voice.

He killed Qi Hong of the Qi family, the head of the Qi family, he must hate him to the bone, and he knows his relationship with the Mu family, so he wants to use the Mu family to force himself out!

"It's really a good plan. If that's the case, then I will do as you wish!" Shen Haoxuan sneered.

"Then what should we do now?" Liu Qing asked.

"Of course... walked out swaggeringly!" Shen Haoxuan said lightly, and then walked directly towards Mu's house without any concealment.


A thunder rang outside the Mu family, which also attracted the attention of the martial artists of the Qi family and the Chu family. When they saw the three of Shen Haoxuan, they were slightly stunned, and immediately sounded the alarm.

Hearing the alarm from the outside world, the heads of the Qi family and the Chu family in the Qi family's camp looked happy. It seems that the big fish has taken the bait!

The two flew out immediately, came outside Mu's house, and saw the three surrounded by Shen Haoxuan at a glance.

"Little bastard, I finally caught you, and now I will let you pay for my son's life!" The moment he saw Shen Haoxuan, a tyrannical look appeared in the eyes of the Patriarch of the Qi family.

But just as he was about to make a move, he was stopped by the Patriarch of the Chu family beside him.

"Be careful, Shen Haoxuan has Sen Luo Temple behind him. If the Mu family is in trouble, I don't believe he only brought two people here!" The head of the Chu family said cautiously.

Hearing this, most of the anger in the eyes of the Patriarch of the Qi family dissipated immediately. Although there are a large number of powerhouses from the Emperor's Domain who have descended into the sacred realm of the God Realm, those powerhouses are not lacking in some immortal realms, just like the Fen Tian who they followed. The elder behind the Son.

However, even though the Patriarchs of the Qi Family and the Patriarchs of the Chu Family had found a powerful backer from the Imperial Domain, they still had a fear of first-class forces in their bones, so after mentioning the Sen Luo Palace, neither of them dared to act rashly!

"Shen Haoxuan, don't hide anymore, now that the Mu family is in our hands, call out all the people you brought!" The head of the Chu family looked at Shen Haoxuan and shouted loudly.

"It's just the three of us!" Shen Haoxuan spread his hands and responded lightly.

"Hmph, do you really think we are fools? Just the three of you, dare to walk in so swaggeringly?" The Patriarch of the Qi family snorted coldly.

"To deal with you ants, you don't need Senluo Hall to dispatch, this reason should be enough!" Shen Haoxuan said with a still indifferent expression, but in the ears of the two Patriarchs of the Qi family, this was Chi Guoguo's provocation and disdain!
The two looked at each other, they both saw the killing intent in each other's eyes, it seemed that Shen Haoxuan really came here alone, without the help of Sen Luodian.

"What are you arguing about?" Just as the Patriarchs of the Qi Family and the Patriarchs of the Chu Family were about to make a move, a slightly angry cold shout came from a distance.

Immediately, a crimson figure descended from the sky, and the temperature between the sky and the earth suddenly increased a lot at this time.

"Holy Son!" Seeing the person coming, the heads of the Qi family and the Chu family hurriedly bowed and saluted.

Shen Haoxuan also turned his attention to the past. Hearing the names of the Patriarchs of Qi Family and Patriarch of Chu Family, it seems that this young man is a warrior who descended from the Imperial Domain!
"It's someone from Burning Heaven Holy Land!" Xiao Ke'er reminded in a low voice behind Shen Haoxuan.

"Is the Holy Land of Burning Heaven very powerful?" Shen Haoxuan asked, he did feel a little bit of threat from the Holy Son of Burning Heaven.

"How should I put it? The Sumeru Island we drove away a few days ago, you know that the Burning Heaven Holy Land is equivalent to ten Sumeru Islands added together, and it is considered a relatively large force in the Imperial Domain!" Xiao Ke'er said .

"In the Imperial Domain, there is a power ranking list, and the strength of this Burning Heaven Holy Land can be ranked in the top [-]!" As if afraid that Shen Haoxuan would not be clear, Xiao Ke'er explained it in detail.

"Row in the top [-]?" A look of surprise appeared on Shen Haoxuan's face.

There are as many forces in the Emperor's Domain, and being able to rank in the top [-] among so many forces shows that there are indeed two brushes in the Burning Heaven Holy Land!
"There is another strange thing. Burning Heaven Holy Land never recruits disciples from the outside world. All the disciples are cultivated by themselves. It seems that their physiques are somewhat special!" Xiao Ke'er suddenly thought of something, and reminded her.

"I can see it!" Shen Haoxuan looked at the crimson Son of Burning Heaven, in his body, there was an extremely terrifying flame energy!

"That's Shen Haoxuan?" In mid-air, Shengzi Fentian cast his eyes on Shen Haoxuan, a look of disdain flashed in his eyes.

It's just a warrior who has just entered the Immortal Martial Realm. His strength has already reached the peak of the Immortal King Realm. Just a warrior in the Immortal Martial Realm can make the Patriarch of the Qi Family and the Patriarch of the Chu Family afraid like this!

Looking at Shen Haoxuan, Shengzi Fentian suddenly wanted to have a good time in his heart.

"You want to save the Mu family?" Shengzi Fentian looked at Shen Haoxuan and asked indifferently.

Shen Haoxuan didn't answer, but just looked at Shengzi Fentian.

"Hehe, why don't we play a game, you choose three people among us, if you can defeat them, then we will withdraw our troops, if not, then you will be my slave, how about it?" Burning Tiansheng Looking at Shen Haoxuan, the corner of his mouth raised a playful smile.

He wants to see if Shen Haoxuan agrees, if Shen Haoxuan does not agree, then he can only act now and kill him!
Shen Haoxuan looked at the smile on the corner of Shengzi Fentian's mouth, and suddenly laughed too.

"Okay, how about this, you, and you, and you, the three of you fight together, if you can beat me, I will let you handle it, if you lose, then you all, kneel down and call grandpa!" Shen Haoxuan Pointing to Shengzi Fentian, the head of the Qi family and the head of the Chu family, he said calmly.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the disciples of Qi family and Chu family couldn't help bursting into laughter.

This Shen Haoxuan dared to speak so brazenly, challenging the Patriarchs of the Qi Family and the Patriarch of the Chu Family was nothing more than a challenge, even the Holy Son of Fen Tian from the Emperor Domain, they had seen how terrifying the Holy Son of Fen Tian was, a warrior in the Immortal Martial Realm , It only takes one palm, and it will be wiped out in ashes!

"Hmph, what an arrogant tone!" Shengzi Fentian snorted coldly, with a sneer twitching at the corner of his mouth.

"Since you're so interested, then I'll have fun with you!" Shengzi Fentian walked out slowly, and looked at Shen Haoxuan with a sinister smile. Shen Haoxuan was the first one who dared to provoke him like this!
"Holy Son..." Hearing that Fentian Shengzi was going to make a move, both Patriarchs of the Qi family and Chu family were a little surprised. To deal with Shen Haoxuan, there is no need to bother Shengzi to do it.

However, the two of them were happy again, as long as Shengzi Fentian made a move, then Shen Haoxuan would definitely die...

(End of this chapter)

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